Apple unveils 64GB iPod touch with faster processor for $399



  • Reply 221 of 260
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    You might want to reread the person's comment and my response.

    SAT scores are going to be way low this year!

    Geography must have been your good subject, 6 billion people don't care about an American scoring system
  • Reply 222 of 260
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    You might want to reread the person's comment and my response.

    ok, they said...

    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post

    Its a pathetic games machine, and the cost is irrelevant when they provide nothing of interest for peopel to part with their cash.

    You said...

    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    You're absolutely right, that's why they've sold 20 million of them...

    You comment disagrees with what they said, the additional of the "rolleyes" adds to that.
  • Reply 223 of 260
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    The average, according to a recent AI article (unfortunately, I am too lazy to do the search for you) was higher: something like 52.

    Well Apple said there is 1.8 billion downloads, and 30 million iPhones, there are figures going around of 20 million, that gives you 36, an average of 52 means there is fewer iPhones and iPod touches around than quoted.
  • Reply 224 of 260
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    Are you accounting for import taxes, VAT, etc. or just doing a straight comparison from the US price?

    There is no way there can possibly be enough taxes to cover a 45% price increase. Taxes in US are at least 7% and here depends, but about 22%.
  • Reply 225 of 260
    Disappointing. The iPod Nano gets more features than the Touch save the wonderful ( not sarcastic ) app store and the smaller memory space? This is truly disappointing.
  • Reply 226 of 260
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    And video? Does the new touch have video, just like the nano?

    No!! Not even a basic camera!
  • Reply 227 of 260
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Because it was way wayyy more than a rumor. It was just about a done deal. We're all amateur tech analysts here and it was common knowledge by now that it was indeed going to have a camera. It was a behind the scenes MAJOR FOULUP that caused the new ipod touch not to have a camera.

    This is a joke. You CANNOT make a major change to a product a week before announcing it. They must have started shipping from the factory weeks ago which means the design was frozen already probably 4 months ago. If you know anything about producing anything then the lead times required for any change are huge.

    There is absolutely no way Apple could have suddenly decided to drop the camera just a week ago. If they made such a change it would have been months ago, and that makes the rumors totally wrong.
  • Reply 228 of 260
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    That was shocking. Clearly they want to force you to "trade up" to an iPhone or "trade down" to a nano. Bad, bad move. Now they have to address a huge hole in their product offerings.

    I don't know what Apple has been doing this year. Same plastic case for the 3GS, carried down from the 3G last year. Now the iPod Touch gets a 'huge' upgrade- 64GB and faster processor and that's all. Sorry, this year's performance has been less than stellar.
  • Reply 229 of 260
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Today's lesson: Don't buy into rumors, unless they're no longer rumors.

    This is Apples fatal flaw with secrecy. The rumours are never confirmed or denied and they grow a life of their own. When Apple doesn't announce what everyone expects the only reaction is disappointment.

    It is a mess of their own making.
  • Reply 230 of 260
    Originally Posted by jodyfanning View Post

    This is Apples fatal flaw with secrecy. The rumours are never confirmed or denied and they grow a life of their own. When Apple doesn't announce what everyone expects the only reaction is disappointment.

    It is a mess of their own making.

    What I see a lot on this is forum, is people being angry at Apple for not listening to their wishes - which themselves have been fed and sustained by speculation. Please tell me how you've let Apple know of these wishes and why they should be obeyed. While you're at it, explain to me how it's any major company's duty to create whatever a small segment of maybe-buyers would dream up among themselves?

    If I were an Apple executive reading this forum - fat chance - I'd probably be very happy to learn that at least the whiney ones and the agressive lot might drop out of the consumer base. You'd all be very welcome to the Zune crowd and fit right in.

    When buying a ham sandwich yesterday, I expected some lettuce on it. I'd been talking to all my friends about it for weeks on end and was really REALLY looking forward to the exciting sandwich (especially because one of my friends heard a rumor about a slice of tomato).

