MapQuest unveils alternative to Google Maps for iPhone



  • Reply 41 of 70
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by iBandwagon View Post

    ... MapQuest's iPhone app is doing pretty well. #2 on the App Store's Top Free Navigation apps today... and gaining on the Yellow pages app quick. With all the mud being slung at MapQuest here today, and all the love being shown MapQuest in the App Store, one can only conclude there's a sharp divergence between this board and reality... at least when it comes to the obviously emotional MapQuest haters here.

    Ha.... wait so a highly publicized brand new app from a large name managed to make it ALL the way to #2 in the FREE subsection of a slow corner of the app store? Amazing! What an accomplishment!

    Come back in a week and let us know what place it's in then. Why anyone would waste their time with this once they realize it can't access the iPhone address book, I have no clue (and I bet they don't)

    Oh, and welcome to the board! What a great way to introduce yourself to a community! By insulting it...
  • Reply 42 of 70
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Ha.... wait so a highly publicized brand new app from a large name managed to make it ALL the way to #2 in the FREE subsection of a slow corner of the app store? Amazing! What an accomplishment!

    I'm sure they'll appreciate your praise, cameronj. But I was wrong... it is not #2, it is #1 now. And I don't know where you pulled the "highly publicized" idea from. Where had you heard ANYthing about this app prior to the App Store release late last night?

    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Come back in a week and let us know what place it's in then.

    My pleasure! I'll be here.

    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Why anyone would waste their time with this once they realize it can't access the iPhone address book, I have no clue (and I bet they don't)

    What...? If it isn't perfect on first release it's a loser? Wow! Maybe they should have slapped a Google-style "Beta" label on it. Then they'd have months (or longer) to add address book interaction. I remeber when Google Maps first debuted... they didn't even have maps for countries outside of North America... just outlines. But they just kept plugging away and they've become a great service (yes, I actually think there's a lot to like about Google's mapping apps). They worked their way to the very top to go head to head with MapQuest. By some accounts they're ahead, by others MapQuest is. Which of the two services one may prefer (if either) is more a matter of taste at this point than a popular mandate that one is conclusively better than the other.

    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Oh, and welcome to the board! What a great way to introduce yourself to a community! By insulting it...

    Thanks for the welcome, cameronj. Contrary to your interpretation, I did not insult the board. I guess this is another of those "RTF Post" (read the FULL post) situations. Note, if you will, that I referred to the emotional haters on the board, not the entire board, or even all the contributors.

    Oh... and I think you'll come to see that "free" part of the MapQuest app is not a reflection of quality, but a great way to get recalcitrant MapQuest detractors to test their conviction that Google is superior without risking any dinero.
  • Reply 43 of 70
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member
    I cringe every time I stumble on a business website that uses MapQuest instead of Google or Virtual Earth maps. Mapquest sucks.
  • Reply 44 of 70
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Google Maps must have real cartographers. Google Maps is just extremely intuitive and quick to understand, visually. It has JUST the right amount of information. And like regular Google web queries, it just understands you. You don't need the right formatting or syntax. I loooove that more and more Google can just read your mind and know what you what you really want. It's the best online mapping I've come across. The one thing I wish is that it had a legend. Does anyone know if there is one, somewhere? I searched a bit and couldn't find one. That seems like actually a mind-boggling glitch. I still can't believe it sometimes. A map without a legend.

    MapQuest on the other hand, has horrid maps, for my eye anyway. As others have pointed out, its directions are horrible. Sometimes Google Maps tells you a dumb way that will take much longer, but I'd say this only happens to me 1 time in 20. MapQuest I have seen this much more frequently. And it just looks awful. Awful interface. I don't think anyone uses it anymore except to laugh at.
  • Reply 45 of 70
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by auxio View Post

    Just to add an example that Google maps isn't perfect either...

