'Worst case' in iPhone reception issue: Apple gives away bumpers



  • Reply 121 of 171
    extremeskaterextremeskater Posts: 2,248member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Just that you're up to your usual willful misrepresentation of facts. But, now that your brother in arms tekstud has been banned again, I guess you have to pick up the slack. Troll on dude.

    Did you say something?
  • Reply 122 of 171
    oodlumoodlum Posts: 41member
    Originally Posted by chillin View Post

    All cell phones always have done this. All of them. Always. They've always done it.

    Then why does putting a case or bumper on the phone minimise the problem? That remedy comes from Apple themselves. The point is, all phones may exhibit this behaviour to some extent, but putting the antennae on the outside, allowing you to touch both at once, multiplied the problem to the nth degree.

    If you can't accept this, then you really are a mindless fanboi. I'm a big fan of Apple products but they really screwed the pooch on this one.

    If a case or bumper fixes the issue, essentially putting the antennae back inside the phone, it is a major design flaw. Period.
  • Reply 123 of 171
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    Strange that you get 7 vs 7. I checked the thread and the comparison shows 11 had problems and 5 did not.

    I will check again and post the post numbers of those that contained the data. Remember, I restricted my count to only those who said they actually owned the phone, not those who complained about what others had purportedly experienced.
  • Reply 124 of 171
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    Strange that you get 7 vs 7. I checked the thread and the comparison shows 11 had problems and 5 did not. Based on that I get approximately 69% who experienced problems against 31% who are problem free.

    However, since this is my first post here, I'll no doubt get the usual "you're a troll" response applied to those who don't follow the cheer book to the letter, so have at it.

    Never a good idea to preemptively assume the worst in us. No name-calling here unless you really earn it.

    Okay, I've gone over it twice and here's my result.

    No Problems: 7 (post #'s 31, 52, 54, 92, 100, 117), I didn't count #78 because it was somewhat ambiguous. I counted #117 because he said the problem fixed itself. #31 had two phones.

    Problems: 5 (post #'s 40, 45, 87, 96), #96 had two phones.

    I cannot find the other two nay-sayers I reported the first time. Maybe they took their posts down? Perhaps you can find them where I failed.

    Please be so kind as to specify where my math is "dodgy" by citing the post numbers of those I missed or mischaracterized in your opinion.

    Or maybe you're just a troll. Kidding . . . I hope.

    Again, I am only counting people who made it clear they actually have the phone themselves and are reporting on their personal experience.
  • Reply 125 of 171
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by oodlum View Post

    Then why does putting a case or bumper on the phone minimise the problem? That remedy comes from Apple themselves. The point is, all phones may exhibit this behaviour to some extent, but putting the antennae on the outside, allowing you to touch both at once, multiplied the problem to the nth degree.

    If you can't accept this, then you really are a mindless fanboi. I'm a big fan of Apple products but they really screwed the pooch on this one.

    If a case or bumper fixes the issue, essentially putting the antennae back inside the phone, it is a major design flaw. Period.

    I agree with you 100%. I am the biggest Apple supported there is. I brag about how great the Apple experience is and how they are the best products on the market. I have 2 iMacs a Macbook Pro a Macbook a iPad and 2 iPhones in my household right now.

    BUT my new iPhone 4 looses signal from FULL signal to SEARCHING if I hold my phone wrong!!!!!!

    Give me a break!!!!! How can anyone defend that! If I HOLD it wrong! C'mon give me a break...

    Apple needs to step up and get this resolved now........this does not seem like a software update fix.

    Now to get full functionality of my iPhone 4 I have to BUY a $30 rubber bumper?????

    That is just wrong!!!!! There is no way anyone can defend this hardware glitch!!

    My iPhone 3Gs worked flawlessly no matter how I held it.

    And to think I waited 4 hours in 100 degree Arizona heat to get this design flaw.
  • Reply 126 of 171
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    I agree with you 100%. I am the biggest Apple supported there is. I brag about how great the Apple experience is and how they are the best products on the market. I have 2 iMacs a Macbook Pro a Macbook a iPad and 2 iPhones in my household right now.

    BUT my new iPhone 4 looses signal from FULL signal to SEARCHING if I hold my phone wrong!!!!!!

    Give me a break!!!!! How can anyone defend that! If I HOLD it wrong! C'mon give me a break...

    Apple needs to step up and get this resolved now........this does not seem like a software update fix.

    Now to get full functionality of my iPhone 4 I have to BUY a $30 rubber bumper?????

    That is just wrong!!!!! There is no way anyone can defend this hardware glitch!!

    Are you speaking prospectively? Are you making a what-if statement, or have you experienced the problem you are describing? This is a sincere request for clarification, not being snarky.
  • Reply 127 of 171
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by BartBuzz View Post

    Let me see if I can explain this.