    As it turns out, however, the sandwich vendor decided to do what they thought was right and put a little extra HAM on my sandwich, plus two slices of cucumber and optionally some mayonnaise.

    Do I yell at the sandwich people? Do I cry about them on a web forum?

    Or do I accept that they have a certain well-educated view on what their range of sandwiches should be and that ultimately they beat the competition in both quality and sales numbers?

    (at some point in the near future, I'm sure they'll offer even better sandwiches - with lettuce, tomato AND more ham)
  • Reply 231 of 260
    Originally Posted by Jo.han View Post

    What I see a lot on this is forum, is people being angry at Apple for not listening to their wishes - which themselves have been fed and sustained by speculation. Please tell me how you've let Apple know of these wishes and why they should be obeyed. While you're at it, explain to me how it's any major company's duty to create whatever a small segment of maybe-buyers would dream up among themselves?

    If I were an Apple executive reading this forum - fat chance - I'd probably be very happy to learn that at least the whiney ones and the agressive lot might drop out of the consumer base. You'd all be very welcome to the Zune crowd and fit right in.

    When buying a ham sandwich yesterday, I expected some lettuce on it. I'd been talking to all my friends about it for weeks on end and was really REALLY looking forward to the exciting sandwich (especially because one of my friends heard a rumor about a slice of tomato).

    As it turns out, however, the sandwich vendor decided to do what they thought was right and put a little extra HAM on my sandwich, plus two slices of cucumber and optionally some mayonnaise.

    Do I yell at the sandwich people? Do I cry about them on a web forum?

    Or do I accept that they have a certain well-educated view on what their range of sandwiches should be and that ultimately they beat the competition in both quality and sales numbers?

    (at some point in the near future, I'm sure they'll offer even better sandwiches - with lettuce, tomato AND more ham)

    You miss the point. When you got to buy a sandwich you know before hand what you should get. They have a picture or you can see it in the display case. What Apple does is hide all details until the last minute and you can only guess what you will get. When they leave out the tomato and lettuce of course everyone is pissed.

    The rumour mill is fueled by the lack of any information by Apple. In fact the secrecy increases the flood of rumours which sets the whole thing up for disappointment. It becomes a game to guess what will come. Plus I am certain they also leak some info themselves to increase the hype. So, they reap what they sow.
  • Reply 232 of 260
    Originally Posted by jodyfanning View Post

    This is a joke. You CANNOT make a major change to a product a week before announcing it. They must have started shipping from the factory weeks ago which means the design was frozen already probably 4 months ago. If you know anything about producing anything then the lead times required for any change are huge.

    There is absolutely no way Apple could have suddenly decided to drop the camera just a week ago. If they made such a change it would have been months ago, and that makes the rumors totally wrong.

    +1. I guess they had this planned for the iPod Touch a long time ago. Really disappointing.
  • Reply 233 of 260
    Originally Posted by jodyfanning View Post

    You miss the point. When you got to buy a sandwich you know before hand what you should get. They have a picture or you can see it in the display case. What Apple does is hide all details until the last minute and you can only guess what you will get. When they leave out the tomato and lettuce of course everyone is pissed.

    The rumour mill is fueled by the lack of any information by Apple. In fact the secrecy increases the flood of rumours which sets the whole thing up for disappointment. It becomes a game to guess what will come. Plus I am certain they also leak some info themselves to increase the hype. So, they reap what they sow.

    Respectfully, I' quite sure I'm NOT missing the point - thought you might be missing mine a little.

    As with a sandwich, with the iPod Touch you absolutely DO know what you should get: a nifty media playing device with web browsing, e-mail and calendar syncing, plus many optional third-party apps.

    You'll have come to expect that based upon previous models - which implies the same 'duty' as the sandwich maker has to delivering bread and ham, not to lettuce and tomato.

    One of the best-loved things about Apple is that they have yearly upgrades (in varying degrees of popularity), but that doesn't mean they have any obligation to. Unwise as it would be, they'd have the right to sell the exact same device for years on end.

