Time Inc. demos tablet-friendly magazine concept



  • Reply 41 of 78
    Those illustrative hands were really creeping me out!

    I wonder if they belonged to the AT&T customer relations guy?

  • Reply 42 of 78
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Yes, we're all free to speculate. What you've got there is mostly gibberish driven by what appears to be dead stock Apple animus, as demonstrated by the pissy little "Apple doesn't do search either", there at the end. Devastating, all the fan boys are in tears.

    But, you know, if you have to invoke a free OS on a free tablet on a free internet to "prove" that any possible Apple branded tablet would be a poor value, then knock yourself out. I've actually had my limit of "emotionally damaged people who's loathing of Apple compels them to register at an Apple site and explain how everybody's an idiot" for the week.

    Ease down a little. Take a breath and remember it's a blog. It's only a place to express your comments or ideas on the article posted.

    My point is, this particular Article chose to leave out very relevant information that lead me to read the story in the first place.

    Time Inc. Magazines are going to be cross platform and not driven by any OS.

    So in reality the Article Headline could have read.

    Time is releasing their digital magazine's for ALL OS's currently shipping.
  • Reply 43 of 78
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    So in reality the Article Headline could have read.

    Time is releasing their digital magazine's for ALL OS's currently shipping.

    To be fair, the headline said 'tablet-friendly'. What tablet? Pick one...
  • Reply 44 of 78
    Originally Posted by MacMad View Post

    Zinio is okay, but it is old hat. The problem with such page-turner devices is that they are essentially a magazine scanned to a PDF. Using them is clumsy and reading them is tough. For most page-turner software you have to zoom in and out and you quickly lose both where you are on the page, and your will to live.

    It is an attempt to make print media more digital-friendly than simple web-pages, but users really hate using it. Time Inc's demo gives a great taste of how impressive this new digital format could be.

    You're right but I'm still wondering why, if this demo was given on a PC HP and the software was Adobe why this story even made it on an Apple Forum?
  • Reply 45 of 78
    Originally Posted by MacMad View Post

    To be fair, the headline said 'tablet-friendly'. What tablet? Pick one...

    Since Apple doesn't have one it would have to be a PC tablet wouldn't it?

    That is why the demo was given on a PC.
  • Reply 46 of 78
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    You're right but I'm still wondering why, if this demo was given on a PC HP and the software was Adobe why this story even made it on an Apple Forum?

    Because the article is about Time Inc's "tablet-friendly publishing concept" and Apple is rumored to have a kick-ass tablet in the making and, it is further rumored, will be tackling the digital publishing platform.

    Is simple, sir.
  • Reply 47 of 78
    did anyone notice that the tablet/ software put content on the TV? Definitely an expression of the "Apple tablet". Looking forward to "it".
  • Reply 48 of 78
    Originally Posted by MacMad View Post

    Because the article is about Time Inc's "tablet-friendly publishing concept" and Apple is rumored to have a kick-ass tablet in the making and, it is further rumored, will be tackling the digital publishing platform.

    Is simple, sir.

    You used the word Rumor twice for a device that doesn't exist.

    Apple has been rumored to do a lot of things. The 3GS was rumored to be OLED with HDMI and have True Multi Tasking. Did it happen? No, Apple gave a compass and a really bad video camera. But hey. It sold when there was no competition.

    You are correct about one thing in your statement. It's simple. Apple doesn't have anything but a rumor.
  • Reply 49 of 78
    It is because the device is not yet available (or even seen) that I use the word rumour. I really don't know what you're getting at.

    Do you think there isn't an Apple Tablet in the making? That we won't see it in 2010?

    Don't worry... no one is going to force you into buying one.
  • Reply 50 of 78
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    You used the word Rumor twice for a device that doesn't exist.

    Apple has been rumored to do a lot of things. The 3GS was rumored to be OLED with HDMI and have True Multi Tasking. Did it happen? No.

    You’re harping on MacMad for stating correctly that a device is rumoured? Seriously?! And prior to that you wrote, "Then I'll speculate” which clearly means your making a guess based on incomplete information. Do you not see the hypocritical irony of these posts?

    Furthermore, not all rumours are created equal. The idea that HDMI were going to be in the next iPhone were baseless. There was nothing in Apple’s past that should make anyone think that Apple would drop the thin 30-pin connector for HDMI, especially after they pushed all their focus from DVI to DP.

    Multitasking will come as will OLED. I am certain of this just as I am certain that performance will still be improving in 10 years, yet I can’t prove any of these ahead of time. For these reasons I also know that the tablet will come just as many of us know that the iPhone was going to come. Look back on the demos and rumour sites in the months leading up to MacWorld 2007 and you’ll see the same pattern happening again. It just made sense then and it just makes sense now. The technology is now (mostly) here, a company like Apple excels with these thin, integrated devices and it’s an area that their current customers already have interest in.

    PS: I also predict that people will also spend too much time mourning dead celebrities they never personally knew and that I’ll have this conversation again on this forum. \
  • Reply 51 of 78
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    You are the only Apple user I've ever heard say this. Anytime Adobe Flash is mentioned in a tech room Apple users always say it runs terrible.

    Adobe Flash runs fine on all my Macs too.

