Samsung overtakes Apple's iPhone in Australia as patent battle continues



  • Reply 21 of 96
    Originally Posted by quamb View Post

    Someone had one of these on the tram today - I couldn't believe how much it looked just like iOS. I mean, everything about it was almost excactly the same, even down to messages appearing in little speech bubbles on the left and right of the screen.

    If I was Korean, I'd be pretty pissed at Samsung taking the easy road with their smart phones.

    Keep in mind that Android is completely customizable and the person you saw could have had an iPhone launcher running. My Samsung looks nothing like iOS but it easily could if I wanted.
  • Reply 22 of 96
    I think what we're seeing is Samsung leading in terms of Android handsets shipped[???] vs. Apple iPhone sell through. But hard to tell, obviously the IDC press release has been twisted to get you to buy their research.

    I honestly don't know who the other half is... again, on the train, at clubs, events, and so on... I have been surprised by the dominance of iPhone.

    Well, let them eat Samsung! Er, I mean, cake.
  • Reply 23 of 96
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    Keep in mind that Android is completely customizable and the person you saw could have had an iPhone launcher running. My Samsung looks nothing like iOS but it easily could if I wanted.

    Pity it won't work like iOS in any case
  • Reply 24 of 96
    Originally Posted by LeeRoy View Post

    The rise of Android is anything to worry about. Fair competition is great for everyone.

    Well, in terms of smartphones, it is good to have Android as a competitor to iOS, it's literally a duopoly now, which is better than a monopoly. WP7 and RIM, nowhere in the future though, from the looks of it.
  • Reply 25 of 96
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    I think may are getting lured in by the big screens but Android is Android and thats not going to change.
  • Reply 26 of 96
    cggrcggr Posts: 37member
    This news should be a big worry for Apple.

    1) Australia and NZ are used historically as technology "test-beds" well before release into Europe and the US for new technologies - both hardware and also mobile carrier plans. This is because it has a mobile small population with relative affluence heavily reliant on mobile technology because of the large geographical distances. It is for this reason why apple is launching such an aggressive legal attack against samsung in our courts. If they lose - (and they may well be given the samsung 10.1 recent victory) - apple is in reasl trouble elsewhere in the world too.

    2) If it is the case - that Android is outselling in Australia - the whys and wherefores should be carefully looked at by apple. Australia has one viable network - Telstra. It is expensive - but its coverage is unparalleled. It is also the only network rolling out 4G LTE. It is by far and away the preferred network for business for these reasons. However - the three "cheap" networks - Vodafone, Optus (SingTel) & "3" - are able to sell very cheap handsets to the poorer consumer in australia (students, elderly, unemployed) - on contracts - which is a market that telstra just doesn't want to get into. The issue is - that although the android units are selling better than ever - you must take this into account. They are predominantly being sold on rubbish networks - with cheap plans. Apple's price fixing strategy with the iPhone makes competition in that sort of market difficult. I think that unless it is prepared to get its hands dirty and undercut the android cheap (crap) phones flooding this market - then ultimately apple will share the fate of Sony and others who refuse to change with the tide - keeping proprietary cost and hardware and refusing to price match. Samsung has been selling rubbish phones to australia for many years. They are better at it than anyone. And they will absolutely smash apple unless apple change its position - and sell cheap plan iPhones to compete with market flooding. I suspect they won't - but I hope they will. They didn't have to enter the phone market - but having done so - they better be prepared to play hard - because LG, Samsung etc have had years of experience flooding the australian/NZ market with rubbish cheap handsets on cheap plans to the masses.

    And while you in america sit there and think - so what its just australia? I refer you to point 1 - they are testing a way to beat apple. And I believe that they have found it. Cheap phones. Cheap plans. In a recession - beats quality. Coming soon to a USA near you.

    3) Facebook also announced today that more people were using android phones than iPhones. This is another major worry. Developers are a fickle bunch - they go with the cash. Apple need to loosen up their developer restrictions, look at increasing developer take - or the asian shit phone companies will smash them.

    And those of you fanboys quibbling about market share and shipped vs sold - we all know that android represent a major challenge - these sort of arguments are silly - like debating whether or not the iceberg was real as the titanic steamed towards it..." ACTUALLY depends on your by hardness or ice by volume...".

    That being said - I am yet to meet an android user who after an initial round of "I'm so different I'm not a sheep" boasting with that sense of triple j unwashed pleb t-shirt with the red drum on it smelly rebellious pride thats so f*cking irritating - actually enjoy using it after a month.

