Apple releases iOS 4 for iPhone, iPod touch



  • Reply 221 of 257
    ch2coch2co Posts: 41member
    What? NO UNDO? I wanted an undo command. I demand an undo command.
  • Reply 222 of 257
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    update not working

    hangs forever on the "backing up" process.

    and I mean forever.

    iPod Touch 3G 8GB
  • Reply 223 of 257
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    update not working

    hangs forever on the "backing up" process.

    and I mean forever.

    iPod Touch 3G 8GB

    What do you mean by "forever"? People on here have reported back up times of an hour and more.
  • Reply 224 of 257
    pslicepslice Posts: 153member
    Tried upgrading my 3G to IOS 4. Seemed to hang up on the backup process. Since I have to go to work in a bit I canceled it. Bummer. Went to the iPhone discussions on the Apple Support website and there are a lot of folks complaining about the hanging up in the backup process. So rather than corrupt my current 3.13 IOS, I will wait a bit. Maybe I'll wait til my iPhone 4 arrives....
  • Reply 225 of 257
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by JupiterOne View Post

    What do you mean by "forever"? People on here have reported back up times of an hour and more.

    Try 6 hrs.

    I tried the direct links as well and it's giving me a countdown of 6 hrs. The speed of the progress bar exactly correlates the iTunes update progress bar so this means it's the same source.

    Both are taking 6 hrs.

    In 2010 if a 300mb-400mb file takes 6hrs this is the equivalent of 'forever'.
  • Reply 226 of 257
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    Try 6 hrs.

    I tried the direct links as well and it's giving me a countdown of 6 hrs. The speed of the progress bar exactly correlates the iTunes update progress bar so this means it's the same source.

    Both are taking 6 hrs.

    In 2010 if a 300mb-400mb file takes 6hrs this is the equivalent of 'forever'.

    Same here.......Iphone 3G 16GB, terrible. I plug it in before I went to bed and 7 hrs later still restoring music and videos....I unpluged it and off t0 work.

    Need to revert back to 3.1.2 .....ASAP! Help.
  • Reply 227 of 257
    jj007jj007 Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by whitey View Post

    Well that is weird. I just did an update and it restored from my backup. Maybe you have to start fresh. The only options I have on my 3GS is:

    Show Preview

    Repeat Alert

    Character Count

    I have found out why. the issue rely on the MMSC entry. remove the http://

  • Reply 228 of 257
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by user23 View Post

    you all disgust me & enthrall me. Not "you", specifically, but, "you", the whiner & you, the one ensorcelled with-in-by Maya.

    you live in (most likely) an economically "privileged" country...yet, all you are seemingly capable of is complaining about how this sucks or how that sucks or how this should be this way or how this should be that way. Endless fingers pointing out the imperfection(s) which seemingly surround you...yet, truthfully, only exist within you.

    Give me, and give the planet, a break already. Compared to how the majority of the humans on this planet live, you are amongst the elite...the privileged...the few...the, cough-ahem, "chosen."

    despite this rarified atmosphere you breathe, you know neither know how to spell, how to use punctuation, or how to articulate the emotions you have long been disenfranchised from....potentially, alas & alack, from birth.

    Apple should do this, Apple should do that...This should have been done this way, this should have been done that way.....

    Have you EVER considered, for the merest of a picosecond, that you could do all of that which you perceive as lacking and more...for Your Very Own Self?

    No, of course you haven't.

    the reason?

    you have been, & are being, brainwashed by thee dominant paradigm...

    Wake Up my friends.

    Corporate control is not the dominant paradigm. That which you mayhaps perceive is Not the totality of reality.

    Rather, it is just a possibility amongst possibilities which is no more or less important than any other meaningless bit of errata.

    The alternative potentials are far sexier than petting Schrodinger's cat. If/Then binary options are a joke, a pleasurable & painful facade. Adding a 3rd potential to the equation is a farce, too. Rather, there are infinite possibilities for any one thing or infinite thingnesses. Explore them all, find a favorite, then condemn that one as a trap, too.

    checking out from this site, checking out from on-line. Gh0d help you all.

    Seriously & humorously,

    me. 23 Skidoo.... my lovely peeps

    <bounce> </bounce>

    pico secound ???

    coolllllll beans

    no caps even better !!!

    as for apple whinibg

    well its odd how 500 posts about a white io4 thathas not even been shown to exist yet can be the norm here

    f it this is my last ever post too

    halo awaits me
  • Reply 229 of 257
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Downloaded the file but when I select it in iTunes I get a cannot download because of firmware message.

    My iPod Touch 3G doesn't qualify?

    v 3.1.3 (7E18)

    model MC086J

    EDIT: Seems to be backing up fine now. It's morning now so maybe that's why it's finally going but I don't know what the time of day would have to do with iTunes backing up my iPod Touch.

