Mac OS X Lion and iTunes to get iCloud software ahead of iOS

in macOS edited January 2014
Mac OS X Lion and iTunes users next week will reportedly gain access to Apple's new iCloud software a day or so prior to the launch of iOS 5.

The updates are expected to be available to Mac users before the Oct. 12 release of iOS 5, according to a source for Japanese Apple blog Macotakara. That would suggest a release sometime on either Monday or Tuesday.

Although Apple has not officially stated that an update is needed for either its Lion or iTunes software to be iCloud compatible, testers of the cloud-based service have been using pre-releases of Mac OS X 10.7.2 and iTunes 10.5 that were developed to deliver support.

iCloud is expected to roll out on Oct. 12, alongside iOS 5.

On Tuesday, Mac developers were issued a gold master of Mac OSX 10.7.2, which means the software is finalized and being prepared for release. iTunes 10.5, however, remains in beta.


  • Reply 1 of 52
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,559member
    Makes sense, they don't want to collapse their servers on Friday with all the activations etc.
  • Reply 2 of 52
    bertpbertp Posts: 274member
    If you are currently a MobileMe subscriber, I would think it would be prudent to wait for the MobileMe-to-iCloud migration instructions from Apple.
  • Reply 3 of 52
    Originally Posted by BertP View Post

    If you are currently a MobileMe subscriber, I would think it would be prudent to wait for the MobileMe-to-iCloud migration instructions from Apple.

    I used to be a subscriber, until Apple made it free. Now I'm a user.

    Because it is an integral part of my business, I will definitely take your advice.
  • Reply 4 of 52
    bertpbertp Posts: 274member
    Originally Posted by Psych_guy View Post

    I used to be a subscriber, until Apple made it free. Now I'm a user.

    Because it is an integral part of my business, I will definitely take your advice.

    I forgot about the 'free' service. Mine was extended. You are smart to protect your liveihood.
  • Reply 5 of 52
    Originally Posted by Psych_guy View Post

    I used to be a subscriber, until Apple made it free. Now I'm a user.

    Because it is an integral part of my business, I will definitely take your advice.

    if for business as well- make sure you explicitly backup E-mail (including mailboxes), Contacts, Calendar, etc. (with Archiving from those apps) - this is going to be a major switchover and will not go 100% smoothly

  • Reply 6 of 52
    Originally Posted by kenliles View Post

    if for business as well- make sure you explicitly backup E-mail (including mailboxes), Contacts, Calendar, etc. (with Archiving from those apps) - this is going to be a major switchover and will not go 100% smoothly


    The current migration beta for mobile me - icloud worked as easy as pie for developers. But I was a bit surprised for what ever reason that they couldnt handle the iphone 4s pre-sales
  • Reply 7 of 52
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    iPhoto too, right?
  • Reply 8 of 52
    I noticed earlier that already has a link at the bottom of it for "Download iTunes 10.5 free."

    Clicking it seems to take you to the normal iTunes download page which still lists iTunes 10.5 as "coming soon"...
  • Reply 9 of 52
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Ideally the new Mac OS release will come out early Monday. Also shouldn't we expect an iWork for Mac update too?

    By the way to reiterate what has already been mentioned - Backup!
  • Reply 10 of 52
    ljocampoljocampo Posts: 657member
    Originally Posted by BertP View Post

    If you are currently a MobileMe subscriber, I would think it would be prudent to wait for the MobileMe-to-iCloud migration instructions from Apple.

    I agree!! I'm not going to upgrade system software, iTunes, or register for iCloud until Apple has a way to merge my MobileMe account with my iTunes account. I have Mac App store purchases on my MobileMe ID and music and video purchases on my iTunes ID.

    The irony is both AppleIDs have the same MobileMe email address as its primary email, but Apple has not so far allow me to merge into one AppleID.
  • Reply 11 of 52
    Originally Posted by ippyboi View Post

    The current migration beta for mobile me - icloud worked as easy as pie for developers. But I was a bit surprised for what ever reason that they couldnt handle the iphone 4s pre-sales

    I tried to buy my iPhone at midnight and gave up after 1.5 hours. went back at 0600 Pacific time and was able to early complete my purchase. Apple's site was fine for the most part. I only really had trouble when Apple had to verify account info with AT&T.
  • Reply 12 of 52
    Originally Posted by ljocampo View Post

    I agree!! I'm not going to upgrade system software, iTunes, or register for iCloud until Apple has a way to merge my MobileMe account with my iTunes account. I have Mac App store purchases on my MobileMe ID and music and video purchases on my iTunes ID.

