Improved antenna, 4-inch screen, NFC e-wallet rumored for Apple's iPhone 5



  • Reply 21 of 128
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    It's about time they fixed that damn antenna!

    my verizon i phone has big issues .

    if i keep my hands off the sides of the i-phone completely


    <the volume sliding > app switching >> call dropping stops >>

  • Reply 22 of 128
    jason98jason98 Posts: 768member
    So no rumors on 4G and/or glassless 3D?

    No putting them in iPhone-5 will mean that Apple is going to be at least one year behind some of the Android competition.
  • Reply 23 of 128
    Originally Posted by isaidso View Post

    So this means Apple has to put the antenna "inside" the phone, rather than "around" the phone. Hope they can keep shrinking those components then. (and yet, you'll still be covering the antenna window with your hand)

    The antenna has always been covered by something, whether it's your hand or a piece of plastic. The difference is that you wouldn't be directly touching it, and unlike plastic, you are a conductive surface that either directly or indirectly alters the antenna's characteristics.

    Rarely is a cell phone signal not passing through something, so your hand isn't that much of a concern.
  • Reply 24 of 128
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    So no rumors on 4G and/or glassless 3D?

    No putting them in iPhone-5 will mean that Apple is going to be at least one year behind some of the Android competition.

    I think they?ll manage just fine without 3D. \
  • Reply 25 of 128
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    But how much bigger could they make the display while still keeping the same case design? I don?t think 4? is possible within that footprint if they stick with the same aspect ratio. I also don?t think Apple will include an entirely new UI for developers for a quarter inch. Just look at how long they kept the iPhone?s display resolution until they could double the pixels in each direction.

    This will be the 5th version of the iPhone so I think that Apple is working on expanding the product line to include more than one model type. It also seems that the display is the biggest hold up for these devices so dividing it there could help maintain component supplies as their need grows.

    So maybe we?ll see the same 3.5? iPhone and a new 4?+ iPhone using the same aspect ratio and resolution of the 3.5? iPhone, just with less pixel density, though still well above the minimum for calling it ?Retina?.

    This additional size would help Apple compete with Android phones who have gone to the large size because they couldn?t compete with Apple on price, and don?t have the engineering know-how to make a compact modern cellphone the way Apple can. This would allow Apple to get the customers that want a larger display while allowing Apple to add features like LTE sooner rather than later due to the increased space for chips and the battery.

    Why would they need a new UI? It's a small increase in screen size with the same resolution, so everything is just a wee bit bigger on the screen. The apps would be the same, but it woule be a little bit easier from a usability standpoint. I think that little bit of extra space would make typing on the keyboard a lot easier.

    As you state in your 4+" example, it would still be a "Retina display". Although, I actually think anyting bigger than 4" with the same resolution would most certainly NOT be a high enough pixel density to still be called that.
  • Reply 26 of 128
    djintxdjintx Posts: 454member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I think they?ll manage just fine without 3D. \

    I agree completely. I don't have any use for a 3D display on an iPhone. Seems very gimmick-y to me, and I'm not sure why some people clamor for this feature.
  • Reply 27 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    I agree about them not changing the aspect ratio, especially not to something that diverges even farther from the iPad's aspect ratio. But it depends on what they mean by "without increasing the overall size" of the iPhone. They could increase the width by a few mm and decrease the height a few mm (meaning the overall case, not the screen) to maintain the same mm^2 area of the face. Then shrink the non-display area were the home button and earpiece are located to make room for the bigger screen. That could get them closer to a 4" screen.

    Then again, half the time when we hear these rumors I think the larger display is aimed for the iPod touch, not the iPhone. They could make the touch bigger and then create a new iPod to replace the venerable iPod classic. It would be smaller than the current touch and only limited functionality (ie, not much more than a PIM). Keep it simple enough to be able to cram lots of flash storage into it without jacking up the price so it can take the place of the HD-based classic.

    The new design LCD that allows the screen to almost reach from edge to edge will help. Apple isn't locked into this exact size phone either. The 4 is a bit longer than the early models. A couple of mm wider won't matter if that's all they need.

