Official Google+ social networking iOS app awaiting Apple's approval

in iPhone edited January 2014
The new Google+ social networking service will be supported by an official App Store application that has already been submitted to Apple for approval.

Erica Joy, a support technician at Google, revealed this week that the official Google+ iPhone application was submitted to the App Store. She said that the software was sent for review sometime prior to this week, and is currently awaiting approval.

In a follow-up comment, she seemed to suggest that the software could be a universal application, supporting both the iPhone and the larger 9.7-inch display of the iPad. However, she stopped short of specifically saying the iPad will be supported at launch.

"Sorry, even though I have an iPad and not an iPhone, I always call iOS apps 'iPhone apps,'" she wrote. "I'm sure it's something to do with conditioning."

The inclusion of an iPad application would be particularly noteworthy because Google does not currently offer a version of its Google+ software specifically written for Android 3.0 Honeycomb, the search giant's own tablet-only operating system that powers devices like the Motorola Xoom and new Galaxy Tab 10.1.

Those who own an Android-based tablet running Honeycomb can install the official Google+ application on their device, but it is not optimized for the larger screen sizes. One report characterized the current experience of Google+ on Honeycomb as "awful."

The new Google+ service is the company's latest stab at social networking on the Web. It debuted late last month and is currently in an invite-only phase.

Google+ has an Apple connection in the form of Andy Hertzfeld, who designed the interface of the "Circles" interface found in the new project. Hertzfeld was instrumental in creating the original graphical user interface of the Macintosh after joining Apple in 1979.

Google's products are usually known for their spartan interfaces, but Google+ offers an animated design that includes the Circles social grouping feature. Using Circles, users can drag and drop their friends into groups, making it easy to share certain information with specific groups of friends on the Google+ service.

No additional details of the forthcoming iOS software were provided by Joy this week, leaving it unknown what elements of the animated user interface, such as the Circles feature, would be ported to the iPhone. Google+ on Android includes Circles as well as Stream, Photos, Profile and "Huddle" for group chat.


  • Reply 1 of 25
    technotechno Posts: 737member
    I hope it is snappy.
  • Reply 2 of 25
    ktappektappe Posts: 824member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The new Google+ social networking service will be supported by an official App Store application that has already been submitted to Apple for approval.

    This is great....if you're on Google +. From what I hear, most people (myself included) are still on a waiting list and therefore this app will be useless to all but a handful of users.
  • Reply 3 of 25
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    This is great....if you're on Google +. From what I hear, most people (myself included) are still on a waiting list and therefore this app will be useless to all but a handful of users.

    Yeah, I was only able to invite 100 or so people before they closed the loopholes I was using. There's a lot of people on the service, but many more without it. It's not just tech people though (thankfully). There are some photographers, celebrities, etc. It's really interesting to see how they're each using the platform. (For Example, Thomas Hawk is on Google+, and wrote about the service from a social photography POV:

    That being said, Google+ is a really slick piece of software. The App is great on Android devices, and from what I hear the mobile version of the website looks good on iOS devices as well. I have a Galaxy tab, and while the app works, it is clearly not optimized, though once you get past the main menu, the stream, etc do take advantage of the bigger screen. I'm thinking "Tablet optimized" will include the "hangout" feature in edition to how the app displays itself. Hangout would look horrible on ANY phone (even huge ones like the streak) because it is Chat+Video+Videosharing. I think it could work on a tablet though.

    as for getting an invite, I heard that if you go to, every once and awhile it will open invites up. But no official invites (or working exploits) are there yet.
  • Reply 4 of 25
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,019member
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    This is great....if you're on Google +. From what I hear, most people (myself included) are still on a waiting list and therefore this app will be useless to all but a handful of users.

    Agreed. I think they have a long haul here. Not sure it's going to get to critical mass.
  • Reply 5 of 25
    ktappektappe Posts: 824member
    Google+ is like a night club that keeps a line outside but when you get in, it's empty.

    (Courtesy: Reddit)
  • Reply 6 of 25
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    I bet parents are not going to like this, these days parent friend their kids on facebook so they can keep an eye on what their kids are saying and are up to, beside parents being on facebook is kind of creepy, I bet unless Facebook does the same thing kids will move so they can put the parents into their own group and hid them away.
  • Reply 7 of 25
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    Google+ is like a night club that keeps a line outside but when you get in, it's empty.

    (Courtesy: Reddit)

    LOL @ video.

