Apple Snow Leopard support, problem software list available



  • Reply 61 of 114
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Originally Posted by trboyden View Post

    Ah yes, the lame a$$ argument by pirates.

    Except that argument doesn't take into account the money software companies like Adobe have to pay for lawyers and the BSA to fight people who steal their property (and thus their IP including copyright, trademark, patents, etc...), thus raising their costs which - you guessed it - goes back into the prices of the product. Nor does take into account the additional costs of support from the number of users who use their product, legally or not, such as bandwidth for software updates, extra support to the designers and printers who service people who may be pirating software, etc...

    Ah yes, the lame a$$ excuse by nonpirates.

    Truth is that software companies may spend a few % of their income to pay for overhead that keeps piracy at bay. But they will jack up the price 10%, 20% or more and blame it on pirates. In the meanwhile you, the sucker, gets shafted because of your misguided sense of right and wrong. Be smart, pirate.
  • Reply 62 of 114
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    So does that mean the $29 DVD is bootable? Or do you have to attach the blank hard drive to a Mac that already has Mac OS installed?

    It is bootable. It does not require leopard or any other version of OSX to be installed.
  • Reply 63 of 114
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by trboyden View Post

    Obviously the high price of their software isn't totally to do with piracy, I would never make such an outlandish and obviously stupid claim. I don't get how piracy can only "sometimes" raise costs for software developers if it is happening all the time, but I digress.

    Companies like adobe price their software as high as possible without losing too many customers. They aren't operating on razor thin margins such that production costs directly influence list price. This is especially true for companies with monopolies or near-monopolies.

    This means that piracy is not raising the price of photoshop. Infact, it might actually be decreasing the price by showing adobe that some customers aren't willing to pay the current asking price.

    The "sometimes" part comes in because not every company is in this situation. Many software titles are barely profitable and are up against stiff competition. These companies might want to raise the price to fully cover salaries without going into debt, or perhaps lower the price to undercut competitors. These are the companies and programs for which piracy might impact the price paid by actual customers.

    "Sometimes" might also refer to the fact that a large percentage of pirates are children and college students who want to tinker with the software but would never buy the software. If these people suddenly had no way of pirating, they would never consider buying a copy. Ironically, these pirates are actually good for adobe. Adobe should be hoping that highschool students pirate photoshop to make embarrassing pictures of their friends. By the time those students graduate and have money to spend, the only image editing software they'll want will be photoshop.

    Piracy truly is a complicated situation!
  • Reply 64 of 114
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    ... meanwhile you, the sucker, gets shafted because of your misguided sense of right and wrong. Be smart, pirate.

  • Reply 65 of 114
    Everything works.

    Even my Canon Image MF4150, which took me three days to find the driver to get it running on Leopard, printed immediately. And without rosetta.
  • Reply 66 of 114
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    Originally Posted by Monkeyborg View Post

    Beat me to it

    I wonder if there will be an easy way to see which prframs run on Rosetta? I didn't install it when I installed the GM last week, and quite a few porgrams asked for it. Now this confuses me as is my machine, booting to full 64 or is Rosetta asking for programs, surprisingly, for just ppc apps. I say surprisingly as I would have thought theses apps were a long time running in/on intel chips, which now has confused me. Ironically, up until just the other day, if the program said it needed to install Rosetta, it always faied, wasn't until two dats ago that Rosetta was put "on line".

  • Reply 67 of 114
    Originally Posted by planetrocke View Post

    I will give you the bottom line. I've been using the final build of SL for some time and Photoshop CS3 totally blows chunks with it. Things like opening with differing color profiles, save for web, etc... the list goes on. I put on CS4 and all is well. Don't upgrade to SL unless you are ready to go right to CS4. No kidding.

    Adobe issued a statement a couple days ago stating, "No one said anything about CS3 being 'not supported' on Snow Leopard. The plan, however, is not to take resources away from other efforts (e.g. porting Photoshop to Cocoa) in order to modify 2.5-year-old software in response to changes Apple makes in the OS foundation."
  • Reply 68 of 114
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Okay... I am not advocating piracy I realize from my many years on personal computers... I started off on a PET CBM (not exactly a PC) but it drove me to my first Vic-20 and then things just snowballed.