    My 2c
  • Reply 27 of 96
    Originally Posted by s4bones View Post

    There's also 24 different samsung android phones compared to the 3 apple offers...

    Thank you. And Apple can sit on one cell phone design a year and still make more money from their phone business than what Samsung, LG and Moto make form theirs, combined. Ha ha!
  • Reply 28 of 96
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,766member
    Originally Posted by s4bones View Post

    There's also 24 different samsung android phones compared to the 3 apple offers...

    Exactly. I wonder what the profit for Samsung versus Apple is in the same region?
  • Reply 29 of 96
    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    That being said - I am yet to meet an android user who after an initial round of "I'm so different I'm not a sheep" boasting with that sense of triple j unwashed pleb t-shirt with the red drum on it smelly rebellious pride thats so f*cking irritating - actually enjoy using it after a month.

    My 2c

    I think it is fair to say that the overall customer satisfaction and loyalty of iPhone users are higher. But there are many people who enjoy their Android phones just fine, and have bought multiple generations of Android phones. I personally enjoy both. So, if nothing else, you now know one. But in reality, I am 100% sure you have met many happy Android users. Just open your eyes and mind.
  • Reply 30 of 96
    Apple makes more profit. Samsung makes 2000 different phones. Samsung copies. It's only New Zealand. It's only Australia. They are counting shipments and not sales. Any more defensive responses?

    What's the big deal if iPhone is not the top selling device anymore? Your intelligence does not increase (even if you think it sounds like it does) and you do not get an Apple discount by defending Apple on every front. Apple does not need you standing up for it. Enjoy your device(s), whether it is #1, 2 or 3.
  • Reply 31 of 96
    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    This news should be a big worry for Apple.

    1) Australia and NZ are used historically as technology "test-beds" well before release into Europe and the US for new technologies - both hardware and also mobile carrier plans. This is because it has a mobile small population with relative affluence heavily reliant on mobile technology because of the large geographical distances. It is for this reason why apple is launching such an aggressive legal attack against samsung in our courts. If they lose - (and they may well be given the samsung 10.1 recent victory) - apple is in reasl trouble elsewhere in the world too.

    2) If it is the case - that Android is outselling in Australia - the whys and wherefores should be carefully looked at by apple. Australia has one viable network - Telstra. It is expensive - but its coverage is unparalleled. It is also the only network rolling out 4G LTE. It is by far and away the preferred network for business for these reasons. However - the three "cheap" networks - Vodafone, Optus (SingTel) & "3" - are able to sell very cheap handsets to the poorer consumer in australia (students, elderly, unemployed) - on contracts - which is a market that telstra just doesn't want to get into. The issue is - that although the android units are selling better than ever - you must take this into account. They are predominantly being sold on rubbish networks - with cheap plans. Apple's price fixing strategy with the iPhone makes competition in that sort of market difficult. I think that unless it is prepared to get its hands dirty and undercut the android cheap (crap) phones flooding this market - then ultimately apple will share the fate of Sony and others who refuse to change with the tide - keeping proprietary cost and hardware and refusing to price match. Samsung has been selling rubbish phones to australia for many years. They are better at it than anyone. And they will absolutely smash apple unless apple change its position - and sell cheap plan iPhones to compete with market flooding. I suspect they won't - but I hope they will. They didn't have to enter the phone market - but having done so - they better be prepared to play hard - because LG, Samsung etc have had years of experience flooding the australian/NZ market with rubbish cheap handsets on cheap plans to the masses.

    And while you in america sit there and think - so what its just australia? I refer you to point 1 - they are testing a way to beat apple. And I believe that they have found it. Cheap phones. Cheap plans. In a recession - beats quality. Coming soon to a USA near you.

    3) Facebook also announced today that more people were using android phones than iPhones. This is another major worry. Developers are a fickle bunch - they go with the cash. Apple need to loosen up their developer restrictions, look at increasing developer take - or the asian shit phone companies will smash them.

    And those of you fanboys quibbling about market share and shipped vs sold - we all know that android represent a major challenge - these sort of arguments are silly - like debating whether or not the iceberg was real as the titanic steamed towards it..." ACTUALLY depends on your by hardness or ice by volume...".

    That being said - I am yet to meet an android user who after an initial round of "I'm so different I'm not a sheep" boasting with that sense of triple j unwashed pleb t-shirt with the red drum on it smelly rebellious pride thats so f*cking irritating - actually enjoy using it after a month.

    My 2c

    Before the Apple patrol set out to smash you, I enjoyed the read and it makes sense. I did not break out my Google to verify anything though.
  • Reply 32 of 96
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Apple makes more profit. Samsung makes 2000 different phones. Samsung copies. It's only New Zealand. It's only Australia. They are counting shipments and not sales. Any more defensive responses?

