NFL's Buccaneers equip every player with an Apple iPad 2

in iPad edited January 2014
The coaching staff of the National Football League's Tampa Bay Buccaneers has equipped every one of their 90 players with an iPad 2 to view playbooks and watch videos.

Using the iPad 2 has allowed the staff to save time and paper, as players were previously provided with periodicals the size of a phone book. Now, the teams plays have been digitized and each player has been provided with an iPad, according to the St. Petersburg Times.

In addition to allowing players to brush up on the team's extensive list of plays, they also use their iPads to watch video files of NFL games, practices and situational videos.

"It's convenient. It's fast," safety Cody Grimm reportedly said. "I was snacking out on the couch and watching some film, and realized I was, like, two quarters through (a) game already."

The idea to distribute iPads to players came from the team's head coach, Raheem Morris. At 34 years old, Morris is the youngest head coach in the NFL, and he also has the youngest roster in the NFL. The iPad has been viewed as a way to entice the team's young lineup to study film.

Previously, if players wanted to watch a film at home, they had to get the team's crew to make a copy of a DVD. Now, they can watch film anywhere via their iPad.

"With this iPad, I can just flick through, and if that play doesn't apply to me, I just touch it and get out of there and go here, and there's third down," Morris said. "Get out of there, and let's go to the red zone. Okay, there's the nickel. It's a different deal now."

He also praised the ability of the team to remotely wipe an iPad in the event that a player loses the device, ensuring that the Bucs' playbook won't leak to another NFL team. The free Find My iPad service allows users to remotely locate and, if necessary, erase all data on their iPad if it goes missing.

The Buccaneers' use of the iPad is just another way Apple's touchscreen tablet has found adoption in a highly specialized role. Earlier this week, United Airlines announced it is distributing 11,000 iPads across all of its Continental and United flight decks to make their cockpits paperless, following the Federal Aviation Administration's approval of the device for use as an electronic flight bag.


  • Reply 1 of 27
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    You know, this stuff if coming pretty fast and furious. If an Android or Win8 tablet can't make some headway in the next year, it's starting to look like the world will have standardized on the iPad. Which is to say iOS, with all that means for the platform.
  • Reply 2 of 27
    dualiedualie Posts: 334member
    Heaven forbid they should pay for their own.
  • Reply 3 of 27
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    Now if only those of us in the Tampa Bay area could see a home game on TV. Just as it was last year, all home games are expected to be blacked out.
  • Reply 4 of 27
    iPad - Just a toy. No productive use at all. /Sarcasm
  • Reply 5 of 27
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    You know, this stuff if coming pretty fast and furious. If an Android or Win8 tablet can't make some headway in the next year, it's starting to look like the world will have standardized on the iPad. Which is to say iOS, with all that means for the platform.

    The competitors just want test the waters, dabble in the tablet space. See what a difference it makes when you go all in, with a whole ecosystem and brilliant marketing. That is what they can't match. The competitors hardware is probably ok, it is the attention to detail and the dedication to excellence that Apple has, that has them beat.
  • Reply 6 of 27
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    You know, this stuff if coming pretty fast and furious. If an Android or Win8 tablet can't make some headway in the next year, it's starting to look like the world will have standardized on the iPad. Which is to say iOS, with all that means for the platform.

    Yef! I fee you are fussing Lion poo!
  • Reply 7 of 27
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    They're even using a freaking iPad as a playbook now!, said one visibly upset and terrified RIM executive to another. Shortly thereafter, they both proceeded to slash their wrists, due to the impending and unavoidable doom.
  • Reply 8 of 27
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member
    Anyone else see some irony in the fact that they will view their "playbook" on the iPad 2 ????

  • Reply 9 of 27
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    The competitors just want test the waters, dabble in the tablet space. See what a difference it makes when you go all in, with a whole ecosystem and brilliant marketing. That is what they can't match. The competitors hardware is probably ok, it is the attention to detail and the dedication to excellence that Apple has, that has them beat.

