In-depth Review: Apple's iPad 2 running iOS 4.3



  • Reply 101 of 221
    aeolianaeolian Posts: 189member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    You just said you could activate it on your PC but you choose not to. That's spiteful.

    Great reply cameronj.

    Am I the only one who remembers the introduction keynote? It was not supposed to be a computer. Not a stand alone computer.

    It's "something in-between a computer and a smart phone." I think all of the tech guys on here are not getting it.

    To take a phrase from Steve when he introduced the best Apple TV, "it's not hard for the consumer to understand, they get it!". If you were to take voting with your dollars, then yes the consumers get it.

    That being said, I would still like an iPad Pro. I want to know what my top dollar could buy in an iPad. I bet they've already tested them. Say I wanted to plunk down $1,000, or even $2,000.... what could I get in my iPad?

    Believe it or not but Apple does listen to feed back. If we had some type of form going asking for the top of the line iPad, and they saw numbers they couldn't ignore, then we would get it.
  • Reply 102 of 221
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    If you want Flash the iPad is not for you. That is a feature. Flash is a POC technology that was a stop-gap until the web grew up.

    I am surprised people still whine about Flash. I removed it from my Mac and Safari is running much better and more stable. My wife just bought an iPad 2 and wanted to watch foreign tv shows online but the website uses Flash. She downloaded Skyfire from the app store and now she never use her MB to watch videos. I have tested Skyfire and found it to work with most sites.
  • Reply 103 of 221
    aeolianaeolian Posts: 189member
    Originally Posted by Neruda View Post

    Well, the rampant scalping that is going on is not helping and Apple should try to do something about it so that people that want to purchase an iPad for personal use can do so.

    I tried to purchase an iPad at an Apple store and there were a large group of Asians (they were there together) buying iPads. This has been going on in NYC and has been well documented.

    See here and here. Not to single out Asians as the only group doing this, but that is what I and others have seen.

    The store I saw this in was in NJ.

    I don't like the race comment, but this is happening in RI also. We only have one store in Providence and the scalpers are 100+ deep before the store opens. Every one of them buys two at a time, and they don't care what color or storage capacity.

    I only want one...
  • Reply 104 of 221
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Neruda View Post

    Well, the rampant scalping that is going on is not helping and Apple should try to do something about it so that people that want to purchase an iPad for personal use can do so.

    I tried to purchase an iPad at an Apple store and there were a large group of Asians (they were there together) buying iPads. This has been going on in NYC and has been well documented.

    See here and here. Not to single out Asians as the only group doing this, but that is what I and others have seen.

    The store I saw this in was in NJ.

    No way! They shouldn't let Asians buy iPads! At least not more than one Asian at a time!

    I wonder what they think about all the roundeyes trying to buy up all the iPads and scalp them on Craigslist?
  • Reply 105 of 221
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by Aeolian View Post

    I don't like the race comment, but this is happening in RI also. We only have one store in Providence and the scalpers are 100+ deep before the store opens. Every one of them buys two at a time, and they don't care what color or storage capacity.

    I'm not saying Asians/Chinese are the only ones scalping, but see this video.

    Perhaps Apple should limit 1 per customer and require in store activation or come up with better solutions to this if they can.
  • Reply 106 of 221
    Scalpers exist because there's demand in China, period. There's a whole bunch of ultra-rich people in China that wants to play with the iPad2 right now, they don't want to wait, that's why they're willing to buy from the scalpers at inflated price. I don't see the point to complain about this huge demand of iPad2 from these Chinese people, they're also humans and they should also be allowed to buy iPad2, not to mention that it's actually Chinese workers who made most of them.
  • Reply 107 of 221
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    No way! They shouldn't let Asians buy iPads! At least not more than one Asian at a time!

    I wonder what they think about all the roundeyes trying to buy up all the iPads and scalp them on Craigslist?

    Right. So let's ignore reality in order to conform to your politically correctness. And round-eyes? Very hypocritical of of you to use such an epithet for someone ostensibly complaining about potentially discriminatory practices.

    1. It is not only Asians that are scalping, but there the scalping is going on, it is primarily being done by Asians. See this video. I pretty much saw the same thing at a store in NJ.

