29% of Kindle Fire owners plan to spend more at Amazon, but only 54% very satisfied



  • Reply 61 of 74
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Hmm. Never seemed to have happened to me on my iPad 2 with magnetic cover. You have to lift the edge a bit to turn up/down the volume but that's as far as the issue goes. I have accidentally activated the lock button before but it quite rarely happens.

    the volume thing happens more in games where you are pressing on the tablet, but i found it to be common while using it on an airline traytable. My kid does it all the time, to the point that he now just rips off the cover and lays it flat on the floor.

    I also get the volume thing when i am holding it as a landscape book in bed, and the lock thing hiel portrait in bed. Prevented by holding it the opposite angle, but hard to see in the dark.
  • Reply 62 of 74
    Here's an interesting read...

    IDK whether it makes things clearer or blurrier...

    Amazon Lights the Android World on Fire

  • Reply 63 of 74

    Here's another sign of our times:

    Motorola: Act Now and We’ll Include the Previous Owner’s Personal Data on Your Refurbished Xoom Free!

    It looks like Moogle is going to recall the affected Xooms to fix the problem...

    Maybe they can install promised 4G on the Xooms on this cycle through the channel

    Edit: Maybe Apple should consider a similar strategy to bypass Moogle's patent to push data to a mobile device -- just install it at the factory.

  • Reply 64 of 74
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Here's an interesting read...

    IDK whether it makes things clearer or blurrier...

    Amazon Lights the Android World on Fire

    I find it hard to believe that the iPad has a little over half the tablet market... and that it's dropping fast.
  • Reply 65 of 74
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I find it hard to believe that the iPad has a little over half the tablet market... and that it's dropping fast.

    Yeah! Sammy and Ammy each have 36% of the Android installs (people actually using apps).

    However, what we don't know -- 36% 0f what?

    Ammy apparently sold somewhere between 2 and 9 million KFCs since mid November...

    Apple sold 15 million iPads in Oct-Dec 2011.

    And Sammy is still shipping smooth?

    So, I guess you could say that Samazon FireTabs outsell the iPads...

    It would be easier to parallel park an aircraft carrier than to make sense of these numbers...

    My head hurts...

  • Reply 66 of 74
    Any good marketeer will point out that for those people; you're adding value and if it doesn't cost you anything to do that; then you're ahead of the game. You're effectively locking people into an ecosystem; it's the apple strategy all over again. It's a huge success for Amazon considering they came out of nowhere.

    Originally Posted by Michael Scrip View Post

    If 29% of Kindle Fire owners plan on spending more money at Amazon... that means 71% of Kindle Fire owners do not plan to spend any more money at Amazon.

    So... was it really worth it to go through the complicated and expensive process to build the Kindle Fire and sell it at cost?

    I mean... those same people might have already been Amazon customers who would have purchased things anyway.

    The whole point of the Kindle Fire was to get it out there at a cheap price... basically sell it at cost... and make it up in additional sales.

    Is 29% enough for the dream to become a reality?

  • Reply 67 of 74
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    OK thanks for the info. Not sure why you're getting picked on so much. Anyways, like I said, my angle is I will be on the look out for the best Android devices to see if and when I need to port stuff from iPhone/iPad to Android. Working with a startup (well, re-start startup) so we'll see what 2012 brings.

    I wonder when Amazon might have interactive books.

    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    - The size/form-factor is pretty ideal for reading/media consumption, and the device's dual-core SoC performs very well no matter the task/app.

    - For me, the Kindle Fire's 'value' comes from the fact that for a device so inexpensive yet sacrifices very little in the way of build-quality, screen clarity or performance when compared with any modern tablet device, and both books and magazine subscriptions are very nicely priced.

    - I use all manner of different apps, from light gaming (e;g Cut The Rope, Angry Birds, etc) to web surfing, to Netflix, to HuLu Plus, to lengthy reading sessions of both books and magazines.

    - No... The Kindle Fire does not run proprietary apps, and every app that is available in the Amazon Appstore the same as the same title found in the Android App Store, as it is (in fact) an Android tablet. NOTE: I even read my NOOK app subscriptions on my Kindle Fire perfectly.

    Additionally:: Yes, the all current Samsung Galaxy Tabs (8.9, 10.1, 7 plus, 7.7) run Honeycomb, and even ICS for those choose to install it.

  • Reply 68 of 74
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    It's DaHarder who's posting. Dd you perchance miss that?

    One of my new year's resolution was to be less anti-Samsung/Android.

