Lawsuit accuses Broadway Apple Store employees of racial discrimination



  • Reply 181 of 212
    blursdblursd Posts: 123member
    Originally Posted by Shadoe View Post

    Huh, you just called yourself out! Looks like you know the language of racism very well and I bet you practice what you preach. I never heard anyone say anything like it! Was that your attempt to educate us?

    Actually, I'm Jewish ... and I have had people say things even worse than that to me, but not in the context of a representative of a company to me (as a customer). We're talking about things that have been said as one individual to another ... not some institutionalized policy of racism.

    It's the same difference between having an Apple employee saying something like that to a Jewish customer, and another customer in the store saying the same thing ... the former is acting in an official capacity with the company, the latter represents their own self.

    Furthermore, one does not have to be a racist or hold racist beliefs to be able to recognize of be familiar with racist language. It's not like racial epitaphs and slurs are magically and uniquely comprehended by racists alone ... by virtue of being a racist.
  • Reply 182 of 212
    swingerjswingerj Posts: 21member
    Originally Posted by Shadoe View Post

    My post was in reference to what someone else said about not willing to hire the two men who was kicked out of Apple. So, what's your point? Are you saying these two men need to "dress/act" like you and your co-workers just to shop at Apple? I think you misunderstood the purpose of my post. Apple INTERVIEW AND HIRE people who wear baggy clothing, tattoos, ear rings, nose rings, purple hair, etc. What you would do is irrelevant!

    Wow, it is huh? Have you seen how people interview for jobs that actually pay a decent wage? I am guess not but your animosity toward me for providing an example where most businesses (outside of those that market for teenage employees) want people to dress for the job. Where I work we have a very professional atmosphere. Apple HQ is the same. In the Apple store they DO have a dress code for the employees. I would bet that MOST of the time if 2 people applied for a job at an Apple store and one came is wearing trendy clothes with rips and tears and another took the time to put on clothes that were clean and neat, the 2nd person would get the job.

    Maybe you should put on a 2nd coat of skin because you are obviously VERY thin-skinned.

    Oh, and reading your replies to everyone else kinda paints you as a racist baiter as you see racism everywhere and everyone is a racist according to you. That my friend is one of the BIG problems with race in the US today. People calling out "racist!" when it is not there are just as bad as those dill-holes that are being racist. Also, this may be news to you, it is also racist to assume that just because someone is white, they are a racist.
  • Reply 183 of 212
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Hughes did indeed bring Big Business to Las Vegas, but given that he was widely regarded as a life-long racist I doubt he did much to bring Sammy into the clubs.

    Can you document that "life-long racist" comment -- not simply quotes from a novel or movie?

    I have never heard accusations or even rumors of Hughes being a racist.

    As the builder of several international enterprises, Hughes had to, and was comfortable with, operating within the laws and customs of the times.

    Las Vegas was run like an old west cowboy town and, largely, set its own rules. For example, prostitution was not illegal within the Las Vegas City Limits -- but was illegal in Clark County.

    Before Hughes, the Casinos were, largely, run by the mob. The hotels and all their services were geared towards support of the gaming -- often at break-even or at a loss.

    Las Vegas was very segregated for its time -- and everyone kinda' looked the other way, rather than take on the mob.

    When, Hughes started buying casinos and hotels, his team made each component a profit center -- that paid its own way or was dropped.

    Rapidly, the prices of the near-freebies (rooms, meals, shows, etc.) went up to make them profitable and accountable. Other hotels followed suit.

    Concurrent with this renaissance, the State's political system changed as did the State Gaming Comission.

    The popular belief of the time was that the "mob" would under-report the Casinos' take to avoid paying taxes.

    Those in the know, said just the opposite -- the "mob" would add proceeds from illegal prostitution, etc. to the casinos' take to legalize it (while paying taxes).

    Nobody seemed to really know.
  • Reply 184 of 212
    Originally Posted by Black107 View Post

    The reason why I said numerous times before that I typically dont take this position is because I dont.

    The word you used was 'never'. Not 'typically don't'. So you've lied AND now you've lied about the lie.

