Australia's Telstra awards iPhone 4 "Blue Tick" for superior reception



  • Reply 41 of 84
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Interesting... Looking forward to further updates.

    This link has some customer reaction, some suggestions that Apple and Vodafone are clashing over something and the suggestion that sales might begin at noon NZST (about 10 minutes from now).

    This has been picked up by the business press and tech mags also.

    UPDATE: This NBR link has more, including the following...

    "With Vodafone NZ and Apple not commenting, customers are confused, and rumours running rife on Twitter and various website forums (a favourite: a piqued Vodafone NZ is trying to push people to Google's Android platform - although it could be noted that even there, Vodafone NZ has previously been involved in a product disappearance drama)."

    I was intending to go and have a play but it seems supplies are so limited that it's doubtful that I'll get to see one in the 'flesh' in the near future.

    Oh well...
  • Reply 42 of 84
    coolcatcoolcat Posts: 156member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    01 - "Of course your droids would be absolutely useless here, we dumped CDMA years ago."

    Given that I never expressed such a desire, nor was it even a part of this thread's discourse, any point you were attempting to make about using a Droid in Australia is rendered entirely MOOT

    02 - "Now we can reassure customers that a lot of the hot air from windbags like you is rubbish".

    Maybe that's because you're Not In The United States or utilizing AT&T's US Network, resulting in much different carrier/user experience, which doesn't mean that US customer's are incorrect in their 'experiences' just different than those residing in Australia on a completely different network.

    Completely Different Situations - See How That Works?

    Why the hell are you talking about the US and AT&T when the story is about AUSTRALIA and their coverage? Jesus, you are the king of trolls....must really suck to be you...your mother must be so proud...
  • Reply 43 of 84
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by coolcat View Post

    Why the hell are you talking about the US and AT&T when the story is about AUSTRALIA and their coverage? Jesus, you are the king of trolls....must really suck to be you...your mother must be so proud...

    Thanks so much for reading through all the thread's posts and responding 'in context'...

    ...or are you simply inclined/conditioned to attack at random?
  • Reply 44 of 84
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    This link has some customer reaction, some suggestions that Apple and Vodafone are clashing over something and the suggestion that sales might begin at noon NZST (about 10 minutes from now).

    This has been picked up by the business press and tech mags also.

    Oh well...

    So did sales actually begin yet, or is there still some kind of 'hold up' ?
  • Reply 45 of 84
    enzosenzos Posts: 344member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    I agree Oz does most things better

    Thought you might add that that is because Oz is full of Kiwis (bless their wee beaks and ugh boots).

    Really looking forward to the game: both teams having beaten the world champs by a similar margin by playing fast attacking rugby... should be a cracker!

    Kia ora
  • Reply 46 of 84
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by enzos View Post

    Thought you might add that that is because Oz is full of Kiwis (bless their wee beaks and ugh boots).

    Really looking forward to the game: both teams having beaten the world champs by a similar margin by playing fast attacking rugby... should be a cracker!

    Kia ora

    Yep. What happened to the Springboks? Spooky.

    Here's to a thrilling trans-tasman Bledisloe Cup encounter.

  • Reply 47 of 84
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    you missed something, DaHarder:

    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    a number of ppl bought them unlocked in the UK and brought them over. very good reports so far, we'll see what the rest say today.

    Originally Posted by enzos View Post

    Thought you might add that that is because Oz is full of Kiwis (bless their wee beaks and ugh boots).

    Really looking forward to the game: both teams having beaten the world champs by a similar margin by playing fast attacking rugby... should be a cracker!

    Kia ora

    i'll be at the game... will be interesting to see if we can get one up on you lot. knowing tests in melbourne there'll be more kiwis at the ground than "home" fans.
  • Reply 48 of 84
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    So did sales actually begin yet, or is there still some kind of 'hold up' ?

    Sales have begun at Vodafone's corporate outlets, but none of the Vodafone partner outlets will be selling them today. Apple have announced that their online sales will begin this evening, but there's no way to tell when more phones will be available here yet.

    Although we can buy our iPhones unlocked here, Vodafone won't sell the iP4 to anybody without a Vodafone plan. That'll annoy some peeps who are on the opposition networks and wanted an iP4 anyway.

    Here's a link to the NZ Herald update.

    The first iP4 was bought by a student named Rohan Kumar it says. I wonder, given the shortage of iPhone 4s, if we'll be seeing a rash of sales on TradeMe, our version of Ebay, in the next few minutes. Could be a big profit in it for those inclined to take it.
  • Reply 49 of 84
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    i'll be at the game... will be interesting to see if we can get one up on you lot. knowing tests in melbourne there'll be more kiwis at the ground than "home" fans.

    Dang, I'm envious. I'd love to be there. And doubtful that anybody'd notice another Kiwi.