    I'd like a bigger screen as long as the phone isn't significantly bigger as some other phones are.

    As far as the metal back goes, well, that's another problem. Originally, they went to plastic because of 3G and GPS. Whether they can go back to metal is a good question. But time marches on, and possibly they've found a way to do it.
  • Reply 28 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by dagamer34 View Post

    How do you think Mac laptops get a WiFi signal? The antenna would be in the Apple logo.

    Look at the size of the Apple logo on a notebook, and look at the size on the phone. Signals require the same size antenna, no matter what size the receiving device is.
  • Reply 29 of 128
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    China Times also noted that strong demand for Apple products, particularly the iPhone and iPad, has prompted Apple's manufacturing partner, Foxconn, to plan a new facility in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was said that the new plant will be specifically to build Apple products, and production will start in 2013.

    Production of the plant will begin or product-production?
  • Reply 30 of 128
    Not that I wouldn't mind a slightly larger screen on the iPhone, but I'm not understanding the persistence of this rumor considering that the Retina Display is the best on the market already and screen size hasn't been a complaint about the iPhone. What would Apple's motivation be to increase the screen size?
  • Reply 31 of 128
    richysrichys Posts: 160member
    Originally Posted by dagamer34 View Post

    How do you think Mac laptops get a WiFi signal? The antenna would be in the Apple logo.

    Err, in the plastic strip along the hinge...
  • Reply 32 of 128
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    A couple of mm wider won't matter if that's all they need.

    It won't "matter", but it will be annoying and would put me personally off the phone. The 3G and the 3G S for example were too wide for my liking. Whereas the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 1 (the one I currently own) are much nicer to hold because of their width. IMO it would be mistake from a usability and consumer-standpoint to widen the phone even a little bit.

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I'd like a bigger screen as long as the phone isn't significantly bigger as some other phones are.

    Did you read the story? The whole rumor is that the phone wouldn't be wider. That's the whole point of going edge-to-egde - to get a bigger screen in a device the same size.

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    As far as the metal back goes, well, that's another problem. Whether they can go back to metal is a good question. But time marches on, and possibly they've found a way to do it.

    Hope so. The aluminum design of the first iPhone is still the best design of all the iPhones, besides the plastic buttons. The metal buttons on the iPhone 4 really are much nicer/better, and have a nicer click-y-ness too.
  • Reply 33 of 128
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by svnipp View Post

    ... Just wondering if the slide out keyboard rumor is true or not...

    This "rumor" needs to die. Apple is not going to add extra hardware, which means adding more weight, complexity, and steer away from their minimalistic style.

    You can already get a slide-out keyboard for the iPhone. Here's two options after 15 seconds of using Google:

    Have at it!
  • Reply 34 of 128
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Why would they need a new UI? It's a small increase in screen size with the same resolution, so everything is just a wee bit bigger on the screen. The apps would be the same, but it woule be a little bit easier from a usability standpoint. I think that little bit of extra space would make typing on the keyboard a lot easier.

    As you state in your 4+" example, it would still be a "Retina display". Although, I actually think anyting bigger than 4" with the same resolution would most certainly NOT be a high enough pixel density to still be called that.

    If this wasn’t Apple that wouldn’t matter to them, but it is Apple. You don’t simply enlarge the pixel sizes and not account for that in the UI. They painstakingly make sure all the elements fit the device.

    Remember, that your fingers aren’t getting "just a wee bit bigger” when it touches the screen. Also note there are plenty of apps that have measurements built in that would be out of whack if the pixel size changed.

    Again, remember this is the company that sat on the same 480x320 resolution for 3 full years before upping the resolution because they wanted to wait until they could get 4 pixels to exactly represent what was previously 1 pixel so that there would be absolutely no degradation in the quality of the UI experience when they made the change.

    Yes, Apple could easily call it Retina Display and still be within the parameters of what we colloquially call “perfect vision”.
    960 x 640 = 288.4ppi for a 4” display.

