Tense Apple-AT&T iPhone partnership nearly ended multiple times



  • Reply 41 of 153
    theothergeofftheothergeoff Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    All partnerships have issues. Each wants what is best for their customers.....sometimes they are in conflict.

    Welcome to Business 101.

    Each want what is best for their shareholders. Jobs said so much on Friday.

    As a T customer and shareholder, I get much more satisfaction from my dividends than from my services.
  • Reply 42 of 153
    isaidsoisaidso Posts: 750member
    I don't think Sam quite gets the distinction between a "report" and an "article".
  • Reply 43 of 153
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    They do rent on occasions though:

    That might be resolved with Verizon switching to GSM:


    GSM is a far more prevalent network format so it makes more sense for Verizon to go GSM so that the same iPhone can work on both networks.

    This is not a suit, it's a tuxedo.
  • Reply 44 of 153
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Funny how the people who criticize Apple for 'form over function' jump on Jobs for what he wears.

    Did I say anything about form over function? It was more a statement about etiquette verses arrogance.
  • Reply 45 of 153
    macnycmacnyc Posts: 342member
    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    All partnerships have issues. Each wants what is best for their customers.....sometimes they are in conflict.

    Welcome to Business 101.

    AT&T wants what's best for it's customers? On what planet?
  • Reply 46 of 153
    jdsonicejdsonice Posts: 156member
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    I completely agree that "We're Apple. We don't wear suits. We don't even own suits." needs to be their new slogan. Seriously.

    Maybe it is time for AT&T's board to take that stick out of their collective a******? Who in the real world cares about suits and ties. Apple save AT&T from itself and this is how they repay them?

    If AT&T spent as much time fixing its netowork as worrying about who wears what the network would actually work and perform as concived.

    oh well

  • Reply 47 of 153
    Another fine article contributed by and supports with copious quotes from Anonymous. Anyone who has been on the teh internets know of the lauded and imppecable source (not to mention widsom and source of pithy and pointed quotes) that is teh Anonymous.

    That aside let's look at some of these lovely responses:


    The Sooner the Better.

    Perhaps for Apple, not for Verizon. However Verizon wants this in a kind of love/hate sort of way - they NEED to recover the defectors over at ATT on iPhones, but they know what to expect in partnering with Apple - a tough partner who doesn't give ground easily on the usual excuses. You know the exec's from both companies do cocktails and talk about this stuff all the time.


    What about T-Mobile?

    Ahhh - you must mean the T-Mobile that has a whopping 12% of the US carrier market, just recently over-taken by Sprint Nextel at 12.1%, and compares to Verizon (31%) and ATT (25%) in totally obscure ways not reflected by marketshare I guess. Oh wait it must be the coverage... orrrr not. Yep not.


    Jobs looks stupid...

    By far the most erudite and senstive comment made thus far. I can only image the hours spent by the commenter in front of the mirror primping a proper corporate Brooks Brothers uniform for the trip to the office. I work in a Fortune 50 company and that statement was so off the wall that I ran it past the whole crew here - thanks for the humor - you made a lot of people very amused today.


    I bet Verizon won't.

    I want to play cards with you. Really. Verizon has lost a chunk of subscribers to ATT because of the iPhone, and the Android framework has not captured the consumer mindset by storm as they had hoped. And Verizon is being slow at getting updates out for the Android kit as it is. No, if they can craft a deal with Apple for the iPhone to regain their losses to ATT you KNOW they will go there. Wearing jeans and mock-turtlenecks if needed to get the job done.

    So yeah, I love good fiction - rocky lovestories especially, and this is both.
  • Reply 48 of 153
    eacummeacumm Posts: 93member
    Originally Posted by MSF View Post

    I bet Verizon won't!

    Please Verizon has done everything but get on there knees, and I don't mean to beg Steve Jobs.
  • Reply 49 of 153
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Did I say anything about form over function? It was more a statement about etiquette verses arrogance.

    Arrogance is to tell Jobs to wear a suit when seeing your BoD (AT&T's arrogance) or that he doesn't understand what appropriate attire is to meet with a BoD given he's on the BoD of Disney (your arrogance).
  • Reply 50 of 153
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Did I say anything about form over function? It was more a statement about etiquette verses arrogance.

    Is it more arrogant to expect jeans and a business casual shirt, or a Brooks Brothers suit and tie?

    Moreover, referencing the LARGE photo of Jobs in a tuxedo (uber suit for those of you who haven't ever seen one), it appears that Mr. Jobs in fact knows how to dress situationally appropriate when needed.

    If you are hopeless wedded to large corporate culture, memes and standards then yes, I guess you would be excessively concerned about "etiquette" versus getting business done. And before you launch into some silly cross-cultural diatribe to defend this silliness, my company is a global Fortune 50, we work seamlessly across the globe dressed in business casual no matter what global region we are in. The only ones for whom the dress code are a preoccupation are those whose jobs are tertiary to the actual business here, and our customer facing teams. Executive management is relaxed and powerful without the Brooks Brothers crutches. Why would you require Apple to adopt another cultural dress-code out of respect for them than expect them to adopt Apple's?
  • Reply 51 of 153
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by pdxapple View Post

    This is not a suit, it's a tuxedo.

