MSNBC.COM states No speed bumped Power Macs



  • Reply 61 of 75
    [quote] The only gap here is in your mind, based on what you want, so when you finally break dow a buy a Mac (cause I don't really believe you own one), you can crow to your chums about how fast and cool it is. <hr></blockquote>

    I'm typing on a Powermac right now. Go ahead and ask me something that I could only answer if I were on a Powermac running OS X 10.1.2.

    As I've said before, my 400 MHz G4 is enough for my needs. Again, this isn't about MY needs, it's about Apple's needs. Indirectly this helps me out, because the better Apple does, the more money they will have to spend on OS X and other software development. If you read my earlier post you would understand my reasons for wanting a big Powermac update, and no, I'm not going to buy one, no matter how fast they are.

    So fire away with a good question that would determine if I use a Powermac or not. Again, it's a Sawtooth 400, with a retail Radeon (agp), OS X, 10.1.2, OS 9.2.2, and 576 MB RAM. I also have a Soundblaster Live, biggest waste of money I've ever spent (they don't believe in developing working drivers).

    Do it soon, I'm getting ready to leave.
  • Reply 62 of 75
    Waits impatiently....

    EDIT: Ok, we'll just assume that I'm telling the truth about using a Mac.

    I really can't stand it when Mac zealots, "AppleZombies" as I like to call them, go around accusing anyone who doesn't kneel at the temple of Infinity at Cupertino of being dyed in the wool PC users. Like it even matters...

    Do you go around in real life, judging people by their choice of computing platform? That's really weak, man. Macs, PCs, computers...they are so insignificant compared to important things in life. MWSF is interesting for its entertainment value, but some people seem a little too serious about it. <img src="confused.gif" border="0">

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Junkyard Dawg ]</p>
  • Reply 63 of 75
    [quote]That's like asking for a World Class Steak in a Seafood house. <hr></blockquote>

    you've never been to "legal seafood" in boston then

    anyway, the best steak i've ever had was at "martha's" in beverly hills <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 64 of 75
    nebrienebrie Posts: 483member
    [quote]Originally posted by apple.otaku:

    <strong>Microsoft is (or was) invested in C|Net. Billy even toured the studios a few years back and did not like what he saw... lots and lots of Macs around the place. Hmmmm...

    [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: apple.otaku ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ego thing I bet, same as nearly a decade ago when he cut a deal with Compuserve to hang his picture all over their offices.

    Anyways, I think they might either have a special event in late Jan/Feb, or they'll announce now but won't ship anything till late Feb. Apple wouldn't want to go an entire quarter without selling any of it's cash-cow-powermacs to customers who must have one immediately so it extended the promotion till the end of Jan - although this doesn't seem very likely especially if it is a major upgrade. It would be nice for them to have a MWSF announcement for new powermacs, as they can then announce the geforce4 (nvidia follows a 6 month product cycle) to be avaliable for all new powermacs as they did last year.
  • Reply 65 of 75
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    I was talking with the guy responsible of ordering new hardware for our design/media school and he usually orders new kit every 2 years before the MWSF and gets the new models after the show for the price of the by-then older models. I did ask if we can hope for G5 chips or some greatly mhz increased G4's and he said the range would be 867, 933, dual 800 or maybe dual ~900 (yields on 1ghz too low).

    It was almost two months ago and I still wish there'll be a unexpected whoa G5 announcement, but I think MSNBC isn't too much off the mark as far as the powermac line goes.

    And old Steve moved the keynote 1 day early to escape the booing crows of Pro mac users dissapointed.

    Still I think the 867 is nice. Just doesn't sound too pro-go-whoa.
  • Reply 66 of 75
    bodhibodhi Posts: 1,424member
    [quote]Originally posted by xype:

    <strong>I was talking with the guy responsible of ordering new hardware for our design/media school and he usually orders new kit every 2 years before the MWSF and gets the new models after the show for the price of the by-then older models. I did ask if we can hope for G5 chips or some greatly mhz increased G4's and he said the range would be 867, 933, dual 800 or maybe dual ~900 (yields on 1ghz too low).

    It was almost two months ago and I still wish there'll be a unexpected whoa G5 announcement, but I think MSNBC isn't too much off the mark as far as the powermac line goes.

    And old Steve moved the keynote 1 day early to escape the booing crows of Pro mac users dissapointed.

    Still I think the 867 is nice. Just doesn't sound too pro-go-whoa.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I do not think Jobs will get up on stage and announce a 66MHz increase in speed on the Powermacs.
  • Reply 67 of 75
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:


    I'm typing on a Powermac right now. Go ahead and ask me something that I could only answer if I were on a Powermac running OS X 10.1.2.

    As I've said before, my 400 MHz G4 is enough for my needs. Again, this isn't about MY needs, it's about Apple's needs. Indirectly this helps me out, because the better Apple does, the more money they will have to spend on OS X and other software development. If you read my earlier post you would understand my reasons for wanting a big Powermac update, and no, I'm not going to buy one, no matter how fast they are.

    So fire away with a good question that would determine if I use a Powermac or not. Again, it's a Sawtooth 400, with a retail Radeon (agp), OS X, 10.1.2, OS 9.2.2, and 576 MB RAM. I also have a Soundblaster Live, biggest waste of money I've ever spent (they don't believe in developing working drivers).

    Do it soon, I'm getting ready to leave.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Gosh darn it. We have the same set up, but you beat me by 50 MHz. Actually, I have 512MB.

    Anyway, I do find it irksome when people attack other people in forums.

