Apple releases iOS 5.0.1 with improved iPhone battery life



  • Reply 41 of 127
    Originally Posted by greenheaven View Post

    My strife is with the Notifications though. It takes way too many steps to set a notification:

    Press plus.

    Type notification (the little arrow that jumps to notification settings should be visible here already to skip a few steps...)

    Tap ready/finished/valmis. (Sorry, Finnish)

    Tap notification.

    Tap remind.

    Choose Date or Location (there could be two sets of scroll wheels here already: date and recent locations)

    Tap the default date to launch the scroll wheels (why can't they be visible already at this point?)

    Scroll the wheels.

    Tap ready or whatever.

    Tap ready or whatever again.

    Same with location-based notifications... Why can't there be like a list of the most used or recent locations? Please. Anyone?

    I was confused until I realized you were referring to Reminders rather than Notifications. Reminders is a feature best used with Siri. Although Apple could optimize the user interface for Reminders the feature set is fairly complete and complex as a result.

    In 2012, Siri will support additional languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Italian, and Spanish. I hope Siri becomes available in Finnish as well eventually. You seem as proficient with English as many native speakers, have you used Siri in English yet?
  • Reply 42 of 127
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    I know the 38 and 55MB sizes seem really small but remember this is a 0.0.1 update, not a 0.1.0 update. Expect the latter to be much larger. Also, don't expect the 1.0.0 update to iOS 6.0 to be OTA.

    I don't know why I'm writing this. It's not like going to keep people from complaining when future updates arrive.
  • Reply 43 of 127
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Rob55 View Post

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the update improves voice recognition for Australian users using dictation and the Geico gecko has a British accent. My friend Marc from the UK sounds exactly like the Geico gecko.

    Maybe he is the Geico Geko.
  • Reply 44 of 127
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I know the 38 and 55MB sizes seem really small but remember this is a 0.0.1 update, not a 0.1.0 update.

    I fully expect the OTA updates will vary in size depending on content, but I think the cause for celebration is that it is only a 0.0.1 update and for the first time I haven't needed to download the full 800Mb enchilada (TWICE - iPhone 4 + iPad 2) for a minor release and that has to be a good thing...
  • Reply 45 of 127
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Improves voice recognition for Australian users using dictation

    So Siri will finally be able to spell "G'day, Mate"?
  • Reply 46 of 127
    blursdblursd Posts: 123member
    Originally Posted by DaveMcM76 View Post

    Loving the OTA update thing...

    took about 4 or 5 attempts for it to show the update as available, but both my iPhone 4 and iPad 2 both updated in around 10 minutes each...

    it used to take around 45 minutes per device just to download the old full release updates on my crappy broadband...

    That's strange ... I updated my iPhone and iPad at the same time, and both of them were done in about five minutes.
  • Reply 47 of 127
    Originally Posted by blursd View Post

    That's strange ... I updated my iPhone and iPad at the same time, and both of them were done in about five minutes.

    See the comment about crappy broadband - even at just 40Mb updates still took around 7 minutes each to download...
  • Reply 48 of 127
    Originally Posted by jcollin3k View Post

    Installed iOS 5.0.1 on my iPhone 4 and all the bugs that have been driving me crazy are still there:

    --Calendar app freezing and crashing on first launch. Second launch takes 5+ seconds. Not until the third launch does it open normally.

    --After tapping on three things in the Music app a freeze of several seconds happens.

    --Shake to shuffle plays the sound notification, then keeps playing the same song for another 2 seconds before changing the song, where it used to play the chime, then instantly change to the next song

    --Launching Messages freezes for about 2 seconds, crazy annoying when all you want to do is send a quick text.

    Looks like I am being forced to buy an iPhone 4S just like I was forced to buy an iPhone 4 when iOS 4 was released making my iPhone 3G useless due to glacial performance.

    At least I am trying to use the Best Buy buyback program to get $167 in trade-in value, if they ever have stock of the 4S soon.

