Apple reveals long-awaited multi-touch 'iPad'



  • Reply 361 of 785
    I tend be mostly the type of consumer apple loves (i.e. buy first, figure out where it fits in my life second), so some might take this post with a grain of salt. However, here are my thoughts:

    1. Good "first generation" product (anyone who follows apple knows that their first generation is like a paid beta-test-- they are invariably already adding features and specs to the next generation). Also, I would expect killer software/os updates on a product like this.

    2. keyboard dock is a little awkward looking (would your ipad get knocked over when the heavyset guy using his netbook to order a pizza next to you at starbucks accidentally knocks into it on his way to the bathroom, or to find a plug for his rapidly dwindling power? I wonder if the combo bluetooth keyboard and the case/stand might work better. Also, the whole idea of having two pieces of equipment is a little un-apple (I guess a snap-off bluetooth keyboard attachment was never a good design option?).

    3. The missing still/video camera almost screams out for the release of an iphone nano -- slim down the size and weight of the iphone for true mobility, bump up the camera resolution, and use it to capture the images/sounds of life. Then it goes back in your pocket and you enjoy the larger screen functionality of the ipad while on the bus, in the coffee shop, etc.., finally, you sync with your computer at home for the heavy lifting (photoshop, final cut, etc..)

    4. I'm a little concerned about viewing the screen. As mentioned, I spend loads of time on my commute and enjoy using the iphone for watching movies, but reading text has not been so fun for me, even with Stanza. It seems to strain the eyes significantly. Also, when I use my iphone at night (setting the clock or something) with the lights out, I'm significantly "blinded" when I turn it off. Same on the bus-- when it's fairly dark, the iphone seems too bright. I never really cared whether the product kills the kindle or not, but I was hoping that they could reduce the eye strain somehow.

    5. I think the "revolutionary" aspect of this product is not whether it kills the kindle, or causes us to re-think the way we interact with the internet, but rather how it will revolutionize advertising and marketing. They tested the waters with the iphone, knowing where you are when you make certain decisions, i.e. do you buy itunes music when you are browsing at starbucks, do you read the new york times on your way to work, etc.., Advertisers are gonna love the fact that they can track when and where purchases are made. Sadly, this may bring apple closer to the "big brother" that they mocked in their 1984 advertisement, though...

    6. personally, I'm not a big gamer. I'm happy with a poker game, a good chess game, and a couple of puzzles for when I'm "off the grid." I will say this though: if rosetta stone does not come out with a language app for this product, the decisionmakers at that company should be rounded up an put out of their misery. They have a product that is literally begging for use on this platform. A brief search on the web shows that people have been requesting rosetta stone for the iphone for several years!

    Those are my thoughts! I was in the market for a slim, light laptop to handle web browsing, photo editing, and document editing/creating, that could also double as a way to watch movies and listen to music during my awful commute through manhattan's anus (the lincoln tunnel). Except for the lack of ability to edit photos (could apple create an aperture app that has some functionality for ipad?), I think the product comes close to hitting the middle of the target.
  • Reply 362 of 785
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Yeah, put me in the extremely underwhelmed category as well.

    All that talk about futuristic devices and how Apple was going to "solve" the tablet problem were misplaced it seems. I think this thing will sell like hotcakes at the price they are giving, but technologically speaking there is literally nothing new in this at all.

    The bezel is just a joke. If they couldn't produce a device with a smaller bezel, then what's the point at all? They haven't "solved the tablet input problem" if you have to lay this silly thing down on an table top and peer into it like a wishing well to type.

    The bezel makes the device just barely wide enough so that thumb typing is not an option. It's awkward keyboard typing on your lap or nothing. Notice how Jobs needed to be on the couch for it to work? Notice how they didn't even mention the portrait mode keyboard because if they did, you'd want to type on it and you'd immediately see the device is too wide for that.

