Designer of notifications for Palm's WebOS hired by Apple



  • Reply 41 of 59
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    What the iOS interface needs is:

    1) Improved notifications

    2) Daily Events, Weather, etc. on the lock screen (as an option of course)

    3) Quick access to turn on/off GPS/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/3G from the top bar instead of having to fish through pages and pages of settings.

    Do that, and the OS would be damn near perfect IMHO.

    YES! These have been my three gripes for the 2 years I've had my iPhone 3G.

    1) It's very un-Apple that notifications are this big "TEXT MESSAGE FROM JOHN!!!" purple box that covers everything.

    2) An at-a-glance screen for your calendar, weather, notifications, etc. would be nice. Either as a lock screen, alternate home screen page, or part of the search page?

    3) Turning on and off the radios drove me crazy when I first got my iPhone. I just gave up. Now I just leave everything on, unless I'm down the last of my battery life
  • Reply 42 of 59
    t2aft2af Posts: 44member
    Originally Posted by foad View Post

    With that being said, I think Apple knows that it needs to revise their notification system but there were other things that got prioritized. I mean, 1,500 new APIs for developers and all the other new stuff in 4.0 is no small feat.

    I agree, as much as notifications needs a complete makeover, iOS4 was quite a good balanced offering. The new API's give devs lots to work with which ultimately benefits us, Enterprise got a few things, we got multitasking which was no small feat either and *cough* folders. Now that all the big things have been addressed the next update will deal with all the little things people have been clamouring for. Just wish it will be before iOS5
  • Reply 43 of 59
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    It's nice that Apple is getting part of the WebOS team - former employees. Apple needs the resources.
  • Reply 44 of 59
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    This is the best news I've heard all week. Yeah, I mean all week.

    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    3) Quick access to turn on/off GPS/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/3G from the top bar instead of having to fish through pages and pages of settings.

    Due to the way the touchscreen panel works so close to the edge of the screen and the top bar being so thin I am not sure this is the best way to access those functions. I've been wanting the triple-click of the Home button to have more options. I think that would be a great way to have all those features you mention and more, like brightness control, all quickly accessed by triple-clicking the Home button.
  • Reply 45 of 59
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Due to the way the touchscreen panel works so close to the edge of the screen and the top bar being so thin I am not sure this is the best way to access those functions. I've been wanting the triple-click of the Home button to have more options. I think that would be a great way to have all those features you mention and more, like brightness control, all quickly accessed by triple-clicking the Home button.

    SBSettings already allows this -- and has for years -- by swiping across the top of the screen and it works great with jailbroken phones. If the "underground community" can do it, Apple can undoubtedly do it even better.
  • Reply 46 of 59
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    What the iOS interface needs is:

    1) Improved notifications

    2) Daily Events, Weather, etc. on the lock screen (as an option of course)

    3) Quick access to turn on/off GPS/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/3G from the top bar instead of having to fish through pages and pages of settings.

    Do that, and the OS would be damn near perfect IMHO.

    Sounds pretty good... plus the alarm clock perhaps.

    But aren't we really talking about widgets?? (I dunno, just asking)

    With iOS 4, since the home screen is more 'configurable' and multi tasking... perhaps these items are reduced in importance?

    For notifications and whats best how to improve (I think I heard Pre was the best) it needs to be anaylzed and reviewed.

    If anyone knows of any comparitive articles please post them up for comment
  • Reply 47 of 59
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    SBSettings already allows this -- and has for years -- by swiping across the top of the screen and it works great with jailbroken phones. If the "underground community" can do it, Apple can undoubtedly do it even better.

    That's my point. I've jailbroken every iPhone I've owned and ave used SBSettings. I find it to be a less than ideal solution with the current tech. I wondered if it was just a poor app that made me often have to click a couple times to access the app but since the LCD accuracy tests can out last year I think it's a current limitation with the LCD tech. Therefore, I think hitting the Home button males more sense.
  • Reply 48 of 59
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That's my point. I've jailbroken every iPhone I've owned and ave used SBSettings. I find it to be a less than ideal solution with the current tech. I wondered if it was just a poor app that made me often have to click a couple times to access the app but since the LCD accuracy tests can out last year I think it's a current limitation with the LCD tech. Therefore, I think hitting the Home button males more sense.

    Before you know it, we'll be tapping out morse code with all of these Home button presses
  • Reply 49 of 59
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Before you know it, we'll be tapping out morse code with all of these Home button presses

    LOL It does seem that way.

    I've been wanting Apple to make the ringer/silent toggle switch a button. You can toggle it for the current use, or press it in as a button. The command I'd most like to see is Voice Control. I don't think holding down the Home Button is the most convenient or natural way to access this feature, but holding in the silent switch "button" with your index finger to me seems natural.
  • Reply 50 of 59
    aslamaslam Posts: 12member
    So glad to see this. I love my iPhone dearly and I will get an iPhone 4 when it is available in Canada (don't know why we have to wait when we have less than the population of California in our entire country).

    Having said that one thing I have been envious of is the notification system that my friends totaing Android devices have. It is much better than the iPone OS 3 system.