    Anyway... Piracy is a odd bird...

    Some people get the 'bug' to be a collector of software. I knew many of them when I was growing up. They had every software program you could ever imagine, most you'd never heard of! The kids didn't use the stuff... but they HAD the floppies!

    Obsessive compulsive works quite well.

    Now... a 12 year old downloading "Stedman's Medical Dictionary 27th Edition, with Veterinary Medicine Insert" does WHAT to the bottom line of the publisher? Nothing, when you look at it superficially! So in the pirates eyes:

    "I would have never bought it in the first place and had little to no use for it, It didn't hurt anyone and I certainly didn't cost the company any money"


    The fact that the title was in some way openly available for download does hurt the company because if a snot nosed 12 year old can get it, then it's also an avenue that a less then reputable doctor might use to pump up the bottom line of is fledgeling practice.

    And THAT does hurt the bottom line...

    So yea me downloading a $20k engineering CAD software system wouldn't translate into a $20k loss for the published since I wouldn't even begin to know what to actually do with it. However, the fact that I could get it means so can people who normally would be potential customers.

    Two sides of the same coin and unfortunately for the 'recreational pirate' (he who has the most complete collection of useless crapware wins) side of the coin can't be separated from cheapskate who wants a free ride.


    I was one of those 12 year-olds with a ton of floppies... how could I, at 12, afford software? The issue was, everybody I knew was doing it, so I thought it was the thing to do. In fact, I know where those floppies are now.

    So, were they losing sales? Not really from me, since I could never pay for the software, yet, I used them so I should have paid, so in that sense, they did lose money. I didn't even know it was called "piracy." Though I always did notice the "cracked by" messages on some of the games...
  • Reply 69 of 114
    Originally Posted by jwyatt View Post

    As the owner of a design studio I want to upgrade my systems but still a little wary about compatibility with Adobe CS3. I think CS4 was not worth the upgrade at the time and have been happy with 3. Hopefully Adobe will catch up soon (wishful thinking)

    Anyone had time to test and had luck with CS3 compatibility ? Particularly Illustrator + Hot door's Cad Tools plug in ?

    Really wanting to upgrade to Snow Leopard but don't want our productivity to come to a screeching halt. Thanks for any feedback.

    Originally Posted by supremedesigner View Post

    You and I are on the same boat. I know PS CS3 worked OK. I was hoping all CS3 apps will work OK under SL. I'm not too happy about Adobe not testing CS3 even people bought it over a year ago.

    CS4 isn't worth to upgrade either.

    $29 isn?t much of a cost and you will likely upgrade to SL eventually so why not just buy it and install it on a separate partition or internal or external HDD to test it out. Unlike with Leopard, it?s quite easy to install it anywhere you wish, even on an SD or USB flash drive. Then you migrate your settings and apps and test it out.
  • Reply 70 of 114
    I can't seem to stop my MP or my MBP from receiving prompts every other day to "install an upgrade" of Application Enhancer. I can't figure out how to dump this stuff off my computer. Nothing in the system preference or the finder. Just this nagging prompt. Anyone know anything about this stuff?
  • Reply 71 of 114
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Didn't read the full thread but my HP2015dn network laser printer seems to be not supported and needs updated drivers. Just FYI.

    Update: You need to reinstall drivers.
  • Reply 72 of 114
    zoolookzoolook Posts: 657member
    Originally Posted by Monkeyborg View Post

    The $29 version is an upgrade, I'm not sure if you need leopard installed or if you just need the leopard dvd.

    It will install fine on an empty HDD, as long as you have an Intel Mac. You should own Leopard first though, to adhere to the EULA.
  • Reply 73 of 114
    calguycalguy Posts: 80member
    Originally Posted by jwyatt View Post

    Come to think of it...Adobe needs to do what Apple just did. Instead of adding a bunch of new pointless crap they should take CS4 and optimize the hell out of it, multi thread, 64 bit, no bugs or crashes.

