Apple rumored to unveil iOS 5, new MobileMe at media event in early April



  • Reply 21 of 109
    I think they really need to give the UI a huge overhaul for the iPad. It's starting to look very plain when you see newer tablets with stuff like Honeycomb and the Blackberry OS. I like simple, but a 5 x 6 grid of square icons is not going to hold up forever. And the multitasking popup / settings bar should take more advantage of the large tablet form factor beyond a tiny sideswiping bar. I'd like to see a well thought out and more functional lockscreen at the very least on both devices.
  • Reply 22 of 109
    funkyp56funkyp56 Posts: 36member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    My wishlist for iOS 5:

    1) Improved notifications. There is NO EXCUSE not to fix this **** in iOS 5

    2) Ability to have information on the lock screen (like current weather conditions, missed calls, etc... stuff I can glance at without even "unlocking" the phone). The current lock screen is full of wasted space.

    3) The ability to "Mark All Read" in Mail

    That's about all I've got.

    I can just hear a whining baby 3GS owners complaining already because they get NONE of those features!
  • Reply 23 of 109
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    It seems that in years past by now we usually have heard some whispers about the next iOS, and devs have it and we know a thing or two about what is coming. But this year it seems much more quiet. I wonder if some big changes are coming. Here's hoping~
  • Reply 24 of 109
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    . It was said that Apple is working on improved "voice navigation" on the iPhone, allowing users to operate the device through voice commands without the need to rely on a virtual keyboard.

    Does anybody actually use Voice Control? I tried it a few times but it is terrible at recognizing my voice. I grew up in Colorado and I think my accent is fairly typical of midwest America.
  • Reply 25 of 109
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    Originally Posted by funkyp56 View Post

    I can just hear a whining baby 3GS owners complaining already because they get NONE of those features!

    Why would those features be left off for 3Gs owners?
  • Reply 26 of 109
    Better native Google Maps.
  • Reply 27 of 109
    funkyp56funkyp56 Posts: 36member
    Originally Posted by DJinTX View Post

    Why would those features be left off for 3Gs owners?

    3G support is going out the window sometime this week because of 4.3, its only a matter of time until the 3GS gets the AXE! iOS 5.0 sounds like the right time to force people to upgrade.
  • Reply 28 of 109
    glimonezglimonez Posts: 11member
    Hello all,

    I rarely post but this bugs me so much! Would it be too much to ask to have iOS detect sentences that start with Who, What, Where, When, Why or How so that double space adds a question mark? Or double 1 (one) makes an exclamation mark?

    That would probably require similar code to grammar checker.

  • Reply 29 of 109
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Does anybody actually use Voice Control? I tried it a few times but it is terrible at recognizing my voice. I grew up in Colorado and I think my accent is fairly typical of midwest America.

    I agree. I have never had my iPhone successfully execute a command via voice control. I guess I should has successfully started playing music for me each time I have tried, although it is always the wrong artist/song.
  • Reply 30 of 109
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Where's the question mark in the title of this post? Or the word: "rumor" ?

    The word "rumored" would be the second one in the title right after the word "Apple."
  • Reply 31 of 109
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    People turn there machines off otherwise its just a waste of electricity and money.

    The only person I know who does that is my grandpa who also logs off his email service after getting mail.

    Modern computers with energy saving features use an insignificant amount of energy when in sleep mode and are designed to be left on 24/7.
  • Reply 32 of 109
    funkyp56funkyp56 Posts: 36member
    Originally Posted by glimonez View Post

    Hello all,

    I rarely post but this bugs me so much! Would it be too much to ask to have iOS detect sentences that start with Who, What, Where, When, Why or How so that double space adds a question mark? Or double 1 (one) makes an exclamation mark?

    That would probably require similar code to grammar checker.


    That would be awesome!
  • Reply 33 of 109
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by DJinTX View Post

    I agree. I have never had my iPhone successfully execute a command via voice control. I guess I should has successfully started playing music for me each time I have tried, although it is always the wrong artist/song.

    Google translate is about 90% accurate for me though.
  • Reply 34 of 109
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by bugsnw View Post

    My short wish list includes:

    1. Faster App startup

    2. More inclusive keyboard that includes apostrophe, hyphen, and @ and .com on the 1st screen

    3. It's be cool to have the option of requiring a definite 'tap' to register a key press while typing. After seeing what they've done in Garageband with faux pressure sensitivity, this is doable. That way, typists could optionally rest their fingers on the keyboard as they do with a hardware keyboard and only when they strike a key with some definite pressure would it register.

    Typing speeds would skyrocket.

