Steve Jobs sounding "energetic" a month before return to Apple



  • Reply 61 of 72
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    a edit
  • Reply 62 of 72
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    double post sorry
  • Reply 63 of 72
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post

    Bill Gates isn't sick, and he's done a fuck lot more philanthropy than Jobs ever has.

    so big shit . bill gates is the richest man alive . and bill gates runs a monopoly . which means he fucks the public bad . and steve jobs by making apple green has now done more to save the earth than gates ever will .

  • Reply 64 of 72
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Ya know if you really love the zune so much why post here .

    Because anyone who brings me a little box that contains 8000 songs on it and I can fiddle with the order of the 8000 songs is a god to me .

    Of course it now plays movies photo podcasts in color make tele call and wifi's the world .

    But steve had me at first Gen. pod . And don't forget itunes . The largest music store in the world . And its on your apple device .

    Steve can park anywhere he wants and he can drive around the block too.

    I wish you windows 7 and the zune well . I mean it. Good luck .

    Huh? I have an iPod touch 2G. Where are you getting this Zune stuff from?
  • Reply 65 of 72
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    He's redefined at least three companies -- and God only knows how many 'businesses' within those three, such as, say telephony versus computer software versus computer hardware versus multimedia in just one of those -- that we know of.

    With that kind of a batting average, I see no reason why he would not transform the next business with which he chooses to get involved.

    I think this is an interesting point. If you are, say, Bill Gates and have made a ton of money by maintaining a monopoly, then giving the money to someone else is the way to give back.

    But if you have a talent like Steve Jobs clearly does, maybe you can do your best for the world by, as Steve says, "doing what you do best". So I would like to see Steve make a difference using his talents perhaps in providing first-world education at a distance or some other transformation of the execution of philanthropy - rather than handing over the cash.
  • Reply 66 of 72
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Steve Jobs is a very private person. As in, NOBODY KNOWS how much of a philanthropist he is. As in most things, he's the opposite of Bill Gates, who wants everyone to know exactly how much money he's donating.

    And there's nothing wrong with either approach. I applaud Gates for his foundation and his philanthropy (though it may be mostly his wife's doing). Except when he donates money for technology to schools, and insists on it being used only for windows computers.

    Jobs may donate a lot of money that we never hear about.
  • Reply 67 of 72
    Steve hangs at the Kona Village every so often. Was out here just a few weeks ago, seemed fine, was celebrating his daughters birthday. I'm sure he'll be OK, nothing a little Hawaiian sun can't cure.
  • Reply 68 of 72
    nano_tubenano_tube Posts: 114member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Ya know if you really love the zune so much why post here .

    Because anyone who brings me a little box that contains 8000 songs on it and I can fiddle with the order of the 8000 songs is a god to me .

    Of course it now plays movies photo podcasts in color make tele call and wifi's the world .

    But steve had me at first Gen. pod . And don't forget itunes . The largest music store in the world . And its on your apple device .

    Steve can park anywhere he wants and he can drive around the block too.

    I wish you windows 7 and the zune well . I mean it. Good luck .

    I hope Mr. Jobs parks his Merc inside your living room and take a dump on your bed.

    Maybe then you will understand he is an as*hole.

    Now really, Mr. Jobs is a good business man, he has great vision and he is a hell of a sales man. He did some great things in his life. But the man is an A hole. He is a jerk. An ego maniac, abuser, S.O.B. It doesn't contradict the fact the man did amazing things in his career. Capish?

    Read a little about the history of Apple.

  • Reply 69 of 72
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Nano_tube View Post

    I hope Mr. Jobs parks his Merc inside your living room and take a dump on your bed.

    Maybe then you will understand he is an as*hole.

    Now really, Mr. Jobs is a good business man, he has great vision and he is a hell of a sales man. He did some great things in his life. But the man is an A hole. He is a jerk. An ego maniac, abuser, S.O.B. It doesn't contradict the fact the man did amazing things in his career. Capish?

    Read a little about the history of Apple.

    Dude you may be crossing the line here , I hope you don't live near mr jobs. i hope you are not a stalker. You sound very un-balanced, Please either sober up or get some help . Steve is steve . and you are you . ok

    so calm down with all this hate for steve stuff .

    i hope admin will monitor this poster in the future .
  • Reply 70 of 72
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Huh? I have an iPod touch 2G. Where are you getting this Zune stuff from?

    sorry i will edit out my post . i meant to respond to somebody else ./ sorry .

    peace 9
  • Reply 71 of 72
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Dude you may be crossing the line here , I hope you don't live near mr jobs. i hope you are not a stalker. You sound very un-balanced, Please either sober up or get some help . Steve is steve . and you are you . ok

    so calm down with all this hate for steve stuff .

    i hope admin will monitor this poster in the future .

