Apple, Microsoft trade places selling iPod touch and Zune HD



  • Reply 41 of 83
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    Microsoft's Zune blows mainly because it is too little to late. It offers nothing more then a me too approach. With that said, I do not get the video camera on the Nano. Many gyms do not like that because they are worried people will record naked people in the lockers. Further, the quality of the video is subpar. The pedometer is useful though because many people use the iPod in the gym.

    I do think the iPod Touch needs the same camera as the iPhone [as opposed to the one in the Nano]. First, I know many people who were waiting for the camera to buy the device. Second, besides the phone, the iPhone and Touch should share the same features. It makes it more alluring to software developers, and consumers expect it. My personal feeling is that Apple came to realize this and decided not to release the Touch with the Nano camera. It will wait until after the Holidays and give us the real deal.

    Further, you wouldn't know it by reading the press, but Apple's update to the Touch was significant in terms of performance. If an incremental upgrade to a computer same the same performance upgrade we'd be blown away. It is just that most people expected a camera and were disappointed.

    It is funny that all the reasons that people use to justify Windows PCs over a Mac, including Microsoft, now apply to the iPods. Namely there is many more applications and third party accessories. Even if the Microsoft Zune was marginally better [which it is not], it wouldn't justify giving up the huge software an accessory choices available to iPod users.
  • Reply 42 of 83
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    How about, "People started telling us people started viewing the Touch as portable computing platform upon which they also wanted a camera."

    My view is Apple pulled the camera at the last minute because it's wasn't happy with the camera it chose. To spin things, Apple is pointing out the positives: the Touch received a hugh performance update, which is suitable for better games. It isn't like Apple is going to kill sales by saying, "Hey, we are going to include a camera in the future."

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    BTW- when the Touch does get its camera- what will the new reason be for it's inclusion into a gaming device?

  • Reply 43 of 83
    Not one of the best, It was rated number ONE> no one else has what Apple has to offer. And the user experience is the best. MS is about money making, Apple is about, and has always been about making computers that are immune to viruses and spyware and also to making computers, MP3 players and phone that are years ahead of anything on the market. A small example is visual voicemail. Before the iPhone no one offered it, now even my crappy enV3 has it for a 6 dollar a month charge. And it has to log into it so it's not just there iike the iPhone. ( I owned and used the iPhones first gen.) But I couldn't really afford it when I lost my job so I just got a simple 50 dollar phone, the enV3.

    Apple simply makes Microsoft look like a company that copies everything they do. And the problem is they always put that, "It doesn't work right!" spin on in. MS just doesn't understand the computer user. or defineatly the MP3 user. MS=Garbage.
  • Reply 44 of 83
    It seems pretty obvious to me that while what Steve said is probably true, it was intended to do what he's always doing: distracting from what Apple is still working on by playing up what's happening now. Thus it's both spin, as teckstud said, and likely the truth. (Edit: TBell beat me to that punch and said it better.)

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Apple's inclusion of the "Top Grossing" apps is very, very interesting, isn't it? They are basically trying to encourage people to raise the prices on their apps using peer pressure. Quite ingenious really. It's kind of like what has happened with movies... everyone is concerned about the gross, less concerned if it's worth watching.

    On the other hand, some have regarded the App Store as having too much downward pressure on prices. Nice for end-users, but unless a developer sells a ton of copies of their 99¢ app, they probably won't see anything resembling a decent profit. There are probably a fair few genuinely good apps that languish at the bottom of the store while other apps of comparable or even lesser quality eat their lunch. A lot like the music store, actually.

    @Dean812: Not to take MS' side, but I'm afraid you're a wee bit delusional about Apple's future. Especially when you say "5 years".
  • Reply 45 of 83
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by 9 View Post

    The video is really pretty good. You should go and take a look.

    Most people will use this for UTube and similar functions. It's better than needed for that.

    If you want really good video, go and buy a real video camera, with a good zoom lens and the fixings.

    Otherwise, this is a super product, and is a game changer.

    Tim, as usual, is spot on.,2817,2352765,00.asp

    Your buddy tim is almost a good writer

    almost he gets it

    he states it but falls far short of what this vnano will really mean world wide.

    the nano is way more of a game changer than the weak examples he gives

    when the nano hits 70 million in sales we will have a army of wild crazy nanites >>

    shooting quick vid

    syncing quick vid

    uploading and spreading in minutes world wide almost any fantastic situations we have in the past missed

    How many elected official will the vnano bag ??

