iPad shortage forces Apple to delay international launch until May



  • Reply 41 of 131
    Ooh... the stock market loves it! Delay it some more, Apple...........!!!!!

    (Just kidding, just kidding.)
  • Reply 42 of 131
    axolotlaxolotl Posts: 14member
    C'mon guys! Stop buyin' ipads! Otherwise... no more Corona beer for you!


  • Reply 43 of 131
    veblenveblen Posts: 201member
    I've been a fan of this device for some time. I just downloaded the citrix client for ipad and connected up to the windows applications at the hospital where I work. The ipad is much more usable than the devices we are currently using which cost up to four times as much. I continue to be wow'd by this device the more and more I use it for work. Coupled with the Enterprise improvements that are coming in OS 4 I expect the iPad shortage to continue. I can see us buying 100's of these. This is where apple is going to bust into the enterprise. Wow.
  • Reply 44 of 131
    maxmannmaxmann Posts: 85member
    Originally Posted by rbonner View Post

    Not surprised on this one, it's actually smart on a number of fronts. I would do a limited initial run, say 500,000, release it, and collect feedback from the Genius bar folks. This would verify the silicon, screens, battery's, etc.

    It gives them a chance to make updates to the product before the next run.

    Yeah sure, we should get them your number so you can fill them in too. The ipad shares the same OS and family of products features as the other mobil devices. This particular appliance specializes as a media hog. It also does other things, none of them quite as special as the media application that it is intended for. Of course that includes all sorts of interdependent usage.... like students will use it for rental text books in the future or NOW in some cases.. this is a media appliance that was already thought out and tested and calculated for a hardware life cycle with minor upgrades in software and few if any upgrades in hardware options until a yearly update takes place.. see ipod, mac, iphone and other products. They don't do a small run .. they do a total solution run that covers a estimated market saturation for the first wave of adopters .. it is so well planned out that a success is to supply the estimated needs.. a failure in this case is both good and bad, they underestimated demand and now will have to delay opening up distribution. they good is that it is wildly more successful so far than was predicted.. and believe me.. they worked on predicting with every crystal balls worth of evidence they could come up with..

    this is consumer electronics.. with all due respect for the Genius Bar folks.. their survey information is a factor amongst thousands of feed back applications in place..

  • Reply 45 of 131
    Originally Posted by Lukas View Post


    i've been checking the website every 2 f***ing minutes hoping to see a "pre-order"-button and now this? god damn it..

    That's tragic - I would have responded exactly the same.

    "My friend? My friend? You've been kicked in the nuts"

    (family guy clip)
  • Reply 46 of 131
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    Patience is virtue. Ready to order 3 and have entered May 10 on my iCal.

    chances are they will do the same 2 per limit as they did with the US.

    A limit that is still in place at the stores. 2 per day. anyone that wants to try to claim "business needs" to get more at once has to go through the business department and actually be fully vetted. No joke, I needed to get 10 for work and they had to send the company name and even what we are going to do with them on an approval form to corporate, who among other things will make sure I didn't just make up a name. And no discounts.

    I'm sure it's to keep from selling to resellers who will jailbreak them, export them etc but it is a tad annoying. However they did say I should get the approval today or tomorrow and they were out of stock anyway. but as soon as they get it they will hold the units and call me to come pay for them right away.

    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    But why follow it up with a comment that effectively points out that America is the priority Market as it is for everything Apple

    American company doesn't have to deal with all the import rules. THAT is why America is the 'priority' with all things Apple


    The worst bit is that when it does get released we know we will have to pay more for it too

    again most of that is due to your country's import taxes

    Originally Posted by bosox View Post

    I have a shorter memory. When the 13" MacBook Pro was announced last year, I hit the Boston store two days later.

    Announced Tuesday morning, bought Tuesday afternoon, data transfer done last night while I slept. Almost finished.

    Originally Posted by Lukas View Post


    i've been checking the website every 2 f***ing minutes hoping to see a "pre-order"-button and now this? god damn it..

    be happy, they could have not said anything and the date would just slip by for days/weeks

    Originally Posted by nasdarq View Post

    Is U.S. 3G iPad going to be different from the European models? If not, I would consider buying one when in NY in 2 weeks .

    Refer to your keynote, unlocked 3g. if the local carrier has the right tech coverage and uses microsims you are good

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Ooh... the stock market loves it! Delay it some more, Apple...........!!!!!

