Brightcove converts Time, NYT Flash video to HTML5 for iPad



  • Reply 61 of 94
    Hats off to Brightcove's marketing department for making their backoffice guy Ned with a Mac Pro, ClickToFlash, and a copy of Handbrake seem like it's a big deal.

    But I guess that's what you have to do to charge huge clients huge money.
  • Reply 62 of 94
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    It is a frightening world for those of us in this field for sure. There are youngsters coming out with three and four year degrees in subjects such as animation or editing where they basically specialized in the use of a single application assuming they would walk into Pixar or some high level company with their expertise only to find the world moved on to another product. It makes you nostalgic for when a trade learned was for life and you simply got better and better and wrinkled. I have spent the last thirty plus years having to constantly learn new things just to stay above water and even then sometimes one has to gamble in what direction to go to learn the next thing. This is one of those moments, all my Director and Flash books are going in the garage and I await the next phase.... or maybe early retirement

    As a developer, I can relate but I see the need for continuous learning in our line of work as opportunities. It keeps things fresh & exciting and although we have to learn new languages and tools, the underlying principles stay the same. Most Flash websites are not based on MVC unfortunately and that is perhaps why these sites are so hard to maintain.
  • Reply 63 of 94
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by replicant View Post

    Most Flash websites are not based on MVC unfortunately and that is perhaps why these sites are so hard to maintain.

    Most sites of any kind are not based on MVC, which is a good thing since it doesn't work as advertised. IMO MVC is DOA YMMV.
  • Reply 64 of 94
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    There was also a preview of the iPad App Store:

    They seem to have released info in the video about the iPad spec too:

    Brushes for iPad has 6 layers at 1024 x 768, pretty much the same as Sketchbook on the 3GS so it would seem 256MB RAM.

    The way I hope they implement multi-tasking in the case of 256MB RAM would be to leave background apps open until an app in the front requests more and then executes the shutdown code of the largest RAM hogging background app. The background apps should be throttled down to under 10% CPU combined.

    It can still be snappy with 256MB like the 3GS but I would have much preferred 512MB or 1GB of RAM. 2GB is overkill as it doesn't run desktop-class applications but even the Nexus One has 512MB. I guess they had to weigh up the cost of adding more RAM in vs the chances that people will be running heavy apps.

    There's still the possibility of 512MB but no more. If it has the exact same specs as an overclocked iphone 3GS, it's clear the focus is on what the screen size can do for apps. Seems to me though a screen dock would have achieved the same effect, though wouldn't have the same traction probably.

    The question is would it have been better selling a screen for maybe $199-299 to 70 million people and have those with an iphone contract not have to pay for data access again at the risk of the hardware being slower or sell a separate device and convince iphone/ipod touch users to spend another $500 and people who don't have one to choose between either it or a pocket device.

    I think regardless of the move to HTML 5 for online content, subscription costs will be harder to push for a new device that people have just spent money on. Right now, I'm one of many looking to add value to my iPhone with content, not buy a replacement to then pay for content on top.

    Also interesting in the above video is the price difference between Brushes for iPad and Brushes for iPhone. It may suggest users will have to purchase apps twice. Note, you will probably be able to put the iPhone version of Brushes onto the iPad free if you have it - it will zoom it up - but will have to pay another $10 for Brushes XL/HD.
  • Reply 65 of 94
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Really? When we talk about Flash not being designed for mobiles we're talking about Flash as a useful tool, like it can be on desktop OSes. That includes, but not limited to, playing video from sites like YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo, etc. That means Flash 10.x.x and greater.

    No argument here but as we all know from endless posts about video players, you don't really need Flash. I mention the fact that I can create Flash ads that do run on iPhone only because it is particularly discouraging. When that knowledge becomes well known, the Flash ads will come in droves along with the HTML5 ads, neither of which can currently be blocked.
  • Reply 66 of 94
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    Apple asshole right here! You know nothing. Charlie Miller, the man who has hacked Safari for 3 years to win the prize said to not install Flash.

    If you knew anything, you'd know that most of the exploits for the past year have been coming through Flash and PDF so you should stfu. No, Macs aren't more secure but they are more safe. I'd rather have unlocked doors in Beverley Hills than have full security with cameras living in the Bronx. BTW, just so you know, there have been many rumors that the Click2Flash plugin code had come from a programmer at Adobe because even they knew how much Flash sucked on the Mac. Also most at Adobe use Macs so they would know.

    You have no idea what what you're talking about and are reposting just trying to win an argument. If you don't know any better then admit. Don't be a poser. I admit it when I when I don't know enogh about a particular subject.

