54% of Verizon's Android, Blackberry users to switch to iPhone, survey says



  • Reply 41 of 103
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,123member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    We don't want junk. We're willing to pay for a quality experience. Android aint it. Windows Mobile 2 a la Google aint it.

    Yes, and we'll lap it up BECAUSE it's Apple. Exactly. Precisely because it's a controlled system. Because we like an end-to-end turnkey solution that requires no work. Because we like lively yet predictable interfaces that even a 3-year old can manage in a few minutes, but which a CEO can take delight in because it saves time and is a breath of fresh air. Because we appreciate a tech company that actually pays attention to detail - down to the last pixel. Because we are willing to eschew "open" in favour of "elegant", "easy" and "convenient." Because we like tech that is meant to work for us - all of us - from kids to adults to grannies to tech-savvy to the tech-newbie. Because we like regular, uniform updates, no matter what device we have. Because we like a company that has enough respect for their OS to not allow junk-purveyors to get their hands on it.

    Apple finds their market, finds their place in tech, and flourishes among the "open" options precisely because OPEN = BROKEN. There is no overarching standard with "open." No one to say "No." No one to implement any unifying vision that ties the entire ecosystem together. Android is a mess. Not all the open in the world is worth waiting for a fix, because a fix isn't coming. It can't come. Apple succeeds because they fix all this, and there is demand (in fact, substantial, unprecedented demand) to fix all this, and there always has been.

    Well said sir!! It's unfortunate though that your well thought-out response will fall on blind eyes because the fandroids either refuse or deny the truth in your message. Their blind android loyalty will always leave them forever waiting for that next release of Android that "supposedly" will de-throne iOS.
  • Reply 42 of 103
    Originally Posted by derekmorr View Post

    Well, that's beauty of choice that you get with Blackberry or Android -- if you want a physical keyboard, you can get one. If you don't, you don't have to have one (and on Android you can swap out the soft keyboard with another, like Swype). It's much nicer than being forced into The One True Way.

    Wow I'm impressed, you can have several keyboards on an android phone. A flimsy plastic one, and the virtual one, which by the way android copied from Apple, if IOS is crap as you imply, why does android have so many copied features ?

    Do you honestly love the idea that you can select from a number of virtual keyboards, is that what your total user experience amounts to ? If so, so sad.

    Do you recollect the issue with the LG WP7, it had a physical keyboard, but the phone had to be in landscape mode, unfortunately one of the developers forgot about this, and the phone stayed in portrait mode, so one had to swivel their heads at an acute angle to type.

    Give me Apple's simply but elegant and wonderful keyboard experience everyday, I love my keyboard, I truly do.
  • Reply 43 of 103
    Originally Posted by NealofThelake View Post

    I grow more and more concerned with our society with everyday that passes by. It's as if we are becoming a nation of sheep who want things closed off and controlled by a single entity. This is why I can't bring myself to buy an iPhone or iPad even though I've been a proud Mac owner for almost twelve years now. I'm seeing a shift towards a one-hundred percent Apple controlled system and I really hope this does not leech over into the Mac OS. If it does I will leave the platform/company and never look back. I know others within the company that also feel this way.

    Seeing this many people wanting to completely ditch an open platform for one that is closed and notorious for it's over the top rules and bullshit really makes me sick. I would prefer to not be a tech-nation that is driven by the products of one company. I don't want any one entity to have that much direct influence on any given part of my day to day life, but it seems as though Apple is trying more and more everyday to creep into all of our live with more and more shit rules that we really dont need. Honestly, I'm going to violently smack the next person I hear talking about using the iPad as any kind of replacement for a standard desktop/notebook machine. This whole "I'm going to mandate what you can and can't do on your own shit because I made it" mentality is the exact opposite direction that any developing technology should be moving in.

    The Mac OS will be controlled in this manor within three years and people will just lap it up because it's Apple. Mark my words.

    Why do I bother to reply ?

    Anyway here goes, the Kommosol (communist youth) had slogans prepared by the party that were waved and shouted out aloud. Now getting the open is good and closed is evil slogans from other fanatics. Please stop, you sound sillier each time you rant about this.

