Verizon, Apple quarreled over iPhone retail options, digital content



  • Reply 141 of 222
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    A devil's advocate contributes more than a bunch of fanboys telling each other that they are right about everything and everyone else is wrong.


    Spot on

    Totally agree

    Besides, what do you want me to contribute anyway? Let's be real here. The only reason we come here is to get inside info on Apple to make money. I don't have any inside info. Just my opinion on where the company is going based on what I read here, at 9 to 5 mac, MacWorld, Consumer Reports and the WSJ.

    Maybe I'm wrong and maybe I'm right, who knows. If I step on people's feelings here, then maybe they are too "into" minding Apple's business. They are a company for profit, not a rock band. The whole concept of being an Apple fanboy is beyond my comprehension,

    Perhaps someone could explain it to me one day.

    seriously, despite the name, this place is not about "inside information" to trade with.
  • Reply 142 of 222
    coolcatcoolcat Posts: 156member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Hey, talk like a normal person, or I'm going to start deleting posts! I'm getting tired of your sarcastic remarks. If you want to have an intelligent discussion, that's fine, but leave the rest out.

    Thank GOD someone is going to take care of that idiot. Every post of his just itches to start controversy, and more than half are ill-informed.
  • Reply 143 of 222
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    Great post.

    The real problem with an LTE phone is that it has to have backward compatibility where there is no LTE coverage. And after the "there's a map for that" dustup between VZW and AT&T, you can pretty much guarantee that AT&T isn't going to let a Verizon LTE smartphone roam on their GSM network. So a Verizon LTE iPhone would still need CDMA support.

    Actually the LTE spec provides for fallback to either GSM/UMTS or CDMA networks so LTE chipsets should allow Apple to build one design for either environment (Qualcomm has already started sampling such a chip). The baseband software in the phone will determine which fallback technology and to what frequencies just as it specs which freqs to use for your particular LTE provider.

    While it is questionable if VZ and ATT will decide to play nice regarding roaming, that does not preclude either from signing roaming contracts with smaller carriers that might well allow VZ LTE to fall back to a GSM/UMTS or vise versa for ATT (less likely since CDMA/EVDO Rev A does not support voice/data at the same time). VZ has indicated that they intend to stand down CDMA/EVDO at some point in the not too distant future, so that would seem to imply that they might well be working on roaming contracts with GSM/UMTS carriers. Also it is important to realize the EVDO Rev A (ie existing VZ data network) is already maxed out at about 1.2Mb/sec (AT&T currently at 7.2 with 14.4 systemwide by year's end). Assuming Apple is going down the CDMA/EVDO path, even shortterm, raises the issue of how to address the fact that CDMA/EVDO rev A does not support simultaneous voice and data (visual voicemail, browsing while talking). VZ could launch a LTE fallback VoIP network using bonded channels of their existing EVDO network as a fix (Qualcomm has chips available that would support such) but that again goes against what they have publicly indicated.

    It certainly is going to be interesting over the next couple of years.
  • Reply 144 of 222
    Originally Posted by bcahill009 View Post

    His point is that the iPhone is already wildly successful and should not have to cave in to meet idiotic demands. In the case of the apple tv, apple needed to make traction and make it a staple within their ecosystem, therefore making the small cave of bringing in netflix should help boost sales and make it less of a hobby.

    I think this was more a move of adoption and knowing that certain studios were not going to be quick to adopt iTunes rentals, like NBC. Win-Win for Apple. Buy and Apple TV primarily to be your Netflix box, but then on a Friday night you go to watch a movie, but it isn't on Watch Instantly yet (just came out) so you look on iTunes, and viola! It's there. So you say, why not?

    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    So it's okay for Lord Verizon to force their rubbish onto your phone? I have yet to see a single in-mobile phone purchase offered from a telco that is worth anything more than rubbish "top of the charts" ringtones and postage-size, blurry videos.

    My previous phones before iPhone was loaded with all sorts of nonsense and the telcos had their sway in their software and offerings I wasn't remotely interested in.

    I like my phones un-raped nowadays.

    I have a Palm Pre Plus on Verizon. The only Verizon app on there is the Navigator app, in addition to Google Maps. I won't go into the whole new aGPS API Verizon release that excludes only the webOS phones, but aside from that navigator app and the word Verizon hidden on the mirror (when you slide the screen up to access the keyboard), there is no sign of Verizon anywhere. No VCAST, (Amazon MP3 store is on there). So Verizon DOES avoid putting their stuff on there. I know, iPhone > Pre/Pixi, but the fact is there is the precedent that Verizon can/will do it.