    A couple years back I used Google maps to look up directions from Toronto to Mont Tremblant

    Google is a California company. They probably don't know what state Toronto is in and they might not even know there is such a thing as seasonal roads.
  • Reply 46 of 70
    retroneoretroneo Posts: 240member
    They could have put turn by turn in if they wanted...
  • Reply 47 of 70
    I stopped using MapQuest after the directions it gave would have put my car about 6 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean. I really don't know how they expect to do well with this app when they didn't add turn-by-turn.
  • Reply 48 of 70
    feynmanfeynman Posts: 1,087member
    I think what it really comes down to is which map service has the most frequent updates.

    Remember the paper map? Try using that in comparison to MapQuest and I am willing to bet that MapQuest wins hands down.

    MapQuest, and Google Maps will try to best guide you but in case there is a snow storm several hours into your journey, and most importantly, after you printed your map, will not guarantee you the best route to take. As such of the time you put in your starting point and destination on a GPS and or iPhone. Chances are it will not automatically update of such things.

    All that being said, I do agree that Google Maps is the better of the two.
  • Reply 49 of 70
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    i've been wondering where Mapquest has been the past few years, while GoogleMaps has been hanging them out to dry. Now we know.

    i wonder if they do?
  • Reply 50 of 70
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by juggernaut30 View Post

    I can't believe no one is talking about the potential use of the data port to add better game controls in the form of a clip on device. Finally someone is:

    "Proper controller support. Sneaked in under the radar amid the iPhone 3G S news is the fact that the 3.0 software update allows third-party app interfacing with peripherals. While a larger focus on this functionality has been on medical devices, it's now possible for someone to make a clip-on control pad case and to have that controller be usable in any game. What should happen is that publishers gather to designate one universal controller that then gets adopted as the iPhone's "gamepad." The question is, who will make that accessory? For a while last year it was rumored to be Belkin, although it was unclear who would support the device. On consoles, the manufacturer usually settles these issues by making the controller themselves (except in the case of peripheral-driven games like Rock Band). "

    What ? You dare to go back on topic .

    You interrupted the bash the cop who opened his heart about map quest, While vlad jumped down his throat. While others took other sides in this tuesday morning mapquest vs google map topic thread free for all.

    Some people here showed great expertise with the quote function, putting up 17 selective quote's

    To prove the point that country not county was not said but was misread and then misread by a mob with torches late at night .

    My map quest game pad rocks . And cops across the county........

    My head in truth started to spin trying to follow this soap opera.
  • Reply 51 of 70
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Ha.... wait so a highly publicized brand new app from a large name managed to make it ALL the way to #2 in the FREE subsection of a slow corner of the app store? Amazing! What an accomplishment!

    Come back in a week and let us know what place it's in then. Why anyone would waste their time with this once they realize it can't access the iPhone address book, I have no clue (and I bet they don't)

    Oh, and welcome to the board! What a great way to introduce yourself to a community! By insulting it...

    Well the board did attack that policeman, and county is not country.

    Any way i support you in this great debate . You made a clear valid, calm the crowd down kinda point .

    peace ,

  • Reply 52 of 70
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by iBandwagon View Post

    I'm sure they'll appreciate your praise, cameronj. But I was wrong... it is not #2, it is #1 now. And I don't know where you pulled the "highly publicized" idea from. Where had you heard ANYthing about this app prior to the App Store release late last night?

    My pleasure! I'll be here.

    What...? If it isn't perfect on first release it's a loser? Wow! Maybe they should have slapped a Google-style "Beta" label on it. Then they'd have months (or longer) to add address book interaction. I remeber when Google Maps first debuted... they didn't even have maps for countries outside of North America... just outlines. But they just kept plugging away and they've become a great service (yes, I actually think there's a lot to like about Google's mapping apps). They worked their way to the very top to go head to head with MapQuest. By some accounts they're ahead, by others MapQuest is. Which of the two services one may prefer (if either) is more a matter of taste at this point than a popular mandate that one is conclusively better than the other.

