Apple again rumored to grow iPad family with HD model and Pro apps



  • Reply 21 of 84
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    My prognostication:

    Apple will unveil a completely new device -- the guts of an iPad with a keyboard and no touch-screen. Meaning: an Apple version of the Chromebook. This will become the Macbook Air. The iCloud is now in place for them to do what Google is doing.

    (This prognostication could jive with the rumors that Apple has run Macbook Airs with A5 chips.)

    The current Macbook Air will -- as Steve said at the release of the Air last summer -- be what the Macbook Pro lineup will be like.

    I don't have use for an iPad, but am intrigued by the Chromebook. I want a web device with a keyboard, and the Chromebook just about fits the bill. But the OS is still unpolished.

    I don't see apple ever making a chromebook type device. Apple is more about giving users full scale high quality apps not so much about a connected web experience that entirely revolves around the Internet. That's just not Apple, and honestly I don't think average people want a just Internet device. I love that a lot of my apps can be used and enjoyed offline. I don't always have access to wifi, 3G data is pricey nowadays and you can't even use the Internet in some places like airplanes but you can use iPads.

    There are a lot of reasons why I think full-scale devices are better than web devices but we'll see how the future Chromebooks sell. I could be wrong.
  • Reply 22 of 84
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    I want a web device with a keyboard, and the Chromebook just about fits the bill. But the OS is still unpolished.

    Buy any Mac laptop. Wait for Lion.

    Then only ever boot into Safari-Only mode. There's your precious (read: worthless) browser-only computer.
  • Reply 23 of 84
    suddenly newtonsuddenly newton Posts: 13,819member
    I just don't believe that Apple would try to market an "iPad Pro" that is by all accounts a niche product. Apple has put a lot of price pressure on its 10" tablet competitors with the iPads pricing, and it doesn't seem right for them to try and go after a niche market.
  • Reply 24 of 84
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    Originally Posted by pik80 View Post

    It is very possible that the iPad updates could be moved to the Fall rather then in March. Right now the iPod, iPhone, and iOS will all come out around the fall so why should the the iPad be pushed back all the way to March? Also it is logical to update the OS at the same time you are updating the hardware.

    This is true but the iPad doesn't exactly run the same version of iOS the iPhone and iPods run. We always see a lot of extra iPad specific features and even some iPad only software, so it's less important it's unveiled the same time as the other iOS products.
  • Reply 25 of 84
    carmissimocarmissimo Posts: 837member
    There's one simple reason why this is nonsense - MacBook Air.

    Here in Canada the entry-level Air currently checks in at $1,049 with 64GB of flash storage.

    The iPad 2 retails for $719 with the same capacity but no 3G. Add 3G and the price climbs to $849.

    Let's compare apples to apples and speculate what the proposed HD iPad would cost in wi-fi only form, i.e. $719 + maybe a $199 premium for the high-end screen. In other words $918.

    I have to ask, what is the market for a $918 iPad when a more fully featured Air checks in at a meagre $131 more. Let's remember that with memory prices dropping, it could well be that in a short while when Apple brings out the new Air, either the price drops or more memory is added. Either way, this iPad HD model that is repeatedly rumoured on the way, doesn't make sense in Apple's product mix. If you want to go to something that is a step up from the iPad, the Air is already it.
  • Reply 26 of 84
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Is it really realistic to think that a tablet form factor could have anywhere near the processing horsepower to be useful to a professional video editor?

    I know the iPad is powerful, but surely such people need the capabilities of a Mac Pro/Macbook Pro?

    Not absolutely. If we could make some exchanges (producer or Director to editor for example) using proxies (it was noted by someone on this forum that iOS already supports prorez i think) then it could be a very useful tool. There is "online" collaborative software available that don't offer a whole hell of allot in terms of function, but they are useful when working remotely. Perhaps this will tie into the cloud as well.

    Other than that iMovie is perfectly capable on the iPad so no question an iPad could do it. It would be reserved for simple tasks, but it could useful.
  • Reply 27 of 84
    aknabiaknabi Posts: 211member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    This is such an absolutely ridiculous rumour it's hard to know where to start.

    The only thing I find interesting about it is that because it comes from the revered Joshua Topolowsky, the tech press is actually taking it seriously, when if it came from almost any other source it would be roundly ridiculed (as it no doubt should be).

    Unless you went with Sherman to the future and back in your time machine or have dinner with Steve on a regular basis then what give you any special insight to call it ridiculous (other than maybe you just bought a iPad2 and don't want to feel like you should have waited).

    What should be roundly ridiculed is your post
  • Reply 28 of 84
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    I have to ask, what is the market for a $918 iPad when a more fully featured Air checks in at a meagre $131 more

    The people who paid full retail for

    There is a market for higher end tablets amongst people who currently use high end graphics tablets. The only question is, is it a market that Apple cares about? How many photographers, graphic designers, architects, etc do they think will want this? How much buzz do they think such users will generate?
  • Reply 29 of 84
    frugalityfrugality Posts: 410member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Buy any Mac laptop. Wait for Lion.