    BTW, to those arrogant Flash devs who think they know so much, you aren't real programmers. My 15 year old kid sister can program on Flash and make her websites look like crap so don't think you're any different judging from the sites I've been to.

    Hey calm down, pal. First of all, I'm not calling people like you assholes, I'm calling the decision makers at Apple assholes. Secondly, don't tell me to shut the fuck up. I have as much right to say what I want as you do. It's a public forum, and the things I'm saying here aren't baseless rants that don't make any sense. These are comments rooted in fact.

    If you'll notice, I said I don't care how the content is delivered, so long as I don't notice a difference. This is how everyone should feel. So far my experiences with html5 vs flash have been unfavorable for html5. This might explain why:
    On Google?s browser, HTML5 used a sizable 25.66% of the CPU. Flash 10.0 was up at 22.00%, but 10.1 used only 6%. Firefox and IE showed similar huge gains from the 10.1 version of Adobe Flash.
    Now while you think that what I'm posting is an attempt to win an argument of some kind, the reality is what I'm posting here are facts that fly right in the face of the misinformation Steve Jobs has been feeding you guys. The reason Flash runs better in Windows is because of the cooperation Microsoft gave. You can not argue with me that Apple doesn't work well with other companies, especially since Steve Jobs said it (and you have to believe everything he says, remember?)

    As to your final statement: Just wow. The abortion of thought that went into THAT paragraph is just alarming.
  • Reply 67 of 94
    mrkoolaidmrkoolaid Posts: 106member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    There was also a preview of the iPad App Store:

    They seem to have released info in the video about the iPad spec too:

    Brushes for iPad has 6 layers at 1024 x 768, pretty much the same as Sketchbook on the 3GS so it would seem 256MB RAM.

    The way I hope they implement multi-tasking in the case of 256MB RAM would be to leave background apps open until an app in the front requests more and then executes the shutdown code of the largest RAM hogging background app. The background apps should be throttled down to under 10% CPU combined.

    It can still be snappy with 256MB like the 3GS but I would have much preferred 512MB or 1GB of RAM. 2GB is overkill as it doesn't run desktop-class applications but even the Nexus One has 512MB. I guess they had to weigh up the cost of adding more RAM in vs the chances that people will be running heavy apps.

    There's still the possibility of 512MB but no more. If it has the exact same specs as an overclocked iphone 3GS, it's clear the focus is on what the screen size can do for apps. Seems to me though a screen dock would have achieved the same effect, though wouldn't have the same traction probably.

    The question is would it have been better selling a screen for maybe $199-299 to 70 million people and have those with an iphone contract not have to pay for data access again at the risk of the hardware being slower or sell a separate device and convince iphone/ipod touch users to spend another $500 and people who don't have one to choose between either it or a pocket device.

    I think regardless of the move to HTML 5 for online content, subscription costs will be harder to push for a new device that people have just spent money on. Right now, I'm one of many looking to add value to my iPhone with content, not buy a replacement to then pay for content on top.

    Also interesting in the above video is the price difference between Brushes for iPad and Brushes for iPhone. It may suggest users will have to purchase apps twice. Note, you will probably be able to put the iPhone version of Brushes onto the iPad free if you have it - it will zoom it up - but will have to pay another $10 for Brushes XL/HD.

    How can Brushes for iPad be rated if no one has an iPad yet?
  • Reply 68 of 94
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Now while you think that what I'm posting is an attempt to win an argument of some kind, the reality is what I'm posting here are facts that fly right in the face of the misinformation Steve Jobs has been feeding you guys.

    Mostly, we just think you're a troll, and an angry, bitter person.
  • Reply 69 of 94
    arlomediaarlomedia Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by mrkoolaid View Post

    How can Brushes for iPad be rated if no one has an iPad yet?

    The 4+ rating that you're seeing is the parental guidance rating -- like the movie ratings G, PG and R. Customer ratings (1-5 stars) are different and appear under their own heading when they are present. The terminology overlap is confusing.
  • Reply 70 of 94
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    Is that your straw man for this hour?

    Sorry, Flash has jumped the shark. If the iPad takes off like it is predicted, expect Flash to lose a significant amount of relevancy over the next few years. Not just because of the iPad, but the convergence of better HTML5 tools and the continued problems, despite what you or Adobe claim, of it running on mobile devices.