    It just baffles me to see how people let themselves get disappointed by specs that have never been confirmed or denied. We've all known for years about Apple's desire to hide and surprise, so why would you let that get to you?

    I see no point in speculating at all (though I enjoy reading the rumors and unfounded guesses),

    and have no problem acquiring the right device for the right task.

    All in all I think it's a twisted compliment to Apple that people have become so unreasonably greedy.
  • Reply 234 of 260
    Less than stellar.

    The cost-reduced $199 iPod Touch makes a lot of sense.

    However the other iPod Touches don't. No camera - I can accept that. No GPS? Not so good. They have the capacity with the 64GB model, but the 32GB model looks weak in comparison with the cheaper OLED ZuneHD, and now the only USP is the OS and App Store.

    I feel that Apple is missing a clue here.

    The new nano is fine, the ability to take low-resolution video is quite neat, but how often do you want to do that? FM radio is nice, I'll enjoy that on the underground ... oh, wait. Still, good for gym people. Shame it doesn't do FM transmission as well. Also the 8GB model seems barely worthwhile when the 16GB model is only $30 more.
  • Reply 235 of 260
    Originally Posted by Hattig View Post

    I feel that Apple is missing a clue here.

    Not Apple, us. We're the one's missing the clue(s).

    Apple (Steve et al) know exactly what they're doing. Just because we aren't privy to their secret internal roadmaps doesn't make it Apple's fault. Apple/Steve plan years ahead to create stuff. The lack of camera is well planned, and will make sense in the four months or whenever.

    My advice is to not buy an upgraded touch and wait and see what new, exciting hardware that Steve keeps referring to (in yesterday's interview he said he was "polishing" stuff) is soon to arrive. One of which will be a redesigned "touch" (aka the smallest of the tablets) with a camera, you'll see. I'd bet money on it.
  • Reply 236 of 260
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Why would they have to license smb from Microsoft? Apple has their own self contained protocols - I'm sure the syncing DOES NOT use smb....

    As far as time, even 802.11g would be faster then USB - and my phone charges overnight - I could re-load an iPhone on an overnight charge. Really I don't see time as an issue.

    because most iphone and ipod users use Windows. and SMB version 2 is only on Vista SP2, WIndows Server 2008 and WIndows 7. it's literally twice as fast as the original SMB protocol in file transfer times. when i upgraded my computers to Windows 7 beta months ago i couldn't believe how much faster file transfers were over the wifi.
  • Reply 237 of 260
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    So there are 50 million iPhones, and iPod touchs, 1.8 billion downloads, does that mean on average that users of these devices have downloaded 36 applications each?

    my 3GS is my first iphone and i've downloaded almost 200 apps if not more. Most of them are free and i watch the sales to get paid apps for free
  • Reply 238 of 260
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    Because it was way wayyy more than a rumor. It was just about a done deal. We're all amateur tech analysts here and it was common knowledge by now that it was indeed going to have a camera. It was a behind the scenes MAJOR FOULUP that caused the new ipod touch not to have a camera.

    i can just see Steve Jobs whipping the poor chineese workers in the last 2 weeks and working them 24 hours a day to make them take out all the cameras from the brand new ipod touches and replace them with a little cover and rebox them and reseal them to ship to the US. all this and not a single one will have any scratches either from the extra handling
  • Reply 239 of 260
    I'm a bit disappointed it isn't shipping with a camera. But its not a deal breaker. I've wanted a 64GB touch to replace my old, 6 year old iPod 3rd Generation that costs me $499 back in 2003. But I'm probably going to hold off a while since I just spent $3000 on my new TV and receiver. Maybe by Christmas, I'll be ready.

    But a new Nikon D300s and Mac Pro may take precedence over an iPod touch for now.
  • Reply 240 of 260
    iPod Touch = iPhone - lousy contract - GSM module.

    You can polish the pig anyway you want it. But it is not a PSP or a Nintendo DS. I wanted to develop termintator vision apps on the iPod touch as a hobby, now I have to buy an overpriced POS.
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