Apple fights off hackers with new iPhone 3GS firmware



  • Reply 41 of 175
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    thank you Apple for making my launch 3GS so much more valuable when i sell it in 2 years. along with my wife's 3G
  • Reply 42 of 175
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    Exactly. You purchased an iPhone, signed a contract with explicit conditions, and you broke the rules. You justify it because "I am so smart....I can jail beak my iPhone"....but you did not follow your end of the agreement. That's grounds for a lawsuit.

    You are both complete idiots that will believe any nonsense Apple throws your way.

    One, jailbreaking is NOT illegal. Two, jailbreakers do not steal bandwith, they've paid for it. and three it has noting to do with piracy for most people.

    The bottom line is that Apple will lose market share eventually because of these policies. And they don't have to but Jobs can't bare the thought of someone actually modifying his precious software-- which has consistently had tons of bugs in it with each release BTW. They could do what they want obviously, but as a huge Apple supporter and typically an early adopter, when my contract expires in next few months, I'll be looking at android phones. When you drive one of your best customers towards your competitors for no reason-- and there is no reason to fight jailbreaking other than wanting to have complete control-- it's just bad business.
  • Reply 43 of 175
    popspops Posts: 15member
    Originally Posted by indie View Post

    That being said. I have had both devices Jailbroken.


    1) Because I like to see MY information on MY lock screen so I don't have to unlock the device to see who emailed me, the weather, my calendar, appointments, etc?.

    2) I like to have different icons, fonts, backgrounds, etc? on MY device.

    3) Easy on/off access to bluetooth, wifi, phone,etc?.

    4) A few apps XGPS(when it goes to the app store I'll buy it there), Categories(puts apps in folders), and probably a few others.

    5) SHH into my folders to upload/email documents when I am not in a wifi area. I could do it via iTunes but it is far simpler to ftp into the phone.

    I do not steal songs,apps or anything else..

    and this is exactly why I jailbreak!!!!

    especially the customized lockscreen with all the info at a glance and the customizable look of the rest of the phone is a good reason.

    also I couldn't live without a the posibility to use a simple screenswipe to access all my on/off buttons for blue tooth, wifi, 3G, etc etc.

    there are many legit reasons to JB the phone, none of them are about piracy or stealing.
  • Reply 44 of 175
    lvidallvidal Posts: 158member
    As much as I love Apple as a company and its hardware and software, I do not share the same sentiment when it comes to the way they are bringing the iPhone to customers. First of all I am 1000% against phone bricking, any brand, any carrier. It is not fair at all that if I want to use any type of phone then I just can do it with an specific carrier. You know why? Because it is my f**king money and if I'm paying for it then I should do whatever I want to do with it. Second, the carriers are charging excessively just because it is an iPhone, so if I want an iPhone I should pay a plan that is 300% more expensive than any regular plan. It's that fair? I want to use that phone because it simplifies my life a lot and that should not be a privilege just for the richers. I'm a jailbreaker, yes I do, not for stealing software, I do because where I live it is impossible to pay for an iPhone plan, prices are at the top of the ridiculous. I don't use Installous or any other form of illegal apps instalation 'cause that's stealing and I think that could make some damage to the iPhone developing community. I have bought the apps I want from the App Store like MotionX GPS, Tweetie, Colloquy, FTPontheGo, and a few others. I have paid for them and I don't care about spend money in those apps or any other I'm interesed for. I do jailbreaked my iPhone to use it with my carrier with a fair voice plan. Apple should and MUST open the f**cking iPhone to everybody and end that stupid exclusive carriers thing. The exclusivity in the cell phones arena isn't the same as their computer bussiness. In Apple's computer software+hardware bond I'm 1000% on. I like it and love it, but with phones the best thing they can do is to sell it open. $500? I'll pay for it!!
  • Reply 45 of 175
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    funny that evil microsoft doesn't care if you install a hacked ROM on their winmo phones, but apple, palm and google all scream bloody murder if you try
  • Reply 46 of 175
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    funny that evil microsoft doesn't care if you install a hacked ROM on their winmo phones, but apple, palm and google all scream bloody murder if you try

    MS doesn't make WinMo phones they license WinMo to phone vendors. Why always these wonk comparisons to an OS seller to a hardware manufacturer?
  • Reply 47 of 175
    Originally Posted by irnchriz View Post

    Its ALL about piracy. Thats why the jailbreakers do it. Don't kid yourselves that this is about some god given right to do whatever you want with the hardware or some higher purpose these hackers may promote, its all about theft and the 'who has the biggest virtual cock' for these guys.

    You are so wrong. I jailbreak in order to enhance my user experience with non-Apple approved apps, not for piracy. I like to be able to answer texts within an application and to run multiple apps at once.

