Wireless experts weigh in on iPhone 4 reception issues



  • Reply 141 of 380
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Today I went to an O2 store in a town near me that's gets Edge not 3G and with my Vodafone iPhone 4 tried on 2 cases one plasic and one rubber. At the front of the store I had five bars then holding the phone naturally with no case it dropped to no service, with the case it dropped to 2 bars and no lower. Both cases seemed exactly the same for reception quality. I also tested standing further into the store. Without touching the lower left corner got 2 bars with no case it quickly fell to no service with each case and holding the phone naturally, it fell to no service but took a few seconds longer.

    I also tried one of the display iPhone 4's. It was showing 5 bars on o2's 3G. When I held the lower left corner it fairly quickly, 10 seconds fell to 2 bars and stayed there, quickly going back to 5 bars when I took my hand away.

    The good news then is that cases make a noticeable difference but in lower reception areas aren't enough to prevent no service.

    It has been reported that even though there was a drop in bars the phone still worked. It would appear that your iPhone was still operational at 2 bars for sure and based on your last statement you were still able to communicate?

    Were you able to make calls when no bars were being displayed?

    Would certainly be interested in where you are located. Is it regional? Does everybody in your region observing the same problem?

    And one other question. Is it possible that some of the iPhone antennas were manufactured, processed or assembled differently. Or even coated?
  • Reply 142 of 380
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    What are the first 5 digits of everyone with an iPhone 4?
    Mine is: 88022

    Factory: 88 . .= ???

    . .Year: . 0 . = 2010

    . .Week: . .22 = May 30th?June 5th?

    Mine is 86025

    I only see bars lower when I'm in an area of weak 3g service to begin with and even then it doesn't affect download speeds terribly bad

    Battery life is fantastic as a side note
  • Reply 143 of 380
    stonefreestonefree Posts: 242member
    The Apple apologists are amazing. Apple could ship a Macbook with a Q key that didn't work, and they'd argue that hardly any words use the letter Q and you can always buy a bluetooth keyboard if you really need it.

    iPhone 4 is amazing - if only I could rely on it to not drop calls.
  • Reply 144 of 380
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by tekbeattv View Post

    Hey Guys,

    Yea I posted a reception video on youtube as a sample to see the bars drop (mine drop FAST):


    I also followed up with testing it with a case as well as making my way to a store to ask the fantastic apple reps:


    My conclusion is the same as the PH.D in the article, fantastic device, lousy phone capabilities .




    First of all, get a manicure or clean your fingernails.

    Second if you want to demonstrate the effect, wouldn't it be better to slide the unlock slider (and possibly set the timeout setting) so the iPhone doesn't keep going to sleep.

    Third: Who are you? What are your credentials/motivation? Did you actual buy the iPhone for personal use? Have you ever used an iPhone? You really don't seem to know the basics of operating an iPhone:

    -- Step 1: press the home button

    -- Step 2: slide the "slide to unlock" slider (I must admit that this step is a toughie, and non-intuitive).

    Without some more background, you come across as: a spreader of schadenfreude; someone who is after his 15 minutes of fame; a whiney guy after some sort of free case-- apparently Apple offered a replacement iPhone, but you declined to even consider that offer, as you were after getting, or being refused, a free case!

    That's the way I read your post and video.

    What is even more interesting is your history on AI:

    Join Date


    Total Posts


  • Reply 145 of 380
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by johnnyb0731 View Post

    Mine is 86025

    I only see bars lower when I'm in an area of weak 3g service to begin with and even then it doesn't affect download speeds terribly bad

    Battery life is fantastic as a side note

    Were you able to make calls?

    By the way, I live somewhat out in the country and close by there is an area of rolling hills which causes the bars to fall precipitously and even drop calls. However, I was able to resolve the issue by a hint I found last year, i.e., I shut off 3G. Works every time.
  • Reply 146 of 380
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    Were you able to make calls?

    Yep, that hasn't been a problem
  • Reply 147 of 380
    zoolookzoolook Posts: 657member
    Originally Posted by Hodar View Post

    What a twit!! "I smoke and don't have cancer - therefore there is no such thing as cancer". Let me take a wild guess .... Democrat voter.