    4. Haptic feedback when interacting with the OS and in appropriate apps.

    As far as keyboard tweaks go, I'd be more interested in having different "modes" of keyboard for different types of typing. For instance right now it's kind of set for internet use which makes sense, but if you're typing a novel in Pages, it's very frustrating.

    In a novel situation for instance, Every letter after a leading quote mark is capitalised, this could easily be done automatically just like the leading capital is now, but if you're typing code that would be irritating so they don't do it. Also, it capitalises every letter after a period right now, but that means you can never use an elipsis without editing the errant capital after the fact.

    I could go on, but there are all kinds of things that should happen automatically (or not), by the rules of a given type of writing. It would be nice to have more flexibility and to be able to switch between different setups.

    It would also be nice to be able to edit the autocorrect. Some of the strangest things show up there that I don't remember "teaching" the software. It would be nice to be able to delete them and it would also be nice to add back in all the censored words.

    Finally, anyone who's seen the extra row of keys in iA Writer knows they would be really handy as an option in iOS in general.
  • Reply 35 of 109
    robin huberrobin huber Posts: 4,014member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Does anybody actually use Voice Control? I tried it a few times but it is terrible at recognizing my voice. I grew up in Colorado and I think my accent is fairly typical of midwest America.

    I just started using it to make phone calls and it works quite well. Very helpful in my car that doesn't have bluetooth.
  • Reply 36 of 109
    aiaddictaiaddict Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by funkyp56 View Post

    3G support is going out the window sometime this week because of 4.3, its only a matter of time until the 3GS gets the AXE! iOS 5.0 sounds like the right time to force people to upgrade.

    FRAGMENTATION! Tens of millions of iOS devices that cant update to the latest OS, my gosh it sounds a lot like ANDROID!
  • Reply 37 of 109
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member

    Multi-user support on iPad.
  • Reply 38 of 109
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    Originally Posted by funkyp56 View Post

    3G support is going out the window sometime this week because of 4.3, its only a matter of time until the 3GS gets the AXE! iOS 5.0 sounds like the right time to force people to upgrade.

    Well sure, eventually, but you made it sound like 3Gs was cut off as of iOS5. I would be extremely shocked if this were the case. it still has great performance compared to the 3G.
  • Reply 39 of 109
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Apple has got to get iOS 5 in developer's hands ASAP to exploit new hardware capabilities.

    I suspect that the SmartCover iPad wake-up may be done with RFID/NFC rather than being magnet or proximity activated.

    Probably won't know until iFixit teardown.

    It is almost a given that next iPhone and iPod Touch will have RFID/NFC/

    If the iPad 2 has it -- the iPad could be a great POST (Point Of Sale Terminal) among other things.

    Unlikely that it's RFID/NF. From the product videos we've seen, in my opinion, the iPad wakes up too fast for it to be anything but a magnet. I don't think RFID has the sensitivity to range that a magnetic switch would have.

    Besides, for RFID, isn't the part in your device more-or-less passive until it's been passed through the field set up by a terminal? That activates the chip and initiates the communication between the devices. So in your scenario, the iPad would need to be constantly broadcasting a field. Quite a waste of battery power. And it would be extreme over-kill since no data is being exchanged between the cover and the iPad.

    But, no need to wait for the iFixIt teardown. As soon as you can get your hands on a new iPad, grab a magnet and try to activate the sleep mode.
  • Reply 40 of 109
    elliots11elliots11 Posts: 290member
    Originally Posted by DJinTX View Post

    I think you are missing something. It is certainly possible that a new feature in iOS5 might be the ability to stream your media from a home computer, over the internet to your iOS device. But what this is talking about is Apple's huge server farm basically hosting your media collection in the cloud for streaming to your iOS device. Your home computer would not be used in this scenario, so you could definitely leave it at home and turned off or in sleep mode.

    As for turning computers off...I commend your desire to save money and energy, however, I think alot of people out there are not as eco-friendly as you and leave their machines on constantly.

    I suspect MobileMe will be free. I've been getting it since 2007, and if they were just changing pricing or something rather than making it free then they'd offer some sort of a discount to those who bought it recently, like with iPad2. Instead, you can't buy Mobile Me anymore. I hope I get a bonus for being a paying member at one point, but then again, it being free is a bonus in itself. Plus I'll finally be able to use my email address with the confidence it'll remain there for a couple of years - didn't want to before because I was always iffy on keeping the service... even though it's pretty good.

    I also doubt they'll expect you to leave your computer on for whatever their streaming idea is. It's just a messy solution and it encourages wasting of resources. That's not green. Your ISP could be at fault, then Apple has to deal with service calls for it. Plus its harder to set up. Plus Apple's been in talks with Music Companies about multiple downloads of the same file. Seems pretty clear where they're going, but I do suspect some surprises.
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