Apple reveals long-awaited multi-touch 'iPad'



  • Reply 141 of 785
    OMG, the Verizon zealots are going to freak out that it's AT&T service, but wow, $29.99 with unlimited data. Cool.
  • Reply 142 of 785
    I have an iPhone (great device/dreadful phone - but then we all knew that) so why on earth do I need a bigger one?! I get the idea that I can sit on the train and read books and watch 10 hours of video having had it hanging around without charge for up to a month (yeah right - like that's gonna live up to expectations) but I'm still having to carry my laptop so I'm taking two devices?? I don't think so!

    Absolutely everything Apple has done before has been surrounded in hype and they've compeltely pulled it off - but this (as the share price right this second would suggest) is NOT their finest hour.

    Oh sure it'll sell - but I for one am disapointed.

  • Reply 143 of 785
    3G on ATT. Fail. Basically you are just getting the unlimited data plan that they mandate on all iPhone users. However $14.99 for 250 megs isn't a bad start for any future tiered data rates that may show up.
  • Reply 144 of 785
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    No jesus no!!!!!

    at&t still apple?!!!!
  • Reply 145 of 785
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by brit120666 View Post

    you are brilliant!

    yeah i no. sum1 sed i shood work for Apple and I think I wil
  • Reply 146 of 785
    Originally Posted by alectheking View Post

    the 3g plans are very impressive

    No contract - very smart
  • Reply 147 of 785
    You sure had one hell of an announcement today. With all those teaser reports it's almost like someone is trying to game your stock.
  • Reply 148 of 785
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Where the heck is 3G?!

    You couldn't wait 15 min, could you?
  • Reply 149 of 785
    yseanysean Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    All of you morons just registered today to ditch apple? For crying out loud don't you idiots have anything better to do than troll apple product launches....2 posts, 1 post, 3 posts, everyone of you...get a girlfriend, or is so hot all the losers flog around like flies.

    Actually, I've been a member for quite some time. I simply don't typically waste my time on these forums, as with most, it is full of idiots and fanboys.

    I apologize if I hurt your feelings as a result of you being unable to see the big picture. I've been in IT industry long enough to know a killer when I see it as well as a missed opportunity. The two major things this device needs is enough battery life to be usable in a real environment for 10 hours (allows a safety window on power) and a camera or two... if one, a rotating job. Since, *I* can't see any detailed images of the device and I haven't seen it mentioned yet, I have to assume it is sans camera.
  • Reply 150 of 785
    Hmmm...New 3G micro sims? Why? To keep me from plugging in my current phone SIM?
  • Reply 151 of 785
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member

    I wonder what's Apple definition of 'Unlocked'[/CENTER]
  • Reply 152 of 785
    No cam iChat.....not good for me. I iChat all the time with my son in the Navy on my iMac. I was so hoping. \
  • Reply 153 of 785
    Originally Posted by moonpunk View Post

    I have an iPhone (great device/dreadful phone - but then we all knew that) so why on earth do I need a bigger one?! I get the idea that I can sit on the train and read books and watch 10 hours of video having had it hanging around without charge for up to a month (yeah right - like that's gonna live up to expectations) but I'm still having to carry my laptop so I'm taking two devices?? I don't think so!

    Absolutely everything Apple has done before has been surrounded in hype and they've compeltely pulled it off - but this (as the share price right this second would suggest) is NOT their finest hour.

    Oh sure it'll sell - but I for one am disapointed.


    Another brilliant first post!
  • Reply 154 of 785
    rco3rco3 Posts: 76member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    It isn't that great.

    1. Its not a game changer

    2. Its nothing more then a larger iPod Touch

    3. It can't work as a Mac. No version of iLife or iWorks like rumored. It has no real processing power.

    4. Unlike some have mentioned its not powerful enough for Slate computing to take over notebooks.

    5. They can bundle it with Apple Tv and try and sell it at Costco because thats the only way they are going to make money on this.

    Odd, I saw lots of mention of iWork.
  • Reply 155 of 785
    Originally Posted by macshark View Post

    You couldn't wait 15 min, could you?

    Point there....

    (I was going by past keynotes which typically lasted close to an hour; I was getting a tad worried as he clock struck....)
  • Reply 156 of 785
    $499 - that's cheaper than I expected. Might become interesting!
  • Reply 157 of 785
    Originally Posted by brit120666 View Post

    I am going with $499 + data plan. They are going to price this slow to get volume and to position it as a gaming device.

    $499 - Spot On!
  • Reply 158 of 785
    its cheap!!!! 499!! whooooo
  • Reply 159 of 785
    Originally Posted by eehd View Post

    They didn't mention memory (RAM) capacity. The Times live blog said, " 16 GB of memory, 32 or 64 Gigabytes of storage," but obviously they got this wrong.

    The cloud man ...the's where were heading.
  • Reply 160 of 785
    rco3rco3 Posts: 76member
    At $500, I'll be getting one. Happily.
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