Apple sues one 'knock-off' maker, defends against another



  • Reply 21 of 56
    neilmneilm Posts: 989member
    Originally Posted by masternav View Post

    And may Black Friday empty you wallets and purses fulsomely.

    Or emptysomely?
  • Reply 22 of 56
    Ikrupp's quote "China invents, innovates, designs, precisely NOTHING."

    I enjoy your racist uniformed comments, your lack of knowledge is only surpassed by your utter ignorance.

    China has invented quite a few things and lead the way in a few others.

    1. tea

    2. Silk

    3. Porcelain

    4. Gunpowder

    5. Printing press

    6. Water wheel


    More currently

    hybrid rice (feeds over a quarter of the earth) a little bit bigger deal than apple iPod etc..

    Lead the way with solar panels, wind turbines & renewable energies in general.

    Oh I almost forgot, China owns most of the US money and has taken most of the jobs & now the American president bows to the Chinese vice president.

    No, I am not Chinese, but your comment is still very insulting & stupid.
  • Reply 23 of 56
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Perhaps why PC makers make such crap, nobody wants to copy crap.

    That actually makes sense.

    That also must be why almost no-one else is making glass edge-to-edge 27" screens, desktops with overheating notebook parts and "superdrives"...
  • Reply 24 of 56
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by drumrobot View Post

    Apple is being sued for trying to hold a monopoly on the world's media player market... because it's trying to knock off one small company... and there are other, larger companies that aren't being sued by Apple.

    All they had to do is make a reasonably original design. They tried to get attention by taking obvious design elements and making their own product out of it.

    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post

    The "other larger" companies were not making a media player that looks exactly like the iPod shuffle. Luxpro's defense was to use the method of distraction - fighting back by claiming a monopoly situation (which does not exist).

    Sadly, we've had people post here trying to say that it's not a clone, just because it added a switch on the back. People can really stretch an argument if they want to. Copying nearly a dozen design elements (combinations of dimensions, radii, proportions, etc) makes it a stretch.

    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    Ikrupp's quote "China invents, innovates, designs, precisely NOTHING."

    I enjoy your racist uniformed comments, your lack of knowledge is only surpassed by your utter ignorance.

    China has invented quite a few things and lead the way in a few others.

    1. tea

    2. Silk

    3. Porcelain

    4. Gunpowder

    5. Printing press

    6. Water wheel


    More currently

    hybrid rice (feeds over a quarter of the earth) a little bit bigger deal than apple iPod etc..

    Lead the way with solar panels, wind turbines & renewable energies in general.

    I think the mechanical clock qualifies too, I'm not sure, depends on whether the Greek Antikythera mechanism had an escapement mechanism or not, if not, China might have had the first one. But I think what was meant was that in the last few decades, it's hard to put a finger on a technological innovation that was invented in China.

    I hadn't heard of the rice. That I know, Henry Beachell gets the nod for developing the most productive rice:


    Oh I almost forgot, China owns most of the US money and has taken most of the jobs & now the American president bows to the Chinese vice president.

    The largest share at roughly $1T, but not most, maybe the largest share, that is still "only" 10% of the US government debt.

    I think people probably read too much into the bowing, most of those that complain have their own agenda. I guess a sign of respect throws people off vs. the rhetorical and symbolic sparring of the past.
  • Reply 25 of 56
    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    I enjoy your racist uniformed comments, your lack of knowledge is only surpassed by your utter ignorance.

    China is a country. Chinese is a nationality -- not a race.

    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    China has invented quite a few things and lead the way in a few others.

    Obviously, the other poster was referring to present-day China.

    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    1. tea

    You're comparing the boiling of leaves in water with modern engineering? That's a stretch and a half.

    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    5. Printing press

    Incorrect. The Chinese invented woodblock printing and movable type. Gutenberg invented the printing press.

    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    6. Water wheel

    Incorrect. Mesopotamia or Greece. Pop over to Wikipedia for details.

    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    hybrid rice (feeds over a quarter of the earth) a little bit bigger deal than apple iPod etc..


    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    Lead the way with solar panels, wind turbines & renewable energies in general.

    Incorrect. I build satellites for a living. We buy the best solar arrays and cells that money can buy. They don't come from China. While China may use those technologies extensively, obviously not extensively enough given the pollution in Chinese cities.

    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    Oh I almost forgot, China owns most of the US money and has taken most of the jobs & now the American president bows to the Chinese vice president.