    Originally Posted by peteo View Post

    I would let Verizon put a V-Cast app on the iPhone as long as, just like other music and video apps it could be deleted. There is no reason to give them special access to the ipod app or itunes. or their own appstore.

    They should also skip this whole CDMA crap and go right to LTE. By the time this phone comes out Verizon will have 1/2 the country lit up with LTE.

    Perhaps it is a dual chip iPhone? LTE and CMDA? Possible, because I agree, by Jan 2012, I can see Verizon filling in the gaps from the NFL Cities (For instance, I live in Greenville, SC, half way between Atlanta and Charlotte. Those 2 cities, plus Athens, GA all are LTE cities. I am sure they could easily merge these along I-85). But even still? It will be 2-3 years at least before all of the Verizon Network is LTE, enough time to have a CDMA iPhone ready for replacement/upgrade to iPhone 6 LTE only...

    Originally Posted by nkhm View Post

    You know what Apple's strength is? They have a strong business plan, a controlled user experience which ensures user safety, operating stability and optimal handling for the hardware.

    The CEO of any company gets the final say about how and where the company's products are sold. It has nothing to do with "Godhood", and I'd ask that you maybe didn't blaspheme.

    Exactly. Apple is successful in what they do. It works for them, and builds loyalty because of quality.

    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    I realize that -- considering the huge growth in the copy-cat Android market -- Apple probably needs to do this deal with Verizon.

    That said, Apple is 100% right to draw a line in the sand over Verizon's V Cast store. That's the technique VZW uses to lock down all the other Verizon phones (yes, even Android phones) and that is not what made the iPhone the best smartphone ever designed. Verizon wouldn't know a good UI design if it hit them over the head...

    If Verizon wants to have a separate V Cast app for the iPhone and do their video that way, that would be OK. But to replace the iTunes infrastructure with their pathetic "store" would be a disaster.

    Agreed - iTunes/iPod = iPhone. This will not be a replacement but an alternative.
  • Reply 145 of 222
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    Oh - you're right after all. Apple doesn't partner with anyone. They do it all in their garage.

    Interesting you should say that. It's probably how the whole walled garden mentality got started.

    As an aside, Jobs did say at D-8 that Apple is run like a "startup" to this day.
  • Reply 146 of 222
    2 cents2 cents Posts: 307member
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    This is a typical Apple blunder, where they'll negotiate only after they're utterly desperate. Had they negotiated and signed a contract back in '08 or even '09, Verizon would've not had this kind on arm-twisting rights.

    Why did Apple extend the AT&T contract that pushed them into a corner, is beyond me.

    Typical apple blunder? Apple looks like a blundering company to you? Utterly desperate? Apple looks desperate to you? Join us back here in reality.
  • Reply 147 of 222
    Originally Posted by coolcat View Post

    Thank GOD someone is going to take care of that idiot. Every post of his just itches to start controversy, and more than half are ill-informed.

    So you are in favor of censorship? Can you not even tolerate another opinion besides your own? Do you find absolutely no merit in any single thing I have said? Anything?
  • Reply 148 of 222
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    seriously, despite the name, this place is not about "inside information" to trade with.

    Oh. So it's a fan site? A news site? Real journalism?

    If I had not posted a single thing on this forum today, the conversation surly would have been along the lines of "I can't believe AI even mentions these Verizon rumors."
  • Reply 149 of 222
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    I think you meant to say every time blackintosh makes a great argument of logic. And you should refer to my posts as outstanding. Cause they are.

    @moderator...everyone has option to say what they want but it would be good to follow up on your comment about sarcasm...this person seems to thrive on being odd/different but also takes up a lot of time and space. i'm working and a student and like to catch up on things "inside apple" but these kind of posts are more like rants.

    You know what Apple's problem is? They can't partner with anyone because their CEO has delusions of Godhood.

    So it's okay for Lord Jobs...

    there must be somebody on the planet that would like an iPhone with it's beautiful scratch prone glass body and innovative exterior antenna that drops calls when held naturally in your left hand.

    Lord knows I wouldn't want my posts to appear emotional and uninformed. I want to sound intelligent. Like all of my forum friends here.

