In-depth Review: Apple's iPad 2 running iOS 4.3



  • Reply 81 of 221
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    This so-called "iPad limitations" segment is like a sales pitch.

    That's why reading DED articles is just so entertaining. Nothing is actually a problem or limitation, when viewed from a certain perspective...
  • Reply 82 of 221
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    The term "Post-PC" is going to be flung around by Apple pundits (DED, and that daring fireball guy) until Steve comes up with the next catchphrase, just like 'curated' came and went, as did 'bag of hurt' before it.

    Mere mortals take some time to adapt to the new terminonology.
  • Reply 83 of 221
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    This article isn't just a love letter to Apple, this is full frontal iPad 2 porn.

    Best post of the MONTH!
  • Reply 84 of 221
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    Wasn't it more like they couldn't use the improvements?

    Gruber give a good explanation as to why this might be the case.
  • Reply 85 of 221
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    I dont understand how it's tied to your computer? You plug it in, it activates, and it never has to see your computer again? It sounds like you're just being spiteful.

    "Spiteful" is a very strange choice of words. So tell me then, what does my Aunt do when she gets her iPad (if she bought one), given that there is no Apple Store in my country, she doesn't have a PC or a Mac, and she lives the other side of the country to me? True story.
  • Reply 86 of 221
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    This article isn't just a love letter to Apple, this is full frontal iPad 2 porn.

  • Reply 87 of 221
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    "Spiteful" is a very strange choice of words. So tell me then, what does my Aunt do when she gets her iPad (if she bought one), given that there is no Apple Store in my country, she doesn't have a PC or a Mac, and she lives the other side of the country to me? True story.

    She doesn't have any friends or younger relatives with a computer of some kind to do the initial sync? Then the iPad isn't the device for her.
  • Reply 88 of 221
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    What? Crticiscm of an Apple product in an AI article? I hope DED is okay.

    Not to worry. He had a shareholder meeting with The Prince before he hit 'post'.
  • Reply 89 of 221
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    Why does a post-PC device need to be sans-PC? Perhaps Apple's current conception of a post-PC device doesn't match yours.

    It comes after the PC, but it needs the PC. Not good.
  • Reply 90 of 221
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    It comes after the PC, but it needs the PC. Not good.

    Why is it not good? It seems that you are the only one here who has a significant problem with this. It's not unreasonable in 2011, 30 years into the PC era, for Apple to expect that people will have access to friends, relatives or an Apple store to do this initial sync or further synching if required.

    Again, post does not equate to sans. It's obvious that we are in a transitional period now. As has been shown with botched roll-outs of synching/updating over the cloud by other manufacturers, we're not ready for a completely independent device. Apple has chosen the reliability of occasional tethering.

    If that doesn't work for you or your Aunt, then the time isn't right for you or your Aunt to get an iPad. We are only 12-odd months into this new paradigm, after all.
  • Reply 91 of 221
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    As has been shown with botched roll-outs of synching/updating over the cloud by other manufacturers, we're not ready for a completely independent device. Apple has chosen the reliability of occasional tethering.


    Ireland (and others) don't get it.

    They apparently do not remember Microsoft's complete debacle with the T-Mobile Sidekick. A lot of users had paperweights because over-the-air syncing failed and there was no hard-wired backup option (or rather, it wasn't available unless you paid for third-party options).

    Ongoing snafus with cloud computing services have basically soured the notion of a consumer-grade wireless solution for the next several years. These companies can't even keep a cellphone working. How the heck are they going to support more complicated devices.

    99.99% of Apple's customers have computers anyhow (or can get themselves to an Apple Retail Store). Apple is making strides in cutting the hard-wire umbilical cord by introducing Home Sharing, AirPrint, AirPlay, and other technologies, they are correct in being conservative with their syncing policies. That said, I am now doing much of my data syncing over the air (mail, contacts, calendar, notes); hardwire syncing with my computer is mostly for transferring large apps. However, I do have the assurance that the backup resides locally (and regularly backed up) and not in the hands of of some dubious Fortune 500 company who doesn't understand basic system administration and backup processes.
  • Reply 92 of 221
    aeolianaeolian Posts: 189member
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    So yeah, while I do think they could've done better, I don't think they 1. anticipated this kind of demand, it was insane and 2. it is not in Apple's DNA to be open about every detail, and we shouldn't expect them to be.

    Consider for just a moment if the opposite had occurred, which is entirely probable (alternate universe time): Nobody wants the iPad2. It's not a real PC, doesn't have enough ports, doesn't run flash and its just a big expensive toy. Ok, Apple posts per-store inventory on their website for the launch to help people find iPad2's, except it turns out nobody wants them. Now its nothing but bad PR for the company: Any schmo reporter can look up online all the overstock iPad2's Apple has in the channel, how they totally misjudged things. Look at all the wasted silicon and glass they have sitting on their shelves. APPL would take a huuuuuuge tumble, the future of the company would come into question. If nobody wants the iPad, and the company was betting its future on this device, what kind of growth can they really expect?

    If you were an APPL investor in this scenario, I think you'd be mighty pissed. What the hell was Apple thinking? Why would they be so public about their actual inventory numbers? In this respect posting that info publicly comes with risk, and is a big gamble to shareholders. Especially for a new product category only 1 year old, especially for something that has had unpredictable success and growth in just 9 months when most people, companies and analysts still don't fully understand what is going on.

    But to summarize, no. I don't think it is the best Apple can do. I also don't think any of your suggestions quite work.