    There is no such thing as open and closed, its simply propaganda shoved down the neck by the fandoids, puppets controlled by their masters. Oh please I beg you stop !!!
  • Reply 44 of 103
    sambansamban Posts: 171member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Well said sir!! It's unfortunate though that your well thought-out response will fall on blind eyes because the fandroids either refuse or deny the truth in your message. Their blind android loyalty will always leave them forever waiting for that next release of Android that "supposedly" will de-throne iOS.

    Dethrone from where, android is racing to bottom not to top, where it will compete against itself
  • Reply 45 of 103
    Originally Posted by White Rabbit View Post

    Wow I'm impressed, you can have several keyboards on an android phone. A flimsy plastic one, and the virtual one, which by the way android copied from Apple, if IOS is crap as you imply, why does android have so many copied features ?

    (It's probably pointless to reply to such a rabid fanboy, but I'll try, just once).

    * Who says the physical keyboards on all Android phones are flimsy? Have you ever held one in your hands and tried it?

    * I did not say that having a keyboard was the be-all of one's "phone experience." I said that having choice is a good thing. Some people want a physical keyboard, and they should be able to get one. Some people do not want one, and shouldn't be forced to have one. Different people have different needs and desires, and one size does not fit all.

    * I did not say that iOS was crap. I said it was one size fits all. There's a difference.

    * How did Google copy iOS's soft keyboard?

    Speaking of keyboards, it's interesting to note that I don't use the soft keyboard on my Android phone that often; frequently I use the voice input, which is available in any text entry field in any app on Android. That's something Apple doesn't (yet) offer, and it's extremely useful.
  • Reply 46 of 103
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Why did you type edit if you wrote that all in one sitting, without having to go back and edit?

    You don't know he did it all in one sitting. Have you never popped back to a post to add an after thought? If you do it quickly there is no auto edit comment, so he was maybe being honest to add 'Edit'.
  • Reply 47 of 103
    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    But, but, but..It's not OPEN!! *rollseyes*

    Found this on Gruber's site. I think it brings the whole "open" thing to it's conclusion.

    Motorola Cliq XT Won?t Get Android 2.1 Upgrade ★

    Christopher Trout:
    Motorola?s dangled an Android 2.1 upgrade in front of CLIQ XT users for what seems like forever ? now it?s putting away the bait indefinitely. In a statement released this morning, the company said that despite months of rigorous testing, the phone will remain on Android 1.5.
    That?s OK, because Android is open. Cliq XT owners can just type ?mkdir android ; cd android ; repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git ; repo sync ; make? and they?ll be all set.
  • Reply 49 of 103
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member
    Yeah! 5% of the smartphone market is scary.

    It's like CF bulbs, newspapers, or Kleenex. I see them everywhere!

    Ubiquity is actually a dangerous conspiracy.

    Originally Posted by NealofThelake View Post

    I grow more and more concerned with our society with everyday that passes by. It's as if we are becoming a nation of sheep who want things closed off and controlled by a single entity. This is why I can't bring myself to buy an iPhone or iPad even though I've been a proud Mac owner for almost twelve years now. I'm seeing a shift towards a one-hundred percent Apple controlled system and I really hope this does not leech over into the Mac OS. If it does I will leave the platform/company and never look back. I know others within the company that also feel this way.

    Seeing this many people wanting to completely ditch an open platform for one that is closed and notorious for it's over the top rules and bullshit really makes me sick. I would prefer to not be a tech-nation that is driven by the products of one company. I don't want any one entity to have that much direct influence on any given part of my day to day life, but it seems as though Apple is trying more and more everyday to creep into all of our live with more and more shit rules that we really dont need. Honestly, I'm going to violently smack the next person I hear talking about using the iPad as any kind of replacement for a standard desktop/notebook machine. This whole "I'm going to mandate what you can and can't do on your own shit because I made it" mentality is the exact opposite direction that any developing technology should be moving in.

    The Mac OS will be controlled in this manor within three years and people will just lap it up because it's Apple. Mark my words.