  • Reply 230 of 257
    dtidmoredtidmore Posts: 145member
    From the start of the download, to completion of entire upgrade, reinstall apps, etc, was about 3 hours. Pretty heavy for a machine with NO music, and only 2GB of apps and associated data, but it did work. First performance impressions are positive. Can't say I detect any substantial improvement, but at the same time, no degradation from 3.1.3 levels. The real test was firing off CoPilot Live as it is computationally intensive. This app "feels" a bit snappier, but it might just be me. With a few hours of playing around on it, I can't find any reason to not do the upgrade on the 3G iPhone (ie device 1,2)

    Then I discovered a new feature. On ALL previous versions of the iphone os, my jawbone headset rang with a beep sound, regardless. Now with iOS4, whatever ringtone I have set (default or special) rings through on the jawbone. This is great as I now can set the iphone silent switch button to "silent" and still "handsfree" recognize random incoming calls from those of friends whom I have assigned specific ringtones (nice way to screen incoming calls). A really nice undocumented new feature!
  • Reply 231 of 257
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    From what I've heard Apple seemed really surprised by iPad sales. It could be that they decided to cut cost and watched how sales went.

    I don't think they held it back to not have it compete with laptop sales. They're many other factors which necessitate the need for a desktop.

    I surprised by the lack of foresight by Apple to not put in 512MB RAM. It is only two months old and it will be lacking features the new iPhone has.

    EDIT: I wouldn't be surprised by a September iPod event update. Chances are the iPod's memory will be doubled considering new 64GB chips are being made and it may also have camera. That would make the iPad seem a bit overpriced.

    I can't believe that Apple didn't know they were working on a video editing app for the iPhone when in the later stages of iPad hardware development. It's the same chip, and the same package, except for the amount of RAM, which a few people insisted couldn't be changed. I really do believe it's because Apple doesn't want too much cannibalization of the Macbook line - yet.

    It's not just the amount of memory that tells me this. It's the way they handle other things. You can't work with Canon CR2 or Nikon NEF files, though you can import them to the iPad. Third party software must go through the Photos app to get to the jpegs, and only the jpegs. This is just a bit of why companies won't be coming out with really good photo editing apps soon, unless iOS 4 changes this under the hood, though it doesn't seem as though it does right now.

    But Jobs describes video editing as one thing the iPad would do, so I assume that it will come at some point, but not for this model. Maybe next year, when Apple is confident that sales of iPads so far exceeds the more expensive Macbook line, that they will make much more with them than they will lose in Macbook sales.
  • Reply 232 of 257
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by espeed623 View Post

    Frankly, I was relatively happy. I say that because I've been a Mac user for well over 3 years and an iPod user for a little longer. I've loved the OS on the iPod and the general experience, but I was wanting something I wouldn't get. I was excited because I was expecting so much more from an OS update for a mobile device that ultimately disappointed me in the end.

    Before you decide to update an older device, you should understand exactly what features will, and won't be supported. Wallpapers aren't supported, because the device's processor isn't fast enough to do the work required for the 3D enhancements. Because of the lousy wallpapers some people will use, Apple enhanced the way icons will be represented so that they would stand out from those backgrounds. If a feature won't work well, Apple won't support it. So, sure, you can jailbreak your device and get this, but like most jailbreak software, it won't run well in devices it wasn't intended for.

    I can jailbreak my 3G iPhone and shoot video, but video from jailbroken phones is worthless, so whats the point? Multitasking on older iPhones and Touches, other than the last models, can't be done properly either because of the amount of RAM, etc. So why would you want it?

    Comparing it to a Pre isn't fair. The Pre is a newer device with a faster processor and more RAM. It's still a loser as a phone. Why do you think the company put itself up for sale?
  • Reply 233 of 257
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by dtidmore View Post

    From the start of the download, to completion of entire upgrade, reinstall apps, etc, was about 3 hours. Pretty heavy for a machine with NO music, and only 2GB of apps and associated data, but it did work. First performance impressions are positive. Can't say I detect any substantial improvement, but at the same time, no degradation from 3.1.3 levels. The real test was firing off CoPilot Live as it is computationally intensive. This app "feels" a bit snappier, but it might just be me. With a few hours of playing around on it, I can't find any reason to not do the upgrade on the 3G iPhone (ie device 1,2)

    Then I discovered a new feature. On ALL previous versions of the iphone os, my jawbone headset rang with a beep sound, regardless. Now with iOS4, whatever ringtone I have set (default or special) rings through on the jawbone. This is great as I now can set the iphone silent switch button to "silent" and still "handsfree" recognize random incoming calls from those of friends whom I have assigned specific ringtones (nice way to screen incoming calls). A really nice undocumented new feature!