    It's literally a way to "couch surf" and not useable at all as a computer without the combo keyboard/dock. You can't effectively type on the thing standing up. You can't reasonably use it on a bus or a train. What's the friggin point of that?

    Giant. iPod. Touch.

    (with better apps).


    Classic example of hype creating hyped expectations. All the futurism like face recognition was just not realistic. What we see is Apple using existing technologies and working them into a new product.

    As for the bezel - its there so you can comfortably hold it without placing your fingers on the touch screen.

    Why is everybody up in arms about the 'input' - SJ demoed a keyboard doc. It will come with an optional keyboard. What that also signals is that you can attach a third party keyboard, and my guess is that by launch there will be several varieties available, including stands.

    Everybody calls it a giant iPod Touch as if that is abad thing. It is what makes it great. It is a giant powerful iPod touch with an Office Suite, a keyboard and... well.. a giant iPod touch. Awesome!
  • Reply 363 of 785
    Originally Posted by Motlee View Post

    No iSight- What a bummer. How am I going to make all those silly faces in Photobooth?

    No SD - Well my MBP has one, and since the iPad is going to be synced with iTunes, then the omission of SD isnt that surprising to me.

    No USB - For?

    The damn thing is only $500. People are paying $260 and $490 for the Kindle and Kindle DX respectively and they dont accomplish 1/10th of what the iPad does.

    Your sarcasm is noted, but some of us actually do use video chat. As far as SD goes, don't you think it might be nice to be able to easily upload pictures on the go without going through another device? USB-what about easily transferring large files via a flash drive? Since 16GB USB drives are dirt cheap these days it seems only logical to be able to have more memory readily available for a device with such a small about of memory built in.

    It seems only logical to make things as easy as possible without the addition of the camera connection kit.

    I'm not knocking it's capabilities as an on-the-go device because I think it will do that brilliantly; I'm just pointing out a few of the things I see as oversights.
  • Reply 364 of 785
    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    It has a USB adapter, as well as an SD card adapter.

    Sorry, I missed that. Where did you see it has a usb adapter and an sd card adapter option?
  • Reply 365 of 785
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by tipoo View Post

    So how 'bout them outdated Macbook Pro's?

    Why are they outdated, the current spec is less than a year old I believe? This was a keynote about a new product.
  • Reply 366 of 785
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    must... ...kill... ...(stupid, heavy, proprietary, never designed for video)....flash....

    and when HTML 5 gets up to speed, hopefully so will everything else. I'm impressed Apple's sticking to this, as they obviously could have included it.

    I am actually using iPhone to surf the web... and I am not impressed, in fact, I'm very annoyed. SJ's stubbornness is killing big part of my iPhone web experience. And I used to think Apple is all about experience.

    I had some hopes iPhone 4 OS will have Flash support, but beside being disappointed it wasn't even mentioned during keynote (or was it?), after iPad missing Flash my hopes for next iPhone OS Flash-friendliness are very low...
  • Reply 367 of 785
    capnbobcapnbob Posts: 388member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    Yeah, put me in the extremely underwhelmed category as well.

    All that talk about futuristic devices and how Apple was going to "solve" the tablet problem were misplaced it seems. I think this thing will sell like hotcakes at the price they are giving, but technologically speaking there is literally nothing new in this at all.

    The bezel is just a joke. If they couldn't produce a device with a smaller bezel, then what's the point at all? They haven't "solved the tablet input problem" if you have to lay this silly thing down on an table top and peer into it like a wishing well to type.

    The bezel makes the device just barely wide enough so that thumb typing is not an option. It's awkward keyboard typing on your lap or nothing. Notice how Jobs needed to be on the couch for it to work? Notice how they didn't even mention the portrait mode keyboard because if they did, you'd want to type on it and you'd immediately see the device is too wide for that.

    It's literally a way to "couch surf" and not useable at all as a computer without the combo keyboard/dock. You can't effectively type on the thing standing up. You can't reasonably use it on a bus or a train. What's the friggin point of that?

