Verizon leak shows Motorola's iPad challenger priced at $799



  • Reply 101 of 191
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Stourque View Post

    What I don't get is who, other than the anti-apple crowd, would buy an android pad. At best, they might be as good, they might be as cheap, they might have some apps. Key word - might. Sorry, but I'm going with the real deal. This is why apple will dominate in this market for years to come.

    I don?t get it either. If Android offered a considerably lower price for equivalent HW, OS and and experience then I could understand it, but it?s in Apple?s favor on all all counts except for HW? and that?s only until you actually see how the OS can utilize the HW and then Apple pushes ahead with better code. (I?ll refrain from posting the AnandTech image of Android?s 802.11n WiFi having worse performance than the old iPhone with 802.11g).

    There was a time when Apple was premium in price, but that day is no longer with us on equivalent CE. Cornering the NAND market was a primary step and I think the display market might be the next. Can monopolizing and "strong arming? a component be considered illegal?
  • Reply 102 of 191
    Originally Posted by derekmorr View Post

    Typical fanboy response: Provide no data and call other people names. Ok, I'm done. It's not worth my time talking to you.

    Curious fanboy that I am, using an hp laptop, a sony ericsson phone while listening to an iPod, while getting my feeds from google reader.

    Just out of curiosity, from which mega-corporation are you accusing me of being a "fanboy"?

    And thanks for stopping the trolling. It's quite tiresome.
  • Reply 103 of 191
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    Competition is always good. ...

    No, competition is not inherently good. It can be good or bad, and how one views the results often depends on how wide a view one takes on those results.
  • Reply 104 of 191
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Teckstud. For sure. Better spell-check, this time around.

    Yeah, HaHaWhatever is almost certainly tekstud. You can't fake the complete lack of reasoning abilities, the mistaken facts, the backpedaling and claims that one said the opposite of what one did, 3 posts later. "select * from tekstud_knowledge;" still returns 0 rows.
  • Reply 105 of 191
    recrec Posts: 217member
    Honestly, I'll enjoy checking out the Xoom for myself when it ships. Since they're waiting on Android v3, I'm kinda suspecting that won't be until July-August, a few months after iPad 2, but it will be interesting nonetheless. I do like looking at other people's hardware/software and seeing what they come up with.

    I'm not expecting it to be compelling enough for me to want to buy one, especially if its $800 for something that is merely interesting. This could be $800 with a contract for all we know? That would be awful if true, but good news for Apple.

    I'm really curious to see if v3 of the OS does anything to address their software issues or make it worse. It's possible, however unlikely, that they use this opportunity to build in more legacy support somehow or make the app buying and using experience better overall. That's what this is really gonna come down to: if the software ecosystem is there then people will buy it because that is the greatest possible selling point. Windows dominated the computer industry for the longest time because of the availability of software, even though Windows itself was expensive and clunky, people didn't care. You don't sit around staring at the shell of your OS, its all about the software you run in it's environment.

    It's probably not too late for them to solve this and bring some real competition to Apple. Regardless, I'll be paying attention.
  • Reply 106 of 191
    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    Was the Zoom demoed like the iPad ?

    Actually... that's Xoom... just think of Exhumed....

    (actually there's a money transfer company named Xoom)
  • Reply 107 of 191
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Actually... that's Xoom... just think of Exhumed….

    Does the Xoom ship with a sarcoph-a-case?

    edit: A variation of that isn’t a bad name for a quality case maker. The eye of Horus or some other Eyptian symbol would be easy advertising.
  • Reply 108 of 191
    Are people that paranoid that not only do they not think I own anything Apple, but now that I'm someone else in disguise? Seriously? Guess what, I'm not. I own many Apple products, and just because I'm not someone who isn't blindly obsessed by them and trash every other product on the market, I'm not a "true" Apple fan? And guess what else, Android is selling well so they must be doing something right. But fanboys will only believe that's becausse they've been "copying" Apple. The people on this website are so arrogant, from the authors of the articles to the blinded commentors. Why do you think so many people dislike Apple? It's not the products, it's the terrible behavior of the people who use them. Ever think of that? But no, people on this website always have something arrogant or rude to add and they think everybody else is wrong. It's disgusting.

    But I'm okay with all these consipricies. Because I do realize that the people doing so have nothing better to do.
  • Reply 109 of 191
    ibeamibeam Posts: 322member
    Android users can't use Itunes. How do you get your content on it?
  • Reply 110 of 191
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Yeah, HaHaWhatever is almost certainly tekstud. You can't fake the complete lack of reasoning abilities, the mistaken facts, the backpedaling and claims that one said the opposite of what one did, 3 posts later. "select * from tekstud_knowledge;" still returns 0 rows.

    I guess his parents still haven't let him out of their basement. Lot's of pent-up frustration.
  • Reply 111 of 191
    Originally Posted by ibeam View Post

    Android users can't use Itunes. How do you get your content on it?

    Answer: you root it
  • Reply 112 of 191
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    I guess his parents still haven't let him out of their basement.

    Sloth love Chunk!
  • Reply 113 of 191
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by GmanMac View Post


    Compared to $729 for the equivalent iPad? Not so fast.

    This is the first reasonable competition for the iPad. I agree that a 7" slate for $999 would be DOA, but this one is 10" and appears to be a very nice unit - and at 9% over Apple's price, it's in the same ballpark (given that Apple never discounts and everyone else does, the actual difference is likely to be even less - I wouldn't be surprised to see it on sale at $729).