    China hasn't "taken most of the jobs." Greedy U.S. business people have moved jobs to China to take advantage of the rampant poverty and lack of protection for workers. As to Obama bowing, it was done as a sign of respect -- and because the Chinese leader was so damned short that Obama didn't want to be towering over him.
  • Reply 26 of 56
    Originally Posted by fmaxwell View Post

    C As to Obama bowing, it was done as a sign of respec

    Sadly, an attitude conspicuously absent from conventional political discourse in the US about foreign policy. At least from the right.
  • Reply 27 of 56
    cubertcubert Posts: 728member
    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    Ikrupp's quote "China invents, innovates, designs, precisely NOTHING."

    I enjoy your racist uniformed comments, your lack of knowledge is only surpassed by your utter ignorance.

    China has invented quite a few things and lead the way in a few others.

    1. tea

    2. Silk

    3. Porcelain

    4. Gunpowder

    5. Printing press

    6. Water wheel


    More currently

    hybrid rice (feeds over a quarter of the earth) a little bit bigger deal than apple iPod etc..

    Lead the way with solar panels, wind turbines & renewable energies in general.

    Oh I almost forgot, China owns most of the US money and has taken most of the jobs & now the American president bows to the Chinese vice president.

    No, I am not Chinese, but your comment is still very insulting & stupid.

    Let's not forget water torture! It's named after them for a reason.

  • Reply 28 of 56
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    What a pain in the ass
  • Reply 29 of 56
    Originally Posted by Cubert View Post

    "The Luxpro suit was filed in Texarkana, Ark., in October of 2008."

    Wow! A patent suit NOT filed in Tyler, Texas!

    The whole patent system is antiquated, burdensome, and needs to change.

    Er.... that is Marshal, Texas not Tyler. Tyler is a slightly larger town about 70 miles away.

    Just a thought.

  • Reply 30 of 56
    Just to correct a couple of points above - not to get too far off topic. I was just pointing out the idiocy of the poster to claim china invents, engineers, designs nothing. That's a terrible view that is not true of any race or country.

    Here are a couple of more facts

    China-based Suntech, now the world’s largest maker of solar panels.

    Make fun of the tea market -

    #1 drink in the world, a 5000 year old industry, currently 7.8 million tons at $2.30 a kilogram - you do the math, that's a heck of a business. Do you think computers & cell phone market will last that long? Made those europeans cross half the world for it.

    Sorry think wikipedia is wrong Chinese waterwheel predates mespotania's -

    The waterwheel was found in China by the time of the Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD), when it was used to power trip hammers,Needham (1986), Volume 4, Part 2, 390–392 the bellows in smelting iron,de Crespigny (2007), 184Needham (1986), Volume 4, Part 2, 370. and in one case, to mechanically rotate an armillary sphere for astronomical observation - but's that not engineering as a previous post said.

    It's not a custom to bow in China, shaking hands is the appropriate greeting there.

    Obama not the brightest bulb, lol, & besides it's been customary for presidents not to bow to royalty as of George Washington, & on top he's only the vp not royalty - I'd hate Obama to meet the burger king.

    before you stereo type a people you should think & probably just be quiet.
  • Reply 31 of 56
    davidtdavidt Posts: 112member
    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    It's not a custom to bow in China, shaking hands is the appropriate greeting there.

    Obama not the brightest bulb, lol, & it's been customary for presidents not to bow to royalty as of George Washington, & on top he's only the vp not royalty - I'd hate Obama to meet the burger king.

    what is all the fuss about obama bowing? he did not offend anyone, it's not like he almost caused a war by causing offence or improper behaviour. if this is the worst his detractors can talk about he must be doing ok.

    (no. i am not an american and neither pro nor anti obama)
  • Reply 32 of 56
    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    China-based Suntech, now the world?s largest maker of solar panels.

    Yes, but they don't make very good ones. They are not state of the art. They are not engineering the solar cells of the future. It's just cheap labor manufacturing low-cost products.

    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    It's not a custom to bow in China

    Well God knows we have to conform to all of China's customs. We could not ever improvise any sign of respect that was not in keeping with what most people in China do.

