Motorola hypes its tablet by calling Apple's iPad a 'giant iPhone'



  • Reply 61 of 133
    Here's the problem with Motorola's hype:

    People really, really LIKE that 'big iPhone'.

    Now Motorola - MOTOROLA, that is - has to come up with something people like even MORE.

    Fat chance.
  • Reply 62 of 133
    Still smarting over being the vehicle for Steve's bar bet *cough ROKR *cough* I see.

    Talk to us in a month.

    Bring sales numbers.
  • Reply 63 of 133
    Originally Posted by scottmcp432 View Post

    Based on what I have observed I am certain that there is no iPad killer coming in the foreseeable future if ever.And should there ever be one it won't be running Android.The problem with Android can be summed up in 3 standardized hardware.How many different tablets running how many different versions of Android are on the market right now?Apple, on the other hand, currently has 1 tablet running 1 OS. Of course the iPad is the best because Apple has optimized iOS 4.2 for their product and their product only. Android on the other hand cannot be a serious rival until they lay down the law with manufacturers and dictate minimum hardware requirements, standardized for every tablet.I own and am typing this on my brand new Archos 101 running Froyo.While my 101 does some things the iPad can't the iPad wins hands down for build quality , ease of use and functionality.Everything the iPad can do it excels at.My Archos on the other hand is mediocre in nearly every catagory.

    RIM has,with the playbook, an opportunity to follow Apples lead in quality and reliability IF they know what is good for them.With their own tablet and OS RIM may be a major player in the coming year.

    If ANYONE would have released a tablet besides Apple with as many limitations as the iPad does it would have NEVER sold as many. I bet you'd be hard pressed to sell 25% as many. Why have they sold so many?? Because some people will buy ANYTHING that Steve Jobs introduces to the public. Not saying that the iPad is not a nice device(it is), but not one other company that I can think of has as many mindless followers, sitting ready to buy the next "iToy" that Steve has for them. For instance thousands(maybe even millions??) bought the Apple "Mighty Mouse". Are you serious?? I could have taken a rock, installed a sensor on it and it would have been better. Why not buy a decent mouse made by Logitech instead?? Oh yeah, it wasn't made by Apple so we can't use it!!

    People that only buy one companies products get my goat. P.S. HAPPY iPod touch owner and soon to be iPad owner.
  • Reply 64 of 133
    A few months ago, Microsoft had a burial ceremony in Bellevue Washington to celebrate the dead and burial of the iPhone, and the coming out party for Windows 7 Phone.

    As it turned out, it was Windows Phone 7 that got buried on the day it was born. And so it will happen to Motorola tablet. Let's see how many corporation will buy it. Because these wannabes plays flash video, does not make any of them useful.

    iPad like the iPhone has set the standard by which all must follow or die.
  • Reply 65 of 133
    I was a mechanical technician for motorola in the early 90's when the company was riding high for a few years after winning the malcolm baldridge award for quality. One of my jobs was to process purchase requisitions for the mechanical engineering dept. Motorola had just introduced this all black cool looking desktop computer and it issued a mandate that everyone within the company had to get this unit as their next computer, period. The purchase reqs for all other brands would be denied. Trouble was there were few apps for this thing, all the engineers were already hooked on macs and had shown the mass of incoming engineers that they just would not be nearly as productive with these nearly useless motorola computers that the company was trying to shove down their throats. So I was instructed by my boss that any new computer req for our dept. had to be done in a special way: order a software package called labview (mac version) and then instead of putting in for a mac computer, i had to write in an order for a "labview controller". So not only did they continue to get the macs, they were paying several thousand dollars more as these macs would come in with these extra copies of labview preinstalled on them. The dept. also had to do a large order for these motorola pc computers that just sat on the desks not even hooked up, so as not to arouse suspicions that they were not obeying the company mandate. It was an open secret--no one wanted to lose their mac by blowing the whistle.

    I'm not saying that this tablet is going to suck, but chances are...anyway, it reminded me of this experience.
  • Reply 66 of 133
    Originally Posted by OC4Theo View Post

    A few months ago, Microsoft had a burial ceremony in Bellevue Washington to celebrate the dead and burial of the iPhone, and the coming out party for Windows 7 Phone.

    As it turned out, it was Windows Phone 7 that got buried on the day it was born. And so it will happen to Motorola tablet. Let's see how many corporation will buy it. Because these wannabes plays flash video, does not make any of them useful.

    iPad like the iPhone has set the standard by which all must follow or die.

