Consumers lose interest in iPad after Apple's unveiling - survey



  • Reply 41 of 407
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I'm always amazed that the naysayers do not see how this will all unfold. You guys don't see that the iPad introduction just merely said yes the iPad does exist with little other detail about it.

    Apple will introduce iPhone 4.0 with much more functionality and more sophisticated development tools.

    They aren't paying attention to the existing development tools anyway. For instance many of those posters don't know that you will be able to drag and drop files from your computer into any app that has sharing enabled. If their critical "missing features" are added they will be "late" and a new missing feature list will be developed.

    Apple: The company whose products are evaluated based on what they don't have.
  • Reply 42 of 407
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    The iPad would have been a miracle machine had it had all the technology and performed all the tasks the hyper ventilating technoheads foretold. This is the hangover. I think it will sell phenomenally but its true potential will become apparent over time. Within a year or two this thing will be huge.
  • Reply 43 of 407
    Originally Posted by msantti View Post


    *sound of broken record playing*

    Well, wait until its in the stores. These people surveyed have not seen it yet.

    Speaking of a broken you have a cushioned seat on that bandwagon?

    I have no doubt the iPad will sell millions. There are a lot of people out there looking for a color screened eBook reader. Not me, I want a little more from the device than just browsing the web and reading books.

    To me the iPad is like the first generation iPhone, it was a revolutionary piece of crap. When the 3GS came along I grabbed one knowing it was finally a great device. Same thing with the iPad...I'll buy the third version.
  • Reply 44 of 407
    Originally Posted by c4rlob View Post

    It's true that the iPhone owes much of it success to the apps; but that's the iPad's biggest problem. The most important/popular apps on the iPhone - Phone, MMS, and Camera - aren't on the iPad.

    Agree with you. The iPad should do more than the iPhone, not less. Most people I talk to say they just don't need an iPad. A MacBook does nicely and is not that much bigger and heavier.

    Hate to say it, but this might be a flop for Apple, especially in the New York area where coverage will be spotty at best.

    We'll see soon enough.
  • Reply 45 of 407
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Despite a highly publicized public debut, potential customers lost a great deal of interest in Apple's new touchscreen iPad after it was unveiled, a new study has found.

    A survey of more than 1,000 randomly selected customers at the online marketplace Retrevo found that 52 percent of respondents have heard of Apple's iPad, but are not interested in buying one. Another 18 percent said they had not heard of the product, but also were not interested.

    Prior to the product's unveiling, 26 percent of those surveyed had heard of the then-mythical "Apple tablet," but were not interested in buying one. That total doubled after the iPad's official Jan. 26 unveiling.

    "It's the apps that sell smartphones like the iPhone and it could very well be those same apps that motivate buyers to run down to the Apple Store and get in line to buy a shiny new iPad," the company said. "Whether this device becomes a big hit is anyone’s guess but based on this study it sure looks doubtful."

    The survey found that awareness of the iPad is high -- more than 80 percent of respondents said they had heard of Apple's product. Of those, 21 percent said they need more information on the iPad before they purchase, and 9 percent said they would likely buy one. The company even tracked conversations on Twitter, and found the iPad announcement rivaled talk of the U.S. presidential State of the Union address, held the same day.

    The survey results suggest consumers may not see how the iPad would fit into their lives. While 5 percent said they "definitely" need one, 61 percent said they do not think they need an iPad.

    In addition, the $130 premium cost to add 3G connectivity was found to be a turn-off for potential buyers. While 12 percent would pay the extra money for 3G and 29 percent would think about it, 59 percent of respondents said they would not pay any extra for 3G.

    Retrevo's latest survey was conducted between Jan. 27 and Feb. 3 following Apple's announcement of the iPad, starting at $499 and scheduled to arrive in late March. The results were compared to a previous study done between Jan. 16 and Jan. 20, before the iPad was unveiled.

    Last week, another study of medical professionals found that one in five physicians said they are likely to purchase an iPad. Of more than 350 clinicians surveyed, 9 percent said they plan to buy the product immediately, while another 13 percent intend to purchase one in the first year.

    Analysts mostly expect the iPad to have a moderate but successful start, selling between one million and five million in its first year. The product's aggressive $499 starting price is seen to be its greatest asset. One analyst believes a sales "catalyst" must emerge -- as the iTunes Store did for the iPod, and App Store for the iPhone -- before the iPad sees significant growth.

