Sales of Apple's iPhone 4S top four million in first weekend



  • Reply 41 of 81
    Originally Posted by tjwal View Post

    I ordered mine through telus the second day of the pre-order. Delivery would have been Friday if I'd been home. Picked it up Saturday instead.

    It is my first iphone. My corporate Blackberry was taken away when I switched jobs. I do miss the corp emails that BB was so good with but other than that it does a lot more that the BB ever did.

    Siri won't do map look ups in Canada so that is a disappointment. She does take dictation, sends text and voice dials very nicely. Could use a different voice though.

    We did have her confused with two conversations though, or at least it appeared she was confused. My daughter asked her about disposing of a body and she responded with "Which child, T... or S...."? I think she was responding to a previous question but it was still funny.

    Please understand that a phone is often considered to be a personal item. As such, Siri is expecting the owners voice ... which it will learn about and continue to get more information and do a better job. When you bring in a new voice (daughter) ... now you have created a challenge that was not the intent... IHMO
  • Reply 42 of 81
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    I wonder how many (of which I am included) were duped into preordering from AT&T in store? My phone, which AT&T promised would arrive on 10/14 = 10/15, has not even shipped yet. Yet, I was able to walk into 2 AT&T stores on 10/14 and find that they both had over 300 extra iPhones after the small lines. Heck both stores still had a few iPhone 4S models as of 5PM yesterday. The lines were small because the stores pushed in-store preorders. Of course the store wouldn't allow for cancellation of the preorders so I could pick the phone up on 10/14. Instead I have to wait another 2 weeks for my "preordered" phone. Nice.

    Lesson learned. NEVER preorder via AT&T. Anyone else have this problem?

    Same problem. Ordered at an AT&T Store 10/7 @ 10:30 EST. Due to complications in my account, I cannot go through Apple or even AT&T online, but had to have a face to face with ATT.

    I was told I had already missed the 10/14 batch, and it would be 14-21 days. I was NOT told that there would be phones held back from preorders so that they could have stock on 10/14 for walk-ins. I found this out over the weekend, and have already gone back today (Monday 10/17) to cancel my preorder, but now they are out of 32gb black. So, I'm still looking at 7-14 days, and those who walked in to that store 7 days after I ordered already have one. Mine is still listed as Backordered.
  • Reply 43 of 81
    Originally Posted by Psych_guy View Post

    And don't forget the best part: most of us are happy and satisfied with the 4s that we purchased!

    ...and don't forget that there are quite a few of us who cannot yet even get our hands on one, despite pre-ordering 10/7...
  • Reply 44 of 81
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by tumme-totte View Post

    So - it's and BIG thing. And it looks simple. But how many companies has managed to do it?

    Only the biggest, baddest tech company in the world is capable of that. Apple. Just Apple.

    Nobody else is big enough! You think that LG could strongarm giant telcos all over the friggin world? You think that Exxon Mobil could introduce a product like Apple? Morton-Thiokol? Dow Chamical? General Electric? HA!

    Not even Sony or Microsoft could do anything like this. Apple is big enough to do just about anything that a gigantic corporation could dream about. And do it better than anybody, so its customers keep giving it more and more and more money. Because Apple is THAT good.

    And its going to get even better as Apple gets bigger. They have more money than the Catholic Church! More money than the United States Government! Think of the possibilities! Apple will continue to grow, and will continue to get stronger.

    We ain't seen nothing yet.

    But that doesn't stop all the Apple Haters from protesting against big companies on Wall Street. They think that corporations are bad, and that they have too much power. But they are just jealous because they can't afford Apple products. So they sleep in a tent in the middle of the filthy dirty city and complain about how corporations are too big and too powerful.

    But what they don't realize is that they too could simply buy an Apple product and be like the 1% who make huge amounts of money with corporations. Apple is part of the 1%, but we can all be part of Apple. iPhones are now FREE! Hello? Don't realize that you stupid, foolish 99%? Let me repeat: You can be part of the 1% for FREE! Simply get an Apple product.

    Apple is HUGE. Apople is a corporate behemoth. And we can all participate in their victories. Hell, we can contribute to the winning team by simply buying their products! For FREE!

    But the haters will just go an and on about how corporate power is a Bad Thing. Some people are never satisfied, but that doesn't stop Apple from raking in the moolah.

    Apple's products are THAT good.

    They are the biggest of the corporate behemoths. These loudmouths better remember that when they whine and moan about corporate power. The corporation with the MOST power is Apple!
  • Reply 45 of 81
    I wonder if any other manufacturer has sold an Android based phone in these numbers... In a month, much less 72 hours?

    Will the Nexus Prime with ICS match the i4S sales numbers. After all, it is supposed to be the biggest, baddest Android based phone so far.
  • Reply 46 of 81
    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post

    You're totally exaggerating the reaction to the phone - there was no doom and gloom. There were many muted reviews but there were a few really enthusiastic ones too (David Pogue, DaringFireBall, etc., etc.)

