Hands on with Apple's iPad (with videos and photos)



  • Reply 141 of 409
    normmnormm Posts: 653member
    Originally Posted by philipm View Post

    One of the strengths of Kindle is anyone can publish a book. I've done one (check out my blog in my sig if curious). The tools when I used them were clunky but not too hard. If this is only open to big publishers, it will stifle the kind of creativity you should be able to get from electronic publishing with almost zero cost if a book doesn't sell.

    I can't find any info on how to publish (though that hasn't stopped several people advertising services to do so for you).

    Many books on the iPhone are published as apps. For books with fancy formatting and embedded media, this is probably the normal way they will be published on iPad.

    Since Apple makes its money on hardware, there's no reason for them not to continue to allow competing ebook readers, such as Kindle and Stanza, so you can publish through them.

    Finally, since iBook uses ePub, an open standard, there will probably be an easy way to get any non-DRM ePub books into iBook.
  • Reply 142 of 409
    philipmphilipm Posts: 240member
    Originally Posted by NormM View Post

    Many books on the iPhone are published as apps. For books with fancy formatting and embedded media, this is probably the normal way they will be published on iPad.

    Since Apple makes its money on hardware, there's no reason for them not to continue to allow competing ebook readers, such as Kindle and Stanza, so you can publish through them.

    Finally, since iBook uses ePub, an open standard, there will probably be an easy way to get any non-DRM ePub books into iBook.

    Thanks -- I may have to try one of those -- but being able to put a title into the bookstore should be easy and open as it is with Kindle.
  • Reply 143 of 409
    "Ruggedized?" \
  • Reply 144 of 409
    pg4gpg4g Posts: 383member
    Am I the only one thinking "This is the same resolution as... an iTunes LP?"
  • Reply 145 of 409
    Originally Posted by surferfromuk View Post

    What a tragic young life - torn between and anti-apple pro-flash dichotomy at just two years old. Cast into a life of hatred and techno-dystopia before he ever knew what HTML5 is!

    And to think 100 years ago he'd be three years from a life down the mines.

    Poor child - how far we have regressed!

    If only he was smart enough to know about push-notification, but alas it seems he has an idiot for a father who is intent on stifling his progress through life in order to make fatuous points on the internet.

    Beautifully expressed
  • Reply 146 of 409
    jpmukjpmuk Posts: 19member
    We really need to look at the bigger picture here.

    Today Apple showed iWork and it looked brilliant. Anyone who has watched Jeff Han's demo from 2006 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwGAKUForhM) will be able to imagine where we will be with the iPad in maybe 3 years time.

    This is huge. Imagine a 27" iPad desktop built to sit on a flat table at an angle with a slide-out mechanical keyboard at the base. Proper horsepower from the latest desktop chips and GB's of storage from standard HD's. This is where it's going.

    When we look back at images of 70's offices we see paper, pens and typewriters. We can instantly identify 80's and 90's by seeing beige CRT monitors everywhere. 00's offices are recognisable by seeing mostly flat panel monitors. In a few years time these will be gone and it will be back to flat desks only this time with multi-touch screens. It's progress folks and we've just seen the future.

    Sure for the moment it's a cheap, low power portable device, but it has to start that way to get the new format accepted in big numbers. Soon it will everywhere.
  • Reply 147 of 409
    Yes, we have a winner!

    Stayed up late (in Europe) to watch the keynote, and it was worth it. 3G was a real cliffhanger.

    I like the low weight. In the videos, it looked like people were holding it comfortably with one hand.

    Apple better ramp up production. People will go crazy at launch. Expect it to be "constrained" for some time. Positive surprise that they will launch internationally right away.

    Pretty much according to my expectations. Minor missing (HW) features:

    - iSight camera

    - SD slot

    Wishing for cloud (MobileMe) sync, to make more of a stand-alone computer. Perhaps that's coming in iPhone OS 4.0?


  • Reply 148 of 409
    luisoluiso Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    I would have bought one in a second if it had a front facing camera. Without it, I can wait til the next one.

    I think that is the only missing feature that I considered a must. I might wait for a 2nd generation, hoping the camera will be there along with iChat app.
  • Reply 149 of 409
    luisoluiso Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    3) We only got half the story today. Where's the TV, newspaper, and magazine subscriptions? Not to mention Lala integration. I suppose those things warrant another media event around the time the iPad goes on sale..

    Not just newspapers and magazines but also comics. I think it would be greatly appreciated by a lot of people.
  • Reply 150 of 409
    zandroszandros Posts: 537member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The iPad's larger screen, which melds the MacBook's beautiful IPS LCD display with the iPhone's multitouch sensitivity, provides so much extra room that it enables iPhone apps to grow up in sophistication from being mostly information browsers to being full blown desktop apps driven primarily by a multitouch interface.