    WHile I agree with the sentiment that an anecdote doesn't mean anything, isn't it usually Republicans that are always in denial? Drilling is safe, salt in food is fine, excluding millions from healthcare won't have any impact on society... etc...
  • Reply 148 of 380
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    Fear is a better motivator than reverence. I guarantee you the job for antenna engineer hirings are due to people who've been fired.

    Please cite a reference and link supporting your assertion!

  • Reply 149 of 380
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    It has been reported that even though there was a drop in bars the phone still worked. It would appear that your iPhone was still operational at 2 bars for sure and based on your last statement you were still able to communicate?

    Were you able to make calls when no bars were being displayed?

    Would certainly be interested in where you are located. Is it regional? Does everybody in your region observing the same problem?

    And one other question. Is it possible that some of the iPhone antennas were manufactured, processed or assembled differently. Or even coated?

    I didn't try any calls in the store.

    My iPhone will only give a failed call right before or at the same time it says no service same goes with the Internet, pages will completely stop loading when no service comes up. 2 bars and I get Internet and no dropped calls.

    I'm in the Borders, Scotland. I don't know anyone else with an iPhone 4. As I've driven around this area (20 mile radius) the same reception issues have happened everywhere.

    I've no idea about the coatings etc on iPhones and whether they vary but I suspect they don't. It's warm here for Scotland and I have noticed that when my hands are hot and slightly sweaty the problem is more pronounced than when I'm inactive and my hands are very dry.
  • Reply 150 of 380
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by johnnyb0731 View Post

    Mine is 86025

    I only see bars lower when I'm in an area of weak 3g service to begin with and even then it doesn't affect download speeds terribly bad

    Battery life is fantastic as a side note

    Mine is 88021
  • Reply 151 of 380
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    Or it could be Steve Jobs is pissed about this whole antenna issue and fired the group responsible for it. Now he needs people to fill their shoes.

    Possibly! But, then I'd expect to see some "wrongful termination" lawsuits and some heavy blog activity by the terminees! Seems they could get quite a forum for their issues!

    That said, I like the way they did it in the old days:

    Thomas Watson Sr. joined NCR as a salesman in Buffalo, New York in October of 1895. He was to become a protégé of Patterson, only to leave NCR in favor of an even more impressive task: the making of IBM.

    Watson became enormously popular with the NCR sales force and Patterson reportedly grew envious. Watson’s behavior became increasingly confident and began to oppose some of Patterson’s policies. In literally a fiery end, Patterson “fired” Watson (upon returning from a trip to Europe, reportedly Watson found his desk burning out on the lawn in front of headquarters). At age 40 he left NCR...

  • Reply 152 of 380
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    I find it amusing how Apple proudly promoted there is no right or wrong way to hold the iPad. Great design !! Designing a product that fits the user. Apple took a compete 180 on the iPhone 4. There is suddenly a right and wrong way to hold their newest product. And the way many people normally hold a cell phone is now the wrong way. The user now has to adapt to the product.
  • Reply 153 of 380
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    My phone doesn't have any issues with reception, service or throughput when I touch "the spot".

    Are you referring to "the 3G spot"

  • Reply 154 of 380
    sacto joesacto joe Posts: 895member
    Originally Posted by Hodar View Post

    "I smoke and don't have cancer - therefore there is no such thing as cancer".

    Here's a newflash for you .... cell phones are analog in nature, there is some level of signal that is required to defeat background noise and establish a signal. If you are in a high coverage area - you will find it almost impossible to block the signal. Use a metal coin, heck - weld the silly gap with gold. The strength of the signal will blast through loud and clear.

    But, go for a hike, or drive your car away from the high signal areas, and get a flat tire. Enjoy trying to call for help when you drop the call every time you touch your phone. Not everyone lives and works next to a tower - and sooner or later you will travel to an area with poor coverage. Then you too will discover the joy of dropping calls, or losing service by simply touching the phone.

    And when some idiot (hello Stevie) says "You are holding the phone wrong"; you will want to stick your phone in a very unhygenic place. All you have to do is touch the phone - or even lay it in your palm.

    As another poster cleverly pointed out.... what an amazing coincidence that the first time that Apple has ever made a case for an iPhone, the case is the only product that makes their iPhone useable.