    I too am surprised that Apple didn't address this in iOS 4. Hopefully they won't make us wait too long (until iOS 5) to get an improved notifications system. I am really hopeful that we might see something by the time iOS 4 is shipped for iPads in the fall. Hoping in vain maybe but I will hope nonetheless.
  • Reply 51 of 59
    inoodlesinoodles Posts: 17member
    Originally Posted by gmcalpin View Post

    If he did anything Apple thought of as "basically stealing," Apple would not hire him back.

    Don't be an asshole.

    I believe the term is "apphole" since were going with that whole Apple theme around here.
  • Reply 52 of 59
    asianbobasianbob Posts: 797member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Before you know it, we'll be tapping out morse code with all of these Home button presses

    This is something I'd wish Apple would relent on a bit. Sure having the single button was perfect with the first iteration of the iPhone, but as it advances and gets all these new features, users are stuck with either tapping morse code (as you so put it) or digging through menus to access those features. Even adding a single extra button on the side would help.

    As for the notifications, I'm curious to see what Apple will come up with to address this. There's a lot of blank space up at the top of the screen for notification icons. Maybe a finger gesture of some sort to open up a notifications window? I'm also surprised Apple hasn't implemented the swipe left/right on the notification box to view additional texts.
  • Reply 53 of 59
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post


    Double agreed. He also probably had to sign multiple agreements about what he could work on and when - when he left Apple and went to Palm. Standard stuff. Some of his thot process was bound to leak through, but he still likely had to go out of his way or litigation would've followed.
  • Reply 54 of 59
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by benice View Post

    I agree that pretty much covers it. Maybe something to enable the alarm clock real fast too.

    I just hope it's not a year for them to get it done.

    I would like some sort of "silent mode" icon to be displayed in the status bar when you use the silent switch. The current iPhone OS just flashes a momentary icon which disappears after a second.
  • Reply 55 of 59
    djmikeodjmikeo Posts: 180member
    Originally Posted by replicant View Post

    Agreed. The black Search page that shows when you hit the home button looks way too simple and it seems like a waist of real-estate. Why not add a customizable home page...

    Not a bad idea. You are right, there is a lot of wasted real estate on that screen that could hold a few usable widgets.
  • Reply 56 of 59
    djmikeodjmikeo Posts: 180member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    I don't know why everyone thinks they have seen everthing for v4

    You have another good point. We do not know everything that iOS4 will have. Since Apple has been sending notification to "widget" app developers that they will no longer be allowed, maybe there is something coming that will answer our desires for better notifications and widgets.
  • Reply 57 of 59
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    If you want to be taken seriously, try giving some specific examples instead of just a general statement like: "I hate it so therefore you should too"!

    Well gee, here's just a few:

    - On the menu bar for any app, go to Help (different font, different spacing)

    - SL has elements of at least 6 different interface styles: chrome, aqua, QTX (is it not an app?), Stacks, iTunes (again is it not an app?) - not to mention the seperate desktop??? used to only display widgets (Win 7 finally got that one right)

    - Sometimes I get the spinning beach ball, sometimes I still get the bloody stopwatch. The stopwatch! Really!?!??

    When the Mac first came out a LOT of time and effort went into developing a consistent interface. Since Jobs came back to Apple it seems like that care and thought has gone out the window. I'm sure the next major release of OS X will introduce at least 4 or 5 new interface styles into the mix.

    Sad really.
  • Reply 58 of 59
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    What the iOS interface needs is:

    1) Improved notifications

    2) Daily Events, Weather, etc. on the lock screen (as an option of course)

    3) Quick access to turn on/off GPS/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/3G from the top bar instead of having to fish through pages and pages of settings.

    Do that, and the OS would be damn near perfect IMHO.

    My list:

    1) Less obtrusive notifications and faster access to them.

    2) Shortcut to wireless settings.

    3) Ability to change SMS tone.

    4) Ability to use a song on your phone as a ringtone.

    5) Wireless syncing.

    6) Update all podcasts at once right from the iPod app.

    7) More efficient system for adding a Calendar event.

    8) Multiple app store downloads.

    9) Don't leave me on the phone app after I receive a call when I was in another app.

    10) Ability to remove some default icons.

    11) Comma shortcut.

    12) go-to-bottom shortcut
  • Reply 59 of 59
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    My list:

    1) Less obtrusive notifications and faster access to them.

    2) Shortcut to wireless settings.

    3) Ability to change SMS tone.

    4) Ability to use a song on your phone as a ringtone.

    5) Wireless syncing.

    6) Update all podcasts at once right from the iPod app.

    7) More efficient system for adding a Calendar event.

    8) Multiple app store downloads.

    9) Don't leave me on the phone app after I receive a call when I was in another app.

    10) Ability to remove some default icons.

    11) Comma shortcut.

    12) go-to-bottom shortcut

    Good list. You can already do number four. Just crop a song your PC to 30 seconds, ave as AAC and then change ringtone to M4R. It'll show up as ringtone when you import to iTunes.
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