  • Reply 50 of 103
    I'm Mac since 1985. I'm iOS. My son is PC and BB all the way. My son had a son, my grandson. The grandson is 3 years old, came to visit. He's never seen an iOS device. I loaded an old iPod Touch with kid stuff and movies and handed it to him while we were sitting in the living room. He crawled off and started playing with it. I watched as he played games, started a movie, etc. No instruction, no training.

    I like "closed" end of story.
  • Reply 51 of 103
    Originally Posted by RicMac View Post

    I'm Mac since 1985. I'm iOS. My son is PC and BB all the way. My son had a son, my grandson. The grandson is 3 years old, came to visit. He's never seen an iOS device. I loaded an old iPod Touch with kid stuff and movies and handed it to him while we were sitting in the living room. He crawled off and started playing with it. I watched as he played games, started a movie, etc. No instruction, no training.

    I like "closed" end of story.

    The bb keyboard was designed for fingers the size of your grandson's. My daughter can type as fast on her iPhone keyboard as anyone with a bb. And those physical keyboards are filled with parts waiting to break. Everyone knows a bb owner who has had broken keys.

    This notion of choice is what Microsoft subscribes to. They want to be everything to everybody, whereas Apple subscribes to the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid). I remember when safari first came out, it seemed to be missing all the features of Internet explored because there wasn't a toolbar with everything on it. After using it I realized it does have everything. The toolbar only contained the things you need regularly - not everything imaginable.
  • Reply 52 of 103
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    We don't want junk. We're willing to pay for a quality experience. Android aint it. Windows Mobile 2 a la Google aint it.

    Argument fails. That's a highly opinionated statement.

    I don't want junk, which is why I don't buy the iphone. Hey look at that, anyone can do what you just did.

    Iphone is a good phone, but it's not perfect. What you call junk someone else will call their favorite.

    Just because you say Android is junk, it doesn't mean the people at Apple share your opinion. They might convince you of this, but only to sell you more stuff. You think Apple isn't concerned with how quickly Android is growing, ESPECIALLY with the preview of 3.0 for tablets? iOS doesn't come close to that experience.

    Again, your argument fails. Hard, I might add...
  • Reply 53 of 103
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    As far as this survey is concerned, I find stuff like this to be bullshit.

    It's like when I hear Fox News say a poll of Americans finds they overwhelmingly want "Obamacare" repealed. What poll? I didn't partake in any such poll, which means MANY others like me didn't.

    Same goes with this survey. I'm content with my phone so I don't go out of my way to answer surveys while looking up product information on other phones.

    The iphone sales will do well, but "surveys" and "polls" don't actually offer a solid view of reality.
  • Reply 54 of 103
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    As far as this survey is concerned, I find stuff like this to be bullshit.

    It's like when I hear Fox News say a poll of Americans finds they overwhelmingly want "Obamacare" repealed. What poll? I didn't partake in any such poll, which means MANY others like me didn't.

    Same goes with this survey. I'm content with my phone so I don't go out of my way to answer surveys while looking up product information on other phones.

    The iphone sales will do well, but "surveys" and "polls" don't actually offer a solid view of reality.

    Apparently you never took statistics in school or you would know about sampling. Just because you weren't polled does not make the sample size invalid.
  • Reply 55 of 103
    Originally Posted by Stourque View Post

    Apparently you never took statistics in school or you would know about sampling. Just because you weren't polled does not make the sample size invalid.

    Likewise, is 700 people a meaningful sample? Were there any biases in the sample?
  • Reply 56 of 103
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by NealofThelake View Post

    I grow more and more concerned with our society with everyday that passes by. It's as if we are becoming a nation of sheep who want things closed off and controlled by a single entity. This is why I can't bring myself to buy an iPhone or iPad even though I've been a proud Mac owner for almost twelve years now. I'm seeing a shift towards a one-hundred percent Apple controlled system and I really hope this does not leech over into the Mac OS. If it does I will leave the platform/company and never look back. I know others within the company that also feel this way.