    I do not use apple.My business partner does.I will give credit for the great software.But limited hardware stinks.And yes cheap hardware is most of windows issues and apple does not want that.Hey i get that.As for the ipad.It is the same scam apple pulled on all the buyers of the first iphone.What scam you ask.Several hundreds of dollars for a high tech do it all phone.Ol wait no video camera.For that you would have to go get a $29.00 walmart track phone that HAS IT.How lame.And the apple drones never complained.Why?

    Then gen 2 of iphone WE HAVE VIDEO CAMERA WOOOW HOOO. Yea right. Not adding the simple features then adding on next gen is a scam.And for the companies that make hackintosh do you think they would get business if apple would open up to more faster hardware.I hate gates and vista.But the new window 7 not to bad.At least i for $1,800 dollars i get a super laptop and compared to $1,800 to apple.well my hardware smokes.And to be fair i truly love linux opensuse the best.But linux has to many versions to ever make it.Ol the main reason i posted ipad a flop.No camera.But cheer up version 2 will have a camera woo hoo.and maybe another cool feature.
  • Reply 46 of 407

    Apple needs to stop this nonsense of debuting a product and then saying it will be available X months later.

    In this case, I almost think they had to debut it now.

    If it is true that we can't buy them yet because they haven't completed [started?] FCC certification, then Apple was smart to announce it before any "leaks" from that process.

    With all the "Jesus Tablet" rumors swirling around - claiming cameras on both sides, etc - they would have been stupid to not nip that crap in the bud.

    Better to show what they got, see from surveys like this how much inventory they need to build for the release, and let the arm-chir quarterbacks shift to discussions of what the 2nd-gereration iPad's features should be.
  • Reply 47 of 407
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by OskiO View Post

    Speaking of a broken you have a cushioned seat on that bandwagon?

    I have no doubt the iPad will sell millions. There are a lot of people out there looking for a color screened eBook reader. Not me, I want a little more from the device than just browsing the web and reading books.

    To me the iPad is like the first generation iPhone, it was a revolutionary piece of crap. When the 3GS came along I grabbed one knowing it was finally a great device. Same thing with the iPad...I'll buy the third version.

    Sure, the third gen will be better - we all know that. What you want is a powerful laptop. Neither of which makes the first gen iPad a pice of crap.
  • Reply 48 of 407
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    The original iPhone didn't start out slow. The iPhone was the biggest phone launch AT&T ever had. It just grew and became bigger as time went on. Palm Pre, Droid, Nexus none of them matched the iPhones launch numbers.

    How can you declare the iPad a slow starter when its not even on sale yet?

    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    Every so often the definition what what Jobs thinks is a great product and the public's opinion don't quite mesh (like AppleTV or the cube). The iPad, at least in its initial configuration might be one of those. Some products start out slow and become a hit later when evolve into something much more useful, like for instance the iPhone. My fear though is that Apple won't fully understand why this is underwhelming to a lot of folks.

  • Reply 49 of 407
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    My fear though is that Apple won't fully understand why this is underwhelming to a lot of folks.

    Umm... I'd say, folks seem understanding far less, than Apple does.
  • Reply 50 of 407
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Isn't it the same as the girl losing interest after blowing your load in the first minute? (not that that's ever happened).

  • Reply 51 of 407
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by jtaylor13 View Post

    I do not use apple.My business partner does.I will give credit for the great software.But limited hardware stinks.And yes cheap hardware is most of windows issues and apple does not want that.Hey i get that.As for the ipad.It is the same scam apple pulled on all the buyers of the first iphone.What scam you ask.Several hundreds of dollars for a high tech do it all phone.Ol wait no video camera.For that you would have to go get a $29.00 walmart track phone that HAS IT.How lame.And the apple drones never complained.Why?

    Then gen 2 of iphone WE HAVE VIDEO CAMERA WOOOW HOOO. Yea right. Not adding the simple features then adding on next gen is a scam.And for the companies that make hackintosh do you think they would get business if apple would open up to more faster hardware.I hate gates and vista.But the new window 7 not to bad.At least i for $1,800 dollars i get a super laptop and compared to $1,800 to apple.well my hardware smokes.And to be fair i truly love linux opensuse the best.But linux has to many versions to ever make it.Ol the main reason i posted ipad a flop.No camera.But cheer up version 2 will have a camera woo hoo.and maybe another cool feature.