    I wouldn't call G+ empty though. While a lot of my friends aren't on it yet, there are quite a few users. I think a more apt description is "Google+ is like a night club that keeps a line outside but when you get in, you realize that you don't know most of the people."

    It hasn't really stopped anyone from interacting. Well, besides the facebook employees. Most of them are just trolling.
  • Reply 8 of 25
    massconn72massconn72 Posts: 162member
    I used it this past weekend, and it works fine, but the interface itself looks really cheap. As if it was designed by a first year CS student. It just doesn't make you want to use it, just for its looks alone.

    Reminds me of Wii. Works well, but looks like it was designed for a five year old.
  • Reply 9 of 25
    jumejume Posts: 209member
    Google+ is to complicated... When you see circles, sparks and so on you have no idea what is it and why use it for. This thing will die like wave, buzz, orkut, +1 etc...
  • Reply 10 of 25
    pembrokepembroke Posts: 230member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    I bet parents are not going to like this, these days parent friend their kids on facebook so they can keep an eye on what their kids are saying and are up to, beside parents being on facebook is kind of creepy, I bet unless Facebook does the same thing kids will move so they can put the parents into their own group and hid them away.

    Doesn't Facebook provide Circles functionality already? You can assign friends to groups. The account holder can then specify the access parameters for each group. No?
  • Reply 11 of 25
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by Jume View Post

    Google+ is to complicated... When you see circles, sparks and so on you have no idea what is it and why use it for. This thing will die like wave, buzz, orkut, +1 etc...

    Then you completely skipped the welcome screen I take it? Assuming you are actually using the service that is, and not just basing your opinion on screenshots you've seen on sites like this.

    This is the first screen you're presented with after you sign up:

    "Welcome" is also a perm. Tab on the side of Google+ so you can click on it if you get confused.

    Circles really isn't that complicated. Most people understand the idea of "Drag and drop" And the only way that they could make choosing circles to share with easier is if they let you write them like hastags, aka +public (which you can do with people) instead of selecting from a dropdown. I'm still hoping this makes it in, but it's not "backwards" how it is now.

    As for sparks.. They're sort of broken at the moment. Don't know anyone who uses them. Lots of cool suggestions for them though.

    Remember, this is still in a limited field trial. I'm sure that once it goes out to the public (even as an "open" beta) there will be more content available for it. There are a ton of user created "guides" available already.
  • Reply 12 of 25
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by pembroke View Post

    Doesn't Facebook provide Circles functionality already? You can assign friends to groups. The account holder can then specify the access parameters for each group. No?

    It's there, but it's hidden in a sub menu and isn't intuitive at all. it feels like an "add on" whereas Circles is a core part of how the service works.
  • Reply 13 of 25
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    I'm not someone in the know that garnered an invite, and I doubt I'll receive an invite from those that Google designated to try G+ first and then gave them invites to pass out. I'll just have to wait for its general release to the public to see what G+ is all about. Difficult or not. Successfull Hit or not

    Anyone here on Google+?

    If so, can you tell me, where Facebook has the Wall where all posts are viewed by all followers and I guess their followers and their followers followers, etc. will see those posts, can you tell me if G+ Circles allow G+ users to send info to just those in a particular circle?

    I know G+ followers do not know of what circles they are placed in. However, if they knew the Circles options and asked to be placed in a particular one so they would hear about news and events that they would be interested in, can this be done? Can you post just to one particular circle, items of interest that only those in that circle will want to see?

    If it does, it would probably slow down the drain of attrition of followers who only see something that interests them some of the time, while other times they are putting up with news they can't use, tire of it and leave.

    Would be interesting to know... thanks.



  • Reply 14 of 25
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    EDIT: It seems like AI just wants to eat them instead of send them. Not sure if you got it or not so I'll reply here:


    If so, can you tell me, where Facebook has the Wall where all posts are viewed by all followers and I guess their followers and their followers followers, etc. will see those posts, can you tell me if G+ Circles allow G+ users to send info to just those in a particular circle?

    Yes, you can choose who you share with, from sharing with EVERYONE (including non-Google+ users) to just sharing with a single person.

    Public: Think of this like posting on twitter. Everyone can see it, and anyone with a Google+ account can reply.

    Extended Circles: Think of this like 'Friends of friends" on Facebook. If you're Following someone, people they are following can see your content if they view your profile. They can also respond.

    My Circles: This is the way that most people use Facebook. If you're following someone they can see this content and respond. If someone is not part of your circles, they cannot see this content.

    A Circle: This is like having a specific group, or an "email list." Say that you want to show your family something about your apartment. You can share JUST with the family circle. Only people you have placed in that circle will see the content or be able to respond.

