Tablet Tuesday: Lenovo, Fujitsu, Archos unveil touchscreens



  • Reply 41 of 75
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Archos looks to Android for its Internet Tablet

    On the smaller side, the Archos 5 Internet Tablet is more of a competitor to the iPod touch and iPhone than the latest Fujitsu and Lenovo keyboard-toting laptops. Revealed Tuesday, the device has a 4.8-inch 800x480 pixel screen that can play HD video in both WMV and H.264 formats.

    The big selling point is the system's operating system, relying on a variant of Google's Android to power the portable media player.

    According to Engadget, the device also can be docked and paired with a any bluetooth keyboard and mouse, allowing the user to surf the Web on their TV. The hardware is now available, with prices ranging from $250 to $440.

    apple should buy Archos .
  • Reply 42 of 75
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    But the advantage goes to Google because "like Microsoft on the desktop" they are on being pumped out on every vendors list of what is the new Hardware can we put Android on today that will push it even further.

    And yes, I'm waiting to see if 2.0 is going to be the huge upgrade that it's been rumored.

    It would be be interesting to see if Google pulls their Apps from Apple in the same manor Apple is trying to block the Pre at every point. I'm guessing Google will keep Apple in the party until they aren't needed anymore (a lot like Microsoft did on the desktop in the early 90's).

    Dude drink decaff after 11 am ok . Google and apple are best buds and google bows deeply at apples mere gesture of dis pleasure.Yes they compete but google makes tons of money from the daily high usage of apple devices . I must google at least 100 times a day ,


  • Reply 43 of 75
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post

    Then you'll probably enjoy the fact that a phone is being introduced by Archos that is the follow up to the tablet.

    Which will ship the the with latest Android Donut that takes care of support for GSM & CDMA networks and also takes care of different screen resolution & device screen sizes.

    Android Donut 1.6 SDK shipped today.

    I keep saying to all the Apple FanBoys that hate Microsoft they are not your competitor. Google continues gain market share touching every part of Apple's product line.

    The link also has a link within for the Anroid Tablet.

    We'll probably see an Anroid Home Media Center before the next AppleTV update.

    Edit. By the way... Google shipped Chrome 3.0 today with some mighty high goals.

    What's more I suspect there is less resistance from us Apple FanBoys to anything Google compared with the anti-M$ sentiment. As others have said many things that make iPhone and Macs so nice come from Google and I simply can't see Apple having the ability to replicate any of it. Hopefully Google and Apple can continue in a healthy competitive way that benefits both companies as well as users. This unlike the M$ history where so much stifling of innovation and trampling on others took place.
  • Reply 44 of 75
    I predict without basing it on anything that the new "touchscreen" devices from apple is just the new apple tv .... it just seems weird to me that apple would make a "tablet" that would compete with the mentioned lenovo and fujitsu tablets ... they would just integrated touchscreens and make the screen convertibles on the macbook pros but a 9 point something inch screen as "Tablet" is just out of the water for me for its size alone ... 9 inches is so netbook \
  • Reply 45 of 75
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    This Archos is exactly the type of device Apple IS competing with, not the Netbook. And this rumored tablet should be priced accordingly. but, from what i've seen, it looks as though Apple will be double the price of the Archos. I think Apple kind of priced themselves out of the competition when the iPhone and the iPod Touch surfaced. The Archos has double the screen size for virtually the same price as the touch? no way is this tablet going to be that price either since the touch is roughly that.
  • Reply 46 of 75
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    I think they look pretty good. I also noticed that they accept any stylus while the iPhone/iPodTouch can only use metal based styli for conductivity. Is this correct?

    Anyway this is good competition. Apple needs to step up. I think we have enough iPods by now.

    I have and iPhone/iPod touch stylus (Pogo Sketch) that has a strange foam tip. While it works, it requires a bit more pressure than an actual finger tap. It can be useful for some things.

    And yes, competition is good for Apple and the rest of us. As we see, Apple doesn't sit around waiting for the rest of the industry (industries?) to catch up. I'd guess that the products we see released are probably several generations behind what Apple has cooking in the lab, so we have NO IDEA what's really on the horizon, product-wise.

    As for this Apple vs. Google scenario... the two have always seemed to be more supportive and acted as allies rather than having the angry stalemate or serf-like relationships that everyone seems to have with and against Microsoft. Why would that suddenly change?

    Microsoft is in decline and they remain dangerous, but why are people suddenly trying to cast other players like Google as enemies? Why does there have to be an enemy? It's so counterproductive. I'd trade all the Apple vs. Microsoft bullshit and bile for rational discussion... even though it can be fun to participate.

    The next few years will be pretty interesting as the handheld market changes and develops. All the players, old and new, will borrow and push each other who knows where things will be in a few years?
  • Reply 47 of 75
    Originally Posted by Intense View Post

    I predict without basing it on anything that the new "touchscreen" devices from apple is just the new apple tv .... it just seems weird to me that apple would make a "tablet" that would compete with the mentioned lenovo and fujitsu tablets ... they would just integrated touchscreens and make the screen convertibles on the macbook pros but a 9 point something inch screen as "Tablet" is just out of the water for me for its size alone ... 9 inches is so netbook \

    A 6" to 9" device, that is actually usable, is what a large number of people are itching for. The current Microsoftian vision of a computing "tablet" is a failure in all but the deepest recesses of certain geeky niches.