    So Apple would sell more phones and make more profit for itself and it's shareholders and everybody would be happy. Everyone except the members of this forum.

    Yes, I'm completely wrong and you're completely right. There is no room for anyone else's opinions other than yours and the ones on this forum.

    In response to a question asking for back up to a claim he/she wrote:" I have them. I sweep up at ATT headquarters on the weekend. I'll get you a copy."

    If I take this person?s post at face value, I assume he/she somehow thinks t have superior business skills to S. Jobs. It?s great to have opinions, but based on this person?s attitude it?s hard to see there is logic behind anything. Only a bitterness. In his/her words: "This is the way I talk. It sounds normal to me."

    His/her conclusion is: Just speak with eloquence and wisdom and you will easily sway others to your way of thinking. Like I just did with you.

    So many posts, so much sad anger, and sadly, I have so little time to read what I hope is insightful info.
  • Reply 150 of 222
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    I see. So it's okay for Lord Jobs to partner with someone on their hobby but not on a "headliner product?" Wouldn't a headliner product make more money for the company than a "hobby?"

    You have no idea what you're talking about. Vcast is a major issue for Verizon, not Apple. People with iPhones will be very unlikely to use Vcast at its ridiculous $15 a month price. They also make lots of money selling music. I can see why Verizon would be worried about this and be reluctant to do a deal.

    As for Apple, they are understandably concerned about selling their product with VZ's retail partners, where they can't exercise the same QC they can in large chain stores and/or their own stores.
  • Reply 151 of 222
    pennywsepennywse Posts: 155member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    What are you talking about?

    Apple isn't "desperate," if anyone is, it's Verizon at the moment. The way these things go is that Apple tries to make a deal with Verizon and Verizon says no because of the above reasons. Apple then goes to AT&T and they say "yes." That's all there is to it. Once AT&T says yes, all the stuff about Apple hating Verizon or vice versa is just BS.

    Verizon got first crack and they blew it. Anyone involved in negotiations knows that you don't always get the second round of discussions. Apple was shopping around looking for a partner. Once they found one that passed the spec, they went with it. Since the partner they had was acting normally and in good faith, they extended the contract. All of this is totally normal behaviour.

    Shhh, you are making sense. It might hurt some trolls here; though fear not they aren't an endangered species.
  • Reply 152 of 222
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    So let Verizon sell their V Cast stuff on the iPhone. What's the big deal? Apple bent and put Netflix on the Apple TV.

    You know what Apple's problem is? They can't partner with anyone because their CEO has delusions of Godhood.

    That sounds silly. I don't think "delusions of Godhood" is the reason "they can't partner with anyone". Apple has partnered with a lot of content & service providers.

    This boils down to a conflict of interest between Apple & Verizon. All companies have to work through those kind of issues.
  • Reply 153 of 222
    Originally Posted by CIM View Post

    Verizon needs Apple more than Apple needs them. Apple can?t even meet demand for iPhone 4, but we?re supposed to believe they?re going to cave to Verizon?s crapware? Keep dreaming. Apple can stay on AT&T and choose other carriers and keep raking in more money than ever.

    I'd like to think that, but I personally know or have hear people express an iPhone that works on Verizon (the network seems to have a lot of fans), so at this point, I conclude that it is in the interest of: Consumers, Apple & Verizon for a deal to be made.
  • Reply 154 of 222
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Oh. So it's a fan site? A news site? Real journalism?

    If I had not posted a single thing on this forum today, the conversation surly would have been along the lines of "I can't believe AI even mentions these Verizon rumors."

    No, I think we would be talking about the "rumour" were you here, or not. Its a fan site. For people interested in a company, and their products. Android forums are for people interested in googles mobile OS.

    Its not really going to give you any hints on how to invest, by the time something is reported here it is old news to investors.

    we're here for the discussion.
  • Reply 155 of 222
    bloggerblogbloggerblog Posts: 2,480member
    Originally Posted by Onhka View Post

    If you think that that is an Exclusive Contract, I have a bridge in the Gulf of Mexico to sell you.

    I would suggest you remove the link. It really could make you look dumber than a door handle. IMO.

