Wireless experts weigh in on iPhone 4 reception issues



  • Reply 201 of 380
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member
    ...and here's the expert testimony needed for that lawsuit.

    I'd suggest that Apple start "appeasing" those that complain with free bumpers now and foregoing the revenue before that lawsuit takes off and they are forced to give up free bumpers and compensate those that had to pay contract termination fees and now want out of their current AT&T/iPhone contract.
  • Reply 202 of 380
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    That's not true at all. When I make calls as I have always done since the launch of the 3G I naturally hold the phone in a way that that causes this issue. a) Because your hands up to your ear and therefore you can't see where your hand is, b) because I'm only ever using one hand as opposed to two I have less leeway how I hold it and c) because it's less parrallel to the ground I have more chance of the phone slipping out of my hand because it's not wresting on my thumb muscle and palm. Therefore making calls is the least comfortable and most tedious part of this issue, and it's often more important not to lose a call than it is to briefly have a web page not load.

    Maybe what your saying has some truth for some people but I would be happy to bet it's a very small percentage.

    I mentioned this in another thread,
    but I think it's worth mentioning it again here.

    Some of the "dropped call" issues might have nothing to do with the antenna, but could perhaps be related to the known issues with the proximity sensor. Just a conjecture, though.
  • Reply 203 of 380
    svnippsvnipp Posts: 430member
    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post

    Has anyone bothered to include the height & weight of the testers in their results of iPhone4 signal testing? Or maybe Body Mass Index? It seems like the density and thickness of any surface obstructing the wireless signals may affect the results. Skeletor Steve Jobs may never have any signal loss since he is so thin & frail, but your average American fatty might see problems, and a sumo wrestler might not get any signal at all.

    You might actually be on to something here, but I doubt the stats you are talking about would be very useful. I think this is really going to have more to do with the physiology and composition of the hands involved rather than physical fitness. Looking at the results from the Anand piece though, I would guess that you are going to get proportionate results regardless of the makeup of any specific hand. Some NBA star is generally going to create more attenuation than say a 5'2" 110 lbs woman, that's simply the nature of the problem. However, the proportional difference from phone to phone should be relatively the same regardless of who's paws you use.
  • Reply 204 of 380
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    If Apple can't resolve the problem by a software fix, mechanically modifying or replacing the antenna, they will recall and replace the product, or refund it accordingly.

    But Apple is claiming there is no issue. They claim this is normal for a cell phone. And no warranty work will be done for this issue. So why do they need to resolve anything ?
  • Reply 205 of 380
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    But Apple is claiming there is no issue. This is normal for a cell phone. And no warranty work will be done for this issue. So why do they need to resolve anything ?

    Oh, give it a break. Yes, there are some real issues, but there's no reason for this continual nonsense posting. Give them a chance to determine what exactly the issues are and see what they do. One week isn't enough time.

    Continual posting like this indicates that you are either in the midst of a psychotic break over the issue, or that your only purpose is to slam Apple on any pretense available. It certainly doesn't contribute anything to understanding or resolving the issue.

    By the way, do you actually even own an iPhone 4? What exactly is the root of your frenzied anger on the subject?
  • Reply 206 of 380
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Sorry! But, I quoted your post for a reason-- not that you suggested firings, but you suggested that "fired" employees wouldn't sue or blog!

    You are, likely, correct that fired employees wouldn't sue or blog in a very competitive job market!

    However, these are relatively specialized "expert" jobs in a small tightly-knit, networked, technical community with several back-channels! Any former Apple Engineers coming available would surely be noticed... Like the Palm employees leaving HP.


    There are wrongful lawsuits filed by Palm employees?

    Except for one, I haven't heard of anybody being fired at BP in the last few months and I am sure a lot of folks are monitoring them by the second.
  • Reply 207 of 380
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    make a case to sell for $29 that will pull a fast one over each and every customer. That is absurd!

    Apple has already stated that the customer should buy a case if they have this issue. Don't you think Apple should be including these covers for free with the iPhone ? It's obvious this phone has an issue.
  • Reply 208 of 380
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    I mentioned this in another thread,
    but I think it's worth mentioning it again here.

    Some of the "dropped call" issues may have nothing to do with the antenna, but may be related to the known issues with the proximity sensor.

    I haven't experienced any problems with the proximity sensor. I can take the phone away from my ear quickly and move it back quickly with no issues. When my calls fail "call failed" pops up on the screen. My home landline also disconnects the call right before my iPhone which then a few seconds later goes to "no service". Others may well have had issues, but luckily not me. Thanks for pointing it out though.
  • Reply 209 of 380
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Oh, give it a break. Yes, there are some real issues, but there's no reason for this continual nonsense posting. Give them a chance to determine what exactly the issues are and see what they do. One week isn't enough time.

    But Apple is not saying they are investigating any issues. Or just remaining quiet. They say there are no issues. That's the issue that is pissing people off.
  • Reply 210 of 380
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    Apple has already stated that the customer should buy a case if they have this issue. Don't you think Apple should be including these covers for free with the iPhone ? It's obvious this phone has an issue.