    Did the update say it would fix those things?? Really.
  • Reply 49 of 127
    Originally Posted by jcollin3k View Post

    Installed iOS 5.0.1 on my iPhone 4 and all the bugs that have been driving me crazy are still there:

    --Calendar app freezing and crashing on first launch. Second launch takes 5+ seconds. Not until the third launch does it open normally.

    --After tapping on three things in the Music app a freeze of several seconds happens.

    --Shake to shuffle plays the sound notification, then keeps playing the same song for another 2 seconds before changing the song, where it used to play the chime, then instantly change to the next song

    --Launching Messages freezes for about 2 seconds, crazy annoying when all you want to do is send a quick text.

    Looks like I am being forced to buy an iPhone 4S just like I was forced to buy an iPhone 4 when iOS 4 was released making my iPhone 3G useless due to glacial performance.

    At least I am trying to use the Best Buy buyback program to get $167 in trade-in value, if they ever have stock of the 4S soon.

    This does not sound like an iOS 5 set of issues. I've been using it on my Verizon iPhone 4 since it was release without issue. Your issues might be related to a software conflict of some sort?
  • Reply 50 of 127
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Is he also 3 inches tall and green?

    No, but he is a bit on the short side.
  • Reply 51 of 127
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by JONOROM View Post

    So Siri will finally be able to spell "G'day, Mate"?

    Actually, yes. I tried it with American English and it didn't understand. I tried it with Australian English, got a response of "Hello!" and it dictated it correctly as "G'day, mate!" I'm not sure if that worked before (I assume it did) but it was fun to see how that setting isn't just to make the user feel like they are in control.
  • Reply 52 of 127
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Maybe he is the Geico Geko.

    For a brief while there, I actually considered the possibility. Then I snapped back to reality.
  • Reply 53 of 127
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by DaveMcM76 View Post

    I fully expect the OTA updates will vary in size depending on content, but I think the cause for celebration is that it is only a 0.0.1 update and for the first time I haven't needed to download the full 800Mb enchilada (TWICE - iPhone 4 + iPad 2) for a minor release and that has to be a good thing...

    Yeah, I didn't mean to take away from that benefit. Over 800MB each time a 0.0.1 update comes out is just too much. Even if it was only the 0.0.1 updates that were OTA it would still be a good thing.
  • Reply 54 of 127
    with the latest build
  • Reply 55 of 127
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by porsche View Post

    i see a big improvement in network speed on Sprint

    Nice! Was wondering if that would be addressed with this update.. or even if required an iOS update at all.

    What kind of speeds are you getting now?
  • Reply 56 of 127
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    I guess people on beta 2 have to go through iTunes. No OTA for me.

    Yep, discovered that myself. I should have known better. But once you get this one you should be able to do OTA updates unless you get on another beta.
  • Reply 57 of 127
    Originally Posted by jcollin3k View Post

    Installed iOS 5.0.1 on my iPhone 4 and all the bugs that have been driving me crazy are still there:


    Looks like I am being forced to buy an iPhone 4S just like I was forced to buy an iPhone 4 when iOS 4 was released making my iPhone 3G useless due to glacial performance.

    At least I am trying to use the Best Buy buyback program to get $167 in trade-in value, if they ever have stock of the 4S soon.

    Well, I have a new iPhone 4S, and the mail software crashes constantly. many times each day. Sometimes I forget, and try to compose an e-mail, and then remember when the software crashes, and I lose everything I've typed. I'd hold off on buying the new phone, if I were you. I'm seriously considering going back to my trusty iPhone3G, which was slower but it worked.
  • Reply 58 of 127
    Originally Posted by Retrogusto View Post

    I'd hold off on buying the new phone, if I were you.

    This behavior is not indicative of the iPhone 4S as a model. This is errant behavior of your personal device.

    Are you on 5.0.1? Try a clean install.
  • Reply 59 of 127
    I take it this isn't worth downloading if you have no battery life issues and want an untethered jailbreak on iOS 5 as soon as possible?
  • Reply 60 of 127
    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post

    I take it this isn't worth downloading if you have no battery life issues and want an untethered jailbreak on iOS 5 as soon as possible?

    Yeah, I think you'd want to stay on 5.0.
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