Motorola's Android 3.0 Honeycomb Xoom sales forecast slashed to 100,000 units



  • Reply 141 of 172
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by ash471 View Post

    If they sold 100 units, would you still say it is IMPOSSILBE for us to call it a failure? What about 5 units? or 1 unit? You are fundamentally wrong to say that units sold cannot serve as an indicator of success or failure. There are many that work in this industry that have a very good feel for what Motorola would have hoped/expected/and planned for in this product launch. I'm no expert, but I can still narrow it down to something. I would bet you any amount of money that Motorola planned for something between 10 thousand units and 10 billion units. An expert could obvious narrow it down a lot closer. I don't think experts in this field need to audit the books to know whether 100,000 units is a failure. Samsung shipped 2M units of the Tab before it even knew what demand would be like. It seems reasonable to me that a 100K launch is a disaster. I suppose if Motorola gave us the actual numbers you would argue "wait a minute, we don't know if it was a failure because what if Motorola added the numbers wrong."

    Motorola didn't give us numbers. No one did. What we have is an estimation based off of a graph. If you can't see the difference between that and someone (anyone) actually publishing numbers, it's not worth responding to you.

    And this analyst isn't an expert. See their initial predictions. Actually, see any tech analyst predictions for the past 5 years. They've either been way too conservative, or so optimistic as to be laughable.

    The Samsung Tab was also available on EVERY major US carrier, on SEVERAL international carriers, and available internationally unlocked. It also supported voice. IT's a completely different type of launch.

    You seem to be missing the point where I am saying since we don't know the numbers, it's impossible to call it a failure. Continue making up numbers if you wish. The point I'm making is we don't know them, and by making them up, you're agreeing with me.
  • Reply 142 of 172
    alandailalandail Posts: 757member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    So a device that more than likely made Motorola $70 million in revenue in 42 days (minimum) is a flop?

    Yes, the ipad sold more. Who gives a crap? You don't need to have iOS numbers to escape being called a "Flop."

    Any analyst that predicted several million sales this year when all they knew of was a Verizon xoom and possibly a wifi model was stupid. Full Stop. Just like the "analysts" that predicted a FULL RETAIL phone, sold only online, one that required a data plan, would sell millions a quarter (aka N1 launch).

    It's clear that Analysts don't understand the tech market. They've had to "significantly" adjust their figures for EVERY tech product launch in the past few years. Why are you listening to them again?

    Much better commentary on this news story can be found here:

    when they were building 400k of them a month, it's certainly a flop.
  • Reply 143 of 172
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by ash471 View Post

    Yes let's look at the difference between Apple in the early 90's compared to today. Apple was advertising back then and they are advertising now. The difference I see is that now they sell the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad, and lots of people want those products because they like using them. Apple's marketing and the mindset that goes with it is circular. Apple builds a product that people wants and then tells everyone that people want it. Motorola builds a product and tells people they will want it, but no one buys it because no one wants it.

    Contrast that with the iPad 1. The media told all of us that the iPad was a big dissapointment and that only the Apple fans would buy it. Turns out that the media was wrong and most people want an iPad. I would argue Apple's success is 90% product development and 10% marketing. (I know you like numbers). In other words, had they not marketed the iPad, they may have only sold 12.6M iPads instead of 14M last year.

    You missed the point entirely. There is a HUGE difference between "Advertising" and Advertising well.

    And all sales are, AT MINIMUM 60% Marketing/Branding, and with tech that number is most likely a lot higher.. A good example of this is WebOS. Most tech journalists, reviewers, and even Apple fanboys would argue that WebOS is Superior (by a wide margin) to Android when it comes to intuitiveness, and overall customer usability. Yet it failed to gain any signifigant marketshare, even being on three of the major 4 US carriers and with dozens of positive reviews to back it. The devices were also some of the cheapest you could get (on or off contract). So why such poor marketshare? The marketing was poor. Customers don't buy a "quality product" unless they know about it.

    How do you think they find out about a product? Oh yeah, marketing.

    You're also confusing Tech Media with Mainstream media. I'll give you a hint. Only one of them has significant impact with real world sales. Mainstream media talked the Heck out of the ipad.
  • Reply 144 of 172
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    when they were building 400k of them a month, it's certainly a flop.

    1. Post a link showing that Motorola is making 400k a month. Acceptable links: Anything that is Verified. This means actual press releases or confirmed reports. Not rumors, not "sources in the know" No bullshit like you're most likely quoting.

    (note this is different than having 400k ready to ship for launch, or making an initial run of 400k)

    Again, you're basing your position on rumors and speculation, most of it un-sourced.

    AKA. You're trying to make a claim about a product you have NO HARD EVIDENCE ON.
  • Reply 145 of 172
    alandailalandail Posts: 757member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    So a device that more than likely made Motorola $70 million in revenue in 42 days (minimum) is a flop?

    Yes, the ipad sold more. Who gives a crap? You don't need to have iOS numbers to escape being called a "Flop."