    Perhaps you would have preferred that he hold hands and kiss the way that Bush did with the Saudi Prince:

    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    Obama not the brightest bulb

    How dare you, you ignorant little turd?! Obama is brilliant, as his academic and political achievements so perfectly demonstrate. You don't get elected to be President of the Harvard Law Review by being anything less than brilliant. You are an idiot and a tool.
  • Reply 33 of 56
    You forgot to mention that well earned peace prize. Most people actually have to do something to get one
  • Reply 34 of 56
    davidtdavidt Posts: 112member
    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    You forgot to mention that well earned peace prize. Most people actually have to do something to get one

    i am sure everybody agrees that receiving the noble peace prize at this time was a little odd, but please explain to me: how does this decision by the nobel committee prove that he is not "the brightest bulb"...

    you're not making much sense here.
  • Reply 35 of 56
    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    You forgot to mention that well earned peace prize. Most people actually have to do something to get one

    What did he do?
  • Reply 36 of 56
    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    Ikrupp's quote "China invents, innovates, designs, precisely NOTHING."

    I enjoy your racist uniformed comments, your lack of knowledge is only surpassed by your utter ignorance.

    China has invented quite a few things and lead the way in a few others.

    1. tea

    2. Silk

    3. Porcelain

    4. Gunpowder

    5. Printing press

    6. Water wheel


    More currently

    hybrid rice (feeds over a quarter of the earth) a little bit bigger deal than apple iPod etc..

    Lead the way with solar panels, wind turbines & renewable energies in general.

    Oh I almost forgot, China owns most of the US money and has taken most of the jobs & now the American president bows to the Chinese vice president.

    No, I am not Chinese, but your comment is still very insulting & stupid.

    Your comments are pretty offensive as well and at least Obama didn't vomit on anyone. LOL (I don't care for Obama it's just a funny thought; bow before you vomit? At least it only gets on the shoes).

    Oh and while hybrid rice produces higher yields it prevents farmers from capturing their own seeds (since they are all sterile male plants) Forcing farmers to buy rice from the company that clones them (and owns the patent), the seeds cost more (about 60% more), they are more sensitive to weeds and blight, so you have to use more chemicals and labor to protect the crop and ultimately the grain weighs less, therefore it doesn't mean higher profits only higher yield and not a high enough yield to justify the extra cost. Apparently it also means a less tasty rice as well. There's allot of work to do before GMO can really claim to solve the worlds problems.
  • Reply 37 of 56
    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    You forgot to mention that well earned peace prize. Most people actually have to do something to get one

    I won't presume to speak for the Norwegian Nobel Committee as their own press release explains their reasoning for presenting him with the award:

    The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009

    The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

    Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

    Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

    For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."

    Oslo, October 9, 2009

    As an American, I was proud to see our President honored in this way.
  • Reply 38 of 56
    Originally Posted by fulldecent View Post

    >> I wonder how much cheaper our products would be if the cost of copyright, trademark and patent, and class action lawsuit costs were not factored into the cost of the products.

    well... just look at the price of comparable products sold in China, where they don't have copyrights, trademarks, patents or class action lawsuits.

    er companies need to recoup R&D guys. A lot of these cheap chinese products are copies hence drastically reduced prices. Not all of course and the price of the Apple laptop PSU is a disgrace. Looking forward to the effect of the EU ruling on standardised mobile phone chargers. Laptops are next...

    I am not saying the Chinese are not innovative or anything, just you can buy a lot of "no name" copies from warehouses in China that are clearly patent violations. My mountain bike light springs to mind, no label, identical to a high end product and less than one quarter of the price. There obviously needs to be a middle ground between rip off adapters from apple and dirt cheap copies which don't have to pay for the R&D.
  • Reply 39 of 56
    Originally Posted by Xing View Post

    Ikrupp's quote "China invents, innovates, designs, precisely NOTHING."

    I enjoy your racist uniformed comments, your lack of knowledge is only surpassed by your utter ignorance.

    China has invented quite a few things and lead the way in a few others.

    1. tea

    2. Silk

    3. Porcelain

    4. Gunpowder

    5. Printing press

    6. Water wheel


    More currently

    hybrid rice (feeds over a quarter of the earth) a little bit bigger deal than apple iPod etc..

    Lead the way with solar panels, wind turbines & renewable energies in general.

    Oh I almost forgot, China owns most of the US money and has taken most of the jobs & now the American president bows to the Chinese vice president.

    No, I am not Chinese, but your comment is still very insulting & stupid.

    China: Paper and Woodblock Printing

    Gutenberg for the Metal movable type Printing Press on ideas and technologies innovated originally in China.
  • Reply 40 of 56
    Originally Posted by fulldecent View Post

    >> I wonder how much cheaper our products would be if the cost of copyright, trademark and patent, and class action lawsuit costs were not factored into the cost of the products.

    well... just look at the price of comparable products sold in China, where they don't have copyrights, trademarks, patents or class action lawsuits.

    Yeah well China doesn't exactly have the highest of safety standards either for its own country either.
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