    You can critcize the posts, but please do not insult the poster.
  • Reply 156 of 222
    Hmm... If it were up to me, I would have recommended Verizon give up on V-Cast in exchange for having a dual-mode (GSM and CDMA) radio. Indeed, as an international traveler, I like the idea of being able to use CDMA in the U.S. and GSM/EDGE/3G anywhere I else I travel in the world. Especially if I can get decent international rates via Vodafone affiliated networks.
  • Reply 157 of 222
    Originally Posted by Blackintosh View Post

    Business is about partnerships. And Apple flounders in this area. Even Jobs admitted that at the D-? conference with Bill Gates.

    Hmm....Your claims....

    1) In business, you need good partnerships to be successful. (I am assuming this is what you mean by "business is about partnerships")

    2) Apple is not good at making partnerships.

    Therefore, if that is true, Apple should be an extremely unsuccessful business.

    Yet, Apple is one of the most successful businesses in the entire world (is there a single business success measure which they are not extremely high in?)

    So your statements clearly contradict themselves. Which means that one of them has to be wrong. I agree with you that business is about partnerships, which is why I think your statement that Apple is not good at partnerships is complete BS. Which, basically undermines pretty much all your trolling on this board.
  • Reply 158 of 222
    bloggerblogbloggerblog Posts: 2,480member
    Originally Posted by 2 cents View Post

    Typical apple blunder? Apple looks like a blundering company to you? Utterly desperate? Apple looks desperate to you? Join us back here in reality.

    I didn't say Apple was a blunder, I said this is a typical Apple blunder, one of the blunders that Apple sometimes goes through. And to answer your questions, yes Apple did go through its fair share of blunders.
  • Reply 159 of 222
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Since you don't know anything about what happened, you can't make a statement as to why it did, or didn't. Many companies have expressed unhappiness about Verizon's requirements, but only Apple is willing to stand up to them. To you that's a bad thing, to almost everyone else, it's a good thing.

    It's very possible that Apple would have allowed Verizon to put any app they wanted into the app store, as long as iPhone customers could download it only if they wanted it, and could delete it if not. From what we know, Verizon is requiring it on phones, and not allowing it to be removed. I can understand Apple not wanting to allow that. It would end the independence of the phone from carriers around the world, which is one of its biggest selling points.

    IF this phone does come out on Verizon, we'll see what happened. Before then, it's just a guess.

    At the same time, these companies who are expressing unhappiness with Verizon also make huge amount of money from Verizon's deals. What has happiness got to do with anything? Most people don't like their jobs.

    To me, Verizon standing up to Apple --- and survive --- is like Harry Potter (the boy who faced you-know-who and survive). And right now, the major iphone carriers came to regret their iphone deals --- it's a trojan horse. To you Apple fans, it's a bad thing, but to the carriers, it is a good thing to see Verizon surviving without the iphone.

    I would rather have GIN apps on the original 3G ev-do iphone on Verizon in July 2007, which would have allowed me to buy a one-day $3 Verizon Navigator than being able to buy the same one-day $3 AT&T Navigator 2 years later in July 2009. It's the same app, and I rather have it in 2007.
  • Reply 160 of 222
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by pacificfilm View Post

    @moderator...everyone has option to say what they want but it would be good to follow up on your comment about sarcasm...this person seems to thrive on being odd/different but also takes up a lot of time and space. i'm working and a student and like to catch up on things "inside apple" but these kind of posts are more like rants.

    . . . .

    So many posts, so much sad anger, and sadly, I have so little time to read what I hope is insightful info.

    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    No, I think we would be talking about the "rumour" were you here, or not. Its a fan site. For people interested in a company, and their products. Android forums are for people interested in googles mobile OS.

    Its not really going to give you any hints on how to invest, by the time something is reported here it is old news to investors.

    we're here for the discussion.

    A discussion about one of the biggest good-news stories in business history, and this guy has the job of obstructing and derailing the discussion in whatever perverse way he can think of.

    He can't be doing this for conventional trollish reasons. Nothing in the annals of abnormal psychology could account for the amount of derision, scorn, humiliation that he invites upon himself. He is being paid to do this, clearly. He must not ever be taken seriously, as if he is playing with a full deck.

    He mentions today that he has been following the forum for years. Who was he, before he became the creature from the Black lagoon in June 2010?

    A couple of months ago he invited us over to his place see how badly his wife's iPhone works on AT&T. Today he's pretending his iPhone works okay. I think he forgets details because he's mostly making it all up.

    But I wish someone had taken him up on his invitation . . .
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