Apple looking into iOS 4 problems on iPhone 3G



  • Reply 61 of 80
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    I am one of the 3G owners having this issue, and it's about f--king time Apple and the tech blogs and media finally took notice. WTF took so long??
  • Reply 62 of 80
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    Originally Posted by LTMP View Post

    I found a solution in the comments at another site.

    Go to settings/general/home button/ spotlight search. uncheck all of the options, then restart your phone.

    I tried it and it worked! performance was almost back to pre iOS4 levels, even after I rechecked most of the spotlight items.

    I wish people would stop telling people that this or that will FIX the problem. IT WILL NOT! I and many others have already tried nearly every single reset, restore, reinstall, turning things off, deleting apps, deleting folders, and on and on. Any speed gains are only temporary. You cannot fix this problem by changing settings or turning shit off!

    And those who say a double reboot helps, well, of course it will! Initially. After a few hours, you're right back to the slow piece of shit the 3G iPhone has become with iOS 4.

    The only thing that will fix this is an updated iOS 4 from Apple that addresses the problems for 3G iPhone owners.
  • Reply 63 of 80
    ltmpltmp Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by Trajectory View Post

    I wish people would stop telling people that this or that will FIX the problem. IT WILL NOT! I and many others have already tried nearly every single reset, restore, reinstall, turning things off, deleting apps, deleting folders, and on and on. Any speed gains are only temporary. You cannot fix this problem by changing settings or turning shit off!

    And those who say a double reboot helps, well, of course it will! Initially. After a few hours, you're right back to the slow piece of shit the 3G iPhone has become with iOS 4.

    The only thing that will fix this is an updated iOS 4 from Apple that addresses the problems for 3G iPhone owners.

    Wow, maybe you should switch to decaf.

    I can't speak for you, but most of us are looking for anything to mitigate the problem until Apple can get it fixed.

    You're right, none of these solutions are perfect, but they help... unlike you.
  • Reply 64 of 80
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    Originally Posted by michaelab View Post

    If you check the Apple Discussion Forums for the 3G you will see there are many, many 3G owners saying that 4.0.1 has fixed the slowness issue.

    Hogwash. I've been following that thread daily from the very beginning, and a huge majority of the posts there are complaints from people who are having problems. Quite a few people who made a post stating their phones work just fine under iOS4 actually have 3GS iPhones.

    4.0.1 did not fix the problem for a large majority of 3G iPhone owners.
  • Reply 65 of 80
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    Originally Posted by LTMP View Post

    Wow, maybe you should switch to decaf.

    I can't speak for you, but most of us are looking for anything to mitigate the problem until Apple can get it fixed.

    You're right, none of these solutions are perfect, but they help... unlike you.

    STFU unless you have something useful to contribute other than bullshit "fixes" that do not work. You are part of the problem and are not helping anyone spreading those falsehoods.
  • Reply 66 of 80
    ltmpltmp Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by Trajectory View Post

    STFU unless you have something useful to contribute other than bullshit "fixes" that do not work. You are part of the problem and are not helping anyone spreading those falsehoods.

    Excuse me?
  • Reply 67 of 80
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by Trajectory View Post

    The only thing that will fix this is an updated iOS 4 from Apple that addresses the problems for 3G iPhone owners.

    100% correct. ^^^^

    I know a lot of people with 3G phones - I'm one of them. I do not know of a single 3G user running iOS4 who is happy with the upgrade. Those who are trying to explain the problems away or dismiss them don't know what they are talking about.

    My wife has a 3GS and it runs great. My 3G has numerous problems most of which have been mentioned in this thread.
  • Reply 68 of 80
    booldmbooldm Posts: 1member
    first i did hard-reset

    and now i always run XSysInfo app from appstore to clear memory of my 3g

    now it works pretty fast
  • Reply 69 of 80
    bonesbones Posts: 10member
    Originally Posted by Trajectory View Post

    The only thing that will fix this is an updated iOS 4 from Apple that addresses the problems for 3G iPhone owners.

    Apple is working on it, and the latest Beta works hugely better/faster/smoother on the 3G. I used 4.0 then went directly to the 4.1 Betas - it?s almost there, I really hope they release the update soon so we can get on to other things and issues.
  • Reply 70 of 80
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Originally Posted by LTMP View Post

    I found a solution in the comments at another site.

    Go to settings/general/home button/ spotlight search. uncheck all of the options, then restart your phone.

    I tried it and it worked! performance was almost back to pre iOS4 levels, even after I rechecked most of the spotlight items.

    I recommend trying this before doing anything more radical.

    UPDATE TO EARLIER POSTS: lost all data with downgrade on my phone---sooooo

    well my wife tried several aps, email, text, and passcode, now near to 3.x in performance

    thanks for the insight, it worked for her
  • Reply 71 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    UPDATE TO EARLIER POSTS: lost all data with downgrade on my phone---sooooo

    You need to grab your last 3.1.3 backup and restore settings from that. You won?t get any data changes since 4.0 but at it will save you a lot of time and hassle.
  • Reply 72 of 80
    habihabi Posts: 317member
    Originally Posted by LTMP View Post

    My 3G has now slowed down again, so I'm going to keep the options all unchecked this time and see how it goes.

