Apple sees brief iPhone 3GS shortages; NVIDIA intros CS4 plugins



  • Reply 101 of 117
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Why are you overthinking my every post. You really think I have time to play you like a yo yo?

    I think that's about all you have the time, or intellect, to do.

    I'm done pointing out the obvious though. I'll let you follow whatever script you've decided to follow.
  • Reply 102 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    I think you have more time on your hands to sit behind a computer and act smart than any human being should. You are the first person i've come across who has befriended Google in such a way.

    You are describing yourself -aren't you? What do I need to use Google for in dicussing the iPhone with you?

    I'm discussing whether or not to buy an iPhone- nothing more.
  • Reply 103 of 117
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Namecalling. Not cool at the AppleInsider. You should apologize. BTW- I have quite a few buddies on here that don't call people names.

    You have a few at most. I still don't get why you down talk so much and just bug people for no good reason. I swear its like your Bill Gates himself trying to point out every small defect on Apples part, yet not realizing your company and products suck a billion times more.
  • Reply 104 of 117
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    I think that's about all you have the time, or intellect, to do.

    I'm done pointing out the obvious though. I'll let you follow whatever script you've decided to follow.

    He might have a hard time comprehending that.
  • Reply 105 of 117
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    He might have a hard time comprehending that.

    He seems to have soaked it right up. It's probably blown up poster size above his computer.
  • Reply 106 of 117
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    He seems to have soaked it right up. It's probably blown up poster size above his computer.

    Or his mother told him to get off the computer because its nap time.
  • Reply 107 of 117
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    I think that's about all you have the time, or intellect, to do.

    I'm done pointing out the obvious though. I'll let you follow whatever script you've decided to follow.

    Nice categorization. I don't buy his change of heart at all given he was trashing the phone recently.
  • Reply 108 of 117
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    You should come live in Australia, all four of the networks that have iPhone's here have good reception and dropped calls don't exist unless you go outback in the bush, there the only thing that works is satellite.

    My phone calls are fine.

    Except for when Three started in 2003-2004. I was living in Surry Hills, Sydney... At home the Motorola (probably the phone actually) kept getting confused between 3G and falling back to 2G calls would drop and the signal kept jumping around. Three+Motorola = fail.

    Fast forward a few years, I'm no longer in Aust. but good to see iPhone+other carriers = win.

    MMS and Tethering and 3G (up to 2mbps sometimes, depending) here in Malaysia (at least Kuala Lumpur) works.

    Malaysia, peoples... here we don't even have anything close to HDTV, our SatelliteTV is less-than-standard def. And admittedly on the most common DSL broadband ping times to US/Europe sites are around 300ms.

    But yay for iPhone 3G, MMS and Tethering here. ...Admittedly 3G coverage outside of the one major city is spotty... Ah well.
  • Reply 109 of 117
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by Slackpacker View Post

    Well wonderful we got Snow leopard which is coming out now and these plug-ins are released. I think develoment efforts should be pooled toward developing for OPEN-CL.

    So I have to purchase a $1500 video card to use these. I understand this but I own a Nvidia 285..... and I'm really surprised that this card cannot be implimented to work as well.

    I'm quoting your post to mark an ended era.

    When iPhones first came out, forum posters, podcasters and pundits were miffed to outraged that suddenly there was all this iPhone talk on sites like AppleInsider and podcasts like MacBreak Weekly. People wanted to talk about "real computers" still.

    Now AI publishes a two topic story, one iPhone-related and one high-end Mac-related, and we don't get to the second post which even MENTIONS the Mac story until the post count goes above 60.

    AppleInsider as we knew it is being swept into a new thing on the wave of a paradigm shift in personal/social computing - which Apple has the same position in it had with the Apple II before the IBM-MS PC, and scale and buzz to go with it this time.

    You know - maybe PSC's (Personal/Social Computers) - since they combine telephony/computing/email/social networking/gaming/group gaming and now come with a complete TV mobile broadcast studio built in (videos straight to YouTube, not to mention photos and writing to facebook, flickr, Twitter, websites, etc.) - would be a good generic name for emerging devices like these.

    Goodbye PC, hello PSC (or whatever, if you think it's corny). Long live iDeviceInsider. Alas, Mac, we know you well, and you'll always get coverage as long you sell, but you're no longer the sizzle factor in computing.
  • Reply 110 of 117
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    I'm quoting your post to mark an ended era.

    Always funny to hear someone complaining about what others choose to talk about.

    Maybe if you had more than 150 posts, your contributions would have helped turn the conversation to what you would have liked to hear about. Unfortunately, since the folks who DO contribute here are not on your payroll, we talk about what we want to.

    Someone who does not contribute (much) hardly should complain about what others talk about.
  • Reply 111 of 117
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by iPhone1982 View Post

    Not even going to play the game.

    What game? Your posts don't make sense and he's seeking clarification.