    Yeah, I don't think the Macbook has an IPS display.
  • Reply 151 of 409
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    i have a 2 year old that know how to use my iphone. he loves it. too bad he will hate the iPad since there is no Flash support. that means websites like Playhouse Disney and Thomas and Friends won't work.

    and it would suck for school. no multitasking means no Pandora and doing homework at the same time

    and what's up with no camera? I think that they are just holding back to make you want the next gen. kind of disappointing.
  • Reply 152 of 409
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by pmcd View Post

    I have an HP2710p. Nice tablet ( not the same type as the iPad or the newer touch HP) and I really prefer nontouch screens for writing during lectures. But, HP is no Apple. I'll be getting an iPad the second it's available.


    Funny how existing tablet users seem to like the iPad...
  • Reply 153 of 409
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    i have a 2 year old that know how to use my iphone. he loves it. too bad he will hate the iPad since there is no Flash support. that means websites like Playhouse Disney and Thomas and Friends won't work.

    and it would suck for school. no multitasking means no Pandora and doing homework at the same time

    All VERY big markets for this toy.

    Add to the things missing (with a huge audience) a camera.

    Can you see it now, damn near every service person all over the globe has one, and is able to "Phone home" when they want to.

    Every school kids, traveling youth, traveling adults. I'm telling you, ADD the camera, and they increase their market share 10 fold!

    Conference calls

    Sales Calls

    Show & Tell

    I just saw a piece on a handheld GPS system that works EVERYWHERE! NO Dead zones, NO Dead Spots! NO need for phone line, wi-fi connection or anything like this.

    - http://shop.delorme.com/OA_HTML/DELi...?section=10461

    I'm sure it's not the answer YET, but there has to be a way to add this capability to the iPad (God it hurts to say iPad).

    Add Flash (or a better option)

    Add a Camera and iChat

    Sell more then you can make
  • Reply 154 of 409
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Well, Bundy and TEKSTUD. Take a gander at this little ditty. Firefox Mobile has just dropped Flash support too. So at least Mozilla and Apple, and certainly others, see the handwriting on the wall. Unlike your clueless selves. HTML 5 is a reality. YouTube is now on board. It will happen very quickly too.


    There's a vast difference between what Apple is doing and what Mozilla has done. Firefox Mobile isn't even at Version 1 yet; they removed support because they couldn't get it to work well at the moment. Obviously they ARE trying to get it to work. I don't see any confirmation that Firefox Mobile's exclusion of Flash is permanent like Apple's.
  • Reply 155 of 409
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by jpmuk View Post

    We really need to look at the bigger picture here.

    Today Apple showed iWork and it looked brilliant. Anyone who has watched Jeff Han's demo from 2006 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwGAKUForhM) will be able to imagine where we will be with the iPad in maybe 3 years time.

    This is huge. Imagine a 27" iPad desktop built to sit on a flat table at an angle with a slide-out mechanical keyboard at the base. Proper horsepower from the latest desktop chips and GB's of storage from standard HD's. This is where it's going.

    When we look back at images of 70's offices we see paper, pens and typewriters. We can instantly identify 80's and 90's by seeing beige CRT monitors everywhere. 00's offices are recognisable by seeing mostly flat panel monitors. In a few years time these will be gone and it will be back to flat desks only this time with multi-touch screens. It's progress folks and we've just seen the future.

    Sure for the moment it's a cheap, low power portable device, but it has to start that way to get the new format accepted in big numbers. Soon it will everywhere.

    Yes, seriously, this is the first desktop scale multitouch OS that looks like it would work well as opposed to a tack on to the traditional WIMP interface outside a few concept videos.

    There are probably guys at MS Research thinking "WTF am I working at Xerox PARC for? We had something like that 4 years ago and great UI designs for Surface...but noooo...it's gotta work on top of the desktop in Win7."

    iWork was brilliant. Calendar was great too. That thing just rocks and I think most folks will get it (and buy it too) after they get to hold and use one.