    A tuxedo is also known as a dinner suit...one that was popularized at the Tuxedo Park Club...
  • Reply 52 of 153
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    That AT&T employee was allegedly told, "We're Apple. We don't wear suits. We don't even own suits."

    Except the suits who kicked down Jason Chen's door! ZING!
  • Reply 53 of 153
    My gosh, all this petty crap about suits and blue jeans and this slips by without comment?

    "The report also said that AT&T took issue with the fact that the iPhone uses a radio from Infineon, a company that previously had been most widely used in Europe, where cell towers are more common. AT&T allegedly felt that Apple's use of an Infineon chip led to inferior reception. When the wireless carrier asked Apple to resolve the issues "together," it was said that Apple's response was, "No, you resolve them. They're not our problem. They're your problem." "

    If you choose to believe the other pieces of the article how can this be ignored? iPhone reception issues, long blamed on AT&T, now not only point to suspect antenna engineering but also to Apple's poor chip selection for the US market?
  • Reply 54 of 153
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by LewysBlackmore View Post

    , my company is a global Fortune 50, we work seamlessly across the globe dressed in business casual no matter what global region we are in.

    You must be very proud of your Fortune 50 global company as you have mentioned it twice in the last 10 minutes. Please tell which company that is so I can google the photos of your upper management in business casual attire.
  • Reply 55 of 153
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    This idea that Verizon has lost a ton of subscribers to AT&T because of the iPhone is thrown around, but I never see a source to back it up. Verizon has continued to grow and continues to have more subscribers than AT&T in the US. Can anyone point me to a real analysis that shows that Verizon has lost customers?

    On Android, the longer Apple delays moving past AT&T, the stronger/better Android becomes. The numbers do show that Android is catching up fast to the iPhone both in sales (activating 160,000 a day) and use (ad imprints, web metrics). Both Apple and Verizon may have to make some concessions for this deal to be made, but it needs to be made.

    Originally Posted by LewysBlackmore View Post

    I want to play cards with you. Really. Verizon has lost a chunk of subscribers to ATT because of the iPhone, and the Android framework has not captured the consumer mindset by storm as they had hoped. And Verizon is being slow at getting updates out for the Android kit as it is. No, if they can craft a deal with Apple for the iPhone to regain their losses to ATT you KNOW they will go there. Wearing jeans and mock-turtlenecks if needed to get the job done.

    So yeah, I love good fiction - rocky lovestories especially, and this is both.

  • Reply 56 of 153
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Jobs would probably show up to a funeral dressed like that.

    Well, he showed up at the Oscars in a tuxedo.
  • Reply 57 of 153
    stonefreestonefree Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The report also said that AT&T took issue with the fact that the iPhone uses a radio from Infineon, a company that previously had been most widely used in Europe, where cell towers are more common. AT&T allegedly felt that Apple's use of an Infineon chip led to inferior reception. When the wireless carrier asked Apple to resolve the issues "together," it was said that Apple's response was, "No, you resolve them. They're not our problem. They're your problem."

    If true, this would further confirm Apple's disinterest in reception. Maybe I could make calls in 3G mode if San Francisco if Apple had used a better radio.
  • Reply 58 of 153
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by LewysBlackmore View Post

    Ahhh - you must mean the T-Mobile that has a whopping 12% of the US carrier market, just recently over-taken by Sprint Nextel at 12.1%, and compares to Verizon (31%) and ATT (25%) in totally obscure ways not reflected by marketshare I guess. Oh wait it must be the coverage... orrrr not. Yep not.

    Nobody said, Apple should have gone to T-mobile INSTEAD of to AT&T. Surely, the combined coverage of AT&T and T-mobile cannot be smaller than that of AT&T alone.

    For some people in some areas T-mobile coverage is better than AT&T's, those would be better off with T-mobile.
  • Reply 59 of 153
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by freddych View Post

    AT&T wants nothing for their customers. Seems like Apple's the only one on our side.

    I wouldn't call Apple exactly on our side. They're own their own. If it furthers their agenda, we're free to tag along. If not, they're all too willing to dump customers.
  • Reply 60 of 153
    I love the suit comment. Apple is so right. Die corporate thinking, die !!!

    Business suits are so 20th century. Actually some guy came up with the idea in the 19th century !!! At the industrial revolution, because people, not always very aware of the hygiene concept, were coming from their farms to work in the cities. So one bright manager had the idea to impose a standardize dressing, let s call it business suit ... more like a carnival costume.

    And the habit staid for the decades to come ... just imagine how ridiculous we would look like to

    some one coming from another planet ...

    "What's this piece of fabric hanging from your neck for ?"

    "It s a what ? A tie ?"

    "I bet it there to tie you in to standard corporate thinking"

    I have to say, whenever I go in a bank or insurance, or whatever, if the guy talking to me is dressed like that, the suit, the tie, the shiny shoes and everything, my instinct is telling me to be very suspicious. This guy is not doing it out of respect for me, but only to give himself an edge over me, to look superior, I find it actually extremely arrogant.

    Just be patient, when Generation X, Y and Z will reach control of the world, for better of for worth,

    those sort of silly habits will be shaken hard.
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