    But I understand that it's a common practice to pretend to be allied with Apple the underdog. Some underdog.

    I was being facetious. 4 million in the first weekend is outstanding. I suspect getting Siri ready for her debut was the reason for the delay (if it was a delay). Regardless, the outcome is good because it meant lots of phones available at the sales kickoff. And I only own 10,000 shares in my dreams. I used to be a stock holder but sold when it looked like Apple was going down the tubes. Unfortunately, while my hindsight is 20/20, my foresight could use some Coke-bottle glasses!
  • Reply 47 of 81
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    But that doesn't stop all the Ap[ple Haters from protesting against big companies on Wall Street. They think that corporations are bad, and that they have too much power. But they are just jealous because they can't afford Apple products. So they sleep in a tent in the middle of the filthy dirty city and complain about how corporations are too big.

    You are way off base with this, if you think that the "protesters" are protesting companies like Apple. Hint: Its called Occupy "WALL STREET", you know, the folks who needed a government bailout to survive? And still pay their ex and current CEOs millions?

    Sure, there is a fringe that is just purely anti-corporate in general. But that is not the crux of the movement, or what is driving it. A lot of the protestors are Apple fans, and in fact, would much rather the rest of the companies be like Apple, where the CEO is paid $1 a year, and makes his money from stock options, i.e., you make money if you actually add value.
  • Reply 48 of 81
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    You are way off base with this, if you think that the "protesters" are protesting companies like Apple. Hint: Its called Occupy "WALL STREET", you know, the folks who needed a government bailout to survive? And still pay their ex and current CEOs millions?

    Apple is the biggest, baddest stock on Wall Street. It is owned by huge corporate interests, like Hedge Funds and their ilk.

    Apple makes the 1% VERY rich. It makes them richer and richer year in and year out.

    Apple is the best thing to ever happen to Wall Street. It makes huge profits for the Hedge Funds. It is the biggest thing on Wall Street, and it is getting bigger and bigger. More money, more money, more money.

    More PROFIT!

    Dow Chemical? Plastics? HA!

    The 1% own Apple. The 99% give Apple money. But the haters will protest instead of simply buying an Apple product and joining the 1%.
  • Reply 49 of 81
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    But the haters will protest instead of simply buying an Apple product and joining the 1%.

    These statements show you have absolutely no understanding of what the 1% actually means, but that isn't a surprise given your posting history. There is 1% of the population that owns over 90% of the US. You don't join the 1% by buying a product from the biggest company in the world. Stop posting about this b/c you're just being idiotic
  • Reply 50 of 81
    shenshen Posts: 434member
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    you are living in the past. In the old days, there was moral superiority with Apple. M$ was evil, and one could fight the good fight merely by spending money on Apple products.

    Not any more. Apple is no longer making wet dreams for geeks.

    Apple is now the company wo makes gadgets for Grandma. No geeks need apply. You wanna geek out, get Android. You wanna be an underdog? Get a Blackberry.

    Apple is the MOST mainstream brand in the world. Anybidy and everybody knows Apple nmakes the best phone for them. Apple is not any underdog anymore.

    Apple is the biggest, badddest most gigantic international corporate behemoth in the entire world. Bigger and badder than Exxon Mobil.

    Underdog? Get real. They is the Alpha Dog, and most of its newest and richest its customers don't care.

    Ahhh, is the wittle wright wing forum troll having a bad day? Is he? Whose a good troll! Whose a good troll!

    Come on, you can do it! Post something that we can get upset about. Come on! I will get you a treat!
  • Reply 51 of 81
    Not a Luxury, an investment...

    I know some will not care about this post, but the iphone for me is a money making tool, and now with siri, even becomes better..

    It Saves me time, in my business, time is money, and the iphone already gave me a tool that made me a much better time manager.

    I thought Siri would be a "toy" (I confess, I am kind of a geek) but when I started using it I said holy sh__ this is an amazing tool! setting appointments is a breeze, checking emails, finding info, etc, it does not work 100% of the time, but it does about 80%, and the more I know the system, the better the results.

    Also, it download way faster, I have not have ONE drop call yet, that is amazing, because in my home I used to have a few drop calls everyday..

    I have the 64, I invested $399 plus tax and another $50 for some accessories, around $500 total, but here is the kicker, in $$$$, I see my productivity increasing, and those $500 we will back to me in not time, in less than 30 days...oh, and my old Iphone4? I can sell it in ebay for around $400.. cool, it is almost like a FREE upgrade! TRy it with any other phone!

    George, a confessed...
  • Reply 52 of 81
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by shen View Post

    Ahhh, is the wittle wright wing forum troll having a bad day? Is he? Whose a good troll! Whose a good troll!

    Come on, you can do it! Post something that we can get upset about. Come on! I will get you a treat!

    The twoll is on a woll.

    He's found a new MEME!!!

    ". . . biggest and baddest . . ."!