    You did notice the new laptops yesterday right
  • Reply 47 of 131
    Hmm, pre-order one May 10th or pick one up in Syracuse on my way by on the 14th. Decisions, decisions.

    I would like to point out that it took Amazon more then 2 years to release the Kindle internationally. And what about the Zune.
  • Reply 48 of 131
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Not a problem at all. We've got enough beta-testers for now.
  • Reply 49 of 131
    crift2012crift2012 Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    Great the ipad is doing way better than expected!

    But why follow it up with a comment that effectively points out that America is the priority Market as it is for everything Apple and everyone else should bask in Apples success to fully stock the US and not give anyone else a piece of the pie.

    The worst bit is that when it does get released we know we will have to pay more for it too, late and more expensive the Apple international way!

    Don't get me wrong, I understand supply issues, I really do, just don't make a comment about how we should be happy that only the US is getting the ipad due to high sales!

    And the U.S. is last to get most electronics from Japan, including PS3's, Japanese car companies finally shipping their sports cars after decades, Subaru STI, Mitsu EVO, Skyline. Nokia phones that never reach US shores without some crazy unlocked phone and bought on some foreign website.

    The U.S. get its fair share of snubs fairly often. I have been felt the same way since I was five after finding out we never got the cool quality die-cast models that only Japan can produce. The American knock-offs would make the Chinese knockoffs look like quality products..

    So it happens on both sides, at least it's just a month delay..some of us are still waiting for many companies to offer the same products they offer in other home countries..
  • Reply 50 of 131
    reveriereverie Posts: 66member
    Reminds me of the original iPod mini. :-( I hope Apple was physically forced to do this because they've accepted and confirmed orders for 3G models that they could not fulfill any other way. Good for Apple (and the eBay sellers), sad for us Europeans.

    Edit: The € currency crisis looming from Greece's bad economy might also play a role. Apple will probably prefer to wait a few more weeks to see where the exchange rates are going to trend for the rest of the year.
  • Reply 51 of 131
    Sad news for my fellow Canadians.

    I assume this means canadian itunes will still be locked out as well as app store. More of just a slight pain for me as I forgot to load up on a US iTunes card so I can't buy apps over wifi or songs via iTunes but if tethered/ synced to my iMac there is no issue. Glad I happened upon the apple store in waikiki on the 5 th and bought my 64gb iPad on my last day of vacation.

    The wait is worth it!
  • Reply 52 of 131
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Ooh... the stock market loves it! Delay it some more, Apple...........!!!!!

    C'mon, Steve, split the stock.

  • Reply 53 of 131
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    chances are they will do the same 2 per limit as they did with the US.

    If need be there are work-arounds. One is to order different models.
  • Reply 54 of 131
    warpwarp Posts: 17member
    Wasn't this product the failure that "nobody will buy?"
  • Reply 55 of 131
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    One thing importers should know... the App Store application only works with a US iTunes accounts. You can still buy apps using iTunes on your desktop and then sync. You just can't access the App Store from your iPad.

    One thing you cannot get from your non-US iTunes account is any of the Apple iPad apps (iBooks, Pages, Numbers, Keynote). If you need these, open a new iTunes account with a different email address using a pre-paid credit card with a US address.

    That is why you get an U.S. Gift Card.
  • Reply 56 of 131
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by Checkmate View Post

    Sad news for my fellow Canadians.

    I assume this means canadian itunes will still be locked out as well as app store. More of just a slight pain for me as I forgot to load up on a US iTunes card so I can't buy apps over wifi or songs via iTunes but if tethered/ synced to my iMac there is no issue

    The wait is worth it!

    You can't tether the iPad.
  • Reply 57 of 131
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    That is why you get an U.S. Gift Card.

    Exactly. Like I said (altho' I suggested a pre-paid credit card since it might be easier to get than a US gift card... basically the same idea tho').

    I assume the iPad App Store application will start working once the iPad goes international.
  • Reply 58 of 131
    Span is not a country...think we need to do a little proofreading action recently
  • Reply 59 of 131
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    You did notice the new laptops yesterday right

    Of course I did! But that was known early enough in the day yesterday that it should have had an impact yesterday.

    It was interesting to see that the after-hours price started to move early today, and there hasn't been much else by way of news from/about Apple today....

    But, I admit, it is all pure speculation.
  • Reply 60 of 131
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    C'mon, Steve, split the stock.


    Other than for psychological satisfaction and (perhaps) a short-term bump, very little likely real impact.
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