    What's the big deal if iPhone is not the top selling device anymore? Your intelligence does not increase (even if you think it sounds like it does) and you do not get an Apple discount by defending Apple on every front. Apple does not need you standing up for it. Enjoy your device(s), whether it is #1, 2 or 3.

    I have wondered this myself. You would think by how some people act on the forums that anything negative toward Apple is a direct attack on them.
  • Reply 33 of 96
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    Before the Apple patrol set out to smash you, I enjoyed the read and it makes sense. I did not break out my Google to verify anything though.

    Much of it makes sense except the part about the absence of happy Android users.
  • Reply 34 of 96
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    I have wondered this myself. You would think by how some people act on the forums that anything negative toward Apple is a direct attack on them.

    It's not just what you and I would think. It's true. Some people really take it personally. You'd think that if they can afford iDevices, they are gainfully employed and have real callings (and passions) in life. But this forum seems to be it for them.

    I own and love Apple devices and shares. But I'd like to think that when Apple farts, it still stinks. And no one who is rational can say that Apple is completely in the right in this patent mess. No one who truly understands technology can say that iDevices are superior in every way.
  • Reply 35 of 96
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Much of it makes sense except the part about the absence of happy Android users.

    I am a very happy Android user as I am a very happy iMac user and very happy iPad user, I refuse to speculate on how others feel but good point.
  • Reply 36 of 96
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Would they still have the leading phone if the Apple had never made the iPhone, if they had had nothing to copy? Or would it be Nokia still at #1
  • Reply 37 of 96
    Originally Posted by 80025 View Post

    Apparently, geography is not someone's strong point when it comes to reporting this type of information.

    and apparently someone doesn't understand that Android and Samsung are NOT the same thing. As the headline is totally erroneous
  • Reply 38 of 96
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    And while you in america sit there and think - so what its just australia? I refer you to point 1 - they are testing a way to beat apple. And I believe that they have found it. Cheap phones. Cheap plans. In a recession - beats quality. Coming soon to a USA near you.

    I'm sure Australia is the most cutting edge continent in the world- but hasn't android surpassed iOS on phones in America well earlier this year (or even October of 2010 if memory serves)? If so, umm, doesn't that make America the trendsetter (like always)?
  • Reply 39 of 96
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by cggr View Post

    1) Australia and NZ are used historically as technology "test-beds"

    Perhaps - we like to see ourselves that way, but whether there is any truth in it, it's difficult to say, because on a number of fronts we're way behind technologically.


    Australia has one viable network - Telstra.

    Stating it a bit too strongly, I feel. It's certainly the best network, amongst the best in the world, but it's not the only viable network in Australia. I was on 3 (both when it used Telstra towers and when it changed to Vodafail and used Optus towers) for 5 years after being on Telstra, now I'm back on Telstra. 3 was fine for me with only an occasional 3G drop out in the Melbourne metro area. Even Vodafail was tolerable. Optus, well, is rubbish, but not "unviable" - probably equitable with the US's AT&T.


    However - the three "cheap" networks - Vodafone, Optus (SingTel) & "3" - are able to sell very cheap handsets to the poorer consumer in australia (students, elderly, unemployed) - on contracts

    Terrible generalisation. Funnily enough, my 4S on Telstra contract is only $4 per month more than the 3 contract I was on for my 3GS. ($63 vs $67/month)


    And while you in america sit there and think - so what its just australia? I refer you to point 1 - they are testing a way to beat apple. And I believe that they have found it. Cheap phones. Cheap plans. In a recession - beats quality. Coming soon to a USA near you.

    I'd put money on Apple's profit margins being way above those of other vendors in Australia, as per the US and the rest of the world. Profits beats units shipped.

    For all the anti-iPhone/Apple, pro-Samsung/Sony/etc articles in the press, eg Asher Moses in The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, and for all the reports of market share such as this, on the streets and in the shopping centres it is iPhones that you see everywhere. The Apple stores are still packed out most of the time.
  • Reply 40 of 96
    cmvsmcmvsm Posts: 204member
    Easy to take market share with low ball phone pricing that Android's distributors take part in. Many don't care what it is, as long as they have a phone. For those where quality does matter, there is no substitute for the iPhone or iOS.

    Although Android has lots of marketshare, the dilution of their core platform will be its downfall when developers only produce for one segment, and not all. I'd be pissed as a consumer once I realized that my platform is the odd ball.
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