    3438 * (1 / 288.4) = 11.92” from your eyes if you have 20/20 vision.
  • Reply 35 of 128
    richysrichys Posts: 160member
    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    So no rumors on 4G and/or glassless 3D?

    No putting them in iPhone-5 will mean that Apple is going to be at least one year behind some of the Android competition.

    Yeah. And where's the thing for getting a stone out of a horse's hoof? I hear the next LG will have one of those...
  • Reply 36 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    So no rumors on 4G and/or glassless 3D?

    No putting them in iPhone-5 will mean that Apple is going to be at least one year behind some of the Android competition.

    Sure, as though we'll see a useful 3D phone now. And so far, 4G isn't doing too well. I'm always amused when I read a review of a 4G phone, and one of the first tips they give for preserving battery life is to keep 4G turned off.

    It's really useful when it's turned off. So, you need a data connection. You take out your phone, and go to wherever you need to turn 4 G on. Then it takes from what's been said, 30 seconds to a minute to acquire the network. Then you go do what you need to for the 20 seconds or so it takes. Then you go and turn it off again.

    Considering the actual speeds this so called 4G delivers, which is usually no more than 50% faster than 3G, and sometimes lower, it's just faster to take out my iPhone4 and get the info right away. I've read some really funny posts on other forums about how iPhone users need to have things so simple that they don't need to "manage" their phones. That's a real laugh. So, we should have to "manage" our phones because of some badly working feature that isn't needed most of the time anyway? That kind of feature we don't need.

    I think I can say pretty certainly, that when Apple finds 4G or LTE to work properly, without sucking the life out of the phone, we'll get it. Meanwhile, that service isn't available in most places yet anyway.
  • Reply 37 of 128
    jason98jason98 Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by DJinTX View Post

    I agree completely. I don't have any use for a 3D display on an iPhone. Seems very gimmick-y to me, and I'm not sure why some people clamor for this feature.

    I heard the same about introduction of full internet, 3g, mp3, and any new tech into phones.

    Imagine iPhone 5 3d bundled with some of Disney/Pixar 3d content?

    Or watching Avatar in 3d.

    Or recording/viewing 3d photos and videos?

    Or facetime in 3d?
  • Reply 38 of 128
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Off topic: Where is TBaggins? I never see him around here anymore.

    Originally Posted by jason98 View Post

    I heard the same about introduction of full internet, 3g, mp3, and any new tech into phones.

    Imagine iPhone 5 3d bundled with some of Disney/Pixar 3d content?

    Or watching Avatar in 3d.

    Or recording/viewing 3d photos and videos?

    Or facetime in 3d?

    Watching Avatar in 3D on a 3.5” display? I doubt you could get through the movie before the battery dies due to the increased power needs. No thanks!

    Wearing glasses while I’m holding my phone for 2.5 hours. Annoying!

    Having to keep my head still so I don’t deviate from the center of the display for 2.5 hours while holding my phone. Annoying!

    As for photos and FaceTime, you are then also claiming that the next iPhone would have stereoscopic cameras so it can record on different angels to create a 3D-like image? I don’t think so!
  • Reply 39 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Production of the plant will begin or product-production?

    I've read that they're adding another production line to a present facility, and that it's likely for Apple. Whether a new plant is going to be built in addition is speculation, and would obviously take time. If it's true, we don't know whether it's just thinking at Foxconn right now, actual plans, whether approval has been given by the government, whether dirt has been moved, or what.
  • Reply 40 of 128
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by DanaCameron View Post

    Not that I wouldn't mind a slightly larger screen on the iPhone, but I'm not understanding the persistence of this rumor considering that the Retina Display is the best on the market already and screen size hasn't been a complaint about the iPhone. What would Apple's motivation be to increase the screen size?

    It's easier to read, for those of us whose vision isn't perfect. It's also easier to type if the keys are just a few pixels wider and the space is a pixel or so wider. In addition, video would be easier to see. Detail on a high Rez, small display is marginal in viewability to many people.
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