    I was seeking the "other side"'s opinion on significant Android devices, because especially this year I don't have time for rubbish like Engadget which seems to portray every new thing as the next big thing. And, I have to say, I don't have time for people like Paul Thurrott that seems to portray every new Windows thing as the next best thing since sliced bread. I'll take things on their merit. Or try to, anyway.
  • Reply 69 of 74
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by legend79 View Post

    Any good marketeer will point out that for those people; you're adding value and if it doesn't cost you anything to do that; then you're ahead of the game. You're effectively locking people into an ecosystem; it's the apple strategy all over again. It's a huge success for Amazon considering they came out of nowhere.

    True, the strategy is plausible, but their margin (pun unintended) for error on this is pretty tight, I think. That said, Amazon is probably willing to ride it out for at least a year if they can become the No.2 tablet after iPad. But I'm just guessing at this stage.
  • Reply 70 of 74
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    In all the time I've loved Apple products, I've never once felt the need to slam the competition to make myself feel better about my expensive Apple purchases.

    Amen to that

    Originally Posted by Cash907 View Post

    The site is called Apple Insider. Report on Apple news, and leave the rest to Engadget, The Verge, or Gizmodo.

    Don't completely agree with this.
  • Reply 71 of 74
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    One of my new year's resolution was to be less anti-Samsung/Android.

    Welcome to the church of the agnostic
  • Reply 72 of 74
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    02 ) Personally... I'd rather you not even read or respond to any of my posts as I find this 'internet persona' you've created on AI utterly repulsive on every level (Hint: there is an IGNORE option, so feel free to use it).

    If your nonsensical rant on this matter is really how you feel, why haven't you taken your own advice and 'ignored' Solipsism?

    I just don't get the ignore list. It's infantile. Who would want to blind themselves to the postings of only the people they want to see? You can't do that in the real world. You can't ignore ANYONE in the real world short of moving away from wherever you are.

    You WILL take in their information (unless you want to cut your own ears off, I guess) if they're around you. The decision to ignore comes after you've taken in said information and on a conscious level. You, your sentient you-ness, is what decides to incorporate what you've heard or cast it aside. But you will have always had to hear the information first. Blinding yourself to that?as is possible on a forum such as this (as long as people don't quote ignored posts)?just seems wrong.

    Even if it's the polar opposite of what you believe. Even if it's someone passing off subjective views as objectivity. Even if it's something that CAN'T be the truth (only a truth) that someone's calling the truth.

    I feel the same way about... what, I guess you'd call them a form of troll under our current definitions. The people like slapppy and anyone who just ignores fact and posts whatever they want... I feel the same way about this when others say that their posts shouldn't get responses. Yes, the posts are designed to be inflammatory. Douse your internal fire and just rip their posts apart intelligently, respectfully, and using the facts that they so callously ignore. I feel that just leaving their posts unchallenged gives a bad image. We have thousands of guests read the forum every day. They see a ton of slapppy posts that don't get replies, they'll believe that's the truth. Particularly since it's anti-Apple stuff on an Apple forum; they'd think by default that if it's 'allowed to be here' that it must be the truth.

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Maybe they can install promised 4G on the Xooms on this cycle through the channel

    Wait, have they STILL not done that? Wasn't this several years ago now that they promised this?
  • Reply 73 of 74
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I just don't get the ignore list. It's infantile. Who would want to blind themselves to the postings of only the people they want to see? You can't do that in the real world. You can't ignore ANYONE in the real world short of moving away from wherever you are.

    I don't hang out with people I detest. Do you?

    I came onto this site to talk to people who want to talk Apple but at the same time I hoped there would be other people who could give an objective view of the competition.

    "Apple will have a 2% share of the mobile market in a short time." is not an objective view. It's just stupid and 100% trolling... therefore ignored.

    If it's obvious that somebody is blatantly trolling then they get ignored. To me never ever saying anything good about Apple is blatant trolling and therefore ignored.
  • Reply 74 of 74
    >> ... Who cares? Hate these sorts of articles on this site, as they come across as a "see, see! Teh competition totally suxxors!!"

    How can someone research a product, then diss it for a lack of a feature after purchasing? Well, we all know how: rant on the 'Net.

    I knew exactly what the Fire was before purchasing. I knew it was a "conduit" to Amazon purchases. That really is not a "hidden" fact. What the Fire gives me is a beautiful screen, access to email, book reading (oh, by the way - I have not gone blind yet from reading on a backlit screen ... something that I have been doing since my Palm days with no ill health effect). and access to Amazon for the largest number of book titles available at a single source. It is an amazing device for US$200.

    Clint Bradford

    Mira Loma CA US
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