    Seeing this many people wanting to completely ditch an open platform for one that is closed and notorious for it's over the top rules and bullshit really makes me sick. I would prefer to not be a tech-nation that is driven by the products of one company. I don't want any one entity to have that much direct influence on any given part of my day to day life, but it seems as though Apple is trying more and more everyday to creep into all of our live with more and more shit rules that we really dont need. Honestly, I'm going to violently smack the next person I hear talking about using the iPad as any kind of replacement for a standard desktop/notebook machine. This whole "I'm going to mandate what you can and can't do on your own shit because I made it" mentality is the exact opposite direction that any developing technology should be moving in.

    The Mac OS will be controlled in this manor within three years and people will just lap it up because it's Apple. Mark my words.

    1. As others have pointed out, the open/closed thing is pretty much a load of bullshit in this context.

    2. What you think is important really isn't, to most people, including many who would self-describe as geeks. Most people really don't give a damn about the things that apparently keep you up at night.

    3. You seem to prefer "variety" just for the sake of variety, without concern for quality.

    4. Your prediction on Mac OS is based on a misunderstanding of pretty much everything.
  • Reply 57 of 103
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by derekmorr View Post

    Likewise, is 700 people a meaningful sample? Were there any biases in the sample?

    You can read all about Usamp's methodologies here.

    I don't know enough about this kind of stuff to say if it's statistically valid, but you sort of get the impression they're not just calling up a random 700 people and hoping for the best....

    I would imagine that since market analysis is what they're pedaling they would have actual processes in place to achieve something of use.
  • Reply 58 of 103
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    1. As others have pointed out, the open/closed thing is pretty much a load of bullshit in this context.

    The human capacity for self deception never ceases to amaze me. I'm dumbfounded at some of the comments in this thread ("open = broken", there is no such thing as open -vs- closed, etc). The mental acrobatics fanboys will engage in to defend their shiny fruit is truly a thing of wonder, and I don't mean that in a good way.
  • Reply 59 of 103
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Originally Posted by NealofThelake View Post

    I grow more and more concerned with our society with everyday that passes by. It's as if we are becoming a nation of sheep who want things closed off and controlled by a single entity. This is why I can't bring myself to buy an iPhone or iPad even though I've been a proud Mac owner for almost twelve years now. I'm seeing a shift towards a one-hundred percent Apple controlled system and I really hope this does not leech over into the Mac OS. If it does I will leave the platform/company and never look back. I know others within the company that also feel this way.

    Seeing this many people wanting to completely ditch an open platform for one that is closed and notorious for it's over the top rules and bullshit really makes me sick. I would prefer to not be a tech-nation that is driven by the products of one company. I don't want any one entity to have that much direct influence on any given part of my day to day life, but it seems as though Apple is trying more and more everyday to creep into all of our live with more and more shit rules that we really dont need. Honestly, I'm going to violently smack the next person I hear talking about using the iPad as any kind of replacement for a standard desktop/notebook machine. This whole "I'm going to mandate what you can and can't do on your own shit because I made it" mentality is the exact opposite direction that any developing technology should be moving in.

    The Mac OS will be controlled in this manor within three years and people will just lap it up because it's Apple. Mark my words.

    When are you clueless people going to stop calling Android "open" - it is FAR from being an open source platform. People have hundreds of thousands of options (apps) for use on apple iOS devices and that in effect makes it just as "open". In fact, the reality is that apple has contributed more to the true "open source" market than google ever has through things like webkit, which google actually uses itself. So please, get off your preachy soapbox. What the overwhelming majority of people want is an easy to use, well designed, hugely versatile device. And that is what apple delivers.
  • Reply 60 of 103
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Originally Posted by derekmorr View Post

    The human capacity for self deception never ceases to amaze me. I'm dumbfounded at some of the comments in this thread ("open = broken", there is no such thing as open -vs- closed, etc). The mental acrobatics fanboys will engage in to defend their shiny fruit is truly a thing of wonder, and I don't mean that in a good way.

    derek is a troll that likes to hang out here - please derek, get a life!
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