    We should discuss the ideas, even if they're stupid. Anyone ever hear of brainstorming? What's the first rule? Don't knock any ideas. To some extent, that's what these forums are. Some guy writes something down, which inspires another person, which motivates someone to make fake iWalk videos. See? Life's a circle, like that wacky Buckminster Fuller G5 MOSR talked about.

    Wouldn't that take the cake, if both were introduced on Monday?
  • Reply 68 of 75
    alrighty... so as of today says "full speed ahead: lust factor ten". now if that doesn´t at least imply faster processors (among other improvements) in the powermacs, then i´ll eat my pants with a nice sauce bolognese topping. however, i must admit, if it would say "speed factor ten: full lust ahead" then it 'd sound even better. 8 ghz anyone?

    damnit, we´ll see soon enough now.

    hey xype: jo do schau hea, oa inschbrucka!!

    bodhi: funny sig... i remember that very well.
  • Reply 69 of 75
    blablablabla Posts: 185member
    [quote]Originally posted by suckfuldotcom:

    <strong>What's the difference between the <a href=""; target="_blank">7451 and the 7450</a>, anyway?


    A small redesigm of the 2-level cache. Doesnt mean OS X takes advantage of the slightly better cache algorithm yet.
  • Reply 70 of 75
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Well, I do think junkyard is right about one thing. Apple really needs to fix this Mghz thing that's been going on for too long now. I have a G4 450, Radeon AGP, and 640 mgs of RAM and yes it's fast enough for my needs but, I wouldn't expect a new customer to be satified with it. It's a marketing thing and the longer it goes on the worse it's going to look. Yes, I know I sound different from last year but, I had hoped for more progress by now.

    My friend with the Athlon PC just switched over to XP and I have to tell you looks pretty nice ( works better than ME also ). So if Apple going to do something they had better do something soon because while the gap is getting larger mhz wise the the gap is getting smaller OS wise.

    PS. Not that this matters a lot but, he also got an enhancement pack for XP that has " THEMES " and really nice screen savers ( better than anything I've seen available for OS X ) so Apple ( who is so looks oriented ) had better get on the stick. Don't worry I'm not going over to the darkside...........yet.

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: jimmac ]</p>
  • Reply 71 of 75
    [quote]Originally posted by dr. zoidberg:

    <strong>alrighty... so as of today says "full speed ahead: lust factor ten". now if that doesn´t at least imply faster processors (among other improvements) in the powermacs, then i´ll eat my pants with a nice sauce bolognese topping. however, i must admit, if it would say "speed factor ten: full lust ahead" then it 'd sound even better. 8 ghz anyone?

    damnit, we´ll see soon enough now.

    hey xype: jo do schau hea, oa inschbrucka!!

    bodhi: funny sig... i remember that very well. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well I think that means that they are going to set Mac OS X as the default operating system... lust factor 10 has already been used by Apple sometime ago to describe their new OS with aqua

    I hope to be wrong....

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Toofeu ]</p>
  • Reply 72 of 75
    erbiumerbium Posts: 354member
    [B]The PowerMac's WILL get a speed bump

    Seeing how Apple will bump up the iMacs to speeds faster than 700Mhz (Their current speed). There is no way, Apple would ship iMacs at[ faster than most G4 Tower systems.

    A speed boost in the iMac's, pretty much guarentees a speed bump in the G4's./B]
  • Reply 73 of 75
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    Well, back to the topic...I sure wouldn't trust M(BS)NBC either.

    jimmac: I have friends with XP going too and they love it enough to not be envious about Apple anymore. That is a bigger problem than I have yet seen in the desktop wars. It used to be that there was still enough aesthetic difference to give them a tug or regret for not having a mac, but now (at least while the Teletubie-colored OS seems fresh and new) they don't feel that way.

    To them the OS seems faster and they have that endorphine high that we have had for a decade now. So obviously if Apple wants to go for ANY of the other 95% that they claim to, it will need to come from killer hub devices...speed bumps are just to keep from losing current customers and thats about it.

    Apple really needs to make this Unix core pay some bigger dividends...and soon.

    Hey jimmac, are you from down in Salem or just going to school.

    PS bohdi's sig is great.
  • Reply 74 of 75
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacGregor:

    <strong>Well, back to the topic...I sure wouldn't trust M(BS)NBC either.

    jimmac: I have friends with XP going too and they love it enough to not be envious about Apple anymore. That is a bigger problem than I have yet seen in the desktop wars. It used to be that there was still enough aesthetic difference to give them a tug or regret for not having a mac, but now (at least while the Teletubie-colored OS seems fresh and new) they don't feel that way.


    Wierd, majority of my PC friends are "Power Users" and they wouldn't touch XP with a ten foot poll. They are either sticking with w2k or going to linux.
  • Reply 75 of 75
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Sorry it took me so long to reply but getting in here has been a little difficult lately. Yes, I'm from Salem but, I work at a college ( Willamette University ). I'd like to be going to school again but, things get a little bit harder to do when you are 48 and have a full time job.

    As far XP goes I think it is suffering from a little of the same thing X is. Some people can't stand change. Make no mistake though XP is a real threat. It's more finished than X is and more stuff is being written for it. I still like OS X better but, if Apple doesn't get going it's only going to get worse. My coworker friend ( a long time Macuser ) just bought his wife a Gateway note book for xmas. She had a few issues with XP at first but now is getting used to it.

    Well, I'm crossing my fingers and hoping Monday isn't a disapointment. Here's to a really good Macworld.
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