    If it stays quick, I'll try adding options one at a time and see if there is a breaking point.

    No man, you cant put them back on, switching them of makes the phone use less memory so that all thats left will not crash. Apple needs to optimize the code thats broken and take out the buggy crap out of the operating system (optimate memory usage). Its some software within IOS4 thats behaving erradicaly (maybe kernel, or some apple service/app, that IS able to run in the background (rememeber no backgroundin 3:rd party apps on 3G)). This is the only mid-term solution to even use the device without going back to iphone OS 3.1.3. I dont like not being able to search my phone but it seems to be the only option at the time being without reverting to older operating system. The only option is to get always running services shutdown to free memory usage.

    Everytime I had a problem my free memory (check with eg system - for your device app) was about 1-2%, when i start my phone ti had about 10% but it goes in a few minutes to about 7%. Now I might have 20% free sometimes, sometimes as low as 5% but I have no freezing apps and apple apps not starting... NOT ONCE!!!

    First time i have ever had a flashback to my old nokia ;-P
  • Reply 73 of 80
    parsecparsec Posts: 37member
    At last a sensible discussion on the iPhone 3G iOS4 issues! I've read so many pages on the web where you just get idiots saying "it's your fault for having an old phone, just upgrade". Which misses the point completely, as many people are tied to contracts, plus the 3G was a current model alongside the 3GS until very recently. I only got mine in Sept 2009 and couldn't get the 3GS because of a staff discount scheme that didn't allow it. Plus of course Apple have released iOS4 for the 3G, and apparently they fully QA'd it because they disabled the wallpaper for performance reasons.

    I'm glad they're looking into this, I put up with iOS4 for a couple of weeks but it slowed everything down. Not always obvious but enough to take the slickness and polish off the user experience. Eventually I downgraded using one of the guides on the web which didn't involve jailbreaking but did involve using an app to get the phone out of DFU mode after 3.1.3 was installed.

    I hope Apple can fix this. And give us a way of accessing the screen lock function.
  • Reply 74 of 80
    parsecparsec Posts: 37member
    If Apple are reading - reboots do seem to help. It seems like either a memory leak or data caches growing too large for the 3G's limited memory. Since 3GS owners say iOS4 is faster, there must be extra caching to boost performance.

    I've seen quite a few reports on the web saying "double-resets" and/or full restores solve the problem. They seem to (because a reboot is involved) but after a few days heavy use, the slowdowns are back again.

    Fingers crossed Apple can sort this and I can upgrade again
  • Reply 75 of 80
    iPhone OS 4: Welcome to fragmentation-land Apple

    iPhone fragmentation confuses customers - the App Store needs a rethink

    iPhone now as fragmented as Android
  • Reply 76 of 80
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    well my wife tried several aps, email, text, and passcode, now near to 3.x in performance thanks for the insight, it worked for her

    Trust me, any speed increase you may obtain is only temporary and will not last. None of these tricks is a real fix for buggy software. Only Apple can fix this.
  • Reply 77 of 80
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by RationalTroll View Post

    iPhone OS 4: Welcome to fragmentation-land Apple

    iPhone fragmentation confuses customers - the App Store needs a rethink

    iPhone now as fragmented as Android

    Awesome argument as usual¡ It?s great to see that you think YoY HW updates and completely new product categories are the same fragmentation as Android OS not getting updates when other phones do, have an excessive number of permutations with consistency from the HW to the UI to the app store¡

    Of course, you also bitch that Apple didn?t do enough with each new iOS version and iPhone version so your argument as usual contradicts your previous comments.
  • Reply 78 of 80
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Of course, you also bitch that Apple didn?t do enough with each new iOS version and iPhone version so your argument as usual contradicts your previous comments.

    What exactly did I write along those lines?
  • Reply 79 of 80
    Originally Posted by RicMac View Post

    Oh, my oh my, the drama of it all! How about you get a life!

    Originally Posted by RicMac View Post

    Sooo.... the rules are that the Apple Haters post first? Is that it?

    Originally Posted by RicMac View Post


    Deep inside yourself You are still the 14 year old kid nobody liked in school. Everybody called you a nerd, the girls didn't like you and the jocks picked on you. You come here to flame and for a moment it makes you feel like a real man. You will never be a real man, just a pathetic little boy

    Originally Posted by RicMac View Post

    Lots of trolls and idiots out today.

    Originally Posted by RicMac View Post

    My God! Doesn't anyone try to get some information before running at the mouth? ...

    Originally Posted by RicMac View Post


    You're the one guy Adobe has hired to work on Flash for Mac aren't you? Shouldn't you stop playing around on AI and go back to work? Hummm?

    You're a real piece of work, sunshine. A real contributor to the board. Thanks for coming out though, Ricky.

    Moving right along:

    I'm not an unreasonable person. If iOS4 doesn't work on the 3G, so be it. I can accept that my hardware is too old to handle it.

    But for Pete's sake, give me an Apple-sanctioned regression path back to iOS3 so that I don't have to effectively jailbreak my phone to get my hardware working again, Apple.

    That's really not asking too much, is it?
  • Reply 80 of 80
    My 3G

    Touch screen.

    One thousand one.

    One thousand two.

    One thousand three.

    One thousand four.
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