    It has many limits, sure. But for a rev 1 product, two months from launch it looked spectacular. All the limits, I think, are to preserve teh snappy to make the UX truly magnificent.
  • Reply 156 of 409
    Apple's ipad is the best way to experience the web, email, photos and videos.It is a multi touch screen.Apple ipad is compatible with almost all of the existing apps , they offer a huge initial library of content to get owners started on. The large, high-resolution screen makes iPad perfect for watching any kind of video: from HD movies and TV shows, to podcasts and music videos.With the iPod app, all your music is literally at your fingertips. You can browse by album, song, artist, or genre, with a simple flick. To play a song, just tap it, and the now playing screen will show the album art at full size

    The iBooks app is a great, new way to read and buy books.1 Just download the app for free from the App Store, and you?ll be able to buy everything from classics to bestsellers from the built-in iBookstore.The Home Screen gives you one-tap access to everything on iPad. You can also customize your Home Screen by adding your favorite apps and websites, or using your own photos for the background. And you can move apps around to arrange them in any order you want.Spotlight Search allows you to search across iPad, and all of its built-in apps.Its available at very affordable prices.Starting from $499 only.Wow.Great going apple.
  • Reply 157 of 409
    First post, may not even be the correct thread but be interested in people's thoughts on this...

    Something that I haven't seen much mention of so far is how are our friends in Redmond going to respond to the iPad as they may have backed themselves into an awkward situation regards tablets and netbooks - the upper limit for Microsoft and their partners in terms of tablet pricing is now $499, simply because Microsoft's advertising line has been to push Apple as 'expensive' and PC as 'value for money' or cheap as most people on here probably regard them.

    Now that the iPad starts at $499 Microsoft and their partners either need to bring their tablet devices in below that price - in which case they will probably be competing directly with Windows powered netbooks so how do they differentiate between Windows powered tablets and netbooks? If they go above $499 then they have a brand positioning issue as the argument about 'expensive Apple' falls apart.

    So, can Microsoft and their partners produce something that can upstage the iPad from a design and user experience perspective and do it cheaper, or do they simply hope that the iPad is a failure, accept that tablets are never going to work and hope that everyone forgets about how strongly they were being pushed at CES?
  • Reply 158 of 409
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Two more up-dates (within a year) and we get most of what we want to make this a killer toy.

    If they get 5 - 10 million sold at each addition that's 10 -20 MILLION more Apple users (and a boat load of money in Bank of Apple). The 10-20 more is on top of the 8-10 million they should sell of the first version.

    Apple has done this with damn near each and ever one of their products, and I see no reason why this is going to change.

    So sometime between August - November Apple WILL add the camera or whichever feature seems to be the most request (or will they add the least requested, saving the best for last?)

    One of the things thats most exciting for me, is to see where this is going to go. And lets' not forget, others WILL try to copy it. They will have there's with some of the features Apples doesn't currently have (the smart thing to do), which then causes Apple to add features faster : great for us.

    In 2-3 years this will be just what we want it to be NOW! Which won't matter, because in 2-3 years Apple WILL be coming out with the Next BIG thing
  • Reply 159 of 409
    al_bundyal_bundy Posts: 1,525member
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    All VERY big markets for this toy.

    Add to the things missing (with a huge audience) a camera.

    Can you see it now, damn near every service person all over the globe has one, and is able to "Phone home" when they want to.

    Every school kids, traveling youth, traveling adults. I'm telling you, ADD the camera, and they increase their market share 10 fold!

    Conference calls

    Sales Calls

    Show & Tell

    I just saw a piece on a handheld GPS system that works EVERYWHERE! NO Dead zones, NO Dead Spots! NO need for phone line, wi-fi connection or anything like this.

    - http://shop.delorme.com/OA_HTML/DELi...?section=10461

    I'm sure it's not the answer YET, but there has to be a way to add this capability to the iPad (God it hurts to say iPad).

    Add Flash (or a better option)

    Add a Camera and iChat

    Sell more then you can make

    since this was all over the news last night my wife asked me about it because they said steve jobs said it's better than a laptop. i said you can't play farmville on it because it. that was the end of her interest in it.

    my wife likes to play farmville after we put our son to sleep on her lenovo laptop. Zynga has tens of millions of users playing their games and you need Adobe Flash.
  • Reply 160 of 409
    avidfcpavidfcp Posts: 381member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    no flash on iphone and no multi tasking is getting annoying. if i bought this my son would want to use it. once his websites don't work, he will hate it. no flash means most of the internet won't work on it unless there is an app for a website.

    if this is a netbook replacement, it needs to at least support features that netbooks support and not limit the software i can install. it's ok for a cell phone, not for what supposed to be a computer

    and I think the entire tablet thing from all manufacturers is a scam and a fad. dumbed down and locked device who's only purpose is to make you buy "content" and raise the ARPU of the device

    It was rumored to be Steve Jobs proudest moment. Very sad.

    This device us locked to iTunes and Avis many features, multitasking, closed end OS, no camera, no voice to text and so much more.
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