    LOL.... Android will NOT follow the standard set by iOS, and they will NOT die. Mark my words.
  • Reply 67 of 133
    motorola & others should say..."but you all copied the iPad"
  • Reply 68 of 133
    More free advertising for the iPhone and iPad. Ka-ching.
  • Reply 69 of 133
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post


    The FACT is all current Apple iDevices (iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch) do run identical version of iOS, the same processors, etc., so there are certainly more similarities than many care to admit.

    So, what's your point? That they have three different versions of awesome?
  • Reply 70 of 133
    Originally Posted by Jonamac View Post

    'Dual-core' sounds nice, but does a tablet really need it yet? As long as the iPad2 is faster and competes with the competition (there's a bad sentence right there!), I don't think it matters how it achieves it.

    Originally Posted by rbonner View Post

    World's smallest and lightest space heater.

    I agree with your statement, that as long as the iPad maintains its competitive edge, it doesn't really matter what processor they put in it.

    However, with the competition moving on to dual core processors, and assuming Android 3.0 has optimizations for multiple cores, you're going to see moderate improvements in their tablet performance. So, with competitors raising the bar, Apple needs to improve on their chips too.

    One way they could do that is by increasing the clock speed. This is a surefire way to add a lot more heat. The power consumption and heat production of a single core processor that has a higher clocker speed is (generally) greater than two cores that operate at lower frequencies. Notice how desktop processor frequencies haven't really gone any higher in the last decade? This is why.

    The other way is going with multiple cores, as we saw in desktop processors several years ago. With dual cores and API's optimized for multiple cores, the iPad might even get longer battery life. Gaming performance would DEFINITELY improve, especially multiplayer games and games that have AI/computer players.
  • Reply 71 of 133
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    iPad2 will cause widespread colony collapse disorder.

  • Reply 72 of 133
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Neither was the iPad.

    In case you haven't notice, Apple never claimed to be.
  • Reply 73 of 133
    Aside from being misleading, that was one of the worst ad formats ever. OK, we get it, lots of stone ancient tablets (along with stupid jokes) and then a few computer tablets. Is there really any connection other than the word "tablet"? boring music, boring repetition, predictable old punch lines. boring boring boring. And also this revolutionary wonder is vaporware. Won't it be just a giant Razor?

    Also, they broke the number one rule in advertising: never show your competition's products. They didn't even show their own product. This was just an ad for the iPad and Tab
  • Reply 74 of 133
    Originally Posted by oc4theo View Post

    a few months ago, microsoft had a burial ceremony in bellevue washington to celebrate the dead and burial of the iphone, and the coming out party for windows 7 phone.

    As it turned out, it was windows phone 7 that got buried on the day it was born. And so it will happen to motorola tablet. Let's see how many corporation will buy it. Because these wannabes plays flash video, does not make any of them useful.

    Ipad like the iphone has set the standard by which all must follow or die.

  • Reply 75 of 133
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Calling something a giant iPhone... not really an insult.

    Any time a wannabe mentions Apple products, Apple wins. It's that simple.
  • Reply 76 of 133
    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    So, iPad is a "giant iPhone." Well, Motorola's tablet is a "giant Turd."

    Let's see them try to sell *that*.

    Put it in a brown case and it could be mistaken for a "giant Turd" or perhaps a giant Zune
  • Reply 77 of 133
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Ad was well done but unless you know what the bee signified it is confusing. They will intrigue people into at at checking out their tablet and get used to that red M its Motorola Mobility's new emblem.
  • Reply 78 of 133
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Originally Posted by Aquia33 View Post

    I must admit, I havent seen other tablets, no need, I have my iPad. But the pictures I do see, well, ? they look like iPads.

    Maybe the new Motorola device might be triangular or double sided or a cube with 6 display faces ?or, ?or? ?

    Do you expect a different form factor? The ipad doesn't look much different from previous tablets. Please get off it.
  • Reply 79 of 133

    It is interesting that Moto has this fantastic new product... What could it be... What could it be?

    Then, they are so confident of their product that they decide to skip the holiday season (with all its distractions) -- and target the prime shopping days starting with Puce Friday leading up to Washington's Birthday (third Monday in February)...

    ... Reminds me of the time the Dodgers lost the 7th game of the World Series because they didn't start Don Drysdale with only 3 days rest -- Chick Hern said they were saving him for spring training!

    ... gotta love 'em...
  • Reply 80 of 133
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member is a giant iPhone. And for that simple reason alone it is better than any crap Moto can ship. Seriously, they are trying to use the iPads greatest strength as its weakness?? Retards.
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