    I couldn't agree with you more. I will wait until 2011 for PS CS5. PS CS3 is all I need and CS4 never gave me anything extra that I really needed for my photography. I have never gotten the whole suite. I always thought that PS was overloaded anyway and should be optimized.

    I bought the upgrade package with the other apps because iLife or iWork are especially more optimized for SL I would think and also because I skipped the '08 upgrade. As an extra note, I gave up Word a couple of years ago and am happy with Pages. It opens my older Word docs, anyway. But, I will wait to hear about the initial installers to see what I have to look forward to.
  • Reply 74 of 114
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    Originally Posted by trboyden View Post

    Ah yes, the lame a$$ argument by pirates.

    Except that argument doesn't take into account the money software companies like Adobe have to pay for lawyers and the BSA to fight people who steal their property (and thus their IP including copyright, trademark, patents, etc...), thus raising their costs which - you guessed it - goes back into the prices of the product. Nor does take into account the additional costs of support from the number of users who use their product, legally or not, such as bandwidth for software updates, extra support to the designers and printers who service people who may be pirating software, etc...

    Yes, piracy (like all other theft) will always apply an upward pressure on prices for honest customers.
  • Reply 75 of 114
    I am dumbfounded. I thought this new version of the OS was supposed to address the fundamental shortcomings and limitations having to do with the basic rendering of text as graphics on the screen. So far as I can tell, nothing has been fixed, and Apple's OS is still light years behind MS is this very fundamental, very important area. Is the rendering of text as graphics on a display not regarded by Apple as something that an OS should be concerned with? As supposed to, say, "native support" for Microsoft's Exchange?

    You still have NO CONTROL over the font size used for menus and anything that appears on the screen that is not under the direct control of the application. The physical size of the font you see on the screen is determined by your screen resolution! This is absurd; it always has been absurd, AND I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT APPLE STILL HAS NOT CORRECTED THIS! They still expect those of us who can't see that well to accommodate by changing the screen resolution!

    In addition to that, the supposed capability to turn off the font smoothing DOES NOT WORK. The screen for "Appearance" settings now looks different, in that you have a little check box for "Use LCD font smoothing when available". THIS SELECTION HAS NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER. This ought to allow you to fully disable the font smoothing by deselecting this box. BUT IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT! Whether the check box is or is not selected, YOU STILL CANNOT DISABLE FONT SMOOTHING FOR FONT SIZES GREATER THAN 12!!


  • Reply 76 of 114
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by kaisersoze View Post

    ! They still expect those of us who can't see that well to accommodate by changing the screen resolution!

    Snow Leopard has added one feature for blind people, only available on notebooks, which turns the track pad into a speak each item tool, but overall Windows has always been a far superior environment for people who have vision problems. I'm assuming you are using the zoom with scroll wheel already.
  • Reply 77 of 114

    Works fine now with Snow Leopard
  • Reply 78 of 114
    calguycalguy Posts: 80member
    Originally Posted by kaisersoze View Post

    You still have NO CONTROL over the font size used for menus and anything that appears on the screen that is not under the direct control of the application. The physical size of the font you see on the screen is determined by your screen resolution!

    I am using Safari now and if I want to read a window with a bigger font, I just go command and + or I can spread my thumb and forefinger wider on the track pad. Yes, the font size jumps and you don't have a smooth transition. But, the point of this is just to be able to read the page text easier. To go smaller go the opposite with command and - ( minus ) to bring you back to the opening size and if you go too far it will get even smaller than normal. It is working now in the Reply to thread box as I type this.

    When it comes to menus and all the fonts that my appear in any app, well maybe Apple is working on this. Have you made any direct suggestions to Apple:

    I use this when I do have an issue that effects me often.
  • Reply 79 of 114
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    The Boinc client is listed as an unknown with SL.

    Does anyone here know how Boinc runs under SL?

    Yeah, I had to reinstall Boinc. I was getting a permissions problem, but it seems to be working fine. I'll know more once I've crunched a couple of WU's.
  • Reply 80 of 114
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by kaisersoze View Post

    I am dumbfounded.

    So are most of us. Get TinkerTool for the Mac.
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