    I wouldn't call trying to understand someone a game - unless you are intentionally trying to be obtuse?
  • Reply 112 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    You have a few at most. I still don't get why you down talk so much and just bug people for no good reason. I swear its like your Bill Gates himself trying to point out every small defect on Apples part, yet not realizing your company and products suck a billion times more.

    OMG- There is a new thread about overheating, disclorations on the new iPhone 3Gs. You should thank me for having this lengthy discusssion about potential issues prior to them actually being reported.
  • Reply 113 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    I think that's about all you have the time, or intellect, to do.

    I'm done pointing out the obvious though. I'll let you follow whatever script you've decided to follow.

    I have no idea what you are talking about. I am only asking pertinent questions regarding my potential purchase.
  • Reply 114 of 117
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post

    Sorry, AT&T is scared that if they enable the features now the usage will crash their network.


    Something Americans don't seem to quite get is that there is a whole planet of customers out there.

    Two excellent points. Also about half of all iPhones sold are in the US, and as it has been pointed out in many articles on this site and others, iPhone users tend to actually USE their phone's for data much more then any other smartphone out there.

    That's pretty staggering. I'm sure AT&T (and Apple!) were both caught completely by surprise at just how popular and demanding of the network the iPhone was going to be. Just look at the delays in push notification. I can safely assume that it's orders of magnitude difference in what is actually occurring vs. what they predicted in data volume before the iPhone's release. Heck, you can see it in Flicker - the iPhone - the previous "crappy" one, mind you - is the number one camera. Look at the spike in video postings on YouTube since the 3Gs's release - and it hasn't even been out that long. Were not talking small piddly text messages, we are talking about multi-megabyte transactions from million of users!

    There are no infinite resources out there. You can't complain that AT&T's network is slow and sucks in one post and then complain that they aren't turning on more features that would burden it more (OK, people will, but it doesn't make them any more rational).

    I would love for Verizon to get the iPhone. I can only imagine what the restrictions they would put on it would be. Right now, the AT&T exclusive agreement is contributing to allot of false negativity for AT&T - there is no other US carrier to compare them to so they really stand out whenever there is anything the least bit negative. Unless Verizon's back end network is dramatically different from AT&T's - i.e. WAY oversubscribed for their current usage, they would suffer exactly the same issues as AT&T. No one overbuilds capacity just for the heck of it. What may be different is Verizon may have more dark fibre to more locations then AT&T and they may be able to ramp up faster - heck, maybe they are ramping up now anticipating the load based on the meltdown they have seen from AT&T. But there is no reason to assume that Verizon wouldn't have had the same network capacity issues as AT&T if they had the iPhone on day one. Bandwidth use by the iPhone is unprecedented in any other mobile device!

    Then again I imagine Verizon would love to have these "problems" \

    The bottom line is, AT&T was first out the gate. They blindly trusted Apple and totally upset the whole model for how mobile phones are designed and marketed in the U.S. The iPhone was actually designed for the consumer rather then the carrier - a first. For that alone we should be collectively kissing their a$$ for that power shift. You would have NEVER gotten that from Verizon (just look at the neutered blackberries - right now!). Is it inconvenient to not have SMS or tethering? Sure. But I would much rather have the iPhone, period - and that very likely would not have happened without a carrier like AT&T taking a huge leap of faith. So in the middle of all the AT&T bashing, just keep that in mind - without them there very likely would not have been an iPhone in the first place.
  • Reply 115 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    They don't count as buddies if they are aliases you created.

    Aliases? like you and cameron?
  • Reply 116 of 117
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Always funny to hear someone complaining about what others choose to talk about.

    Maybe if you had more than 150 posts, your contributions would have helped turn the conversation to what you would have liked to hear about. Unfortunately, since the folks who DO contribute here are not on your payroll, we talk about what we want to.

    Someone who does not contribute (much) hardly should complain about what others talk about.

    What's really interesting to me, Mr. "836 posts," is that you obviously don't even read the ones you respond to.


    I wasn't complaining a bit, and will never need a software plug-in to do video rendering - just observing how the focus of Apple World has evolved since the intro of the iPhone - it's the whole buzz ballgame now. And is now being recognized as the next phase (not the last, the ultimate, etc., just the next) of mass computing.

    Maybe if you had fewer, but more thoughtful posts that actually interacted with the people's content you're commenting on your actual "contribution" would be greater.

    And since you want to play "my post total is bigger than your post total," I guess I could match your pettiness by calling you "wet behind the ears" since I've been here (and trying to actually choose points where I thought I could contribute to the discussion) more than two years longer than you.

    But that would be simply as silly and pointless as your observation that more posts are better.

  • Reply 117 of 117
    oneaburnsoneaburns Posts: 354member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    So splurge and buy a rubber case.- problem fixed!

    I don't like the look of protective cases. Oh well.
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