    You may not like it, but it's not some grand conspiracy from Apple. They are simply the most visible company making this stance. And Jobs does have a record of pushing industries; he killed the floppy drive on the Mac at considerable risk (Apple was still a vulnerable company then) and teeth-gnashing from the PC crowd, and he convinced the record industry to drop DRM on music downloads. He's getting cited as CEO of the year/decade left and right - I'd say he knows what he's doing.

    Your arguments... not so convincing.

    Lets use quicktime as an example here. Lets say Microsoft decided quicktime was a cpu hog, even though it ran just fine in OSX. Lets also say the reason it ran like crap in Windows was because of a lack of cooperation on Microsoft's part. Would you not find it mildly irritating to see a company like Microsoft attempt to change YOUR experience based on the bs they pedaled?

    I see nothing wrong with html5, just as I see nothing wrong with Flash. My problem here though is I see greater potential for Flash for mobile than html5. Maybe I'm just thinking too far outside of the box.
  • Reply 71 of 94
    adamiigsadamiigs Posts: 355member
    Originally Posted by mrkoolaid View Post

    How can Brushes for iPad be rated if no one has an iPad yet?

    Gee Beav, I don't know, how can they porn "XXX" before it get's released to the public in the film industry, must be magic!!!
  • Reply 72 of 94
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Mostly, we just think you're a troll, and an angry, bitter person.

    I don't see Chronster as a troll. I don't often agree with his PoV, but I don't recall him ever trying to derail the board or being an outright ass to anyone for no reason.
  • Reply 73 of 94
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Mostly, we just think you're a troll, and an angry, bitter person.

    Because I don't accept the status quo, or bs these large companies try to get us to believe?

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I don't see Chronster as a troll. I don't often agree with his PoV, but I don't him ever trying to derail the board or being an outright ass to anyone.

    Yeah I mean when it comes down to it, I'm not angry or bitter, I just have a different taste than most people around here. I still respect what Apple does and I'm still as interested as everyone else in Apple's next big accomplishment.
  • Reply 74 of 94
    mrkoolaidmrkoolaid Posts: 106member
    Originally Posted by arlomedia View Post

    The 4+ rating that you're seeing is the parental guidance rating -- like the movie ratings G, PG and R. Customer ratings (1-5 stars) are different and appear under their own heading when they are present. The terminology overlap is confusing.

    Really? I wonder what brush stroke could have knocked a 0.5 deduction off of it?
  • Reply 75 of 94
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I don't see Chronster as a troll. I don't often agree with his PoV, but I don't him ever trying to derail the board or being an outright ass to anyone.

    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Because I don't accept the status quo, or bs these large companies try to get us to believe? You think I'm kissing Microsoft's ass in other forums over WM7? Think again.

    Anyone who comes to AI with no point but to bash Apple (e.g., chronster) is a troll. I mean, why would you bother if you think Apple sucks, unless you get a kick out of getting people riled up.
  • Reply 76 of 94
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Anyone who comes to AI with no point but to bash Apple (e.g., chronster) is a troll. I mean, why would you bother if you think Apple sucks, unless you get a kick out of getting people riled up.

    I don't think Apple sucks. I think Apple rocks to be perfectly honest with you. If it weren't for them, other companies would be lazier. I just don't agree with some of the decisions they make, and that stems from me being a geek honestly.

    You don't understand me at all.
  • Reply 77 of 94
    cdyatescdyates Posts: 202member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    BTW, to those arrogant Flash devs who think they know so much, you aren't real programmers. My 15 year old kid sister can program on Flash and make her websites look like crap so don't think you're any different judging from the sites I've been to.

    You should keep ignorant and inflammatory remarks like this to yourself. They only weaken your stance and make you look like a moron.
  • Reply 78 of 94
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    I don't think Apple sucks. I think Apple rocks to be perfectly honest with you. If it weren't for them, other companies would be lazier. I just don't agree with some of the decisions they make, and that stems from me being a geek honestly.

    You don't understand me at all.

    Well, you're finally right about something.
  • Reply 79 of 94
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Exactly plus it undermines Adobe's plan to rule with World with Flash. I suspect they had some pretty far reaching plans if the truth be known.

    Adobe is lazy. Flash is Buggy. Flash is CPU hog.

    Flash is yesterday's technology, because it was made for a desktop computer. No telephone's run Flash. No netbook will run flash.

    Flash makes Mac's crash.
  • Reply 80 of 94
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I'm fairly certain Flash was not the vector in any of the latest PWN2OWN compromises, at least not on the iPhone hack.

    yup. DEFINITELY not on the iphone hack.

    for obvious reasons.
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