    It doesn't run as well as it does on Windows in terms of stability and resources, though.
  • Reply 52 of 78
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Xian Zhu Xuande View Post

    Adobe Flash runs fine on all my Macs too.

    It doesn't run as well as it does on Windows in terms of stability and resources, though.

    I don?t get many problems in the way of crashes, but it taxes more than 100% of 200% CPU load just to play a Hulu video in a window. Adobe still doesn?t even have a Beta of 64-bit Flash for Mac while Linux has a 64-it beta or any HW accelerated Beta for Mac while Windows has it, so I wouldn?t expect Flash on a device running ARM or Atom to be able to play video from OS X.
  • Reply 53 of 78
    t_kt_k Posts: 11member
    Seems kind of careless and weird to use standard OS X scroll bars ~ 2 minutes into the video.

    (@2:16 to be exact)
  • Reply 54 of 78
    Originally Posted by eAi View Post

    At the same time, trees are planted so that they can be cut down and used for paper... If the land doesn't have a value has a forest, it might be used for something more profitable and less ecologically sound.

    Eco-terrorists probably don't want to hear this opinion. So true.
  • Reply 55 of 78
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member
    Introducing the SI Tablet:


    The Apple iTablet must also run Mac applications. It must be a touch Mac.
  • Reply 56 of 78
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    Why woud the author go out of his/her way to point out it was demo'd on an HP?

    Do all Apple rumor sites really live in a life of "I'll believe anything the article says"?

    If it was running on a Mac then don't you think the article would have said.

    "This demo was done on a MAC X compute".

    Live with the facts as they have been posted and speculate all you want but it's an HP on a PC Platform.

    If Time does go this route then I'll be able to subscribe on my PC. Why would I need another device? I have a smart phone that has Adobe Flash on it and a PC that has the same.

    OK. Just pause the video at position 2:17. Then take a close look at the scroll bar on the pop-up view. Any Mac user can tell you that it is a standard Mac OS X scroll bar.

    It does not matter what it was demoed on. The magazine publishing authoring tool will likely run on Windows and Mac. In preview mode, the screen will look exactly like the target device. Similar to the iPhone software development tools that run only on the Mac.

    Also, Time Inc. and Apple Inc. have very good relations. Time was probably one of the first publishing companies that Apple contacted and I am sure they would not say no to something like this. Once the product is released, the authoring tools will probably be made available to the general public. Who knows perhaps the authoring tools will be free for Apple Publishing partners.

    Why does it bother you so much that this is an Apple product?

  • Reply 57 of 78
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    If Droids are so good, go buy one.

    I like these idiotic responses to facts that are stated about other companies doing well.

    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    I'm waiting for a tablet from Apple (to add to my collection of other Apples).

    We have no doubt you will pull your wallet out, bend over, and take it anyway apple dishes it out. What a lemming...
  • Reply 58 of 78
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Originally Posted by DanielSW View Post

    Think of all the trees that won't get cut down because of the Apple Tablet replacing all the paper publications.

    Think of ALL the folks who will loose jobs over this

    This new technology is a double edge sword. The jobs gain, by the jobs lost, will not off-set each other, as most of the new jobs that might be created, will be overseas.

    The price we have to pay, for a growing world I guess.

  • Reply 59 of 78
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    Just as the desktop computer made the "paperless office"!

    Environmentalists always crack me up... Did ya hear about the Global Warming hoax pulled by Al Gore and company??? "He betrayed this world! He played on our fears!" Love it when their own words come back to bite them on the a$$.


    Sorry I couldn't publish a link of a similar story from the New York Times newspaper, but NYT on Hacked Global Warming Emails, "We Won't Publish Statements That Were Never Intended for the Public Eye".

    Unless of course they are The Pentagon Papers!!!


    Good to know the New York Times is Fair and Balance and is objective journalism at its best and is staffed by the most ethical reporters and journalists and editors of all time! Wait for it....

    Wait for it...

    Wait for it....

    I'm not an environmentalist, and I didn't say "paperless," you idiot. I said, "Think of all the trees that won't get cut down. . ." That means fewer, no "no."
  • Reply 60 of 78
    Originally Posted by AngusYoung View Post

    Since Apple doesn't have one it would have to be a PC tablet wouldn't it?

    That is why the demo was given on a PC.

    Do we really have to explain this to you?

    It's a concept. It's a prototype. It doesn't matter what the hardware was or that it wasn't a real hand pointing to stuff.

    The point is that we're ready for electronic publishing on a tablet-like device. Apple seems to be at a distinct advantage in this because it has a lot of the infrastructure already in place (robust OS which a lot of developers won't have to RE-learn for a new device, online store structure for selling subscriptions and other products, retail store network for showing off the new devices, manufacturing process and durable aluminum case design, system integration, etc., etc.).

    Would-be iPhone competitors should be realizing by now that they're going to have to do a LOT more than spitting out a few goofy gadgets that sorta look like the iPhone in order to be any sort of lasting competition. Same will go for any "tablet-based publishing" operations.

    Apple is going to literally rock our world with this new line of products. So go ahead a keep spewing all this complacent, critical drivel. It's your right, after all. But also know that it won't affect Apple's success at all.
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