    Individual You can share with a specific person (think of message in facebook)

    One thing that can surprise people (if they've never used Twitter) is that people can add you to their circles without you "confirming" it. But the reason this is possible is because the ONLY reason they will see any additional information is if you add them to your circles. All adding someone to your circle means (when it comes to their information) is that their PUBLIC posts will show up in your stream. If they have stuff they share only with people in their circles, you won't see this.


    I know G+ followers do not know of what circles they are placed in. However, if they knew the Circles options and asked to be placed in a particular one so they would hear about news and events that they would be interested in, can this be done? Can you post just to one particular circle, items of interest that only those in that circle will want to see?

    It is not currently possible to "request" a circle. Most "big" names on G+ (bloggers, photographers, etc) do seem to be creating circles like this, but it's not part of the system (yet. Hoping this is where Sparks will go.

    Hope that helps. If you have other questions, let me know, and I'll try and answer them.
  • Reply 15 of 25
    markkmarkk Posts: 13member
    I don't get peoples difficulty in getting in, the sharing work around still works and half the time you can just sign up on the home page with a gmail account.

    when you share to a gmail it takes a day to arrive anything else it's instant.

    so you get the "invite" and it says it's full, it's constantly being opened, I've been inviting randoms on twitter just to get the ball rolling and telling them how to get their friends in and all of them are in now.

    They're definitely opening this up faster than previous betas as I've never been able to get into previous ones and it only took me 15 mins to get into +.

    sidenote: people need to learn the power of twitter search, it's how I got in to + in the first place, it's so frustrating to search "google+ invite" and to see right under "any1 have an invite" people like me offering to get anyone in.
  • Reply 16 of 25
    robotonerobotone Posts: 16member
    Originally Posted by massconn72 View Post

    I used it this past weekend, and it works fine, but the interface itself looks really cheap. As if it was designed by a first year CS student. It just doesn't make you want to use it, just for its looks alone.

    Reminds me of Wii. Works well, but looks like it was designed for a five year old.

    It's was designed by Andy Hertzfeld.
  • Reply 17 of 25
    gamringamrin Posts: 114member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    EDIT: It seems like AI just wants to eat them instead of send them. Not sure if you got it or not so I'll reply here:

    Yes, you can choose who you share with, from sharing with EVERYONE (including non-Google+ users) to just sharing with a single person.

    Public: Think of this like posting on twitter. Everyone can see it, and anyone with a Google+ account can reply.

    Extended Circles: Think of this like 'Friends of friends" on Facebook. If you're Following someone, people they are following can see your content if they view your profile. They can also respond.

    My Circles: This is the way that most people use Facebook. If you're following someone they can see this content and respond. If someone is not part of your circles, they cannot see this content.

    A Circle: This is like having a specific group, or an "email list." Say that you want to show your family something about your apartment. You can share JUST with the family circle. Only people you have placed in that circle will see the content or be able to respond.

    Individual You can share with a specific person (think of message in facebook)

    One thing that can surprise people (if they've never used Twitter) is that people can add you to their circles without you "confirming" it. But the reason this is possible is because the ONLY reason they will see any additional information is if you add them to your circles. All adding someone to your circle means (when it comes to their information) is that their PUBLIC posts will show up in your stream. If they have stuff they share only with people in their circles, you won't see this.

    It is not currently possible to "request" a circle. Most "big" names on G+ (bloggers, photographers, etc) do seem to be creating circles like this, but it's not part of the system (yet. Hoping this is where Sparks will go.

    Hope that helps. If you have other questions, let me know, and I'll try and answer them.

    So... uh... can I get an invite?
  • Reply 18 of 25
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by Gamrin View Post

    So... uh... can I get an invite?

    If I had them, I would offer them. But the loopholes I used are closed off though atm.
  • Reply 19 of 25
    gamringamrin Posts: 114member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    If I had them, I would offer them. But the loopholes I used are closed off though atm.

    Curses! I really abhor facebook and the UI and overall design of Google+ seems absolutely excellent, at least in this early iteration. I can't wait to try Google+ out.
  • Reply 20 of 25
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by Gamrin View Post

    Curses! I really abhor facebook and the UI and overall design of Google+ seems absolutely excellent, at least in this early iteration. I can't wait to try Google+ out.

    Make sure you update your Google profile. Also, keep an eye at apparently it allows people in from time to time.

    In other news, I missed a public Video chat with Michael Dell by like 5 seconds.
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