    Yes they should and it's outrageous they haven't.
  • Reply 211 of 380
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    But Apple is claiming there is no issue. They claim this is normal for a cell phone. And no warranty work will be done for this issue. So why do they need to resolve anything ?

    I ask again, show me the evidence were it implicitly show that Apple claimed "there is no issue." Or that no warranty work will be done.

    If it is an antenna issue, Apple will be required to go back to the Government FCC approved laboratories and retest the iPHone before submission or face a government forced recall. And until Apple is able to hone in on the problem specifically, there can't resolve it.

    Is it a design, materials, manufacturing, packaging, firmware or software problem? Is it the antenna itself? Is it the proximity sensor? Or is it something that is attached to it? Who knows? Certainly nobody here or anybody else at this point.

    And anybody that thinks that Apple doesn't care is an idiot.
  • Reply 212 of 380
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    But Apple is not saying they are investigating any issues. Or just remaining quiet. They say there are no issues. That's the issue that is pissing people off.

    They aren't saying that they aren't investigating any issues, and if they were, but hadn't reached conclusions, one would expect them to remain quiet until they do. And they have not said there are no issues either. You're hysterical. You're getting more hysterical by the moment. And your assertions are getting wilder by the moment too.

    Is there someone there with you? Just ask them to slap you really hard across the face. Maybe that will snap you back to reality.
  • Reply 213 of 380
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    I ask again, show me the evidence were it implicitly show that Apple claimed "there is no issue." Or that no warranty work will be done.

  • Reply 214 of 380
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    And they have not said there are no issues either.

    What does this imply ?

  • Reply 215 of 380
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    Or that no warranty work will be done.

    Apple have made it completely clear to me, almost text book to what that leaked memo to staff read, that they will not replace the phone over antenna issues caused by holding the phone in the usual manner. I guess I could go 50 plus miles to the nearest Apple store and see what happens but on the phone they stated that position clearly as did their technician in level 2.
  • Reply 216 of 380
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member

    Sorry, that's not an official Apple press release. That's AI saying they heard a rumor that someone said...

    See, your capacity to make reasoned judgments is already gone. You'll be trying to hurt yourself shortly.
  • Reply 217 of 380
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by ski1 View Post

    We don't know if a coating will solve the issue. Nor do we know about the durability of a coating. If a coating will truly solve the issue, and be durable, Apple should be doing this right now !!! Why aren't they doing it now then ?

    It would be an admission of a flaw. A coating would probably help, might wear off eventually for some rough handling cases. Most people are expected to get a bumper/case anyway and many are in a high signal strength location where it is a not-issue.

    Some people say that they can make calls where they used to be unable to. If you know how to hold the phone for optimal reception, when in a marginal situation and need to make a call, just hold it lightly. When in a high signal zone hold it any way you like.
  • Reply 218 of 380
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Anand the shrimp is far from an expert when it doesn't come to the shrimp fest. He's a kid with lots of time on his hands.

    Regardless of this, I think apple did mess this phone up big time. My most important worry is a health one, that is that when the signal degrades that equates with more S.A.R., at lest that's my uninoformed opinion. Even if this is not the case apple has a stunning device with the best and most mature mobile os. It's a shame about the shitty antenna (or whatever combination of factors) design but we must accept the fact that even apple is not infallible despite the great talent working for them and the impecable leadership.

    This to me is a test they were bound to be put in eventually and they should fix this, quickly, even if it means a partial product recall. Being good at something, means overcoming the hurdles too, and anyway we cut it this is a big hurdle. But if they handle this properly they could even strengthen their reputation.
  • Reply 219 of 380
    ski1ski1 Posts: 251member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Sorry, that's not an official Apple press release. That's AI saying they heard a rumor that someone said...

    See, your capacity to make reasoned judgments is already gone. You'll be trying to hurt yourself shortly.

    Hmmm, So I guess all the new reports from customers that state Apple now refuses to replace their phone because Apple says it's a normal issue, is rumor and false too ? Could be false. Believe what you want to believe.
  • Reply 220 of 380
    paulmjohnsonpaulmjohnson Posts: 1,380member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Pissed at what? That sounds a lot like you are saying the iPhone 4 is flawed by design (despite not affecting all users) and that it was the antenna designers that forced Apple to make the antenna external. Does any of that really seem likely to you?

    I'm with you on this. I'd be surprised if the antenna designers had not pointed out the fact that there will be attenuation when the antenna is held, and I suspect Apple decided that the benefits of the case being the antenna (and the data that this article is based on shows there is a benefit to the iPhone 4 design, except when held in a certain way) outweighed the negatives of people holding it in a certain way having problems. Maybe they did create the bumper to get around the problem, but I and everyone else here doesn't know for sure.

    However, we're definitely adding 2+2 and getting 7 if we think the fact that Apple are hiring antenna designers means they have just fired the ones they have. Apple are a company both in the wireless industry and growing in the wireless industry. I'd be amazed if they are not always on the look out for good antenna guys.

    I bet they have some jobs posted for OS programmers as well - any speculation that they have just sacked all their OS people?
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