    The irony is both AppleIDs have the same MobileMe email address as its primary email, but Apple has not so far allow me to merge into one AppleID.

    Apple posted the following:

    If I use different accounts for iTunes and MobileMe, can I merge them into a single account and use it with*iCloud?

    No. You cannot merge two accounts into one. However, you will be able to move your MobileMe account ([email protected]) to iCloud and, if you choose, you can continue to use a different iTunes account for store purchases and iTunes in the Cloud.

    I also notice on the Apple are now advising people to merge Apple ID's to an email address in the apple ID section..
  • Reply 13 of 52
    Does anyone know if this update will remove access to iDisk? I'd like to continue using it until my subscription finishes.
  • Reply 14 of 52
    Originally Posted by raymccrae View Post

    Does anyone know if this update will remove access to iDisk? I'd like to continue using it until my subscription finishes.

    idisk and iweb will still work until june 2012 even after you migrate to cloud as long as you have an active mobile me account
  • Reply 15 of 52
    Originally Posted by raymccrae View Post

    Does anyone know if this update will remove access to iDisk? I'd like to continue using it until my subscription finishes.

    Here's a link from the MobileMe home page:

    It covers this topic and other related issues. I suggest you read it.
  • Reply 16 of 52
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    I have not seen any clear statement how iCloud is going to work (or going to NOT work) if you have Apple IDs from multiple countries. Lot's of people have residence in multiple countries (or at least bank accounts and credit cards) and since the iTunes Store rollout was everything but simultaneous they will have created their first Apple (Store) ID in the country that first got the store (or first got movies etc.) but later created a second ID in another country as that country got the iTunes Store.

    It is by definition impossible to merge IDs from different countries, as an ID is defined by the funding method and lots of content is not available in all countries. At best, iCloud will be limited to one ID and all apps, music, movies purchased with the other ID will only be available on your Mac but not anymore on your iOS devices (which is rather pointless for apps but also for music). Most likely your only solution is to not activate iCloud and continue as you have done with iOS 4. Great job Apple.
  • Reply 17 of 52
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by noirdesir View Post

    I have not seen any clear statement how iCloud is going to work (or going to NOT work) if you have Apple IDs from multiple countries. Lot's of people have residence in multiple countries (or at least bank accounts and credit cards) and since the iTunes Store rollout was everything but simultaneous they will have created their first Apple (Store) ID in the country that first got the store (or first got movies etc.) but later created a second ID in another country as that country got the iTunes Store.

    It is by definition impossible to merge IDs from different countries, as an ID is defined by the funding method and lots of content is not available in all countries. At best, iCloud will be limited to one ID and all apps, music, movies purchased with the other ID will only be available on your Mac but not anymore on your iOS devices (which is rather pointless for apps but also for music). Most likely your only solution is to not activate iCloud and continue as you have done with iOS 4. Great job Apple.

    Can you suggest a reasonable solution? No seriously, I'm interested. You stated massive reasons why Ids couldn't be merged (different content in different countries) then go on to knock Apple for not enabling what you show to be an impossible scenario. So please, share a thorough, holistic vision of you'd think iCloud would work with multiple IDs with multiple countries while addressing the concerns of multiple licensing agreements of different geographical areas. That's the reason you're only supposed to have one ID from one country. But as always, people want to set things up in a different way than whats expected/recommended, then expect all services to function 100% as they're supposed to- which is utterly illogical and unrealistic. I too, have multiple IDs, one for Canada and one for the US. But I don't expect the ability to merge them, because it flies in the face of the entire POINT of an ID, and neither do I expect iCloud to sync content from multiple IDs at the same time, because that would make no sense, potentially create a ton of issues, get Apple in trouble with its licensing partners, and woud simply be unrealistic on so many levels. Would I complain if it did somehow work? No, but neither can I conceptualize a scenario where it COULD work, and I'm level-headed and reasonable enough to understand the inherent unfeasibility of these scenarios.
  • Reply 18 of 52
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Ideally the new Mac OS release will come out early Monday. Also shouldn't we expect an iWork for Mac update too?

