Apple takes double-digit PC market share in Canada



  • Reply 41 of 62
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by bizwarrior View Post

    I cannot believe the comments. It is only 10%! Apple is not choosing to only focus on the market and have 10% If they could they would take as much as they could. They will never beat windows. They will never be dominant. They are forced on this focus because it is all they have left after trying to challenge MS for so many years. They found a niche where they could maintain the company and a product.

    What is your point? Their niche is working quite well for them is it not?

    Edit: Apple could definitely take market share if they introduced a $300 netbook, even you would have to acknowledge that. If they were going for maximum market share wouldn't they make a computer for every market? Isn't not having a product in one segment of a market while having one in others picking and choosing? Is this concept too difficult for you to understand?

    The person I was replying to implied that Acer was doing much better than Apple because they had twice the market share of Apple. But since Acer is gaining that market share by selling $300 computers, are they really doing better? Acer runs a high volume low cost business model, otherwise known as cheap crap. Apple runs a low volume high cost model with a focus on consumer satisfaction (read the surveys). As a result their lower sales result in higher profits for Apple and a greater percentage of satisfied customers. Win for the business, win for the customers.
  • Reply 42 of 62
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Two numbers to emphasize from the report:

    - Apple had a 10% market share in Canada for the second quarter of 2009;

    - Acer had a 21.4% market share in portables for the second quarter of 2009, mostly because it sold 57.5% of the netbooks for the quarter in Canada.

    A 10% market share is nothing to sneeze at, but there is not much to brag about either. Market leaders HP and Dell have both more than 20% of the market each. What these numbers indicate is how wrong Apple is in not making any desktop computer with a quad-core desktop CPU, nor any netbook. You can't sell the computers Apple won't make.

    Wal Mart also rules the plastic lawn furniture market.

    I see there are still people that fall into the market-share trap.

    It isn't one big market. There are divisions. It helps to think of it like a pyramid.
  • Reply 43 of 62
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by bizwarrior View Post

    I cannot believe the comments. It is only 10%! Apple is not choosing to only focus on the market and have 10% If they could they would take as much as they could. They will never beat windows. They will never be dominant. They are forced on this focus because it is all they have left after trying to challenge MS for so many years. They found a niche where they could maintain the company and a product.

    Wow. What a very 90's line of thinking.

    Apple probably never will 'beat' Microsoft in raw market share. Instead they take 10% of market share and very likely >30-40% of the actually retail dollars spend on PCs. Sell fewer for more, while growing your base is a good strategy. The opposing strategy, now forced on the PC makers, is to sell more for less, but the pot is slowly shrinking and the margins are also shrinking. Not a great position to be in.

    I would prefer to be in a 'niche' that is measurably growing and selling into that niche for a tify margin than to be forced to sell into a shrinking market for smaller and smaller margins...
  • Reply 44 of 62
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    Well, it is like 10% of market Share, but 20 - 30% in Home PC Market, and 60 - 70% of 999+ Computer Systems.

    And apple properly manage to make more money in 10% market compare to others.

    Canada was a good place to invest since how simiar it is to US. The next place to expand will be UK and germany, and may be Japan ( if they manage to solve the culture problem ).

    Then i ran out of place where they could break a 10% market share。

    China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Russian, Italy, France, Spain, Brazil,
  • Reply 45 of 62
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Two numbers to emphasize from the report:

    - Apple had a 10% market share in Canada for the second quarter of 2009;

    - Acer had a 21.4% market share in portables for the second quarter of 2009, mostly because it sold 57.5% of the netbooks for the quarter in Canada.

    A 10% market share is nothing to sneeze at, but there is not much to brag about either. Market leaders HP and Dell have both more than 20% of the market each. What these numbers indicate is how wrong Apple is in not making any desktop computer with a quad-core desktop CPU, nor any netbook. You can't sell the computers Apple won't make.

    HP stock: 43.98

    Dell stock: 14.55

    Apple: 166.33

    Seems to me the accumulated opinion of everyone who invests in the stock market is telling us that Apple is doing things right and the PC'ers who are chasing market share over profitability are wrong! As in everything in life ... the biggest is not always the best.
  • Reply 46 of 62
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by bizwarrior View Post

    I cannot believe the comments. It is only 10%! Apple is not choosing to only focus on the market and have 10% If they could they would take as much as they could. They will never beat windows. They will never be dominant. They are forced on this focus because it is all they have left after trying to challenge MS for so many years. They found a niche where they could maintain the company and a product.

    If windoze is the company to beat why are they spending all their time and resources copying anything and everything Apple does? "Leaders" should lead, not follow.
  • Reply 47 of 62
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    The day the Mac reaches 25% worldwide, Windows will be history in three years.

    This should be noted as the worst prediction in the history of Appleinsider!!, Its taken Apple this long to get to 10% IN Canada, not sure how long it will take for USA market consumers to wise up and understand that value for money, Apple is best.

    Then you decide that once Apple reaches 25% worldwide, MS (basically thats what you are saying) will be finished.