    2. Apple does not have to enact any policy singling out any particular group, but can institute policies that apply to everyone equally (in store activation or limiting 1 per customer).
  • Reply 108 of 221
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Sue Denim View Post

    But my point was things like: Apple could have a lousy inventory notifier at least as lame as they had back in the iPhone3G days (where you could see what stores had inventory). And if they wanted, a much better system. They could let people know in line how many they have in stock, so lots of people could go home. They have people in-store at 7, but they won't open the doors or sell them until 9. And there are rumors that they are holding some back each day for the next day. Etc., etc.

    Rumor, speculation and in some cases pure BS

    Some replies from a very very reliable source:

    They dropped the whole inventory thing because by the time you get to the store, the information could be massively different. Too much dealing with pissed off folks who saw on the site that there were whatever but it was gone after it took them an hour in traffic. They won't hold stuff because it's not fair to turn away the guy in line over someone who calls and says they are coming to get whatever.

    They didn't do reservations due to a combination of folks that didn't come in after all, folks pissed that they couldn't just walk in and get one cause they were all on reservation and folks pissed off that they had to wait an extra day because some were held back for walk ins (all styles tried in the past).

    THey don't have to open the doors until their stated hours so be glad you aren't waiting until 10 am. Yes they have staff in at 9am, that hour is supposed to be for them to work on software training etc. Something they are being forced to give up so you can wait a little less.

    And they aren't holding back anything. Store shipments come as late as 4pm and are pallet wrapped. Which means they have to be taken into a work space, cut apart, sorted, counted, received into the computer system etc before they can be sold. In many cases that is a several hour game. Especially when the same staff are the ones delivering computers etc to the sales floor (sales staff are not allowed in the receiving and storage areas). And the ipads are coming in triple wrapped. It takes a good five minutes to get a pack completely open. Between that, the paperwork etc, they don't get everything sorted out until very late, sometimes after the store is already closed.

    And many stores are talking to the line, doing claim tickets, counts etc. Sorry if yours is not, perhaps you should take that up with the managers
  • Reply 109 of 221
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post

    Scalpers exist because there's demand in China, period. There's a whole bunch of ultra-rich people in China that wants to play with the iPad2 right now, they don't want to wait, that's why they're willing to buy from the scalpers at inflated price. I don't see the point to complain about this huge demand of iPad2 from these Chinese people, they're also humans and they should also be allowed to buy iPad2, not to mention that it's actually Chinese workers who made most of them.

    I don't disagree with any of the above, but if you are going to have a conversation discussing the reasons why the iPad 2 is in such short supply, then scalping has to be discussed as one of the many reasons for this.
  • Reply 110 of 221
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Neruda View Post

    Right. So let's ignore reality in order to conform to your politically correctness. And round-eyes? Very hypocritical of of you to use such an epithet for someone ostensibly complaining about potentially discriminatory practices.

    1. It is not only Asians that are scalping, but there the scalping is going on, it is primarily being done by Asians. See this video. I pretty much saw the same thing at a store in NJ.

    2. Apple does not have to enact any policy singling out any particular group, but can institute policies that apply to everyone equally (in store activation or limiting 1 per customer).

    Way to miss the joke. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You clearly don't understand reality, why should I expect you to understand a complex joke where I imply the races are warring against each other, each suspicious of WHY the other race wants to buy iPads, calling names.

    You're an idiot.
  • Reply 111 of 221
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Neruda View Post

    I don't disagree with any of the above, but if you are going to have a conversation discussing the reasons why the iPad 2 is in such short supply, then scalping has to be discussed as one of the many reasons for this.

    Yep, scalping is why the iPad2 is in such short supply. And there's nothing wrong with that. Every scalper buys the iPad and sells that single iPad to a single user out there who is willing to pay more for his iPad than you are for yours. And he has every right to find a willing seller to sell it to him.

    The most amazing part of that video was the idiot reporter sounding so surprised about the fact that, despite all the security guards and police and cameras, the scalpers were still doing their business openly.

  • Reply 112 of 221
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Way to miss the joke. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You clearly don't understand reality, why should I expect you to understand a complex joke where I imply the races are warring against each other, each suspicious of WHY the other race wants to buy iPads, calling names.

    You're an idiot.