    You're just building credibility like crazy.

    Now, you could say you 'exaggerated' when you said 'never'. Hyperbole is understandable and even acceptable. Problem is, you want one claim (your statement about 'never' making loose 'racism' charges) to be taken as 'hyperbole' but then you also want your completely unsubstantiated charges of 'racism' to somehow be accepted as incontrovertible 'fact'.

    And I have no respect for that. None, zero, zip. You're kidding yourself, and while I'm sure that somehow works for you in your life, it does nothing at all for me at this end.
  • Reply 185 of 212
    nomadmacnomadmac Posts: 96member
    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    Good. They better treat you well otherwise they are discriminating based on appearance. It's one thing for a Rolls Royce dealer to look at a client and size them up. The Apple Store should treat all well behaved customers with respect no matter if they are thugged out or not.

    The people here disagreeing with that have a screw loose. They are seriously out of date IMO.

    I don't agree that a Rolls-Royce dealer should size people by their clothes; they'd be a fool to do so.

    Thirty five years ago, I was working my way through college at a Porsche dealership and a long-haired guy wearing sandals came in. He left with a 911. He was Patrick O'Neill of the O'Neill brothers as in wetsuits.

    One of my ex-clients is a band manager who doesn't shave for weeks and has hair down to his shoulders. He makes $5 million a year.

    No one is going to walk into a Rolls-Royce dealer and put a Phantom in his baggy pants and walk out undetected.
  • Reply 186 of 212
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by NomadMac View Post

    I don't agree that a Rolls-Royce dealer should size people by their clothes; they'd be a fool to do so.

    Thirty five years ago, I was working my way through college at a Porsche dealership and a long-haired guy wearing sandals came in. He left with a 911. He was Patrick O'Neill of the O'Neill brothers as in wetsuits.

    One of my ex-clients is a band manager who doesn't shave for weeks and has hair down to his shoulders. He makes $5 million a year.

    No one is going to walk into a Rolls-Royce dealer and put a Phantom in his baggy pants and walk out undetected.

    Good points!

    Say, you are at home and your computer breaks, or you need an accessory. Are you going to re-rag just to go to the friendly/local Apple store... I think not!

    Mike Scott (Apple's first CEO) would bring his computers into our store -- usually wearing a T-shirt and baggy shorts, same with Regis McKenna, Dean Witter III and even Tod Rungren.

    It gets pretty warm in Silicon Valley.
  • Reply 187 of 212
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Mike Scott (Apple's first CEO) would bring his computers into our store -- usually wearing a T-shirt and baggy shorts, same with Regis McKenna, Dean Witter III and even Tod Rungren.

    I thought Mike Scott managed a paper company.
  • Reply 188 of 212
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I thought Mike Scott managed a paper company.

    Yes... Green pieces of paper -- about the size of punched cards.
  • Reply 189 of 212
    Originally Posted by Shadoe View Post

    I got your hint and, until you just showed me, I never heard of Tawana Brawley. I don't know if she was telling the truth or lying.... And do you know for sure that Tawana Brawley was not raped by the police, similar to what recently happen to another young lady less than one month ago? Again, the answer is "no."

    You total and complete MORON. She ADMITTED she made it all up.

    And the truth is JUST THIS EASY TO FIND.

    The one and only reason you "don't know" is because you don't WANT to know.

    What a clown. And you know how someone gets to be that big a clown? They do it by never, ever admitting they're wrong. Especially when they're THIS wrong.

    Nah, Shadoe's not wrong. Everyone ELSE is wrong.
  • Reply 190 of 212
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    It may be a minor point, but I don't see anything indicating that the Apple Store employees are alleged to have made any reference to what the pair were wearing - that information appears to have been provided by the Plaintiffs.

    The report also states that the employee specifically denied that it was because they were black. At this point all we are left with is two people ejected from a business for unspecified reasons (which could include current behavior or past encounters as well as prejudicial discrimination), so suggesting that it may have been race- or clothing-related is pure speculation.
  • Reply 191 of 212
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    You total and complete MORON. She ADMITTED she made it all up.