    1. Users report loss of reception problems.

    2. Apple suggests using a rubber bumper to improve reception.

    3. Another user points out a possible relationship between using a bumper and condensation.

    4. If 1=2=3, then maybe there is a relationship?


    What does condensation have to do with this story?

    Rubber (in the bumpers) comes from Brazil.

    Brazil in in the southern hemisphere.

    Antarctica (in the southern hemisphere) is where the thinnest layer of ozone is.

    The lack of ozone is contributing to global warming.

    Global warming is melting the polar ice caps.

    Melting polar ice caps will raise the level of the ocean.

    The ocean raising will devour the coast lines.

    So Apple (in Cupertino), will soon be underwater because the iPhone has a bad signal???


    I'm not sure condensation is an issue but Russell is obliged to make his point.

    Who cares if it is an issue? Why is it relevant to this story?
  • Reply 128 of 171
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    I will check again and post the post numbers of those that contained the data. Remember, I restricted my count to only those who said they actually owned the phone, not those who complained about what others had purportedly experienced.

    I did as you did, counting only those explicitly stating that they have an iPhone 4 and noted all those who claimed they had reception issues vs those claiming they didn't. 16 iPhone 4 references in this thread in total.

    The point remains that we're seeing an unusually high percentage of respondents with reception issues. Far higher than any previously reported problem with Apple kit that I'm aware of. I don't believe we can put this down to some kind of conspiracy to damage the iPhone 4's reputation.

    Whether or not the issue is a serious one is up to the owner, but we're past the point where there's doubt that the issue is widespread. Even if 10% of the iPhones were affected, that would still be widespread in my estimation.

    I wonder how many of the people who are pooh-poohing the problem would turn down a free replacement from Apple if it were offered.

    Not many I'll wager.
  • Reply 129 of 171
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Do you actually have one now, or are you speaking prospectively? When you say "my new iPhone 4" are you making a what-if statement, or have you experienced the problem you are describing? This is a sincere request for clarification, not being snarky.

    Please reread my post. It said I waited 4 hours in the 100 degree Arizona heat to get one. I have it and I can watch it go from a full signal to 'searching" in a matter of 10 seconds......right in front of my eyes........
  • Reply 130 of 171
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    I did as you did, counting only those explicitly stating that they have an iPhone 4 and noted all those who claimed they had reception issues vs those claiming they didn't. 16 iPhone 4 references in this thread in total.

    I'd really prefer you call me on my specific errors rather than just reiterating your earlier total--basically just saying you're right and I'm wrong.
  • Reply 131 of 171
    tammyttammyt Posts: 20member
    User error? Design flaw? Neither.

    So many people are totally unaware of a thing called "manufacturing error".

    (Apple does not manufacture *ANY* iPhone. Never has. Never will.)

    The simple reason why 1000s of phones have this problem... and 100000s do NOT:

    The company that builds the phone (not Apple) let a small number of phones slip through quality-control inspections.

    *ALL* iPhone4s should have an insulating coating on the antenna.... but a small percent of them were accidentally shipped without it.

    Here's an instant 3/8" solution for a few cents at your local store:

  • Reply 132 of 171
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    Please reread my post. It said I waited 4 hours in the 100 degree Arizona heat to get one. I have it and I can watch it go from a full signal to 'searching" in a matter of 10 seconds......right in front of my eyes........

    I did, actually, and edited my post to reflect missing your last section.

    Bummer for you, I am sorry. I hope that in usage that it resolves itself as at least one other has reported.
  • Reply 133 of 171
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by TammyT View Post

    User error? Design flaw? Neither.

    So many people are totally unaware of a thing called "manufacturing error".

    (Apple does not manufacture *ANY* iPhone. Never has. Never will.)

    The simple reason why 1000s of phones have this problem... and 100000s do NOT:

    The company that builds the phone (not Apple) let a small number of phones slip through quality-control inspections.

    *ALL* iPhone4s should have an insulating coating on the antenna.... but a small percent of them were accidentally shipped without it.

    Here's an instant 3/8" solution for a few cents at your local store:


    Would love to, but Safari give me an error on this address. EDIT: Never mind, got it. Are you being serious? Do you have a source for this information about the missing coating, or are you speculating as to the cause. Hope you are right, would love to see such a clear resolution.
  • Reply 134 of 171
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by TammyT View Post

    User error? Design flaw? Neither.

    So many people are totally unaware of a thing called "manufacturing error".

    (Apple does not manufacture *ANY* iPhone. Never has. Never will.)

    The simple reason why 1000s of phones have this problem... and 100000s do NOT:

    The company that builds the phone (not Apple) let a small number of phones slip through quality-control inspections.

    *ALL* iPhone4s should have an insulating coating on the antenna.... but a small percent of them were accidentally shipped without it.