    How many topless shots of movie starlets will we ogle ?

    How many crimes or revolutions will we broadcast to us at a near live time space giving the ease of use that APPLE affords us all

    on and on >> no one will be safe

    no one can hide

    if you think that the London camera system is out of sorts

    just wait yrs. for the nanite's take over

    and we can also inform >> like having flash mobs contests to see how many un filled pot holes are out there or how many cops are snoozing on the job . holes in nyc

    timmy is way too timid for the coming nanite nano world

    the last poets said the revolution will not be televised >> yes it won't

    it will be filmed .

  • Reply 46 of 83
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    "Microsoft is finding itself in the role of the underdog platform, resorting to the same strategies Apple used to promote the Mac under the umbrella of ubiquitous Windows PCs"

    If you're prepared to ignore marketshare by ignorance MS always was the underdog.

  • Reply 47 of 83
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    ...... But it just can't match fully blown titles like God Of War, Burnout... and it can't match numerous hardware controls. It. Just. Can't.

    Is it possible that you can stop being a tech/forum/gamer nerd... for just a second?

    The iPod touch plays games.

    There are thousands of games on the App Store.

    Apple knows exactly how many games have been downloaded.

    They also have a good idea of the demographics of their users.

    So. Whatever else the iPod touch can do... it's also a gaming device. Whatever else people choose to do with the iPod Touch... it's still a gaming device.

    You sound just like all the "gamers" who put down the Wii. A games console that outsells all of the "real" games consoles.


    If users see iPod/iPhone as gaming device, that just means Apple users are desperate for native gaming on Apple products (and option to get rid of Windows for good), but there is still too much to be desired on that front.

    Now you are just being ridiculous. Most iPod/iPhone owners use... PCs!

    I really wonder why you are still here.
  • Reply 48 of 83
    From the article: "Microsoft has similarly shifted attention away from its own core competency in developing software platforms."

    I seriously question the assertion that Microsoft has competency in developing software platforms. That's what they do, yes, but that doesn't mean they're good at it.
  • Reply 49 of 83
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Is the iPod Touch being subsidized by the ridiculously high prices for a computer with an Apple on it?

    No. Apple has higher margins on the iPod touch than on their computers.
  • Reply 50 of 83
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Your buddy tim is almost a good writer

    almost he gets it

    he states it but falls far short of what this vnano will really mean world wide.

    the nano is way more of a game changer than the weak examples he gives

    when the nano hits 70 million in sales we will have a army of wild crazy nanites >>

    shooting quick vid

    syncing quick vid

    uploading and spreading in minutes world wide almost any fantastic situations we have in the past missed

    How many elected official will the vnano bag ??

    How many topless shots of movie starlets will we ogle ?

    How many crimes or revolutions will we broadcast to us at a near live time space giving the ease of use that APPLE affords us all

    on and on >> no one will be safe

    no one can hide

    if you think that the London camera system is out of sorts

    just wait yrs. for the nanite's take over

    and we can also inform >> like having flash mobs contests to see how many un filled pot holes are out there or how many cops are snoozing on the job . holes in nyc

    timmy is way too timid for the coming nanite nano world

    the last poets said the revolution will not be televised >> yes it won't

    it will be filmed .


    That was actually my post you quoted.
  • Reply 51 of 83
    I just thought I would post the current available free apps and games for the Zune HD:

    MSN Weather



    Goo Splat


    Shell Game of the Future

    Space Battle 2


    Texas Hold Em

    Promised is Facebook, Twitter, and Project Gotham Racing (An Xbox Title).

    Its been selling quite well, being #2 and #4 on Amazon (32GB and 16GB).

    Also reports from Best Buy and Walmart show it selling well and a few Best Buys being sold out.

    I would also like to state that this article was atleast interesting and factualy based unlike the lies posted yesterday. Even this article admits that the Zune HD does have better battery despite having a smaller batter than the iPod Touch. Either this is the OLED or the Tegra you lied about yesterday. Also I love that it weighs less... I hope all electronics continue to weigh less and less.
  • Reply 52 of 83
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Shunnabunich View Post

    There are probably a fair few genuinely good apps that languish at the bottom of the store...

    In my experiences I noticed that if the app is good they will make money. Quality apps/games seem to sell.
  • Reply 53 of 83
    What is Zune by the way?

    Microsoft is good at making bits and pieces and sadly calls it a total solution and more importantly there are morons who thinks it is true.