    Don't paint with so broad a brush.
  • Reply 48 of 175
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Would they charge for it? If they did, then yes, the number of legit users would stay low. If it was simply allowed as part of your data allowance, they would get flooded, perhaps beyond what they are able to deal with. In Canada it is allowed as part of your data plan, though that could potentially change.

    Your data allowance on AT&T is unlimited, so yes they would charge for it. They may even have you sign something that allows them to cut you off or throttle you after x-many GB of usage.
  • Reply 49 of 175
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Fuck with the hardware as much as you want, you bought it and own it BUT don't fuck with the OS because you only purchased a licence to use it.

    Why don't you install Linux on your hardware or Maemo or some shit like that.

    btw you CAN buy it open,in lots of places where it is available on lots of other carriers maybe you should import one.

    Originally Posted by lvidal View Post

    As much as I love Apple as a company and its hardware and software, I do not share the same sentiment when it comes to the way they are bringing the iPhone to customers. First of all I am 1000% against phone bricking, any brand, any carrier. It is not fair at all that if I want to use any type of phone then I just can do it with an specific carrier. You know why? Because it is my f**king money and if I'm paying for it then I should do whatever I want to do with it. Second, the carriers are charging excessively just because it is an iPhone, so if I want an iPhone I should pay a plan that is 300% more expensive than any regular plan. It's that fair? I want to use that phone because it simplifies my life a lot and that should not be a privilege just for the richers. I'm a jailbreaker, yes I do, not for stealing software, I do because where I live it is impossible to pay for an iPhone plan, prices are at the top of the ridiculous. I don't use Installous or any other form of illegal apps instalation 'cause that's stealing and I think that could make some damage to the iPhone developing community. I have bought the apps I want from the App Store like MotionX GPS, Tweetie, Colloquy, FTPontheGo, and a few others. I have paid for them and I don't care about spend money in those apps or any other I'm interesed for. I do jailbreaked my iPhone to use it with my carrier with a fair voice plan. Apple should and MUST open the f**cking iPhone to everybody and end that stupid exclusive carriers thing. The exclusivity in the cell phones arena isn't the same as their computer bussiness. In Apple's computer software+hardware bond I'm 1000% on. I like it and love it, but with phones the best thing they can do is to sell it open. $500? I'll pay for it!!

  • Reply 50 of 175
    lvidallvidal Posts: 158member
    As much as I love Apple as a company and its hardware and software, I do not share the same sentiment when it comes to the way they are bringing the iPhone to customers. First of all I am 1000% against phone bricking, any brand, any carrier. It is not fair at all that if I want to use any type of phone then I just can do it with an specific carrier. You know why? Because it is my f**king money and if I'm paying for it then I should do whatever I want to do with it. Second, the carriers are charging excessively just because it is an iPhone, so if I want an iPhone I should pay a plan that is 300% more expensive than any regular plan. It's that fair? I want to use that phone because it simplifies my life a lot and that should not be a privilege just for the richers. I'm a jailbreaker, yes I do, not for stealing software, I do because where I live it is impossible to pay for an iPhone plan, prices are at the top of the ridiculous. I don't use Installous or any other form of illegal apps instalation 'cause that's stealing and I think that could make some damage to the iPhone developing community. I have bought the apps I want from the App Store like MotionX GPS, Tweetie, Colloquy, FTPontheGo, and a few others. I have paid for them and I don't care about spend money in those apps or any other I'm interesed for. I do jailbreaked my iPhone to use it with my carrier with a fair voice plan. Apple should and MUST open the f**cking iPhone to everybody and end that stupid exclusive carriers thing. The exclusivity in the cell phones arena isn't the same as their computer bussiness. In Apple's computer software+hardware bond I'm 1000% on. I like it and love it, but with phones the best thing they can do is to sell it open. $500? I'll pay for it!!

    It's just a matter of time to jailbreak that new chip.
  • Reply 51 of 175
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    There hasn't been a legitimate reason to jailbreak in sometime. In 2007, when features were way behind demand, there certainly was. Apple has caught up. AT&T has not, but that's what most adults would call "unfortunate", not, "legitimate reason to suck bandwidth away from other users."

    The commentary that suggest users who jailbreak are NOT affecting the bandwidth experience of non-jailbreak users, is absolutely hilarious (to me), as well completely incorrect.

    I highly doubt that the number of jailbroken users w/ high bandwidth habits exceeds 1% of the US market. Highly doubt.

    But even if so, 1% is a high number when differences in consumption are vast...

    First of all, its time to completely discount the "unlimited data" notion. Everyone with a handful of knowledge knows that its not truly unlimited data. Speeds are capped, and due to limited availability, not everyone can even make the most of the limited speeds.

    What amount of data does the average iPhone user consume? I think you'll find the average user to be in the sub 100 mb per month category, while I have no doubt that the average jailbreaker who is tethering, slingboxing, torrenting, and god knows what else, is easily at 1 gb+ per month.