    Any analyst that predicted several million sales this year when all they knew of was a Verizon xoom and possibly a wifi model was stupid. Full Stop. Just like the "analysts" that predicted a FULL RETAIL phone, sold only online, one that required a data plan, would sell millions a quarter (aka N1 launch).

    It's clear that Analysts don't understand the tech market. They've had to "significantly" adjust their figures for EVERY tech product launch in the past few years. Why are you listening to them again?

    Much better commentary on this news story can be found here:

    just read the article and found this in the conclusion.


    it?s obviously true that Apple has created a behemoth that will likely own the tablet market for years to come. But to call a device a flop simply because its sales don?t measure up to the astronomical numbers recorded by the original iPad is anything but productive. The iPad is the winner, without question

  • Reply 146 of 172
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    just read the article and found this in the conclusion.

    No shit. I NEVER SAID THE XOOM WAS A SUCCESS. I just said it was impossible to call it a failure.

    BGR is a very Pro Apple Blog. ALL their writers swear by their iphones. It's one of the main reasons I linked that article instead of one from an Android blog. That way you couldn't accuse the writer of being a Fandroid (though some people here still tried)
  • Reply 147 of 172
    alandailalandail Posts: 757member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    1. Post a link showing that Motorola is making 400k a month. Acceptable links: Anything that is Verified. This means actual press releases or confirmed reports. Not rumors, not "sources in the know" No bullshit like you're most likely quoting.

    (note this is different than having 400k ready to ship for launch, or making an initial run of 400k)

    Again, you're basing your position on rumors and speculation, most of it un-sourced.

    AKA. You're trying to make a claim about a product you have NO HARD EVIDENCE ON.

    find a source that contradicts this


    Taiwan's shipments of Motorola Xoom in the first quarter of 2011 are expected to meet upstream component suppliers' forecast of 700,000-800,000 units, as Motorola already placed orders for about 200,000 units for the first half of March and shipments for the entire March should reach 400,000-500,000. Shipments reached 200,000 units in February, according to sources from upstream suppliers.
  • Reply 148 of 172
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    No shit. I NEVER SAID THE XOOM WAS A SUCCESS. I just said it was impossible to call it a failure.

    Xoom is a failure.

    See? Not so impossible.
  • Reply 149 of 172
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Now if I could actually *get* an iPad 2, that would help. The situation in Australia is pretty insane, a friend of mine has been trying for two weeks to get one because he underestimated demand and did not queue up in time on launch day.

    Believe me, I'm hanging out to get one, but I don't see the fuss about demand overwhelming supply. Just order online and wait.
  • Reply 150 of 172
    mhsrmhsr Posts: 4member
    Originally Posted by neiltc13 View Post

    iPhone is available on 5 carriers in my country and for free from many of them:

    Yet I know more people with an Android phone than an iPhone. I think your reasons are a bit out, or at least don't consider any markets outside USA.

    The iPhone is available from just any provider in my country. I know 10 out of hundreds that use an android. The iPhone is ubiquous here. And those 10 are all geeks.
  • Reply 151 of 172
    lowededwookielowededwookie Posts: 1,162member
    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post

    14,362.00 ??? wtf?

    nobody who is paying outright for their iphone are paying vodafone nz's retarded fees for anything.

    You are only showing 600txts, but 3gb of data. The official quantites of gb and txts are 0.25 adn 600 respectively. The current is 3gb and 1000txts 'until further notice" - which basiclaly means 'until we hook enough people onto the 24month plan'

    I'm basing everything on the Smart3 plan as this is the plan I am on and taking into account how much you would actually pay for the equivalent without a subsidised contract that's what you'd pay. So I'm 400 texts out which would actually make my comparison even more expensive off contract.

    The point of my post was to show that being on a contract more often than not is far more advantageous and is more than just saving a few dollars on a phone.

    But then you'd have realised that if you had not removed the context of my post.
  • Reply 152 of 172
    d-ranged-range Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by wickedone View Post

    I just bought a WIFI Xoom and I had to go to several different stores to get one as all of the Best Buys in Dallas were sold out. Got it at Best Buy.

    You couldn't give me an iPad because I don't want to be hemmed in by Steve's idea of what one can or can't do.

    Talk about 1984!

    Just bugger off with your emo-caricatures about 1984, nobody around here cares about your Xoom.

    Next time you try to astroturf something you may or may not have bought, at least try to be orginal. I've been hearing this 1984/ walled-garden/ Steve Jobs is a fascist control freak BS a million times already. No need to post any of that another time, it's just a waste of bandwidth.
  • Reply 153 of 172
    granmastakgranmastak Posts: 298member
    This whole android cult is largely based on hate for Apple because Apple represents (in the droid mindset) all the things these guys despise.

    For one droids want everything free, but most importantly talk is cheap! It's one thing to go to forums and proclaim your loyalty to andoid or endure beta quality on a free product, but when you have to peel out benjamins, things begin to change.