    There are people who don't like Apple's iPad. This is the first decent option for them. I predict it will sell reasonably well. Not as well as the iPad, but well enough to be a success.

    Originally Posted by jpellino View Post

    Seriously? The killer app is going to be accurate weather conditions at any elevation?

    And for only $500 more than the iPad?

    $799 is $500 more than the iPad? You really need to go back to 2nd grade to learn how to do simple math.

    Originally Posted by derekmorr View Post

    *sigh* Do we really still have to go through this? Fragmentation is a myth. It's a non-issue drummed up to malign Android. There is zero evidence that this alleged "fragmentation" is causing problems --

    BS. Funny how the Google fans are so eager to bury their heads in the sand.

    Even developers are complaining about fragmentation on Android systems. Not to mention that you can still buy systems today running about 6 different versions of Android, many of which have major app compatibility problems. And that's not to mention all the different product features, screen sizes, etc.

    Read what developers have to say. There was a big article not to long ago where an Android developer referred to it as a nightmare.
  • Reply 114 of 191
    Originally Posted by derekmorr View Post

    As opposed to folks being at the mercy of Apple for a software update?

    Android devices can be rooted, any any number of custom OS images loaded. Give it time.

    Oh yeah man. Let's train joe consumer on rooting and we'll get right on that.

    Get real.
  • Reply 115 of 191
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Compared to $729 for the equivalent iPad? Not so fast.

    I'm not sure how successful a 3G unit really is at this time due to availability of hotspot capabilities now on Verizon and ATT which would bleed into Android device capabilities too I imagine.

    There's a good reason why a WiFi iPad exists at a $499 price point. You really should get around to acknowledging it, but I think the sales numbers will speak for themselves.
  • Reply 116 of 191
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Compared to $729 for the equivalent iPad? Not so fast.

    As also pointed out it?s also $30 less than the 64GB iPad WiFi+3G model. That additional $70 isn?t looking like a great deal to me.

    We can only compare it to the current iPad but I know people who I?d not call technical in any way that are waiting for the 2nd iPad to arrive. There seem to be a lot of people who think the next model will be arriving with few months. It could easily be months before the Xoom ships as Honeycomb looks like it won?t hit until at least the Summer. On top of that we?ll have a HW demo of the next gen iPad so we?ll know what to expect weeks before it ships. Does anyone here really think Apple won?t be able to get Cortex-A9 for its iPad 2?


    This is the first reasonable competition for the iPad. I agree that a 7" slate for $999 would be DOA, but this one is 10" and appears to be a very nice unit - and at 9% over Apple's price, it's in the same ballpark (given that Apple never discounts and everyone else does, the actual difference is likely to be even less - I wouldn't be surprised to see it on sale at $729).

    I haven?t seen anything regarding the display type. Asus prominently announced that all their tablets would be IPS. That?s a big deal and an important feature even if you don?t know what they are. If you see a tablet display with a 178° viewing angle next to one with 160° having a little more RAM or or being 1oz lighter might become pointless, and probably aren?t going to spend an additional 70 quid for the worse experience.
  • Reply 117 of 191
    Originally Posted by GmanMac View Post


    it will probably look more attractive when it's priced with a 2 year contract.

    remember, the 3G ipad costs $629 for just a 16GB model. without expandable memory it's hard to recommend spending less than $729 on a 3G ipad.

    what the hell, this is all laptop territory. Why don't you all just consider the incredibly powerful HP dm1z with the dual core athlon II neo. Configured at $500 for a 11 inch netbook, 3 GB ram, athlon ii neo k325, this thing can run recent PC games.i guess the ipad is really that much fun to use, which is something that i don't think android devices will be able to compete with. somehow the interface on the iOS was always so much fun to use, and android still feels like a chore.
  • Reply 118 of 191
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by ciaran00 View Post

    I'm not sure how successful a 3G unit really is at this time due to availability of hotspot capabilities now on Verizon and ATT which would bleed into Android device capabilities too I imagine.

    There's a good reason why a WiFi iPad exists at a $499 price point. You really should get around to acknowledging it, but I think the sales numbers will speak for themselves.

    The sales numbers suggest that all 6 ipads sell in similar numbers. So the Xoom is somewhere in the middle.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    As also pointed out it?s also $30 less than the 64GB iPad WiFi+3G model. That additional $70 isn?t looking like a great deal to me.

    As I said, I don't expect it to sell well compared to the iPad. But it's not as ridiculous as people claim. Heck when 7" tablets were priced up to $900 or more, THAT was ridiculous. But 9% more (or less, if it goes on sale) puts it well within the range that it will be considered.

    There are people who hate Apple - and would be happy to pay 9% more for a non-Apple product. Or people who want Flash. Or people who are fans of some of the other features that this tablet has that the iPad does not. When you were looking at considerably more money for half the screen area, calling it DOA wasn't unreasonable. But looking at the same screen area (slightly larger, IIRC) with some features that the iPad doesn't have for 9% more is well within the range that you can't reject it out of hand.
  • Reply 119 of 191
    Originally Posted by derekmorr View Post

    Name one. Aside from Angry Birds (an issue that appeared to be due to sloppy code), I haven't heard of any.

    Do you mean sloppy OS?
  • Reply 120 of 191
    Originally Posted by fuwafuwa View Post

    Do you mean sloppy OS?

    Why don't you reply to my point rather than change the subject.
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