    Thanks for the welcome, cameronj. Contrary to your interpretation, I did not insult the board. I guess this is another of those "RTF Post" (read the FULL post) situations. Note, if you will, that I referred to the emotional haters on the board, not the entire board, or even all the contributors.

    Oh... and I think you'll come to see that "free" part of the MapQuest app is not a reflection of quality, but a great way to get recalcitrant MapQuest detractors to test their conviction that Google is superior without risking any dinero.

    Welcome ,

    And you have missed the whole thread. It was map quest vs google. With map quest getting trashed really badly with real life stories and even some cop bashing took place.

    No matter what you say, No matter how you slice it.

    From day one map quest has gotten many people very lost and google has been there for us with great directions. Also I think google is fantastic with their GOGGLE EARTH thing up.

    Welcome to AI dude .


  • Reply 53 of 70
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Feynman View Post

    I think what it really comes down to is which map service has the most frequent updates.

    Remember the paper map? Try using that in comparison to MapQuest and I am willing to bet that MapQuest wins hands down.


    I only use laminated paper maps. I have about 3 dozen from acoross the county ,

    Sorry i mean country.

    And i did take a map reading course once. duh. So when i travel with my family I only use paper.

    for example if i need to go from NYC to miami . i get on route 95 and stay there until miami.

    easy right. map quest printed out 3 pages of directions. google printed 2 lines of instructions.


  • Reply 54 of 70
    aquia33aquia33 Posts: 70member
    Installed it, loaded it, phone locked up, rebooted phone.

    loaded it, phone locked up, rebooted phone.

    loaded it, phone locked up, rebooted phone.

    Deleted app, 1 star, will wait for update.
  • Reply 55 of 70
    Originally Posted by Slang4Art View Post

    Cops are generally disliked because of their need to control other people's lives. It's the same reason people dislike politicians, school officials and corporations. Just because police are able to get away with brutality, even when it is recorded using digital video and audio, and distributed on YouTube, doesn't mean that their sentiment is any different. It just means the people haven't fully united yet and started taking back "our" country and rights from the inevitable police state we are creating.

    End rant.

    While some officers do enter in the field for the wrong reasons as you cite, you cannot apply the stereotype to all officers.

    The best way to amend this "police state" you prophesy of would be to enroll in the police academy and show everyone how the job is "supposed" to be done. Or I suppose we could do away with police entirely.

    While I do despise those who enter the force to exert authority over others, I admire the many who join to try and combat that stereotype, knowing that they'll still be subjected to it and will forever be disrespected by those who don't have the stones to do the job themselves.

    End. rant.
  • Reply 56 of 70
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,754member
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    Google is a California company. They probably don't know what state Toronto is in and they might not even know there is such a thing as seasonal roads.

    So true... Also, there is a Toronto in Ohio, so perhaps that caused some confusion?
  • Reply 57 of 70
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by DHKOsta View Post

    It's such a luxury to hide behind a computer screen. I bet cops get the most shit from people on the web and the least shit from people in person.

    Maybe that's because you can't shoot someone over the www?

    I'm impressed that he can read and has the skills to use the internet.
  • Reply 58 of 70
    I covered this news in yesterday's Moxie Mo Show ( but come on Mapquest, this is so 2008. Where were you when the iPhone launched? I think it's a lil' too late to get in the GPS mapping mobile game.


    Moxie Mo
  • Reply 59 of 70
    ravedogravedog Posts: 33member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    this may have been interesting last year, but with Googls doing such a good job, and TOMTOM and Garmin waiting in the wing, this is a non starter...

    Garmin will not be developing for the iPhone as they are putting all their efforts behind their upcoming NuviPhone that they are developing with ASUS.

    Yes... another SmartPhone.
  • Reply 60 of 70
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Hmmm, at first glance it seems that the interface consistently squanders valuable screen realestate...
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