Apple's Tim Cook dismisses Android iPad competitors as bizarre, vapor



  • Reply 181 of 215
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    ...but there isn't much need to, since most of the summaries presented here bear little resemblance to what was actually said. Of all those, only Ballmer's was accurate.

    Go back and look at what was actually said. Sure, there are some competitive statements there, but like RIM rebutting an attack from Apple and Adobe rebutting Jobs' "Thoughts on Flash" with what is actually a much kinder presentation than what Apple posted at their site, the earnest reader must admit the summaries above are a bit misleading.

    This post seems indicative of what's become of much of the Mac community in recent years.

    Apple makes great products. Enjoy them. But don't fall into the trap of believing that it's impossible for anyone else in the world outside of Apple to ever do anything right.

    Such hubris leads to downfall; all empires that rise eventually fall. Why hasten it? It's sad to see those who consider themselves most loyal to the platform doing the most anti-marketing for it.

    Your last paragraph is flawed in its logic. Hubris from Apple would be dangerous (I see no evidence of that) but from the fan base it can do little harm.
  • Reply 182 of 215
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 183 of 215
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Everyone is an evangelist. A million jackbooted fashionistas later and the platform gets a bad name.

    You seem to be stretching a little too far in trying to make your point methinks.

    You may as well argue the Beatles fans were a dangerous force.
  • Reply 184 of 215
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 185 of 215
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    I am interesting in knowing what type of apps and background process the iPad can't handle?!

    I use a stylus with my iPad for sketching. So the iPad can handle that type of input.

    My guess he has never looked into Apple's enterprise program..
  • Reply 186 of 215
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by OskiO View Post

    Does this mean that Apple now intends to give us specs on all their products ahead of time? Uh Apple? Specs on the iPad2 please....we are waiting.

    Doubt it....they like to give us a big show and say "shipping today" or "shipping next week."

    I personally don't think it is a big deal they are lacking performance specs and pricing.....the big deal is they are lacking an actual product and will be for the most part until around the iPad3, then, like the iPhone, it will be too late.

    Actually it means precisely the opposite.

    In any case, Cooks comment was merely highlighting the fact there have been a lot more tablets announced in the past 12+ months than actually released.
  • Reply 187 of 215
    I can see saying that Android apps suck and that Android has no tablet specific apps, but you can't criticize Android tablets like the Galaxy Tab for using the same operating system as Android phones. The iPhone and iPad use the same operating system and that has nothing to do with the fact that the iPad has thousands of tablet specific apps.
  • Reply 188 of 215
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Daniel, this is a news site. Regurgitating old headlines every time Android is mentioned is again, kicking a dead horse.

    So is making the same complaint ..... over and over and over. People who live in glass houses ... shouldn't throw stones. ....
  • Reply 189 of 215
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Would it surprise you if I told you I want an ipad 2?

    Hell no .... people lie all the time.
  • Reply 190 of 215
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    That's an interesting point, but I've never heard of those words before you posted them. Did you make them up, or have you seen them used before?

    made 'em up.
  • Reply 191 of 215
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    You'll shut down if you sit in a truck at 110 for extended periods of time.

    I think he may have already done so.
  • Reply 192 of 215
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    I know, it's hard to keep quiet, but it always works to your advantage.

    I disagree. There is a ton of misinformation and bias, particularly in the tech press. I have absolutely no problem with his statements RE: Android.

    If they don't state their position, who is gong to?

    There's a reason why he's the COO of the second most valuable company in the Dow and you aren't
  • Reply 193 of 215
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Some of which show real promise.

    Perhaps, but the fact is there are darn few shipping, and the ones that are have numerous shortcomings when compared to the iPad and there isn't any indication that either Google or the manufacturers are intent on addressing some of the core shortcomings. Heck, they are in outright denial about one of the biggest - fragmentation!

    It makes no difference to me. The market will choose who they like the best. If the Android tablets do correct enough of their deficiencies and start to take of then great! But I think there are lots of delusional people who think Android will "win" just because it's "open" or "not Apple" and that's just crazy.
  • Reply 194 of 215
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by gwlaw99 View Post

    I can see saying that Android apps suck and that Android has no tablet specific apps, but you can't criticize Android tablets like the Galaxy Tab for using the same operating system as Android phones. The iPhone and iPad use the same operating system and that has nothing to do with the fact that the iPad has thousands of tablet specific apps.

    Um, no.

    When the iPad came out it had its own OS- 3.2. The point of 4.2 was to merge 3.2 and iOS 4.0. The merge was backwards with the iPhone. The iPhone, therefore, runs a tablet OS ( with modifications), not the other way around.

    Besides all iOS has an API which is not that different from the Desktop OS. Android, on the other hand, has a much smaller subset of the API on iOS and will have to add lots of API to reach parity, which wont happen for years.
  • Reply 195 of 215
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Perhaps, but the fact is there are darn few shipping, and the ones that are have numerous shortcomings when compared to the iPad and there isn't any indication that either Google or the manufacturers are intent on addressing some of the core shortcomings. Heck, they are in outright denial about one of the biggest - fragmentation!