    I guarantee you that many fandroids sat this Xoom thing out waiting to see if it will catch on, then maybe buy it. Despite the big talk, deep down they knew this thing is a turkey.
  • Reply 154 of 172
    wilwil Posts: 170member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    You missed the point entirely. There is a HUGE difference between "Advertising" and Advertising well.

    There is a Universal difference between advertising, advertising well and actually having costumers dry run your product before actual purchase. You see, advertising well only works when your product performs as advertised and people who are using it noticed it. If I want to buy a Xoom, do you really think I would be happy to hear that Flash for Xoom is still a work on progress, that it's micro SD interface is disabled until the software upgrade is available someday?

    Apple advertising is simple, here's my ad, go to the Apple store and check the iPad out and play with it. In fact, you can spend some time at the Apple store, play with the iPad models there and have actual people answer your questions. You want to see how the garage band app do work with the iPad 2, go ahead. How about Infinity Blade on the iPad 2 , hey knock yourself out. Watch a movie using the iPad 2? It's fine. That is Advertising WELL. In contrast , Motorola bought air time during the last Super Bowl for the Xoom , during the commercial, it showed what the Xoom can do if things go as planned. Real life happened. Flash is not ready , software hardware interface needs some more work and where are the apps? That is the reason why Apple is selling iPads by the thousands each day worldwide while Motorola is planning to axe Xoom after June.
  • Reply 155 of 172
    axualaxual Posts: 244member
    Look at Xoom hardware compared to iPad hardware side by side.

    Look at Xoom software compared to iPad software side by side.

    But importantly, when you watch a Xoom commercial and compare it to iPad commercials, who would ever buy a Xoom?

    Apple is all about the user.

    Xoom is all about ... well, hard to say really ... Motorola ... are you listening?
  • Reply 156 of 172
    chrispoechrispoe Posts: 80member
    Who would buy a Xoom?

    Well I don't have a clue, but Wal-mart is sold out and only 3 Best Buy stores in the state of WI still have any WiFi Xooms left in stock, so apparently people are buying them.
  • Reply 157 of 172
    wilwil Posts: 170member
    Originally Posted by axual View Post

    Look at Xoom hardware compared to iPad hardware side by side.

    Look at Xoom software compared to iPad software side by side.

    But importantly, when you watch a Xoom commercial and compare it to iPad commercials, who would ever buy a Xoom?

    Apple is all about the user.

    Xoom is all about ... well, hard to say really ... Motorola ... are you listening?

    The user who may be a programmer or a 2 year child or a grandfather or a doctor or a scientist or a Deejay or a florist or a cook or a CEO or a salesman or an engineer or a student or a teacher or a stay at home parent or a politician and everyone else. The secret of Apple is this, Technology is for all users not for Tech geeks only.
  • Reply 158 of 172
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by alandail View Post

    find a source that contradicts this

    It's behind a paywall. Can't contradict Sources I can't verify.

    Wording in the quote you gave is vague. Do we actually know Motorola placed those orders or are they going off of "Sources"
  • Reply 159 of 172
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by Wil View Post

    There is a Universal difference between advertising, advertising well and actually having costumers dry run your product before actual purchase. You see, advertising well only works when your product performs as advertised and people who are using it noticed it. If I want to buy a Xoom, do you really think I would be happy to hear that Flash for Xoom is still a work on progress, that it's micro SD interface is disabled until the software upgrade is available someday?

    Apple advertising is simple, here's my ad, go to the Apple store and check the iPad out and play with it. In fact, you can spend some time at the Apple store, play with the iPad models there and have actual people answer your questions. You want to see how the garage band app do work with the iPad 2, go ahead. How about Infinity Blade on the iPad 2 , hey knock yourself out. Watch a movie using the iPad 2? It's fine. That is Advertising WELL. In contrast , Motorola bought air time during the last Super Bowl for the Xoom , during the commercial, it showed what the Xoom can do if things go as planned. Real life happened. Flash is not ready , software hardware interface needs some more work and where are the apps? That is the reason why Apple is selling iPads by the thousands each day worldwide while Motorola is planning to axe Xoom after June.

    No, it's not just that. Mainstream media hyped the ipad (and ipad2 release) You barely heard a peep about the xoom, or any other tablet for that matter.

    I'm not arguing that the ipad is an effective device, or that it does what the commercials say it does. I'm arguing that Apple is where it is today in large part for having one of the best marketing and branding teams in the world. A great product gets you NOWHERE unless you can market it.
  • Reply 160 of 172
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    Mainstream media hyped the ipad (and ipad2 release) You barely heard a peep about the xoom, or any other tablet for that matter.

    No kidding. The mainstream media is going to report on innovate and groundbreaking products instead of talking about the inferior copycats that come afterwards. That's plain common sense.

    The media is also going to talk about tens of thousands of people waiting in line to get iPads, they're not going to report about how nobody in the world is standing on line to buy a Xoom.
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