    Giant. iPod. Touch.

    (with better apps).


    Think of a grid where on one axis is usage occasion/location (e.g. couch, kitchen, office desk, travel, vertical specific (hospital/warehouse etc.), school/college, etc.) and on the other axis, think use/application e.g. reading, viewing movies, email/chat, taking notes, creating content, productivity apps etc. Then start putting in where smartphones, netbooks and laptop do the best job in each cell of the grid. It is personal opinion of course but as I go through these, many are very poorly filled by these traditional appliances, and many are much better filled with an iPad.

    Most of the reading uses in most locations are better with an iPad - laptop/netbook too big and cumbersome or screen too rubbish, iPhone/touch too small

    Most of the uses at the couch or in the Kitchen or in hand at a business (not at a desk) will be delivered better with an iPad.

    an Ipad and keyboard dock will work well in school for note taking (like a laptop) but the iPad will be a vastly better reading/annotating device for text books etc.

    Travelling - for business, take a laptop, but for pleasure, the iPad may be all you need - reading/replying to email, updating social media, uploading photos etc (as long as you have the accessory for bringing photos across without iTunes), reading, surfing, light gaming etc.

    Bottom line - the iPad fills in many gaps in usage and location that are poorly served by existing devices. It will NEVER replace those devices where they are strong (e.g. the iPhone in your pocket, the laptop at your desk doing large spreadsheets or Video editing etc.) but it has a ton of good uses. I for one will stop using the iphone on the couch to surf/read/play/watch etc. and avoid the RSI and eyestrain I currently get. My mom will get one to use in the kitchen for media, recipes, music etc. NOTE: docks, stands and accessories will be vital to success in many of these use cases but the Apple ecosystem will be on that in a heartbeat.

    You won't buy it instead of a Macbook or an iPhone but as an addition to both - hence the 3rd category - Steve expects people/families to have all 3 - he hasn't been wrong so far

    PS I agree with all those complaining about the lack of camera(s), gps (though it probably has faux-gps like iPhone 2G) and multitasking. Multitasking will hopefully come in 4.0, cameras and gps in v2 one would hope...

    PPS The fat bezel is required to hold the damn thing - you can't hold it at the edges like an iPhone with one hand!!
  • Reply 368 of 785
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post


    And the price is right, too.

    You are just going to have an ipad paperweight in a couple of years just like I had a newton paperweight after two years!

    This has Newton debacle written all over it! Very underwhelming hardware!
  • Reply 369 of 785
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by matzentosh View Post

    Sorry, I missed that. Where did you see it has a usb adapter and an sd card adapter option?

    On the official web site - most of people's complaints written above are unfounded. This thing works on all mobile networks, has bluetooth and EDR, N networking and will support the current range of bluetooth keyboards from Apple, so your desktop keyboard will work just fine with the iPad (Hate the name btw)
  • Reply 370 of 785
    Originally Posted by B747 View Post

    Wonder if you could tether the iPhone to this...both have Bluetooth after all.

    Just turn your iPhone into a WiFi hot spot using commonly available tools.
  • Reply 371 of 785
    When it has a built in camera for video conferencing, a CF flash card slot, and 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity for drawing and manipulating photos (of course that also requires Photoshop support), I'm in. Next up for me though looks like a 17' MBPro. Still, many will find this meets all their needs and then some. Beautiful device for a 1st round offering. Name sux though
  • Reply 372 of 785
    Originally Posted by DistortedLoop View Post

    You just fed the trolls and gave them exactly what they live off of: the satisfaction of knowing they're annoying someone.

    Best way to get rid of them is to totally ignore them and not acknowledge their presence in any way.

    Believe me I have tried. But this is getting ridiculous.

    Why is it that every article AI posts the same bunch of ah's spew their garbage every time?

    Right now their a more trollers here than ever before. This site is going to go the way of Macworld unless somebody puts there foot down and starts weeding out the shit.