    Finally, someone with an uncommon amount of common sense...
  • Reply 93 of 221
    dishdish Posts: 64member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    I purchased this from the Apple web site the day after it was released with a shipment date of April 14. Apple just cancelled my order and put the money back in my checking account.

    Not good!

    How many times did you deny knowing Steve Jobs?
  • Reply 94 of 221
    fila97fila97 Posts: 63member
    Originally Posted by Sue Denim View Post

    yea. Guess I'll stop posting for a while.

    I find it interesting that only one person answered the question, "do you really think this is the best Apple could do [to inform their customers of inventory]?", or "or do you really only see wins in every single tradeoff made in the product".

    If you say yes, then you tell me all I need to know. It's a waste of time to try to reason with those that have no room for reason. This comic comes to mind:

    No one needs tom answer your stupid question until you provide evidence that Apple are holding up inventory for iPad 2. Your assumptions are based on rumors and made out of thin air yet you expect everyone to agree withnyour stupidity.
  • Reply 95 of 221
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    The term "Post-PC" is going to be flung around by Apple pundits (DED, and that daring fireball guy) until Steve comes up with the next catchphrase, just like 'curated' came and went, as did 'bag of hurt' before it.

    I think the term "Post-PC Device" is being interpreted differently here than how Steve Jobs defined it.

    Jobs referenced the term at the D5 Conference (where he shared the stage with Bill Gates) by identifying what he called a "category of devices" distinct from "general purpose PCs" that are "more focused on specific functions" like iPods, phones, and cameras.

    Walt Mossberg drew his attention to the notion that these "Post-PC Devices" are just computers in a different form factor and Jobs' response was:
    "We're getting to the point where everything's a computer in a different form factor. So, so what? Right? So what if it's built with a computer inside it? It doesn't matter. It's, what is it? How do you use it? You know, how does the consumer approach it? And so, who cares what's inside it anymore?"
    Following his thinking about "Post-PC Devices", one could also make the argument that it doesn't matter what they connect or sync to, or how, or how often, or even why. It's how we use these things. As Jobs noted, the PC as a general purpose device will "continue to be with us and morph with us" as a digital hub of various sorts and in evolving form factors, but Post-PC Devices have tended to be more specialized, and what we could do with them, up to now, has been decidedly different.

    Jobs and Gates at D5 went on to predict that these devices will become more and more powerful and capable, and this has certainly come to pass. Tasks that were once restricted to PCs is now possible on Post-PC Devices, but many of the legacy user functions and responsibilities are gone. Complicated input methods and file management are absent (or virtually so) on these devices.

    Perhaps more importantly, the proliferation of multitouch is changing the way we interact with our data, allowing us to physically manipulate it with our fingers. Our usage of these devices is so intuitive and natural (and becoming increasingly more so) that we can use them almost without thinking about it. Long-standing traditional computer interaction is now, by contrast, revealed to be intrusive and even obstructive.

    For Jobs, the term "Post-PC Device" is more about the "experience" of using these devices, rather than how technologically dependent they are on PCs.
  • Reply 96 of 221
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    "Spiteful" is a very strange choice of words. So tell me then, what does my Aunt do when she gets her iPad (if she bought one), given that there is no Apple Store in my country, she doesn't have a PC or a Mac, and she lives the other side of the country to me? True story.

    You just said you could activate it on your PC but you choose not to. That's spiteful.
  • Reply 97 of 221
    imoanimoan Posts: 56member
    iPad! Bah! I just filed my taxes using Free File Fillable Forms. It's all Flash based. Try doing that with an iPad.

    People waiting in lines to get one of these things. Unbelievable. Just get a real Mac and be done with it.
  • Reply 98 of 221
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    Why is it not good? It seems that you are the only one here who has a significant problem with this. It's not unreasonable in 2011, 30 years into the PC era, for Apple to expect that people will have access to friends, relatives or an Apple store to do this initial sync or further synching if required.

    Again, post does not equate to sans. It's obvious that we are in a transitional period now. As has been shown with botched roll-outs of synching/updating over the cloud by other manufacturers, we're not ready for a completely independent device. Apple has chosen the reliability of occasional tethering.

    If that doesn't work for you or your Aunt, then the time isn't right for you or your Aunt to get an iPad. We are only 12-odd months into this new paradigm, after all.

    Yeah... It's the "post-PC" period. We haven't yet reached the "non-PC" period. Hence the iPad still needs a PC.

    Honestly I'm not too crazy about iPad 2 or iPhone 5. But you know Apple gear, once you hold it in your hands it's hard not to reach for the wallet.

    I feel like getting a 11" MBA actually, if I continue my job for one or two more months (as a reward/ incentive to myself for hanging on that bit longer).
  • Reply 99 of 221
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    Unless they limit how many each person can buy...

    Well, the rampant scalping that is going on is not helping and Apple should try to do something about it so that people that want to purchase an iPad for personal use can do so.

    I tried to purchase an iPad at an Apple store and there were a large group of Asians (they were there together) buying iPads. This has been going on in NYC and has been well documented.

    See here and here. Not to single out Asians as the only group doing this, but that is what I and others have seen.

    The store I saw this in was in NJ.
  • Reply 100 of 221
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    I purchased this from the Apple web site the day after it was released with a shipment date of April 14. Apple just cancelled my order and put the money back in my checking account.

    Not good!

    They may not have had a choice. Various consumer protection laws block them from hanging onto customer money if they can't deliver in a timely fashion ( timely generally being defined in the laws).

    I would call the online customer service and see if you can get the order reinstated at wherever you were in the lists.
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