    If these numbers are anywhere even close to accurate, and I'm certain they are, that is a HUGE problem for the avg user. When 1% of users are consuming the bandwidth of 10 avg users, suddenly that 1% category is 10%, realized.

    If non-jailbreakable iPhones = better data performance for honest users, then I'm all for it. Competition from Android will continue to drive the quality/features that Apple brings to the device, not the prospect of jailbreaking. It has already become irrelevant, and will soon be completely non-existent from the looks of it.
  • Reply 52 of 175
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Apple would not be in the position they are now if from the beginning it was a free for all. Consistency and simplicity and trust have been key to the uptake of downloadable mobile apps.

    And all of those would still be there with the Apple AppStore, regardless of alternatives.

    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Apple have planned their mobile strategy (in part) round the fact that they can sell apps in the app store. Take money away from apple, they will take it from you somewhere else.

    == model change

    Since the 3G, yes, prior to that, the original iPhone had no AppStore and it did fairly well.

    There is no denying the AppStore has been a success. Alternative stores would not necessarily take money away from Apple. As I said, why would most people not still use the Apple AppStore?

    Yes, it would be a business model change...that does not logically mean a less successful business model necessarily.
  • Reply 53 of 175
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by amtwwg View Post

    What a ridiculous, ignorant comment. I jailbreak and don't use any of those applications. Jailbreaking isn't for running illegal applications, it's for having CONTROL over the device i BOUGHT, meaning I own it. Can you imagine a computer that doesn't let YOU decide what programs you want to run?

    And if you can't check your email it's either user error or AT & T's shitty service. Not jailbreakers.

    I guess Apple doesn't want the technical users. They'd rather have the sheep consumers that accept what they give them. I can change the way my phone looks, run apps in the background- and guess what, my battery life is just fine, show appointments, missed callls, etc on my lock screen. If Apple continues to make it difficult for me-- and others -- to control the product they own, they'll just drive us to Android. And as the phones get better, and they are already, Android will end up being the winner long term. So short-sighted on Apple's part but then, they do have a history of this type of short-term bad decision-making don't they?

    You are not a "technical user". You are not a "technical" anything. What you are is someone who wants what they want, and doesn't care about being realistic, or even reasonable. You're also completely out of line describing "what jailbreaking is for". That's about as legitimate as saying P2P file sharing is for uploading your purchased CDs so that others can preview the music before purchasing it themselves. Thats hilarious. Maybe 2% will do that. The other 98% are there to steal and hog. So whatever necessary icon changing you may feel is your right, you've completely misunderstood what it means to have a device that you "own" and "may use as you wish."
  • Reply 54 of 175
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Technically, tethering, if it violates the terms of service, could be considered theft, just as using someone else's wifi network without permission to get on the Internet is technically theft (and, who hasn't done that),

    I tell you what is theft too : my carrier does give a fiddlers if I tether or don't. I purchased a LEGAL UNLOCKED phone as per the laws in Belgium. Up until FW 3.0 I could install a mobileconfig myself and tether as I see fit.

    Now I can't (if I were to go onto 3.1)., because Apple only delivers the ipcc profiles for its OFFICIAL carriers. You call Aplle here they refer you to their official carrier who in turn tells you to Foxtrot-Oscar (and who in turn does NOT like tethering on the Iphone although his dataplans iPhone and Nokia phones are identical - so go figure...)

    Now I paid 615 ? for my iPhone (go figure how much that is in $) and if I upgrade to 3.1 I lose a vital facility.
  • Reply 55 of 175
    chiachia Posts: 714member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    Actually this is bigger issue here for apple then piracy, large corporation will not deploy the iPhone as corporate device if they feel that is can be easily hacked and non-authorized code loaded on the phone.

    I don't believe this to be true as there are corporations which use Windows Mobile devices; you can load pretty much any software you want on it from any reputable or disreputable source.

    Furthermore there are already enterprises which are providing iPhones with custom apps for their workforce to use:

    I have the misfortune of owning a Windows Mobile smartphone and currently waiting for my carrier to finally send me an iPhone!

    I wish Apple will offer an unlocked version of the iPhone -i.e. to use on any carrier- for the UK market. I believe such a move will substantially reduce the need for jailbreaking.
  • Reply 56 of 175
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    There hasn't been a legitimate reason to jailbreak in sometime. In 2007, when features were way behind demand, there certainly was. Apple has caught up. AT&T has not, but that's what most adults would call "unfortunate", not, "legitimate reason to suck bandwidth away from other users."

    The commentary that suggest users who jailbreak are NOT affecting the bandwidth experience of non-jailbreak users, is absolutely hilarious (to me), as well completely incorrect.