    If the Wobblies are ever going to beat the ABs, then having Uber-coach "Digger" Deans is your best bet. He's a legend in these parts. I expect when Ted gets flicked following the ABs' next choking performance at the RWC, Digger Deans will be warmly embraced here in the coaching role as" Sir Robert Deans".

    Enjoy a tinny or two at the game.

    'On ya, sport.
  • Reply 50 of 84
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by enzos View Post

    Umm.. no. Samoa is a country and is in its own UTS+13hrs time zone. The Line Islands is not a country (being part of Kirabati) but are at UTS +14hrs (!) (I live in Fiji, same time as NZ, UTS+12hrs)

    Isn't Samoa using UTC-11?
  • Reply 51 of 84
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    Dang, I'm envious. I'd love to be there. And doubtful that anybody'd notice another Kiwi.

    If the Wobblies are ever going to beat the ABs, then having Uber-coach "Digger" Deans is your best bet. He's a legend in these parts. I expect when Ted gets flicked following the ABs' next choking performance at the RWC, Digger Deans will be warmly embraced here in the coaching role as" Sir Robert Deans".

    Enjoy a tinny or two at the game.

    'On ya, sport.

    yes, if ever there's a time it could happen it could be this week. though knowing the AB's, you'll crush our hopes in the second half... i found it strange ppl were thinking Deans could get the chop. Crazy talk, imo.

    oh and not that we have much stock here, but once things settle, kiwis could always get unlocked phones at our apple stores and send them home for use on non-voda networks...
  • Reply 52 of 84
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    The iPhone 4 will work on Vodafone Australia's 900MHz regional network so no more Edge, they are also rolling out an 850MHz network in congested areas, sales are limited to a few major stores although smaller stores should start seeing stock next week.
  • Reply 53 of 84
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    yes, if ever there's a time it could happen it could be this week. though knowing the AB's, you'll crush our hopes in the second half... i found it strange ppl were thinking Deans could get the chop. Crazy talk, imo.

    oh and not that we have much stock here, but once things settle, kiwis could always get unlocked phones at our apple stores and send them home for use on non-voda networks...

    There was a rumour going about last night that the shipment due for NZ was delayed and a panic shipment of Aussie stock was being flown over this morning to make up for the non-arrival. Probably bollocks, but we'll never find out the truth anyway, so one rumour's as good as another I suppose.

    Deans is a truly impressive coach as you know but the players will have to step up. If their confidence ever has the right to be high, it's right now. Gonna be some game.
  • Reply 54 of 84
    rkrickrkrick Posts: 66member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    Although we can buy our iPhones unlocked here, Vodafone won't sell the iP4 to anybody without a Vodafone plan. That'll annoy some peeps who are on the opposition networks and wanted an iP4 anyway.

    Makes sense to me.... why would they want to sell their, I imagine limited stock, to folks not on their network and piss off their customers.
  • Reply 55 of 84
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by RKRick View Post

    Makes sense to me.... why would they want to sell their, I imagine limited stock, to folks not on their network and piss off their customers.

    True. I'd do the same in their shoes. No doubt there'll be much wailing and gnashing of teeth from both camps about the shortage though. I only just bought a 3Gs so my interest is academic, but I don't think there'll be a store demo handset for me to play with in the near future.

    I'll have to wait until a colleague buys one and try that out.\
  • Reply 56 of 84
    chopperchopper Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Isn't Samoa using UTC-11?

    Good spotting.

    Well done that man.
  • Reply 57 of 84
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    First impressions of ppl who purchased today are coming in. "Death Grip" reporting dropped bars (of varying degrees) but not calls; a couple of people have noted issues with the rear camera and will have to wait for replacement units. Overall "blazingly fast" on Telstra, it seems.
  • Reply 58 of 84
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 862member
    Hey maybe one day ATT can win a bULL S**T award, I mean bLUE TICK award too.
  • Reply 59 of 84
    enzosenzos Posts: 344member
    Originally Posted by Chopper View Post

    Good spotting.

    Well done that man.

    Oops, meant *Tonga* is at UTS+13 (must be the alcoholic dementia catching up Indeed, I was in Nuku'alofa on uni business in 2007 and didn't have to change dates mid-flight. Though mostly I remember having a good time with some English medical students at the fabulous Billfish Bar.

    I'll be back to brag big-time if the Aussies win... otherwise I'll just slope off, not look and say nothing.

    Cheers mate
  • Reply 60 of 84
    celcocelco Posts: 211member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    From what everyone and their dog say Australia's telcos offer the great coverage, very fast and reliable networks. They actually hardly need bumpers.

    Just don't palm the phone for too long, you won't see any problems.

    Actually you have no idea. Australian Telcos suck. Ask any aussie. Telstra is the worst and their ex ceo once told the media that they the iphone would fail and Apple should stick to their knitting. Screw Telstra.The coverage is a joke and of you think 100.00pm for a download limit of 30gb per month is good I also have some nice beachfront property I would like to sell you near ayers rock.
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