    I was following the discussion in this thread about no longer being able to send pictures via MMS. I became a little lost and confused in the discussion, are you still able to send and receive pictures via MMS?
  • Reply 234 of 257
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    I was following the discussion in this thread about no longer being able to send pictures via MMS. I became a little lost and confused in the discussion, are you still able to send and receive pictures via MMS?

    There seems to be few inconsistent things that are happening with folks upgrading to iOS 4. One of those things is that some people couldn't do MMS after their upgrade. Mine was fine right after the upgrade (from 3GS).

    What confused me for several minutes was the new SMS character count feature. I remembered seeing it in action right after I upgraded, then this morning I couldn't get it to work anymore. Then I realized that the character count is hidden below the Send button and doesn't pop-up above the Send button until your SMS wraps around to a second line of text.

  • Reply 235 of 257
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Steve Jobs: Why iPhone 3G didn’t get iOS 4 wallpaper


    Erica emailed Steve Jobs to find out:

    Hey Steve! I just upgraded my iPhone 3G to iOS 4 and was really looking forward to setting a background on my home screen. Guess that’s not happening, but I’d like to know why.

    And Steve Jobs replied:

    The icon animation with backgrounds didn’t perform well enough.

    Well there it is from the source himself.
  • Reply 236 of 257
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    Did someone forget to take their meds today?

    Originally Posted by user23 View Post

    you all disgust me & enthrall me. Not "you", specifically, but, "you", the whiner & you, the one ensorcelled with-in-by Maya.

    you live in (most likely) an economically "privileged" country...yet, all you are seemingly capable of is complaining about how this sucks or how that sucks or how this should be this way or how this should be that way. Endless fingers pointing out the imperfection(s) which seemingly surround you...yet, truthfully, only exist within you.

    Give me, and give the planet, a break already. Compared to how the majority of the humans on this planet live, you are amongst the elite...the privileged...the few...the, cough-ahem, "chosen."

    despite this rarified atmosphere you breathe, you know neither know how to spell, how to use punctuation, or how to articulate the emotions you have long been disenfranchised from....potentially, alas & alack, from birth.

    Apple should do this, Apple should do that...This should have been done this way, this should have been done that way.....

    Have you EVER considered, for the merest of a picosecond, that you could do all of that which you perceive as lacking and more...for Your Very Own Self?

    No, of course you haven't.

    the reason?

    you have been, & are being, brainwashed by thee dominant paradigm...

    Wake Up my friends.

    Corporate control is not the dominant paradigm. That which you mayhaps perceive is Not the totality of reality.

    Rather, it is just a possibility amongst possibilities which is no more or less important than any other meaningless bit of errata.

    The alternative potentials are far sexier than petting Schrodinger's cat. If/Then binary options are a joke, a pleasurable & painful facade. Adding a 3rd potential to the equation is a farce, too. Rather, there are infinite possibilities for any one thing or infinite thingnesses. Explore them all, find a favorite, then condemn that one as a trap, too.

    checking out from this site, checking out from on-line. Gh0d help you all.

    Seriously & humorously,

    me. 23 Skidoo.... my lovely peeps

    <bounce> </bounce>

  • Reply 237 of 257
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    I'm mostly liking the iOS 4 upgrade so far. Folders are great and have helped me better organize pages of icons. Love the new integrated Inbox.

    I am noticing some sluggishness and slowness when accessing the App Store now, and the iBooks Store and application is painfully slow on an iPhone 3G. It takes about 5-8 seconds to flick to the next page. Annoying.

    I wish I was seeing better speed in other apps, but, they are mostly the same after about 24 hours of using iOS 4.

    Overall, the iOS 4 upgrade for an iPhone 3G provides a few key new features, but, most of the good stuff won't be available unless you have a 3GS or a new iPhone 4.
  • Reply 238 of 257
    Love the folders but my only problem is telling them apart in sunlight. The names are a bit small and the folder icons seem to look very similar when you have a page of folders.
  • Reply 239 of 257
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    The folders are great and now I have most of my most used apps all on the top page; no more flicking and flicking or searching. As people are saying, they do look the same. Would be nice if, in a future update, Apple gave us the ability to choose folder designs, even better if we could make our own. Currently, I make most of the ones for my Macs and would love to do the same for my phone.
  • Reply 240 of 257
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Just updated my iPod Touch 3G and it was worth any 1 second extra delay I have in opening an app.

    I had 3 pages of Japanese language apps that I consolidated down to 4 icons. Sweet!

    I was a little surprised though to learn that even those folders are limited in app quantities. What's the point in having a limit of 12 or so apps to one folder.

    I'll be buying the new iPhone this week in Osaka

    p.s. I think it would be super cool and geeky if we could import our own app icons we've made in say PS to use as folder icons. Easy to do on a Jailbroken iPhone for sure.
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