    Complex joke. Don't flatter yourself, your comments attest to the fact that complexity is clearly beyond your capabilities. Since this is not a face to face conversation it is very difficult sometimes to glean any nuance from a person's comment simply by what they write, so your words have to be taken at face value unless you provide clues to let the reader know that your words should not be taken literally (smily face, <sarcasm> etc.

    If I misconstrued what you said, you could have enlightened me without resorting to an ad hominem

    attack and regardless of whether or not you were joking, I object to your use of what is essentially a racial epithet.
  • Reply 113 of 221
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Sue Denim View Post


    a) they could just tell the lines that are waiting how many machines they have for sale that day and what variants. (they do this right before they open the door -- after people have waited all night).

    In most areas folks aren't waiting all night. Only places like NYC, which really should make them leave. THat has to be a public nuisance. Then again they aren't actually on Apple property so its the NYPD that needs to send folks home.

    And many if not most stores are telling folks which ones they have. Even issuing tickets that morning. It's what they are supposed to be doing in fact.


    b) they could offer security so that they could let the waiters in the mall, instead of outside.

    Not their call. That decision is the mall's and if the mall says no, Apple has to follow.


    c) they could open the store when they get the delivery and not wait until the exact preset time

    they don't get deliveries at exactly the same time every day. This is to prevent thefts because folks know the truck is going to pull up at X time. Also in some cases, the mall or local area has limits on how early they can open.


    d) they could reinstate the lame inventory system they had for the iPhone 3G that showed which stores had inventory

    e) they could improve it so it told number of units (they have that in their inventory systems)

    f) the vouchers would work fine: you just take their ID information when you give them so they can't sell them

    See my previous comments as to why these are all a huge NOT


    g) since you know what's coming to the store the next day (if the rumors that they pre-stock them is wrong), you could just presell them one day earlier. Just book the sale that day, and let them pick it up the next day. Thus people don't have to wait in line all night.

    It is against Apple policy and in some cases local law to take money for something that they can't hand you right away. Don't see that changing.

    Also, no one is forcing anyone to wait even 5 minutes. You can always order online. Sure it means 4 weeks later, perhaps 5 at this point, but hell you are going to possibly wait that long for the stores to get the one you want in stock anyway.

    Remember for 95% of folks this is a toy. You aren't going to die if you don't have one today.

    And Apple doesn't exactly have huge warehouses they can stock pile tons of stuff in. They generally go from build to stores within perhaps 5 days, 7 at most. They do this in part because they don't want warehouses full of stuff they haven't sold. Don't really see that changing any time soon.

    Also lets not forget that that dumb little earthquake and those silly little tidal waves that trampled Japan has screwed up deliveries out of the area thanks to Fed Ex and UPS being needed to deliver aid supplies so those folks don't starve and such. They aren't running as many general flights and boats so that's going to delay stuff just a little.
  • Reply 114 of 221
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Try thinking a few moments into the future.

    We're just at the beginning.

    Any thoughts on how the requirement for PC synchronization relates to Apple's new server farm? If everyone had access to MobileMe, would a PC still be required for initialization?
  • Reply 115 of 221
    aeolianaeolian Posts: 189member
    Originally Posted by Neruda View Post

    I'm not saying Asians/Chinese are the only ones scalping, but see this video.

    Perhaps Apple should limit 1 per customer and require in store activation or come up with better solutions to this if they can.

    I'm an American half Asian, half Mutt from what my father says.

    I don't like this either. I regret that it seems to be Asians that are doing this, but it's still a problem. I don't think it would be any different if it were, pardon my speech, 'white American looking people', that were buying iPad 2's and selling them on E- bay.

    I do agree it should be 1 per person for now. Until they get enough of them out there.
  • Reply 116 of 221
    aeolianaeolian Posts: 189member
    Originally Posted by Neruda View Post

    Right. So let's ignore reality in order to conform to your politically correctness. And round-eyes? Very hypocritical of of you to use such an epithet for someone ostensibly complaining about potentially discriminatory practices.

    1. It is not only Asians that are scalping, but there the scalping is going on, it is primarily being done by Asians. See this video. I pretty much saw the same thing at a store in NJ.