    Apple has been marketing solutions with an ecosystem which guarantees a overall pleasant experience - not just isolated products and bitter taste.
  • Reply 54 of 83
    Also looks at this video review from CNET:

    Look at the comparison shots of the Zune HD to the iPod Touch... clearly OLED Screen is so much better. The blacks are grey on the iPod Touch but pure blacks on the Zune HD. Makes me drool.
  • Reply 55 of 83
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    In my experiences I noticed that if the app is good they will make money. Quality apps/games seem to sell.

    For the most part, certainly. But I'm sure there are at least a few out there whose developers just didn't know how to publicize their apps, and thus had them overlooked. Just a shame is all.
  • Reply 56 of 83
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Your buddy tim is almost a good writer

    almost he gets it

    he states it but falls far short of what this vnano will really mean world wide.

    the nano is way more of a game changer than the weak examples he gives

    when the nano hits 70 million in sales we will have a army of wild crazy nanites >>

    shooting quick vid

    syncing quick vid

    uploading and spreading in minutes world wide almost any fantastic situations we have in the past missed

    How many elected official will the vnano bag ??

    How many topless shots of movie starlets will we ogle ?

    How many crimes or revolutions will we broadcast to us at a near live time space giving the ease of use that APPLE affords us all

    on and on >> no one will be safe

    no one can hide

    if you think that the London camera system is out of sorts

    just wait yrs. for the nanite's take over

    and we can also inform >> like having flash mobs contests to see how many un filled pot holes are out there or how many cops are snoozing on the job . holes in nyc

    timmy is way too timid for the coming nanite nano world

    the last poets said the revolution will not be televised >> yes it won't

    it will be filmed .


    Come down yet (yes, this is tongue-in-cheek)? None of this is possible within minutes because to upload content generated on nano, it needs to be synched with itunes. Unless you're packing your lappy everywhere you go there's going to be nothing 'near live time' about it.
  • Reply 57 of 83
    Here's an early review of the new Zune 4.0 software:

  • Reply 58 of 83
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    How the video quality compare to an iPhone's? I would never expect to compare it to a Canon's.

    I think your missing the point. If it can make an £1800 Semi Professional Camcorder like an XM1 redundant for creating video for the likes of YouTube and general web streaming then it can't be all that bad can it?

    Low definition is where its at right now so Apple's cam in the Nano is more than capable of doing the job and doesn't produce the "poor video quality" as you put it. It's horses for courses.

    Comparing an iPhone's video cababilities against the Nano's is just nit picking and pointless.
  • Reply 59 of 83
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    I love the constant bashing the the ifans give off here.

    Face it, the Zune has better hardware than the ipod touch, even with its new 3GS innards.

    As a "gaming platform" its pathetic at best, and thats being incredibly modest. There are no high caliber developers actually DEVELOPING for the platform. When i see games like Crisis Core, Metal Gear Solid, Kingdom Hearts, and Dragon Quest on the platform then it'll get a nod as being a good gaming platform. As it stands, its no different than all the other phones that run java games, just cause they can doesnt mean their good, and doesnt mean their a gaming device. Sorry thats the truth no matter how you slice it.

    Sadly, the iphone/touch platform will never ascend into true gaming goodness. IT JUST ISNT POSSIBLE. 1 input method -touchscreen- (no matter how you slice it) can not make up for buttons. Even if you have the on screen get a direction pad/4 buttons? Congrats you just hit gameboy era. No bumper buttons or anything means the games cannot go into extreme depth. Maybe you could get a RPG, but any fighting game or something that commands many button presses is out the window instantly.

    Lets face the facts, these minigames they offer are there to kill time. They arent engrossing and they dont compete with other platforms (with that said, the Zune HD wont either as a gaming device, even with its beefier hardware).

    I used to own a 2g touch and the real draw for me was the fact i could surf the net and get emails practically anywhere, since school and home and work all had wifi. I eventually got tired of being tethered and ended up getting a Blackberry. The browsing on the touch is awesome, but emails were supbar and the games were hilariously terrible. I grew tired of holding onto two devices, one just to surf the internet essentially. Still i wont deny that if i didnt want a "huge phone bill" id be going for a Zune or Touch again.
  • Reply 60 of 83
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Shunnabunich View Post

    For the most part, certainly. But I'm sure there are at least a few out there whose developers just didn't know how to publicize their apps, and thus had them overlooked. Just a shame is all.

    They get publicized by selling. Simple as.
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