    It makes no difference to me. The market will choose who they like the best. If the Android tablets do correct enough of their deficiencies and start to take of then great! But I think there are lots of delusional people who think Android will "win" just because it's "open" or "not Apple" and that's just crazy.

    Were I to take my sisters iPad and give her a Galaxy Tab she would wonder where the apps went to. I think she would want the iPAd back.
  • Reply 196 of 215
    gwlaw99gwlaw99 Posts: 134member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Um, no.

    When the iPad came out it had its own OS- 3.2. The point of 4.2 was to merge 3.2 and iOS 4.0. The merge was backwards with the iPhone. The iPhone, therefore, runs a tablet OS ( with modifications), not the other way around.

    Besides all iOS has an API which is not that different from the Desktop OS. Android, on the other hand, has a much smaller subset of the API on iOS and will have to add lots of API to reach parity, which wont happen for years.

    True, but iOS developers aren't allowed to use modified private APIs as Android developers are. Here is a good article discussing the difference in the SDKs (looks to be translated to English). Both have advantages and disadvantages for programmers.
  • Reply 197 of 215
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    ...but there isn't much need to, since most of the summaries presented here bear little resemblance to what was actually said. Of all those, only Ballmer's was accurate.

    Go back and look at what was actually said. Sure, there are some competitive statements there, but like RIM rebutting an attack from Apple and Adobe rebutting Jobs' "Thoughts on Flash" with what is actually a much kinder presentation than what Apple posted at their site, the earnest reader must admit the summaries above are a bit misleading.

    This post seems indicative of what's become of much of the Mac community in recent years.

    Apple makes great products. Enjoy them. But don't fall into the trap of believing that it's impossible for anyone else in the world outside of Apple to ever do anything right.

    Such hubris leads to downfall; all empires that rise eventually fall. Why hasten it? It's sad to see those who consider themselves most loyal to the platform doing the most anti-marketing for it.

    Hmm. So I post some fighting words from the competition in response to the idea that Apple has somehow crossed a line by noting that current tablet competitors don't measure up, in their opinion, and you see that as symptomatic of Apple worship? If your'e worried about knee-jerk, nonsensical responses you might want to take a look in the mirror. My point was merely that Apple wasn't doing anything unusual, not that they're better or different.

    As far as the linked statements being somehow merely competitive (while presumably Apple is being a dick), just to take Google I/O as an example:


    f we did not act, we faced a Draconian future, a future where one man, one company, one device, one carrier would be our only choice.

    Yep, that's pretty mellow. Again, certainly within their right, as is Apple's similarly "competitive" language.

    I notice you're going out of your way to make excuses for Adobe and RIM, which I find to be symptomatic of what's happened to the Adobe and RIM communities over the last few years. They were once proud companies, why make it worse by imagining that they never do anything wrong?
  • Reply 198 of 215
    Originally Posted by gwlaw99 View Post

    I can see saying that Android apps suck and that Android has no tablet specific apps, but you can't criticize Android tablets like the Galaxy Tab for using the same operating system as Android phones. The iPhone and iPad use the same operating system and that has nothing to do with the fact that the iPad has thousands of tablet specific apps.

    I don't think anyone is criticizing the use of Android on both phones and tablets. What is being said is that the current version, Froyo or whatever, is not ready for tablets.

    Yes, Apple does use the same OS. In fact, Apple said it was working on the iPad first. But that doesn't mean there aren't differences in the form factors that need to be properly figured in and optimized. It even happened to some degree with iOS for iPad: that's why I couldn't install updates on my ipad for several months and had to wait for 4.2 for feature parity with my iPod Touch for folders and multi-tasking and stuff. Apple simply held back a couple of features from being used until they were ready -- UI stuff was ready to go. This was clearly stated by Apple, so everyone knew exactly what was what -- iPad would not get certain features until 4.2 later in the year, etc.

    That's different from a load of manufacturers going off half-cocked and implementing all sorts of things willy-nilly. The criticism is largely that, despite the warning from Google (who, you know, wrote the OS), tablet manufacturers are running ahead just so they have something to put out there against the iPad. This could hurt the user experience of tablets on Android. It could highlight the lead iOS has over Android in terms of UX.
  • Reply 199 of 215
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by gwlaw99 View Post

    True, but iOS developers aren't allowed to use modified private APIs as Android developers are. Here is a good article discussing the difference in the SDKs (looks to be translated to English). Both have advantages and disadvantages for programmers.

    That was badly written, and it is clear that he is not a native English speaker. It is also clear you should never buy an app from this guy, unless you want your app to break on updates.
  • Reply 200 of 215
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by androidmax View Post

    Your post certainly reeks of arrogance as well.

    Do you do anything other than accuse posters and COOs of arrogance? With the self-chosen title of androidmax and your posting history I'd have to conclude you simply came here to pick a fight. Mildly sophisticated trolling, but trolling nonetheless.
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