    2. Apple does not have to enact any policy singling out any particular group, but can institute policies that apply to everyone equally (in store activation or limiting 1 per customer).

    "Round eyes?" I've heard all of the 'slanted' jokes, but that one's new.

    Granted I'm young, but I guess we learn something new every day, don't we...
  • Reply 117 of 221
    don pdon p Posts: 9member
    I use my HTC Incredible as my "hotspot". It works fine. I suppose if I used it for significant lengths of time I would experience serious battery drain. Seldom though am I connected for more than for between fifteen and thirty minutes. I do it to read e-mail, check a website, Skype or FaceTime. A great app is TextNow which allows me to use my IPad to text.

    I'm one the lucky owners who picked up my IPad2 on March 11th. It's a 64GB WiFi only. With a little help from HP I was able to connect my OfficeJet 8500A printer wirelessly and with my Apple TV thus enabling me to have easy access to all of these functionalities.

    Getting back to cell phone battery life we had occasion to take a two hour road trip the first weekend we had our IPad2. My wife wanted to watch a movie in NetFlix. We simply plugged the cell phone into the car charger and tethered the IPad2 to the phone. With our NetFlix membership my wife watched her movie during the trip. I'm sure there are many users out in the IPad world who can appreciate how enjoyable this little device will make life acceptable during long road trips. Having owned a first-generation IPad since last year I can tell you that renting a movie from ITunes for viewing later on a long flight is also a plus.

    Yesterday while sitting in a mall while my wife shopped I streamed the NCAA tournament direct to my IPad2. Life doesn't get much better folks!

    Originally Posted by DanaCameron View Post

    The second problem is the real one, though I'm still on the fence about WiFi only or WiFi+3G. Right now, my anticipated data usage wouldn't be excessive (good WiFi availability most places I'll be using it), but I would want the freedom to consume data from anywhere. I've been leaning toward tethering a WiFi only iPad 2 with my iPhone 4, but article brought up the issue of greater battery drain, which I hadn't considered. How big a hit will tethering be on the iPhone 4 battery?

  • Reply 118 of 221
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Yep, scalping is why the iPad2 is in such short supply. And there's nothing wrong with that. Every scalper buys the iPad and sells that single iPad to a single user out there who is willing to pay more for his iPad than you are for yours. And he has every right to find a willing seller to sell it to him.

    The most amazing part of that video was the idiot reporter sounding so surprised about the fact that, despite all the security guards and police and cameras, the scalpers were still doing their business openly.


    You?re still confusing legality, morality and what is good for business. As previous noted many times Apple limits the number of iPads once can purchase to two to limit the ability of scalpers to scalp.

    Again I ask, if this had no ill effect on business then why does Apple and other companies create per transaction limitations on the number of units one can buy on select items?
  • Reply 119 of 221
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Someone made their weekend troll bonus. This thread was completely ruined by Sue Denim.

    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post


    Ireland (and others) don't get it.

    They apparently do not remember Microsoft's complete debacle with the T-Mobile Sidekick. A lot of users had paperweights because over-the-air syncing failed and there was no hard-wired backup option (or rather, it wasn't available unless you paid for third-party options).

    Ongoing snafus with cloud computing services have basically soured the notion of a consumer-grade wireless solution for the next several years. These companies can't even keep a cellphone working. How the heck are they going to support more complicated devices.

    99.99% of Apple's customers have computers anyhow (or can get themselves to an Apple Retail Store). Apple is making strides in cutting the hard-wire umbilical cord by introducing Home Sharing, AirPrint, AirPlay, and other technologies, they are correct in being conservative with their syncing policies. That said, I am now doing much of my data syncing over the air (mail, contacts, calendar, notes); hardwire syncing with my computer is mostly for transferring large apps. However, I do have the assurance that the backup resides locally (and regularly backed up) and not in the hands of of some dubious Fortune 500 company who doesn't understand basic system administration and backup processes.

    It?s unbelievable that anyone who has signed up for this forum and posted on it would have absolutely no understand of how Apple evolves a product.

    We all know more wireless data options are coming, as noted by the advancement of iOS each year, yet I still (regular) posters here wanting the poorly designed methods of other platforms without any consideration of effort involved.