    Balls to the wall!
  • Reply 10 of 27
    With the Bucs doing it, you can be sure every single NFL team will follow suit by season's end.
  • Reply 11 of 27
    silenciosilencio Posts: 134member
    This isn't terribly new, but still pretty cool. Lots of sports teams have been using video-capable iPods and such to load clips for scouting the opposition.

    One memorable incident of the iPod giving a team the scouting edge took place during a penalty shootout in an English soccer match. Manchester United's goalkeeper that day, Ben Foster, grabbed an iPod between kicks to watch clips of his opponents taking their penalties so he could get an insight as to what their tendencies were. Sure enough, he made a couple of saves and United won the match.
  • Reply 12 of 27
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    With the Bucs doing it, you can be sure every single NFL team will follow suit by season's end.

    Not the 49ers. They are going to put their plays in neck tattoos.
  • Reply 13 of 27
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The iPad has been viewed as a way to entice the team's young lineup to study film.

    OK, making millions of dollars per year is not enough "enticement" to do your job?

    I predict a losing season for the Bucs....however, they will set new scoring records for ANGRY BIRDS.

  • Reply 14 of 27
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Not the 49ers. They are going to put their plays in neck tattoos.

    Revisions must be a bitch.
  • Reply 15 of 27
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    You know, this stuff if coming pretty fast and furious. If an Android or Win8 tablet can't make some headway in the next year, it's starting to look like the world will have standardized on the iPad. Which is to say iOS, with all that means for the platform.

    Acer chairman Wang repeats to himself: "it's just tablet fever, netbooks will be hot again..."
  • Reply 16 of 27
    NEWS: after little more than a year of fingerpaint training, NFL players feel ready to take on the challenge of using ipads. "it's a big step for us" said Granite Chunkosky, "but we are ready."
  • Reply 17 of 27
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,413member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    You know, this stuff if coming pretty fast and furious. If an Android or Win8 tablet can't make some headway in the next year, it's starting to look like the world will have standardized on the iPad. Which is to say iOS, with all that means for the platform.

    That is exactly right. In fact, it might already be too late. The iPad has a huge lead here.

    And I think these highly specialized usage models indicate that Apple's vision of the iPad as "post PC" is the correct one.

    When people talk about Microsoft needing to hurry up and get into the tablet business, they forget that Microsoft has been in the tablet business for a decade. It's just that nobody bought into Microsoft's view of the tablet as a PC, whereas people bought into Apple's vision starting day 1.

    And when people talk about Windows 8 as Microsoft's "true" tablet OS, they forget that Windows 7 was described that way when the iPad came out. No doubt in 2013 we'll be hearing how Windows 9 is just around the corner, and it will really take share from the iPad, blah blah blah.
  • Reply 18 of 27
    I can see the day when an iPad on the sidelines is being used for reviewing plays in between series.
  • Reply 19 of 27
    cgjcgj Posts: 276member
    So now they've paid out for all these iPads with Tampa Bay, should we be expecting the Glazer family (owners of TBB) to do the same with Manchester United?
  • Reply 20 of 27
    Originally Posted by dualie View Post

    Heaven forbid they should pay for their own.

    They're considered team equipment/property, should the players also buy their own helmets, cleats, pay for travel to games? Your comment makes no sense. Don't be jealous others make a lot more money than you.

    Originally Posted by noexpectations View Post

    OK, making millions of dollars per year is not enough "enticement" to do your job?

    Most rookies don't make millions, they make around the minimum of $500k. A lot of money yes, but as in any place of work there are those who do just enough to get by and those who work over-time even if not needed.

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Now if only those of us in the Tampa Bay area could see a home game on TV. Just as it was last year, all home games are expected to be blacked out.

    Get your Tampa people to attend games and they won't be blacked out, it's not the teams fault people don't attend the games. They were 10-6 last season, a good young team and people still stay home. Same here in the Bay Area for the Raiders.
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