    And the truth is JUST THIS EASY TO FIND.

    The one and only reason you "don't know" is because you don't WANT to know.

    What a clown. And you know how someone gets to be that big a clown? They do it by never, ever admitting they're wrong. Especially when they're THIS wrong.

    Nah, Shadoe's not wrong. Everyone ELSE is wrong.

    Yes, and? Does one person's lie mean that every other instance of systemic racism is a lie as well? How does that work? I'm assuming that's your reasoning, since you seem very worked up over a completely irrelevant bit of business.

    Maybe one's distaste for Al Sharpton means that any black person that speaks publicly of racism is a charlatan and a fraud? Again, how does that work?

    Lots of white liars and cheats and frauds. Do they speak to white character, or the validity of white grievances? Remember the white girl who claimed to have had acid thrown in her face by a black women, and it turned out she was lying?

    So can I dismiss the complaints of whites in this thread that feel unjustly singled out? Because, it would appear, white people are liars. Is that how that works?
  • Reply 192 of 212
    shadoeshadoe Posts: 17member
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    You total and complete MORON. She ADMITTED she made it all up.

    And the truth is JUST THIS EASY TO FIND.

    The one and only reason you "don't know" is because you don't WANT to know.

    What a clown. And you know how someone gets to be that big a clown? They do it by never, ever admitting they're wrong. Especially when they're THIS wrong.

    Nah, Shadoe's not wrong. Everyone ELSE is wrong.

    There are plenty of conflicting reports I just Googled in less than 10 minutes concerning Tawana Brawley. Some are saying she still insist she was telling the truth, some are saying she admitted to lying because of death threats to her and her family, some are saying she consented to having intercourse with those cops but pretended to be a victim, etc. So, it's still a mystery what really happen but even if she agreed to have intercourse with dirty cops, it was still rape because she was a minor. And let me get this strait, do you really think I'm a moron and clown for not knowing about an old outdated case? But there are several fresh cases in the news, some as recent as just last month involving cops raping women and girls. But since you know about all that, I need not mention it, right? And even if you don't know about them, I'm not going to call you moron or clown for it. What's your point? What are you trying to prove? You trying to dog me because you and your friends are racist and you're ashamed of yourself. By the way, many of the recent cop rapist cases involve victims of various races - Black, White, Latino, etc. So, you need to get pass your race problem because It's as simple as this: some cops are good and some cops are bad!
  • Reply 193 of 212
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by Shadoe View Post

    By the way, many of the recent cop rapist cases involve victims of various races - Black, White, Latino, etc. So, you need to get pass your race problem because It's as simple as this: some cops are good and some cops are bad!

    The same can be said for store owners, managers, employees, customers -- and forum posters.
  • Reply 194 of 212
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Maybe Apple didn't know the staff member was part of a Klan?
  • Reply 195 of 212
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    lMaybe one's distaste for Al Sharpton means that any black person that speaks publicly of racism is a charlatan and a fraud? Again, how does that work?

    Maybe I just don't care for liars - or their apologists. That too complex for you?

    Originally Posted by Shadoe View Post

    I'm not going to call you moron or clown

    Because you're above that sort of thing? Yeah, you just call people racists.
  • Reply 196 of 212
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Can you document that "life-long racist" comment -- not simply quotes from a novel or movie?

    Didn't know him personally; perhaps you did. There may be something in these 217,000 hits for "Howard Hughes racist" that may be helpful in your search:


    As the builder of several international enterprises, Hughes had to, and was comfortable with, operating within the laws and customs of the times.

    Las Vegas was run like an old west cowboy town and, largely, set its own rules. For example, prostitution was not illegal within the Las Vegas City Limits -- but was illegal in Clark County.

    Before Hughes, the Casinos were, largely, run by the mob. The hotels and all their services were geared towards support of the gaming -- often at break-even or at a loss.

    Las Vegas was very segregated for its time -- and everyone kinda' looked the other way, rather than take on the mob.

    When, Hughes started buying casinos and hotels, his team made each component a profit center -- that paid its own way or was dropped.