    Is there any way to redeem this pest?
  • Reply 53 of 81
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by shen View Post

    Ahhh, is the wittle wright wing forum troll having a bad day? Is he? Whose a good troll! Whose a good troll!

    Come on, you can do it! Post something that we can get upset about. Come on! I will get you a treat!

    Try to dispute the points I made rather than engage in name-calling. Grow up.

    Take away the frills, the fancy language, the attitude, and dispute what I said:

    The 1% own Apple. The 99% give Apple money.
  • Reply 54 of 81
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Only the biggest, baddest tech company in the world is capable of that. Apple. Just Apple.

    Nobody else is big enough! You think that LG could strongarm giant telcos all over the friggin world? You think that Exxon Mobil could introduce a product like Apple? Morton-Thiokol? Dow Chamical? General Electric? HA!


    They are the biggest of the corporate behemoths. These loudmouths better remember that when they whine and moan about corporate power. The corporation with the MOST power is Apple!

    Woke up with your best pal saluting an empty bed this morning?
  • Reply 55 of 81
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Apple is the biggest, baddest stock on Wall Street. It is owned by huge corporate interests, like Hedge Funds and their ilk.

    Apple makes the 1% VERY rich. It makes them richer and richer year in and year out.

    Apple is the best thing to ever happen to Wall Street. It makes huge profits for the Hedge Funds. It is the biggest thing on Wall Street, and it is getting bigger and bigger. More money, more money, more money.

    More PROFIT!

    Dow Chemical? Plastics? HA!

    The 1% own Apple. The 99% give Apple money. But the haters will protest instead of simply buying an Apple product and joining the 1%.

    If you think Wall Street is making money primarily off investments then you don't know anything about Wall Street.

    Those days are long gone, where banks would make money by investing in companies. Some P/E firms, and VC funds do this, but the vast majority of money is made in packaging investments so the next sucker doesnt know what he is buying.

    Wall Street would have collapsed because of this ridiculous game of hot potato, if the government (of the people, by the people, for the 1%) hadn't stepped in to save them.
  • Reply 56 of 81
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Try to dispute the points I made rather than engage in name-calling. Grow up.

    Yes - I'm going to have to second that. If you don't have anything intelligent to add, ridicule is not the answer. You can always ignore instead.
  • Reply 57 of 81
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    If you think Wall Street is making money primarily off investments ...

    Nope. Stock brokers, for example, are part of Wall Street and they make money by, among other things, getting people to buy Apple stock. Every time we see AAPL go up in price, we know that huge amounts of money have been made by the Street, by Financial Service Companies and the retail brokers who work for them, in commissions alone.

    Most of the money is made by the gigantic corporations like Apple and their CEOs, but huge amounts are made by the "bottom tier" of the 1% too, who don't make money from equity ownership, but merely by picking up little crumbs whenever they pass a piece of the pie to one of the big guys.

    I think we agree - one need not own AAPL in order to profit from it. But if you DO own it, you love to see the 99% buying Apple products.
  • Reply 58 of 81
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member
    iLounge has done what appears to be a pretty thorough test of the new 4S. Their experience with battery life compared to the iPhone4 differs a bit from Apple's spec claims.

    "Perhaps the biggest surprise in our iPhone 4S testing was its battery life. We suspected that something unusual was going on when Apple published its initial iPhone 4S battery life estimates, which oddly showed the new device improving in 3G talk time, standing still in 3G Internet use, and falling behind in both standby time and Wi-Fi Internet use. How could the new device improve or stand still in some categories and fall short in others that were seemingly related? After three days of non-stop testing, we had a clear answer: the iPhone 4S is generally more power hungry than the iPhone 4, and Apple has only made the slightest capacity improvement to the iPhone 4S?s battery. Moreover, whereas Apple underpromised with the iPhone 4?s battery estimates, it comes closer to overpromising with the iPhone 4S."
  • Reply 59 of 81
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    They would have sold even more had the registration systems been working. I walked into a Long Island Apple store on Friday and asked how long it would take to get a phone. They said the systems were "slow" but they could take me right away. But after trying three times, the AT&T servers seemed to be down, so I couldn't proceed. They had people lining up who were willing to wait until the servers came back up, but I didn't want to wait, so I canceled my order. So I wonder how many people there were like myself who didn't wait and then you have to add the number of people who didn't even attempt to try because they had the impression that there would be long lines everywhere.

    My local AT&T store didn't look excessively busy either, but (for reasons I won't go into here) prefer to buy the phone directly from Apple.

    For the record, the Apple clerk who helped me was nice enough, but he didn't seem to know much of anything technical. He had barely heard of Exchange Server and he couldn't answer my questions about whether a restore would restore my Exchange address book.
  • Reply 60 of 81
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    Lesson learned. NEVER preorder via AT&T. Anyone else have this problem?

    Pre-ordered without drama eight hours after it was available. Arrived on the 14th, as promised. Activated in seconds, but I waited a day.

    This has been my experience with ATT each time. Also have seen 7-8Mbps here in Portland.
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