    Perhaps they should rename this site to AppleOutsider. It would be more appropriately named for the audience that most frequently comes here.
  • Reply 373 of 785
    I was really excited until I found out there is no cam. Bummer
  • Reply 374 of 785
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    At what point has SJ stated that he doesn't want flash on this new device. At what point has Adobe stated it isn't developing flash for this device?

    A lot of people arguing about an issue which may turn out to be a non-issue. This machine is powerful enough and if it runs the full version of Safari, then why won't flash run on it? I see no reason - has anyone tried yet?
  • Reply 375 of 785
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You raise an interesting point. How would I connect it to a projector for my Keynote presentations? I hope there's some reasonably easy way...... another adapter, I suppose.....

    There is mention of a "dock connector to VGA adapter" on the Specifications page!
  • Reply 376 of 785
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by AugustWest View Post

    4. I'm a little concerned about viewing the screen. As mentioned, I spend loads of time on my commute and enjoy using the iphone for watching movies, but reading text has not been so fun for me, even with Stanza. It seems to strain the eyes significantly. Also, when I use my iphone at night (setting the clock or something) with the lights out, I'm significantly "blinded" when I turn it off. Same on the bus-- when it's fairly dark, the iphone seems too bright. I never really cared whether the product kills the kindle or not, but I was hoping that they could reduce the eye strain somehow.

    It comes with the accessibility feature "white on black". Not sure if there is a 'shortcut to this command' (would be good), so you'll probably still be blinded at night, but at least you can read white on black and thus reduce eyestrain. On the bus, metro, tube, whatever, this feature will just increase the reflection, however.
  • Reply 377 of 785
    Nice bunch of posts folks. The device isn't even where you can get at it, you have had limited and isolated exposure to it with an highlighted feature set. Good objective analysis. Oh well. On the other hand if your needs are so completely out-of-hand that you can decide before even testing the device for real, good for you! This is targeted at the average consumer, not a bunch of geeks like us - we are a minority in the market. So typing for hours? Hell no. I don't even dictate for hours. Forward facing camera for webchatting, nice idea but hardly a must-have. And the huge, grotesque, fat ugly bezel! Who in blazes puts running tracks like that on their devices nowadays! Is Jony Ive on drugs or something??? Holy cow! And all the Apple stock draining value, who those poor stockholder watching their virtual money virtually disappear. Look at all that profit announced on Monday draining away on Wednesday.

    Well not actually. Apple stock at the time of this post was at 207.96USD, so nice try but fail on the stock devalue. I guess I would take Jony Ive designed crap over anything most of you could design at your best - he has an incredible track record established. And I am so very happy most of you don't design for Apple to begin with. I can only imagine the kind of interface, and hardware you would devise. Nope, gonna wait until I can play with one of these little buggers for myself before passing judgement. Yeah - like a smart, educated consumer would do. Yep.
  • Reply 378 of 785
    zindakozindako Posts: 468member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    It isn't that great.

    1. Its not a game changer

    2. Its nothing more then a larger iPod Touch

    3. It can't work as a Mac. No version of iLife or iWorks like rumored. It has no real processing power.

    4. Unlike some have mentioned its not powerful enough for Slate computing to take over notebooks.

    5. They can bundle it with Apple Tv and try and sell it at Costco because thats the only way they are going to make money on this.

    Then you should ignore the product and don't buy it, easy right?
  • Reply 379 of 785
    I'm guessing that since the iPad has no USB port, only the dock connector, we probably won't be able to sync our iPhones or iPods with this thing. I thought it would be neat to make the iPad the central media "hub" instead of the laptop or desktop. But now the iPad will just be another device that needs to be synced separately from the iPhone or iPod.
  • Reply 380 of 785
    i currently subscribe to O2 'internet tethering' to link my iphone and MBP for data on the move. Has anyone seen whether the 'ipad' can be tethered in the same way?
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