iPad shortage forces Apple to delay international launch until May

in iPad edited January 2014
Apple on Wednesday revealed that demand for the iPad is far higher than the company predicted, with more than a half-million U.S.-only sales in the first week. As a result, it has delayed the international launch of the iPad until the end of May.

"Although we have delivered more than 500,000 iPads during its first week, demand is far higher than we predicted and will likely continue to exceed our supply over the next several weeks as more people see and touch an iPad," Apple said in a statement. "We have also taken a large number of pre-orders for iPad 3G models for delivery by the end of April."

The press release continued: "Faced with this surprisingly strong U.S. demand, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the international launch of iPad by one month, until the end of May. We will announce international pricing and begin taking online pre-orders on Monday, May 10. We know that many international customers waiting to buy an iPad will be disappointed by this news, but we hope they will be pleased to learn the reason -- the iPad is a runaway success in the U.S. thus far."

Last week, when Apple unveiled iPhone OS 4, the company announced it had sold 450,000 iPads in the product's first five days of availability. Wednesday's announcement revealed that the product sold another 50,000 in the next two days, topping 500,000 in its first week. More than 300,000 of those sales came on the product's first day of availability.

In March, Apple first announced that the iPad would be available in international markets by the end of April. Both the Wi-Fi and 3G versions of the hardware were scheduled to launch in the U.K., Canada, France, Germany, Australia, Italy, Japan, Span and Switzerland. Wednesday's statement also kills rumors of an April 24 overseas debut.

The announcement from Apple on Wednesday also suggests that U.S. preorders for the 3G iPad are still on track for their late-April arrival. Those devices will be compatible with AT&T's 3G network and carry a $130 premium over their Wi-Fi-only counterparts.


  • Reply 1 of 131
    vinney57vinney57 Posts: 1,162member
  • Reply 2 of 131
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Brilliant move.

    Declaring unprecedented demand . . . in order to help drive up demand.

    Apple's goodies sell themselves, I know, but this is smart.
  • Reply 3 of 131
    Wow, that's great news. Oh well , I live in Canada. I should have expected that.
  • Reply 4 of 131
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple on Wednesday revealed that demand for the iPad is far higher than the company predicted, with more than a half-million U.S.-only sales in the first week. As a result, it has delayed the international launch of the iPad by one month.

    Patience is virtue. Ready to order 3 and have entered May 10 on my iCal.

    However, I may just be in the U.S. before then and with the Canadian dollar up above the U.S. $ now (and rising) I could be getting them sooner.

    And cheaper.
  • Reply 5 of 131
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    The folks on the other side of the ponds won't be too happy but I guess better to have a shortage that a bunch of excess units collecting dust on the shelves.

    I give it 30 days and they should have their production on a good ramp.

    I wonder how many 3G's have been pre-ordered. Maybe more than expected also?
  • Reply 6 of 131
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    But I thought everyone wanted Flash? Why is demand so high for a product that doesn't do Flash?

    (Probably because Flash isn't really that important after all, which must be eating away at Adobe. They can't stand to see their big internet Flash racket slowly erode before their eyes.)
  • Reply 7 of 131
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Brilliant move.

    Declaring unprecedented demand . . . in order to help drive up demand.

    Apple's goodies sell themselves, I know, but this is smart.

    Actually this article is a little misleading. I got a text message yesterday from Steve Jobs and he told me the real reason he delayed the release is he ranks guys in Canada slightly below Flash. .........
  • Reply 8 of 131
    zindakozindako Posts: 468member
    I bought an iPad on the first day, I actually did not think this product would be this wildly accepted.
  • Reply 9 of 131
    technotechno Posts: 737member

    I would not doubt it was a planned strategy. What do you do if not all of the press is so hot on your product. Sales being overshadowed by big brother the phone? Well pretend the opposite.

    "Demand is beyond our wildest dreams! We can't keep up. Ah shucks, we have to go back to the barn and make some more."

    Funny how Apple has always, I mean always had a supply problem. Ever since I can remember, back when I was replacing my Mac IIci with a Quadra 840av, Apple could never meet the demand. It always worked though. Demand was at least in part artificially created.
  • Reply 10 of 131
    biffsbiffs Posts: 3member
    This sucks ...