    I not sure what you are smoking, but YOU PAID TOO much and you need to STOP!!
  • Reply 48 of 62
    Originally Posted by ksec View Post

    Well, it is like 10% of market Share, but 20 - 30% in Home PC Market, and 60 - 70% of 999+ Computer Systems.

    And apple properly manage to make more money in 10% market compare to others.

    Canada was a good place to invest since how simiar it is to US. The next place to expand will be UK and germany, and may be Japan ( if they manage to solve the culture problem ).

    Then i ran out of place where they could break a 10% market share。

    China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Russian, Italy, France, Spain, Brazil,

    I would look at China and India for simply reason their economy is growing and with 1.04 billion people in india, ever if you took the market size to be 10% of the population has a PC, that is 104 million people. Same for China which is 1.4 Billion (10%) would 140 million.
  • Reply 49 of 62
    Originally Posted by dualie View Post


    That's really hack humor man. You need to get out of the States more often. Preferably to Canada. You might actually learn that there is a whole other world out there.

    Haha, I live in Albany, NY. I travel to Niagara and Montreal quite often
  • Reply 50 of 62
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    This should be noted as the worst prediction in the history of Appleinsider!!, Its taken Apple this long to get to 10% IN Canada, not sure how long it will take for USA market consumers to wise up and understand that value for money, Apple is best.

    Then you decide that once Apple reaches 25% worldwide, MS (basically thats what you are saying) will be finished.

    I not sure what you are smoking, but YOU PAID TOO much and you need to STOP!!

    Apple's pricing strategy by nature locks out a good chunk of the market (mostly the bottom end and some of the mid.) I doubt the Premium end will see a huge influx of consumers with cash to the effect that Apple can ever reach 25%. The pyramid is very narrow at the top. I Could be wrong, though. Good economic times lurking somewhere in the future *might* facilitate that.
  • Reply 51 of 62
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Apple's pricing strategy by nature locks out a good chunk of the market (mostly the bottom end and some of the mid.) I doubt the Premium end will see a huge influx of consumers with cash to the effect that Apple can ever reach 25%. The pyramid is very narrow at the top. I Could be wrong, though. Good economic times lurking somewhere in the future *might* facilitate that.

    true enough, but their main strategy has not been to grab huge market share numbers, but to be as profitable as possible with what they can take. Sure, dominant share is desirable and must be part of their goal, but it is not the primary goal. Look at what they have done with the iPhone. Their share of the market is large, but not overwhelmingly huge. But, with the share they have, they take the lion share of the industry profits. That is a fantastic strategy.
  • Reply 52 of 62
    phalanxphalanx Posts: 109member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    HP stock: 43.98

    Dell stock: 14.55

    Apple: 166.33

    Seems to me the accumulated opinion of everyone who invests in the stock market is telling us that Apple is doing things right and the PC'ers who are chasing market share over profitability are wrong! As in everything in life ... the biggest is not always the best.

    Tell me you do know that there are different amount of shares outstanding for each of those companies. You can't just compare the prices of stocks.

    Apple has less than 900 million shares outstanding.

    MS for example has 9 billion shares outstanding.

    He must have been joking. Yeah, he had to be joking. There is no way he would use that in an arguement. But, he did buy a Mac when a PC would have worked fine.
  • Reply 53 of 62
    Originally Posted by phalanx View Post

    Tell me you do know that there are different amount of shares outstanding for each of those companies. You can't just compare the prices of stocks.

    Apple has less than 900 million shares outstanding.

    MS for example has 9 billion shares outstanding.

    He must have been joking. Yeah, he had to be joking. There is no way he would use that in an arguement. But, he did buy a Mac when a PC would have worked fine.

    Share price is also indication of the profitable of the company and how investors see the company growing in the future.

    So my friend before you jump and make witty comments, ensure you understand what information, you are using.

    If you ask any share broker at moment, they will tell you to invest in Apple, since it has better return on value than MS at moment.
  • Reply 54 of 62
    phalanxphalanx Posts: 109member
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    Share price is also indication of the profitable of the company and how investors see the company growing in the future.

    That statement is completely wrong.

    Share price, determined by number of outstanding shares, is an indicator of the value (assets) of a company.

    The rise and fall of that share price is the markets prediction of the value of the company rising or falling.

    Btw, most investors do not buy Apple stock. It is normally a volatile stock. large gains but also large drops.

    That is ok though, you're trying.
  • Reply 55 of 62
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by bizwarrior View Post

    I cannot believe the comments. It is only 10%! Apple is not choosing to only focus on the market and have 10% If they could they would take as much as they could. They will never beat windows. They will never be dominant. They are forced on this focus because it is all they have left after trying to challenge MS for so many years. They found a niche where they could maintain the company and a product.