    Even now I still have trouble with Notes syncing (with no access to previous file versions) and had a heck of a time with downloading Loin via the Mac App Store. Here is the fix for a built-in app in Mac OS X that has been out for months.
    If you receive a Mac App Store error message "An error has occurred" while trying to download Mac OS X Lion developer preview, please complete the following:

    \t1. Ensure you have at least 8GB of disk space available in your home folder.


    \t2. Open ~/Library/Application Support/AppStore/manifest.plist in Xcode.


    \t3. Locate the entry for Mac OS X Lion developer preview and change the value for 'failed' to NO, and 'paused' to YES [in Property List Editor].


    \t4. Move the folder at ~/Library/Application Support/AppStore/420410606 to the Trash.


    \t5. Relaunch Mac App Store, navigate to the Purchases tab, and click Resume to begin your download again.
    Can you imagine the outcry if Apple pushed a 600MB file to the iPhone 4 over a capped cellular data in the background, not to mention the slowdown of other services that you were trying to use with your phone, not to mention the additional battery drain?

    Ideally I?d like to see Apple create a more Mac OS-like update system for point and security updates that can be pushed over the cellular network within seconds, but this has its own issues. Most notably, security, where any wireless access to root is a backdoor into all iOS-based devices. Potentially on a large scale and from far outside the country of attack. These are considerations I never see addressed by those that want Apple to follow in other?s shoes.
  • Reply 120 of 221
    sambansamban Posts: 171member
    Originally Posted by Sue Denim View Post

    Sorry Archos, thought my points were obvious.

    Also note, I'm an Apple product fan (more or less). i have an iPad 1, 2 iPhones, 4 Mac laptops, 2 Mac Mini's, and my original Mac 128. That doens't mean I'm going to become a blind fanboi and pretend everything they do is great or putting my interests ahead of their media games.

    Flash 10.1 has existed for mobile for a while, 10.2 is out too. Are you saying that Apple wanted it on there, but Adobe is holding it up? Or are you willing to concede that your point was a poor one (just a distraction)?

    SD card don't have to have a spot for dirt (see MacBookPro), and it certainly isn't worse than the dock port Apple has. So your point is weak. I don't need SD, but others like it. I would like USB or video without a dongle though.

    My point about keyboards is with the iPad 1, Apple gave us a lame one (the wobble-top). I would have liked some options, and in a few months, 3rd parties will provide it. But many companies try to guarantee that there are options like this on release. (The current ones with integrated cases don't exactly fit the new form factor well).

    4) Foxconn is just one of the manufacturers (that Apple picked). Apple is the distributor. They could have far better distribution mechanisms if they wanted. I already gave a few ideas for better distribution:

    a) they could just tell the lines that are waiting how many machines they have for sale that day and what variants. (they do this right before they open the door -- after people have waited all night).

    b) they could offer security so that they could let the waiters in the mall, instead of outside.

    c) they could open the store when they get the delivery and not wait until the exact preset time

    d) they could reinstate the lame inventory system they had for the iPhone 3G that showed which stores had inventory

    e) they could improve it so it told number of units (they have that in their inventory systems)

    f) the vouchers would work fine: you just take their ID information when you give them so they can't sell them

    g) since you know what's coming to the store the next day (if the rumors that they pre-stock them is wrong), you could just presell them one day earlier. Just book the sale that day, and let them pick it up the next day. Thus people don't have to wait in line all night.

    I could go on, and on.

    The facts are, we know Apple could put their customers first. We know they aren't making it convenient. That kinda leaves one to wonder if they just aren't that smart, or if they are doing this on purpose. I suspect the latter -- they like the press. But you're free to disagree. But you don't look very wise (or make Apple look very smart) when you pretend that there's no possibility that you could be wrong.

    Have you noticed that I remained polite. But those that don't want to hear anything but Apple is perfect, are somewhat rude. So far, I have to be stupid or a moron because I think there's a better system to distributing iPads than making people camp out all night and wait until 9:00, when Apple knows well in advance exactly what inventory they have (or are going to have) at that store? Really?

    You do understand that there is massively big gray market out there trying to suck the devices out from stores. Publishing the numbers upfront will just fuel this industry more as impulse buyers will shell out extra to get there hands on the devices.
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