    TALK ABOUT BEING OVER THE TOP/UNBALANCED - ROTFPMP @ the IRONY U R the 1 that sounds unbalanced and in URGENT need of emergency psychiatric treatment as DOES ANY member from a group were the emotional investiture in the GOD like "leader" (deemed infinitely more worthy, valuable and deserving respect than anyone or anything else in their lives (sound familiar? ) is so acute that all their rational thinking ability is crippled beyond use ie a CULT - not that, that is conscious to the "victim" of the cult (the Apple (orchestrated intentionally by them as an efficient way to part such desperate, gullible minds from their cash ) cult has Jobs as its leader/god through which worshiping him blindly (despite endless evidence of his inhumane immoral behaviour)/buying and using his products the cult members achieve meaning and emotional fullfillment to their existence ( BUT only temporary, as is the set up, unlike the scientific way of achieving LIFETIME emotional well being + fulfilment) , without which, such is the lack of their of IQ, a pointless, drab, flat, existence is what they are doomed to.

    Originally Posted by ouragin

    While I wish Steve Jobs the best (as any human being),

    Oh - so you'd wish Hitler, Stalin + the 'lovely' Dr.Shipman (the GRANNY 'SMACK'er or "diamorphine" as the Middle class media "prefer to say" PMP) the best too, hey? :rollseyes:

    Its pretty lucky i guess that his now TERMINAL advanced glucagonomas cancer will thankfully snuff out PREMATURELY his irrefutable deceitful, wicked (emotionally + financially) damaging (ranging from individuals to the entire Apple customer base and the effect that has on the rest of the (tech buying) population) behaviour; recent eg. just luck at the first generation of the 3G iPHONE and the suffering + stress EN MASSE/WORLDWIDE it caused owners who were informed they were buying a premium priced premium quality finished + marketable product instead end up with a bastardized,non reliable/rarely functioning phone ( LOL - the main point) buggy,poorly planned + thought out for practical use, uncorrectable Apple incompetent faulty hardware - it would be an injustice to even call the iPHONE 3G customers as testing something as relatively advanced as a ß product.... and what do any other companies do with such a UNIVERSALLY DISASTROUS stress causing product even if they just want to APPEAR to have some morality and care about customers - TOTAL + UNEQUIVOCAL RECALL - Whats does Jobs do with his greed and HEARTLESS selfishness - SOD ALL basically - keep silent most of the time, deliver updates that have completely opposite results for different customers, slyly changing the sensitivity of the signal strength meter so its give the ILLUSION of better reception OR the totally inane just deactivating the 3G part - one of the main feature you were being "parted" of cash by Jobs in the first place! Of course the cultist fanbois would DIE swearing Jobs SH!TS make the tastiest BEST mobile communication device EVER, so regardless of the trainwreck of the 3G iPHONE there was never ANY problem with it - it would always be ANYONES fault EXCEPT JOBs and his Apple eg the Network providers (all over the world despite Europe having MATURE 3G ), incompetent customers/users creating the faults themselves or too stupid to use (GOD!!!!!!!! that must be stupid given all Apple products are dumbed down so that lobotomized 5 year olds can use them - but not do much or quickly if you simplify everything to the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR )), you should expect to be a ß tester with cutting edge technology, you should feel SUPREMELY BLESSED to be allowed to use Jobs superior TREND DEFINING work EVEN if only 1 such cutting edge tech function worked etc etc until the Nurse comes with the straitjacket + GAG and then the fanbois are "treated" to having electric shocks put through their heads for the rest of their "lives" PLUS as a side benefit they make all the other inmates of the mental SECURE UNIT look + feel SANE!
  • Reply 72 of 72
    drudru Posts: 43member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post

    Bill Gates isn't sick, and he's done a fuck lot more philanthropy than Jobs ever has.

    What's his charities' ratios of administration to benefit?

    He gets far too much credit for his "good works."

    His "education" efforts are little more than excuses to proselytize Microsoft products and services.

    Gates "philanthropy" also funds abortion on demand in the developing world through Planned Parenthood International. His activity and life-long admiration for this (thanks to his dad) is well documented. I can't say I'm keen on anyone who funds mass killing.

    If you couldn't tell by the abysmal ethics of his corporate legacy, the man has no soul.
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