    Then only ever boot into Safari-Only mode. There's your precious (read: worthless) browser-only computer.

    Most of the time that's all I use -- Firefox on my 2008 MBP. There are plenty of us who would find a browser-only device 'useful'.

    Oh, and at about 1/3 of the price, with longer battery life.

    But thank you for your input (read: worthless)
  • Reply 30 of 84
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    There's one simple reason why this is nonsense - MacBook Air.

    Here in Canada the entry-level Air currently checks in at $1,049 with 64GB of flash storage.

    The iPad 2 retails for $719 with the same capacity but no 3G. Add 3G and the price climbs to $849.

    If you want to go to something that is a step up from the iPad, the Air is already it.

    How about a tactile Air?
  • Reply 31 of 84
    jkichlinejkichline Posts: 1,369member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    As for fragmenting the iOS device family, well that's already happened.

    The qualitative difference is that, compared to Android fragmentation, there are far fewer iOS devices than android devices, and most users are using the latest iOS version.

    The way that Apple created the API, it is not fragmented in the sense that Android is. This wouldn't be any different than developing for both the Retina and non-retina iPhone displays as it's simply doubling (or quadrupling depending on how you look at it) the resolution. Most app developers already have created these high resolution images so those apps will work out of the box on a "Pro" version of the iPad. The proportions of UI elements will stay the same to remain usable.
  • Reply 32 of 84
    smiles77smiles77 Posts: 668member
    I don't think this rumor is impossible.
  • Reply 33 of 84
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Oh, and at about 1/3 of the price, with longer battery life.

    So grab an iPad and Bluetooth keyboard or a 7" netbook running BSD.
  • Reply 34 of 84
    mrstepmrstep Posts: 516member
    Well if this is true, then it's a good thing that Apple is destroying their Pro apps lineup and driving away the pro customers right before releasing it. Or is this expected to import FCP7 projects unlike the desktop version?
  • Reply 35 of 84
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Is it really realistic to think that a tablet form factor could have anywhere near the processing horsepower to be useful to a professional video editor?

    I know the iPad is powerful, but surely such people need the capabilities of a Mac Pro/Macbook Pro?

    iPad might have enough storage for editing a 15 sec HDTV ad as long as you didn't have too many takes. Otherwise where are your clips? In the cloud I suppose. Yeah that's pro all the way. It is probably some interface app to complement FCP X.
  • Reply 36 of 84
    blackbookblackbook Posts: 1,361member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Most of the time that's all I use -- Firefox on my 2008 MBP. There are plenty of us who would find a browser-only device 'useful'.

    Oh, and at about 1/3 of the price, with longer battery life.

    But thank you for your input (read: worthless)

    There are probably others who feel a browser only device would be perfect for them too, but even so I don't see that as a market Apple would be interested in competing. Apple isn't

    about web apps, search, or online advertising so such a device would not be beneficial to them. Also their current web services are either weak or nonexistent. iCloud is only going to work with apps not on a webpage.

    Apple already has a successful ecosystem that they developed why turn in a completely different direction now? Also most people would probably rather have the full featured iPad for $500 over a chromebook of the same price
  • Reply 37 of 84
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    If you want to go to something that is a step up from the iPad, the Air is already it.

    I have to agree with your logic, but it will probably not be sold on the basis of logic to reasonable people, but by emotion to certain susceptible people.

    The great thing about the iPad is that there is ne keyboard. It changes your relationship with the screen in mysterious ways. When the screen resolution comes up to standards (set by the iPhone 4) it will seem like you are holding a world in your hands, not a computer screen.

    I hate to use the word "magical," but . . . you get the idea.
  • Reply 38 of 84
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    iPad might have enough storage for editing a 15 sec HDTV ad as long as you didn't have too many takes. Otherwise where are your clips? In the cloud I suppose. Yeah that's pro all the way.

    Client server is always an option - in that model the tablet becomes a more convenient control mechanism to a more powerful machine. The point of a tablet isn't just that it's a portable device, it's that it has a paradigm busting control mechanism - and that's applicable in lots of ways.
  • Reply 39 of 84
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    I want a web device with a keyboard, and the Chromebook just about fits the bill. But the OS is still unpolished.

    Buy an iPad, this $50 keyboard, and only use Safari.

  • Reply 40 of 84
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by AnOldAplGuy View Post

    come on, if your gonna post an article, an use a graphic, lets not use one that is totally wrong OK?

    It is unlikely the iPad, even this alleged iPad pro, would have enough power for final cut. Any apps are likely controllers a la the photoshop apps
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