    One day you'll learn to space properly. Woo hoo.
  • Reply 52 of 407
    c4rlobc4rlob Posts: 277member
    Originally Posted by MikieV View Post

    Are people really going to be able to hold them steady enough for long conversations, or are they going to find ways to "prop them up" what chatting?

    I wonder if Apple tested cameras in the iPad, and found it was sub-par without some kind of image-stabilization.

    I think the case/stand that Apple is selling makes a video-conference camera easy to imagine. And for shorter clips, size/weight can actually improve image stabilization in your hand. Devices that match the size of your hand actually pickup the slight jitters in your hand and finger muscles a lot more than something with enough size/weight to absorb those jitters. And most of the time I hold my iPhone with two hands in horizontal mode when shooting video anyway. It may not be as necessary on the iPad, but these days there's no reason for not having a camera everywhere.
  • Reply 53 of 407
    There was probably a similar response when Amana introduced the Radarange in 1967. These days we call it a "microwave."

    Can you imagine what the chefs were saying? "Can't use metal pots! Doesn't brown! $495! That's a deal-breaker for me."

    The survey is of very limited significance and simply shows that there's a difference between fantasy and reality for any manufactured device.
  • Reply 54 of 407
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    I wonder what would happen when these people actually try one out.

    We will probably like it but until it has a camera, hdmi or mini-display port out (through dock is fine), and a properly functioning OS (multi-tasking/tethering or OS X), we will probably all wait. There is no point buying one twice, the first one, and then, when they get things right in Take 2. That is just wasteful and you know once it has the right features you will want the new one. So just be patient since it isn't really needed now anyway.

    It really seems Apple is giving the competition room to prosper by failing on these fronts and not offering more 3G bands and universal standards (SIM vs Micro-SIM).
  • Reply 55 of 407
    Most of my kids games use flash, without flash it is useless to me.
  • Reply 56 of 407
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by OskiO View Post

    I have no doubt the iPad will sell millions. There are a lot of people out there looking for a color screened eBook reader. Not me, I want a little more from the device than just browsing the web and reading books.

    You don't seem to understand or realize that at launch the iPad has a built in ecosystem of 140,000 apps.


    To me the iPad is like the first generation iPhone, it was a revolutionary piece of crap. When the 3GS came along I grabbed one knowing it was finally a great device. Same thing with the iPad...I'll buy the third version.

    You do not seem to understand or realize their had to be an iPhone for their to be an iPhone 3GS.
  • Reply 57 of 407
    This whole discussion is ridiculous as there has not even been any advertising yet and the thing hasn't even been released. Only people who are tech-savvy or follow Apple closely will even be aware of it's existence. Sure the story was carried by a few news outlets and Stephen Colbert held one up at the Grammys, but Apple's target audience of your average Joe who is not tech-savvy and just wants something cool doesn't even know the thing exists.

    Once this thing gets out into the wild and Apple starts advertising it, it will no doubt be one of the most if not THE most successful products that Apple has ever released.
  • Reply 58 of 407
    Another meaningless survey. Wait until people see it in person, then make some projections. All this does is expose pseudo-scientific polling methods.
  • Reply 59 of 407
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    What mobile device are you kids carrying around that plays Flash games?

    Originally Posted by Oldandintheway View Post

    Most of my kids games use flash, without flash it is useless to me.

  • Reply 60 of 407
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Originally Posted by johndoe98 View Post

    We will probably like it but until it has a camera, hdmi or mini-display port out (through dock is fine), and a properly functioning OS (multi-tasking/tethering or OS X), we will probably all wait. There is no point buying one twice, the first one, and then, when they get things right in Take 2. That is just wasteful and you know once it has the right features you will want the new one. So just be patient since it isn't really needed now anyway.

    It really seems Apple is giving the competition room to prosper by failing on these fronts and not offering more 3G bands and universal standards (SIM vs Micro-SIM).

    At $499.00 for the base model plus $399.00 to get it with what we all want, which then isn't a base model, so it will be $998.00 with all of the bells and whistles, and because they want that much for it, we won't want it.

    What we want is a Top of the line model, with all of the bells and whistles for $499.00 (well, maybe $599.00)

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