    I highly doubt that the number of jailbroken users w/ high bandwidth habits exceeds 1% of the US market. Highly doubt.

    But even if so, 1% is a high number when differences in consumption are vast...

    First of all, its time to completely discount the "unlimited data" notion. Everyone with a handful of knowledge knows that its not truly unlimited data. Speeds are capped, and due to limited availability, not everyone can even make the most of the limited speeds.

    What amount of data does the average iPhone user consume? I think you'll find the average user to be in the sub 100 mb per month category, while I have no doubt that the average jailbreaker who is tethering, slingboxing, torrenting, and god knows what else, is easily at 1 gb+ per month.

    If these numbers are anywhere even close to accurate, and I'm certain they are, that is a HUGE problem for the avg user. When 1% of users are consuming the bandwidth of 10 avg users, suddenly that 1% category is 10%, realized.

    If non-jailbreakable iPhones = better data performance for honest users, then I'm all for it. Competition will continue to drive the quality/features that Apple brings to the device, not the prospect of jailbreaking. It has already become irrelevant, and will soon be completely non-existent from the looks of it.

    Thats subtantial

    I am not jailbroken and easily push over 2gigs a month. Of the 5 people I work with that have iphones, at least 2 or 3 have mentioned they also use a lot of data and none are jailbroken.

    Does jailbreaking give you more options for using lots of data sure...but the iPhone itself is a data sucking device (and thankfully so) that has made it easy to use lots of data without jailbreaking.

    Putting the blame on jailbreakers for the heavy data usage from iPhone users is just silly. If you want to blame someone, blame Apple for doing such a great interface that makes using gobs of data an after thought.

    they only way you go back to better data performance through fewer people using massively less data on AT&T's network would be to ban iPhones from their network...or remove/ban existing functionality like a web browser, youtube, MMS, stream audio/video/radio apps, remote desktop apps, etc. Does that also sound like a good idea to you? Are you all for it?
  • Reply 57 of 175
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    . Alternative stores would not necessarily take money away from Apple.

    Was it john skully (or Gil Amelio) who thought similar with the OS? I cant remember, anyhow same stuff applies
  • Reply 58 of 175
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    I do understand those that argue that tethering is some sort of service that the provider can offer and charge for and therefore using it 'illegally' would be theft. Where I disagree with this is that is it not a service dependent on any additional functionality of the carriers network or infrastructure, as things like VVM or MMS would be. Those functions require carrier support to even work. Whereas tethering is completely device dependent. You have paid for data to be access through your device and tethering is simply using your data.

    Well, my point was that it could be argued that it is theft of services, but that jailbreaking doesn't have illegal activity as it's motivation, even if there may be incidental activities that it could enable that might be at least somewhat gray. However, whatever the motivations, I think the prospect that the relatively small number of jailbreakers on AT&T's network are somehow sucking the bandwidth out of it, is unlikely in the extreme. I think it's generally a harmless activity that has positives and negatives for the user.

    It's not entirely clear to me what Apple's motivation for putting serious effort into stopping it is. I think most users are deterred simply by the prospect of voiding their warranty and there are certainly not large numbers (relative to the total of iPhone owners) of people doing this. It could be pressure from AT&T to preserve their exclusivity and prevent tethering. It could be security concerns re corporate acceptance or worries about bad publicity. It could be that they just want to keep the reins on the user experience (although, it would surprise me if this were their primary motivation since the numbers jailbreaking are relatively small). Or, it could be some combination of all of the above.
  • Reply 59 of 175
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    You are not a "technical user". You are not a "technical" anything. What you are is someone who wants what they want, and doesn't care about being realistic, or even reasonable. You're also completely out of line describing "what jailbreaking is for". That's about as legitimate as saying P2P file sharing is for uploading your purchased CDs so that others can preview the music before purchasing it themselves. Thats hilarious. Maybe 2% will do that. The other 98% are there to steal and hog.

    Who is out of line? The guy that has jailbroken and knows how he and other have used it and those that have not jailbroken but also understand how they would use it...or the guy that has not jailbroken and has no idea how he might personally use it other than for theft.

    It is all anecdotal, but just read over the posts in this many people have said the jailbreak to steal software and how many has said the do it to run alternative software?

    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    So whatever necessary icon changing you may feel is your right, you've completely misunderstood what it means to have a device that you "own" and "may use as you wish."

    Perhaps you could explain what it means? Perhaps you could explain property rights law that prevents you from doing what you choose with your own property....i.e. the device that you own.
  • Reply 60 of 175
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Was it john skully (or Gil Amelio) who thought similar with the OS? I cant remember, anyhow same stuff applies

    You are comparing allowing clones to run the OS (it was Amelio) to Apple allowing alternative sources for apps?

    Ok. Conversation done. No further point.
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