    As we see with the success of the iPod touch, it's a device that MANY people can use in MANY different ways. Look at all the apps: remote controls, Skype, sketching and painting (with multiple selectable line weights), business-type apps that sync with your Mac, zillions of games, ebook readers, maps, media players, etc., etc., etc..

    The size of the current iPod touch/iPhone screen really limits the amount of time you can spend working on it. I would spend MUCH more time working remotely, if my eyes didn't quit trying to focus on some of the miniscule on-screen text. A larger screen would enable Apple to steal the eBook market from Amazon and the Kindle, not that the actually "own" it..

    It would have to have a long battery life that can hold a charge and withstand the rigors of gaming. If it can recharge with USB ALONE and not a big, heavy power brick like my MacBook Pro, that would be a big deal. You could toss it in a bag with ONE cable and without the extra 3 or 4 pounds of laptop junk we're all forced to carry.
  • Reply 48 of 75
    It is funny how these companies want to unveil their touchscreens in time so that they can get trashed and humiliated by the new apple tablet.
  • Reply 49 of 75
    Originally Posted by Tauron View Post

    It is funny how these companies want to unveil their touchscreens in time so that they can get trashed and humiliated by the new apple tablet.

    Apple continues to show the way forward, but that is no guarantee the clueless also-rans can actually follow.
  • Reply 50 of 75
    same sh it different day from the competition.

    Archos is the only half decent co. trying to bring something meagre to the table.

    Boy is it gonna be hard for apple to completely dominate this market...
  • Reply 51 of 75
    Originally Posted by johndoe98 View Post

    Agreed, but marketing the tablet for professionals, and especially students (a significant portion of the consumer base), would innovate the market and proliferate the use. For example, imagine for starters how great it would be to be able to do the following on a computer or tablet: sketch, takes notes in class, add handwritten diagrams to your word documents and read and take notes in the margins of PDFs and eBooks, while underlining specific passages, not to mention finally being able to write musical scores, etc...

    Originally Posted by johndoe98 View Post

    Those are very nice suggestions, especially the added layer in documents, which makes it ez to amend current apps. But I'd be worried that the touchscreen will never be good enough, even if the radius were made smaller (that wouldn't exactly give pressure sensitivity). What would really be nice then is to have an upgrade option for those willing to pay the premium to get a dual capacity screen that has both touchscreen interface for everyday tasks, and an active digitizer like Wacom's for more refined usage, that, as you say, would be activated by some kind of gesture.

    It's been a while since I've used a Wacom tablet, but couldn't what you suggest be accomplished without changing the touchscreen, itself-- intelligent (BlueTooth) stylus and software on the Tablet's touch display.

    In Tablet mode:

    1) zoom in or out with finger touches or stylus touches to screen buttons (or a combination of finger touches and stylus touch)

    2) precision to a magnified pixel level

    3) when the tip of the stylus touches the screen with no pressure, a pointer (arrow, crosshairs, loupe, etc) is displayed

    3) when pressure is applied to the stylus, drawing begins, then ends when pressure is released

    4) pressure level settable between off/on, always on, levels between 0-255, levels between 1-255

    5) the always on and 1-255 settings would act as a "hot stylus" where drawing would begin whenever the stylus touched the surface-- similar to a paint brush or India ink pen

    6) when in "hot stylus" mode, the software could detect the [larger] position of the hand and fingers to triangulate the location of the tip (above the surface) to display a cursor

    7) the pressure level sensitivity on the stylus would be adjustable to suit the user

    8) the stylus would be sensitive to angle and orientation as well as pressure, to accommodate painting and calligraphy

    9) Eraser modes to reverse the above

    10) multiple levels of undo/redo

    The only thing that appears to be missing is precise positioning in "hot stylus" mode without actually touching the stylus tip to the screen. I don't know if this is a deal breaker or if a work-around is acceptable:

    1) zoom in and "eyeball" the position of the stylus tip relative to the pixels on the display.

    2) touch the screen with a finger (Invisible Ink) to allow the stylus to be positioned precisely, then release the finger

  • Reply 52 of 75
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    you are a secret apple agent right ?? great posts dude

    i love them

    peace 9


    I've been watching Apple and buying their products since 1978.

    I [mostly] like their style and products, though they can be very difficult to deal with.

    I think they are a very good investment and am long on AAPL (with some shares purchased as low as $17) I bought some today at $180 plus change!

    I want them to succeed.

    I want Apple to "make products that I need/want", but reluctantly admit that, often, Apple knows, better than me, what I need/want.

  • Reply 53 of 75
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    apple should buy Archos .

    The Archos tablet is interesting. But, if you read the comments on one of the linked sites, Archos has a weird business model, and a lot of hostile customers. They nickel and dime you to to death and provide minimal customer service.

    The main thing Archos appears to offer is low [entry] price.