    "...drive your car away from the high signal areas, and get a flat tire. " Aside from your penchant for the put-down, you clearly aren't a believer in "hands-free phone calls". In my state (California), it is illegal to make a call without using a hand-free device. Now, call me crazy, but if you've got a flat and you're having a problem calling and touching the phone and it doesn't occur to you to, like, lay the phone flat and use the speakerphone, then what's to stop you from USING YOUR HANDS-FREE DEVICE to call with?!

    You're really stretching on this one. I suspect you're purposefully trying to cast aspersions on Apple. Like Shakespeare said, "The [gentleman] doth protest too much, methinks."

    If it looks like a troll and it smells like a troll, it's probably a troll....
  • Reply 155 of 380
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Possibly! But, then I'd expect to see some "wrongful termination" lawsuits and some heavy blog activity by the terminees! Seems they could get quite a forum for their issues!

    Can't say I have ever witnessed such activity. Not the right thing to do especially today if you want to get back in the corporate world.

    And if you were to sue for 'wrongful termination' broadcasting by blogging your mouth off is something your lawyer would not advice.
  • Reply 156 of 380
    sacto joesacto joe Posts: 895member
    Originally Posted by Sacto Joe View Post

    In my state (California), it is illegal to make a call without using a hand-free device.

    Sorry. I should have added "while driving".
  • Reply 157 of 380
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Possibly! But, then I'd expect to see some "wrongful termination" lawsuits

    How would that be wrongful termination ? Their work didn't meet Apple standards, so they we terminated. Nothing unlawful. Happens all the time everywhere. Of course this is just speculation. But this is a very possible scenario. Its painfully obvious the pros/cons of this antenna design was not fully tested. They should be fired!
  • Reply 158 of 380
    str1f3str1f3 Posts: 573member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Please cite a reference and link supporting your assertion!


    So Apple is going to hire more people when they already hired people who worked on the new antenna system?

    Exactly how many people should work on an antenna? I'm sure it's a coincidencethat it's a tipoff especially when the dates coincide with the public acknowledgment of the antenna problems.

    Knowing Jobs I'm sure he's the type to keep people around after they failed at their responsibilities.
  • Reply 159 of 380
    hodarhodar Posts: 360member
    Originally Posted by Sacto Joe View Post

    "...drive your car away from the high signal areas, and get a flat tire. " Aside from your penchant for the put-down, you clearly aren't a believer in "hands-free phone calls". In my state (California), it is illegal to make a call without using a hand-free device. Now, call me crazy, but if you've got a flat and you're having a problem calling and touching the phone and it doesn't occur to you to, like, lay the phone flat and use the speakerphone, then what's to stop you from USING YOUR HANDS-FREE DEVICE to call with?!

    You're really stretching on this one. I suspect you're purposefully trying to cast aspersions on Apple. Like Shakespeare said, "The [gentleman] doth protest too much, methinks."

    If it looks like a troll and it smells like a troll, it's probably a troll....

    Obviosly common sense isn't one of your strong suits. This may come as a shock to you, but if you have a flat tire, the odds are that (everyone but you) will pull to the side of the road - thus NOT NEED TO USE A HEADSET. Ask Mommy to explain this one to you, as you failed this test miserably.

    How about you are hiking in the mountains, and get bit by a Timber Rattler, or fall down and break a leg, or wish to report a fire - the phone doesn't work when you touch it - and you are blind enough to think that this isn't a problem!! What's the point of having a cell phone?

    Me, I expect and demand a product to perform as advertized. I expect my cell phone to work as a cell phone - everywhere that there is a signal.

    Now, if you want to be a fanboi, that's your right. But be intellectually honest and say "I don't care how poorly designed an Apple product is, as long as it has the Logo - why, it's the best thing out there. I'm a fanboi and will gratify every urge Stevie has". Wear your Fanboi badge with pride, tell the world that they should simply use Bluetooth headsets and tape the iPhone to a stick to hold high over their heads.
  • Reply 160 of 380
    hodarhodar Posts: 360member
    Originally Posted by str1f3 View Post

    So Apple is going to hire more people when they already hired people who worked on the new antenna system?

    Exactly how many people should work on an antenna?

    How many Apple engineers does it take to design a cell phone antenna?
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