    Rapidly, the prices of the near-freebies (rooms, meals, shows, etc.) went up to make them profitable and accountable. Other hotels followed suit.

    Concurrent with this renaissance, the State's political system changed as did the State Gaming Comission.

    The popular belief of the time was that the "mob" would under-report the Casinos' take to avoid paying taxes.

    Those in the know, said just the opposite -- the "mob" would add proceeds from illegal prostitution, etc. to the casinos' take to legalize it (while paying taxes).

    1. Do you honestly believe the mob is no longer involved in Las Vegas casinos?

    2. What does paying taxes have to do with racism?
  • Reply 197 of 212
    ahrubikahrubik Posts: 80member
    Originally Posted by NomadMac View Post

    Walk like a thug, talk like a thug and dress like a thug, you can't complain about the reception you get.

    Do you think they would have been tossed if they were wearing an Armani suit?

    I would say your right most of the time but I worked for BB part time with a friend of mine (black) who was the dept. supervisor. Some lady who had her laptop in for repair basically refused to talk to him because he was black. So despite it being 2011 there are still rude and uneducated people out there.
  • Reply 198 of 212
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Didn't know him personally; perhaps you did. There may be something in these 217,000 hits for "Howard Hughes racist" that may be helpful in your search:

    This is a great illustration of the problem with the 'racist' charges being made in this thread.

    First off, MacRulez cites "217,000 hits" as if it were some sort of overwhelming proof that Hughes was racist. There are others makes similarly blithe observations.

    Well. let's take an actual look at the very first one:

    Why this dishonest portrait of a despicable figure?

    This is the 'World Socialist Web Site'. The post states that Hughes was a 'fanatical anti-communist' who 'purged' RKO of 'left-wingers'. So I can see why this particular writer might have his knickers in a twist over him. But where's the evidence of racism?

    Well, the piece says: "Hughes... was a lifelong racist and anti-Semite."

    No evidence, no anecdotes, nothing. Just the allegation. Which, for some, is (sadly) more than reason enough to smear someone.

    Second link: Howard's Character - THE LEGENDARY HOWARD HUGHES JR.

    Relevant text: "Howard Hughes had a bias against blacks, thus making him a racist... Howard was influenced by a race riot which convulsed Houston on August 23, 1917. On that night, a contingent of black soldiers who were part of the national guard unit camped outside the city and rioted over the way the Houston police earlier manhandled a black fellow soldiers... The riot made an indelible impression on Howard. Fifty years later, he would site that same riot of 1917 as the reason his Las Vegas casinos should never give into pressures from blacks for more jobs."

    So Hughes would not give MORE jobs to blacks (note: "more", not "any") under pressure because he was afraid of rioting.

    Doesn't exactly sound racist. Sounds like there's more to the story. Hughes, you might recall, famously and fiercely resisted pressure from ANYBODY - including the U.S.Government. And that instance is the one and only example given of Hughes' 'racism'.

    I actually went through a number of those posts, looking for something substantial. Nothing.

    But hey! "217,000 hits"!! It MUST be true. No need to actually check. Hughes was a racist!

    So easy to sling allegations. Just ask Joe McCarthy.
  • Reply 199 of 212
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    It's sort of amusing that you're such a diligent researcher when it comes to defending all comers from charges of racism (or discrediting any that might make allegations of same) while being perfectly happy to spin baroque fantasies of Terrifying Ghetto Thugs Up To No Good based on pretty much nothing at all.

    Maybe if you were to extend the courtesy of not judging before investigation to people in "baggy jeans" you wouldn't come off as such a screaming bigot.
  • Reply 200 of 212
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    First off, MacRulez cites "217,000 hits" as if it were some sort of overwhelming proof that Hughes was racist. There are others makes similarly blithe observations.

    His Google search doesn’t exclude the possibly of hits coming from reputable sources saying Howard Hughes was not racist.

    For example — even though one isn’t needed — I have created a Google search to show how much Henry Ford loves Jews. About 1,930,000 results, or about 9x as much as Howard Hughes was racist.
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