    Your not very bright are you .

    apple sell's in an over $1000 dollar market

    this 10 percent is skewed because of the $200 pieces of crap

    IN the OVER $1000 market apple HAS WAY MORE THAN 10 PERCENT

    apple is not forced by anyone or thing . apple see's big markups in there $1000 and above market .

    and no profit in the sub $250 market

    Apple chooses to compete where it makes a profit

    msft also does not compete in the sub 250 market
  • Reply 56 of 62
    phalanxphalanx Posts: 109member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    this 10 percent is skewed because of the $200 pieces of crap

    Don't confuse low cost with low quality. Apple does top the customer satisfaction surveys, in much the same way as Mercedes tops the customer satisfaction surveys. Owners love them because they paid a lot to get them. There quality is no better then many of the less expensive models. Apples quality (break/fix) is on par with all other PC manufactures. Actually, Consumer Reports puts Apples laptop quality below 6 other PC Laptop manufactures.

    Then i guess you can blame the Windows O/S which ironically you can load on the premiere Mac product (which i still can't figure out). Running Windows on a Mac makes for the most expensive, least capable, Window "PC" on the planet. Mac are known for minimal features: Fewer USB ports, Fewer Memory card slots, no BluRay, No Fingerprint logon, limited graphics options, no option for piezo joystick, outrageously expensive memory, etc.

    I am thrilled you are thrilled with your purchase. I am also thrilled that you are thrilled that Apple is making so much money off of people like you. I personally would be mad that i was overcharged.
  • Reply 57 of 62
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by phalanx View Post

    Don't confuse low cost with low quality. Apple does top the customer satisfaction surveys, in much the same way as Mercedes tops the customer satisfaction surveys. Owners love them because they paid a lot to get them. There quality is no better then many of the less expensive models. Apples quality (break/fix) is on par with all other PC manufactures. Actually, Consumer Reports puts Apples laptop quality below 6 other PC Laptop manufactures.

    Be that as it may, the fact remains that a very large chunk of the over market is in the 'budget' category. No one tries to argue that the quality down in that area is high. Whitebox vendors make up a large chunk as well, and I have never had good experiences with these (we buy a boatload of them every year at work from various vendors).

    Regardless, even if the were great quality, the margins are slim. Apple doesn't play in that area. The other Tier1 vendors would love to dominate in the profitable mid and high end markets. And that is exactly where Apple does target and is doing very, very well.

    For them to have 10% of the overall market and not even compete in the largest segment, shows they are doing something right in the markets they have chosen to be in. If we speculate and say the mid and high end segments make up 40% of the over all PC market (and I think this would be higher than it actually is) then for Apple to have 10% overall while ignoring the bottom 60%, would mean they have closer to 25% of the segments that are in.

    With that record of success, then as the move more and more into the lower priced categories (as they have been slowing trending to in the last few years) their overall percentage could skyrocket. I don't think you will ever see them in the true budget system category, but above that they could do very well.
  • Reply 58 of 62
    phalanxphalanx Posts: 109member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Be that as it may, the fact remains that a very large chunk of the over market is in the 'budget' category. No one tries to argue that the quality down in that area is high. Whitebox vendors make up a large chunk as well, and I have never had good experiences with these (we buy a boatload of them every year at work from various vendors).

    Regardless, even if the were great quality, the margins are slim. Apple doesn't play in that area. The other Tier1 vendors would love to dominate in the profitable mid and high end markets. And that is exactly where Apple does target and is doing very, very well.

    For them to have 10% of the overall market and not even compete in the largest segment, shows they are doing something right in the markets they have chosen to be in. If we speculate and say the mid and high end segments make up 40% of the over all PC market (and I think this would be higher than it actually is) then for Apple to have 10% overall while ignoring the bottom 60%, would mean they have closer to 25% of the segments that are in.

    With that record of success, then as the move more and more into the lower priced categories (as they have been slowing trending to in the last few years) their overall percentage could skyrocket. I don't think you will ever see them in the true budget system category, but above that they could do very well.

    I agree with your comments. But, I think that business model growth potential is very limited.
  • Reply 59 of 62
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by phalanx View Post

    I agree with your comments. But, I think that business model growth potential is very limited.

    Generally true. But the overall PC market experienced declining sales, due to the recession, yet Apple's numbers were up, both in their own unit sales and a percentage of the total market. It can't be that limited.

    But, even if they are are at ~25% (I think higher) of only the mid-high end segment, that still leaves a huge market for them to grow into. If they also release lower cost devices, then that opens up even larger, new segments for them.

    They are on a roll. Their strategy must be good for now.
  • Reply 60 of 62
    phalanxphalanx Posts: 109member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    They are on a roll. Their strategy must be good for now.

    I agree. But, I think that their Mac success has been stimulated by their iPod, and now iPhone sales. I think Apple sees their future, and profits, in the gadget arena. I think they will grow tired of the Mac products as soon as the sales slow down. The margins will get thinner and the support will increase. I think Apples sees consumer electronics as their future. mp3, phones, TV, maybe a Small Tablet, etc.

    I think their lack of innovation in the new Macs proves this point. We had to get all excited about a touchpad and aluminum case. wow. They should have bio-metrics for login, Blu-Ray, built in cell phone option, piezo option, built in projector.

    They don't want a very big market share for their Macs. It takes away much of the appeal(elitus) and also introduces them to more scrutiny about have such a closed system. If they get much more market share they will have to open themselves up to clones like IBM did.
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