    By the way to reiterate what has already been mentioned - Backup!

    I love the fact that I don't really have to take your advice (though it's good advice), because it's just happening thanks to Time Machine!

    It's only when things like this come along (and OS upgrades) that I even think about backing up - and before it used to take me ages to get organized to do a backup before I could upgrade anything, but now it's just doing it. All the time. Without me!

    It's amazing to think how much better computer use has come thanks to things Apple have put into the OS that you don't really notice from day to day, but it's definitely making things a lot better.

    I'm wondering what part of iOS 5 and iCloud will soon be such an integral part of my technology usage that I just don't think about it anymore......
  • Reply 19 of 52
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Can you suggest a reasonable solution? No seriously, I'm interested. You stated massive reasons why Ids couldn't be merged (different content in different countries) then go on to knock Apple for not enabling what you show to be an impossible scenario. So please, share a thorough, holistic vision of you'd think iCloud would work with multiple IDs with multiple countries while addressing the concerns of multiple licensing agreements of different geographical areas. That's the reason you're only supposed to have one ID from one country. But as always, people want to set things up in a different way than whats expected/recommended, then expect all services to function 100% as they're supposed to- which is utterly illogical and unrealistic. I too, have multiple IDs, one for Canada and one for the US. But I don't expect the ability to merge them, because it flies in the face of the entire POINT of an ID.

    I should have prefaced my post with an explanation why we even discuss the issue of merging IDs (even on the national level). Because iOS 5, or rather iCloud, won't allow us to link multiple iTunes Store IDs to one iCloud ID. I am not talking about merging, I am talking about linking.

    Since the beginning of the iTMS, it was possible to link multiple Store IDs to one iTunes library. And as a consequence we can buy DRM-ed material (apps, movies) with multiple IDs and play and use them side-by-side in iTunes and in our iOS devices. I can log into one Apple ID on my iOS device and buy an app but all my apps purchased with another Apple ID keep working. Since iTunes was the hub, the 'truth', anything that worked in it also worked on iOS devices. But with the iCloud server becoming the hub, this new hub needs to gain the ability to administer multiple Apple IDs in exactly the same way as iTunes does it today.

    Thus, the only thing Apple has to do is to allow the linking of multiple Apple IDs to one iCloud ID or to allow the linking of an iOS device to multiple iCloud IDs (though I think the former is much easier). I don't see where the legal or practical problems should be if iTunes already today can do this.
  • Reply 20 of 52
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by noirdesir View Post

    I have not seen any clear statement how iCloud is going to work (or going to NOT work) if you have Apple IDs from multiple countries.

    That's not really an iCloud issue. That's an iTunes issue.

    iCloud is about your contacts, calendars etc. Yes if your id is also an iTunes using ID you have the whole redownloading, if that is available in the appropriate country. But you could use a totally different ID for your backups.

    As for the iTunes, because they are linked to different currency and copyright, there won't ever be any merging. I suppose you could get around some of it if one of your IDs is in the US and get iTunes Match. With luck at least some of the tracks have made it to US release and/or the system won't balk at you uploading them. But that might not work perfectly due to the various copyright issues

    As for why they don't allow the merging of IDs even within a country, I can only consider that it is due to various legal concerns. For example, how will they prove that in fact you are the rightful owner of said ID and not say someone that hacked the password to make it look like it is yours. Or it actually belongs to your now Ex and she/he never changed the password from the one you knew and this is some plot to be nasty to them by stealing their account from them.

    Originally Posted by noirdesir View Post

    But with the iCloud server becoming the hub, this new hub needs to gain the ability to administer multiple Apple IDs in exactly the same way as iTunes does it today.

    or it doesn't. Your iPhone etc already has the ability to use material from more than one account in terms of songs, tv shows, apps etc. There's no reason to assume that any data backups of content from inside those apps must be in the same account that bought the app, which is really the only reason why iCloud would need to administer several ids. It could end up being totally possible that the two issues aren't linked and you can have one iCloud account that covers everything regardless of what Apple ID bought the app in the first place.
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