    Here's an instant 3/8" solution for a few cents at your local store:


    I agree with you that Apple did not make the phone...... BUT they did design the phone and gave the design to the manufacturers to manufacture. They didn't just say "hey we want a phone made...what ever you design and make we will put our brand on it"

    Apple was involved every step of the way they cannot deny culpability on this design flaw. they designed the phone......they might not have technically made the phone but c'mon here this is an Apple product. It does not have any other name on it!
  • Reply 135 of 171
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    I'd really prefer you call me on my specific errors rather than just reiterating your earlier total--basically just saying you're right and I'm wrong.

    You posted again before I had a chance to go back through the posts and note them individually.

    Here they are:





    #45 (x3)


    #87 (x2)



    #113 (Ambiguous)


    No problems:

    #31 (x2)



    That's 13 problem phones if you include the ambiguous post, 12 if you don't, but one of those 12 references his friend so we're back to 11.

    Seems I counted an extra "no problems" where none existed the first time through, so 4 iPhone 4s had no problems whatsoever.

    As mentioned in my last response, but to avoid repeating the whole thing, even if we disagree about one or two instances, it's undeniable that the ratio of problem to non-problem is pretty compelling evidence that the issue is widespread.

    Note that I said evidence, not proof.

  • Reply 136 of 171
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    You posted again before I had a chance to go back through the posts and note them individually.

    Here they are:





    #45 (x3)


    #87 (x2)



    #113 (Ambiguous)


    No problems:

    #31 (x2)



    That's 13 problem phones if you include the ambiguous post, 12 if you don't, but one of those 12 references his friend so we're back to 11.

    Seems I counted an extra "no problems" where none existed the first time through, so 4 iPhone 4s had no problems whatsoever.

    As mentioned in my last response, but to avoid repeating the whole thing, even if we disagree about one or two instances, it's undeniable that the ratio of problem to non-problem is pretty compelling evidence that the issue is widespread.

    Note that I said evidence, not proof.

    If you want more look in the Apple Discussions Forums...


    More and more people are reporting signal loss issues. Some from the proximity sensor to the way they hold the phone..

    Oh and you forgot my post #128
  • Reply 137 of 171
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Never a good idea to preemptively assume the worst in us. No name-calling here unless you really earn it.

    Okay, I've gone over it twice and here's my result.

    No Problems: 7 (post #'s 31, 52, 54, 92, 100, 117), I didn't count #78 because it was somewhat ambiguous. I counted #117 because he said the problem fixed itself. #31 had two phones.

    Problems: 5 (post #'s 40, 45, 87, 96), #96 had two phones.

    I cannot find the other two nay-sayers I reported the first time. Maybe they took their posts down? Perhaps you can find them where I failed.

    Please be so kind as to specify where my math is "dodgy" by citing the post numbers of those I missed or mischaracterized in your opinion.

    Or maybe you're just a troll. Kidding . . . I hope.

    Again, I am only counting people who made it clear they actually have the phone themselves and are reporting on their personal experience.

    The reply above should clarify my critique. BTW, although I've only just started posting here, I have been a regular reader of the news page threads for years, and I have seen, numerous times, people not toeing the Apple line in their first post being accused in that same thread of trolling, some deserving of the accusation, but others not. So I have no illusion that I'm going to be exempt.

    We shall see (and I'm giving you a pass for the comment above on the basis that you were actually joking).
  • Reply 138 of 171
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    If you want more look in the Apple Discussions Forums...


    More and more people are reporting signal loss issues. Some from the proximity sensor to the way they hold the phone..

    Oh and you forgot my post #128

    Whoops - sorry 'bout that. In a rush to post so Robin and I can find some common ground so we can move on. The numbers are important but the ratio is the real story I think.

    Thanks for the link - I'll check it out.
  • Reply 139 of 171
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Hi friends, Goldie Wilson III for Wilson iPhone-Conversion Systems.. You know, when my grandpa was mayor of Hill Valley, he had to worry about signal problems. But now, you don't have to worry about signal! I'll bumper-convert your old iphone into a skyway caller. For only $39,999.95. So come on down and see me, Goldie Wilson III, at any one of our 29 convenient locations. Remember, keep 'em talkin.
  • Reply 140 of 171
    souliisoulsouliisoul Posts: 827member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You know whats funny about all this, if this was a new Android phone or something put out by RIM everyone on this forum would be taking about how others don't live up to Apple standards before any true tests came out. Because its Apple now everyone wants to wait and give Apple months to test before coming to a conclusion.

    Funny shouldn't they have done all their testing before the release date?

    Looks like Apple has now become big enough where they are the new Microsoft. Beta product right into production and fix the problems later.

    I agree with you until last paragraph, now you need to keep taking those pills 3 times a day. I always seen to observe your comments, when Apple have an issue.
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