    Historically, Apple does not buy companies for "products" that it can build itself (if it chooses to).

    Rather, they buy companies for "technology" that they can use to build superior products-- FingerWorks and PASC are recent examples.

  • Reply 54 of 75
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    What's more I suspect there is less resistance from us Apple FanBoys to anything Google compared with the anti-M$ sentiment. As others have said many things that make iPhone and Macs so nice come from Google and I simply can't see Apple having the ability to replicate any of it. Hopefully Google and Apple can continue in a healthy competitive way that benefits both companies as well as users. This unlike the M$ history where so much stifling of innovation and trampling on others took place.

    The Archos tablet apparently uses Android plus another, proprietary [Linux-based] Archos layer, to deliver the "goodies". It is unclear which layer is on top or in control. Or, whether 3rd-parties will allowed access to what is needed to write apps.

  • Reply 55 of 75
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    I've been watching Apple and buying their products since 1978.

    I [mostly] like their style and products, though they can be very difficult to deal with.

    I think they are a very good investment and am long on AAPL (with some shares purchased as low as $17) I bought some today at $180 plus change!

    I want them to succeed.

    I want Apple to "make products that I need/want", but reluctantly admit that, often, Apple knows, better than me, what I need/want.


    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    The Archos tablet is interesting. But, if you read the comments on one of the linked sites, Archos has a weird business model, and a lot of hostile customers. They nickel and dime you to to death and provide minimal customer service.

    The main thing Archos appears to offer is low [entry] price.

    Historically, Apple does not buy companies for "products" that it can build itself (if it chooses to).

    Rather, they buy companies for "technology" that they can use to build superior products-- FingerWorks and PASC are recent examples.


    yea me too i am a apple use since 1988 or 91 i forget .

    i seen a couple of older gents watching movies on some kind of small archos device

    like 2x the size of a psp .

    but i guess buying bungle forHALO series is a better buy

    or maybe even EA

    have a good night dude

  • Reply 56 of 75
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by jeffharris View Post

    The current Microsoftian .

    The current Microsoftian;s ???

    Jeff are these some out law biker group or people from micronesia ??

    And i worry about the use of the term current . what happened to the olden microsoftian's ?? Did they catch a virus or cold and die ?? Or did google bots do them in ?


  • Reply 57 of 75
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by urbansprawl View Post

    For me, thinkpad has always looked attractive.

    That Fujitsu thing looks bulky and cheap.

    The Archos...look at those icons?!?!?

    Interesting Article on Apple and rounded corners:

    Lenovo T400 are brilliant notebooks, but not tablets... not even "tablets" (or notablets... or laplets?) like Fuji.. even with touchscreen.

    That being said, I'm perfectly happy with it as it is - can't see a real value in anything much bigger than iPhone and no keyboard, but lets wait and see.
  • Reply 58 of 75
    Originally Posted by NonVendorFan View Post


    You can't engage a conversation with a closed mind. No need to comment.

    Originally Posted by Wally View Post


    You're obviously an idiot as that is the "cheapest" comment you could possibly make to someone challenging your point of view.

    How about not being personal..? \
  • Reply 59 of 75
    Originally Posted by irnchriz View Post

    Do any of these devices have a capacitive touch display?

    Resistive is fine for use with a stylus but rubbish for use with finger touch alone.

    Also, Microsoft have had their chance at a tablet os with windows xp tablet edition and manufacturers spawned the same shit machines then as lenovo have this week. At least some of the tablets back then were a bit slimmer and looked better when the screen was rotated and locked in tablet mode.

    It depends.

    On you can find review for latest Samsung Omnia II phone. It has (presumably) latest evolution of resistive touch screen and reviewer claims it is as sensitive to the light touch as capacitive screens.

    I can see advantage there as you can use it with gloves, or scribble with any stylus available - but it also makes it so easy to coincidently press & execute something while carrying it around, which means one would have to keep it locked all the time.

    When it comes to phones, I think I prefer capacitive approach, but tablets... haven't really got an opinion there.

    But I went a bit too wide... my point is, there are resistive screens which are as sensitive, different question is if those new tablets will use them or not.
  • Reply 60 of 75
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I haven?t heard of Apple ever licensing Wacom?s electromagnetic resonance technology but you never know. It is nice that the tablet powers the pen, but I wonder if that also comes with a power tradeoff where a rechargeable pen with small battery that would last a very long time between charges would be a better overall tradeoff. After all, it?s not like creating a capacitive resistence to mimic a finger requires much power. I?m sure Apple would test to see which fits their needs best.

    That said, I have doubts that any tablet Apple would release would focus on even having a stylus. That is not to say that a stylus wouldn?t come in handy with many distinct apps, but Apple may just sell it as an accessory or let 3rd-parties take of it as they already do for those that want a stylus for their iPhone or Touch. This would be especially true if this theoretical tablet is to focus more on the consumer market, not on specific professional occupations where these tablet devices tend to get used.

    Would be nice to have a place/holder for stylus, though. Maybe one that would charge pen's battery while the pen is in (even if tablet is turned off).
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