    I'm so sad that once again those of us over here in UK are snubbed once again. It's not enough that we pay a hefty premium for the stuff, but we get an unequal share of the waiting time.
  • Reply 11 of 131
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    May is only half a month away, folks. It's not that long.

    Not to worry.
  • Reply 12 of 131
    It sounds like they received a larger percentage of orders for 3G models than they expected. It's a shame for the non-US buyers, but they'll get their iPads soon.
  • Reply 13 of 131
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by Biffs View Post

    This sucks ...

    I'm so sad that once again those of us over here in UK are snubbed once again. It's not enough that we pay a hefty premium for the stuff, but we get an unequal share of the waiting time.

    Lets see. Out of 6 billion people in the world 325 million get to be first in line.

    How do you figure that you (UK'rs) are any more displaced that the rest of us?
  • Reply 14 of 131
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,561member
    Great the ipad is doing way better than expected!

    But why follow it up with a comment that effectively points out that America is the priority Market as it is for everything Apple and everyone else should bask in Apples success to fully stock the US and not give anyone else a piece of the pie.

    The worst bit is that when it does get released we know we will have to pay more for it too, late and more expensive the Apple international way!

    Don't get me wrong, I understand supply issues, I really do, just don't make a comment about how we should be happy that only the US is getting the ipad due to high sales!
  • Reply 15 of 131
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by Biffs View Post

    This sucks ...

    I'm so sad that once again those of us over here in UK are snubbed once again. It's not enough that we pay a hefty premium for the stuff, but we get an unequal share of the waiting time.

    Hey, we had to wait for those four lads from Liverpool to come to America. Turn around is fair play...
  • Reply 16 of 131
    bosoxbosox Posts: 20member
    Originally Posted by techno View Post


    I would not doubt it was a planned strategy. What do you do if not all of the press is so hot on your product. Sales being overshadowed by big brother the phone? Well pretend the opposite.

    "Demand is beyond our wildest dreams! We can't keep up. Ah shucks, we have to go back to the barn and make some more."

    Funny how Apple has always, I mean always had a supply problem. Ever since I can remember, back when I was replacing my Mac IIci with a Quadra 840av, Apple could never meet the demand. It always worked though. Demand was at least in part artificially created.

    I have a shorter memory. When the 13" MacBook Pro was announced last year, I hit the Boston store two days later. I told the kid, "no applecare, no add ons, just get me the computer." 5 minutes later I'm out the door, MacBook Pro in hand. No "artificial" supply problem here.
  • Reply 17 of 131
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by techno View Post


    I would not doubt it was a planned strategy. What do you do if not all of the press is so hot on your product. Sales being overshadowed by big brother the phone? Well pretend the opposite.

    "Demand is beyond our wildest dreams! We can't keep up. Ah shucks, we have to go back to the barn and make some more."

    Funny how Apple has always, I mean always had a supply problem. Ever since I can remember, back when I was replacing my Mac IIci with a Quadra 840av, Apple could never meet the demand. It always worked though. Demand was at least in part artificially created.

    It's one thing to create the perception of short supply where none really exists, but this is a delay of an entire month for the international customers. That's like an eternity for the buyer who was ready to buy one on the spot. Now, instead of having to wait 2 more weeks, they have to wait 6. That's not something you want to do to your potential customers unless you have to. Hmm, doesn't sound like an artificial delay to me.
  • Reply 18 of 131
    Bloody yanks...

    By the way, limiting the manufacture of your product in order to drive up demand is not new, and by no means is Apple alone in doing so.
  • Reply 19 of 131
    You really think that it's wise to do this when there is a real supply issue?

    What is wrong with just letting everybody, as in world wide everybody, slow by slow get used to see iPads around you?

    There either is a problem getting contracts signed internationally, or they are looking for international free attention before pushing iPads out into the wild wide world.
  • Reply 20 of 131
    nsusernsuser Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by polarissucks View Post

    Wow, that's great news. Oh well , I live in Canada. I should have expected that.

    Interestingly, the Canadian website is the only one that hasn't been updated to reflect the new date (at least as of 9:15 EDT today). It still says, "Coming late April" on the homepage. The UK, French, and German sites have all been revised to show the new date.

    Probably just an oversight, but maybe some faint hope for Apple's neighbours to the north?
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