Apple Store begins taking new iPad WiFi and 4G orders for March 16 delivery

in iPad edited January 2014

The online Apple Store has begun taking preorders for the new iPad, with color options, 16, 32 and 64GB storage options, and WiFi or mobile 4G options all priced identical to last year's iPad 2 (which is now discounted $100).

The store remained offline for about two hours following the company's unveiling of the new iPad, and even after going up, the site has failed to respond for some, generating "oops" error messages, recalling the ordering issues Apple experienced under heavy loads for previous iPad and iPhone releases.

Apple is currently limiting preorders to two per customer.

However, when it is available, the site offers a single 16GB WiFi iPad 2 option for $399 in black or white, and the new iPad model in either color, any of three capacities in WiFi versions for $499 (16GB), $599 (32GB) and $699 (64GB).

A mobile option supporting 4G (and falling back to 3G EvDo or UMTS/EDGE/GSM) on either AT&T or Verizon is available for $129 more, at $629 (16GB), $729 (32GB) and $829 (64GB).

The mobile versions support either AT&T or Verizon-style 4G LTE service in the US, with international versions supporting existing 3G service or 4G LTE with select carriers. As with previous iPad mobile models, the new iPad offers no-commitment data plans with no long term contracts.

AT&T mobile plans range from $15 for 250MB to $30 for 2GB to $50 for 5GB, while Verizon's plans offer a $30 2GB option, $50 for 5GB, or $80 for 10GB monthly.

[ View article on AppleInsider ]



  • Reply 1 of 67
    I was able to get as far as the engraving option page....trying to skip that and going to the next is proving impossible though.
  • Reply 2 of 67
    trackertracker Posts: 35member
    After the store went live I got in and once proceeded to checkout the page timed out and I was not able to get back in for a while.

    The order system is being hammered hard by people looking to pre-order.

    I tried again a few minutes ago and got in and was able to process my order. I'm getting this as a gift for a family member and did not want to deal with the crowd or time on launch day or take the chance on them being back ordered.

    If you really want one then keep trying every once in a while.

  • Reply 3 of 67
    I ordered mine, but I've gotta say, that pricing for AT&T is really slimy, its an absolute shame that they give you less data for a faster connection for the same price as cell phones. What a godawful company.
  • Reply 4 of 67
    lucky13lucky13 Posts: 23member
    Finally got through around 4:55 pm EST

    Black 32g WiFi

    anyone else?
  • Reply 5 of 67
    Http/1.1 Service Unavailable

    Http/1.1 Service Unavailable

    Http/1.1 Service Unavailable



  • Reply 6 of 67
    kent909kent909 Posts: 731member
    Ordered two. Took about an hour and several restarts.
  • Reply 7 of 67
    prof. peabodyprof. peabody Posts: 2,860member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    ... the site has failed to respond for some, generating "oops" error messages ...

    I can confirm this happened to me.

    Absolutely the worst online buying experience I've ever had (and it isn't over yet!).

    I am sure there are thousands and thousands of people crying in front of their computers right now.

    I got routed to the wrong country's store first, then when I tried to back out at the address confirmation stage it froze. Managed to get to the same page on the right store later on but frozen again. No feedback, no spinning indicators, nothing.

    Also, parts of my iCloud mail seem to be down and all my devices are being flooded with SPAM.

    wonderful \
  • Reply 8 of 67
    john541john541 Posts: 7member
    It Took hitting refresh on THREE different browsers before I FINALLY got to the Order Checkout page. I feel somewhat bad that it was on the CHROME browser, but I'm thinking there were a lot of people who just gave up due to the OVERLOAD!

    I'm pretty sure this new IPad will BREAK all the Apple Store records!
  • Reply 9 of 67
    swift93swift93 Posts: 8member
    I was able to pre-order a black 32GB at about 4:15 and got the email confirmation about 10 minutes later.
  • Reply 10 of 67
    kent909kent909 Posts: 731member
    Originally Posted by Iandanger View Post

    I ordered mine, but I've gotta say, that pricing for AT&T is really slimy, its an absolute shame that they give you less data for a faster connection for the same price as cell phones. What a godawful company.

    My question is will we still be able to grandfather in our AT&T unlimited accounts like we could with the iPad 2?
  • Reply 11 of 67
    anakin1992anakin1992 Posts: 283member
    Originally Posted by LouisTheXIV View Post

    I was able to get as far as the engraving option page....trying to skip that and going to the next is proving impossible though.

    keep trying couple of times, if HTTP 1.1 timeout messages come out, wait a bit longer. soon you would get in. it is much better than iphone4 pre-order.
  • Reply 12 of 67
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    It was very painful. Lots of "Oops" and "HTTP Service Unavailable" messages as well as probably a dozen time outs while stepping through the checkout process. But I finally managed to place my pre-order at 5:11 AST (4:11 EST). Woo! 64GB Black 4G!
  • Reply 13 of 67
    UGH and now for the insult:

    ATT pricing for non-apple 4g hardware:

    Now I'm officially pissed off. I get 1 gb less for my 30 dollars than someone with a Galaxy Tab LTE device.
  • Reply 14 of 67
    takeotakeo Posts: 447member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I can confirm this happened to me.

    Absolutely the worst online buying experience I've ever had (and it isn't over yet!).

    Sorry, but that's to be expected when you order within hours after the keynote. It is frustrating but with some patience and perseverance I was able to order mine at 4:11 pm EST. Keep trying. It should calm down in a few hours.
  • Reply 15 of 67
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    By far my worst experience ever, with Apple. Been trying 3 hours now and still can't get through. I get to the cart, and it's empty, then I get get through a dozen times, then I get to the cart, and it's empty, then after too many attempts to count, I get to the cart and I'm told I can't buy 4. WTF.

    The most frustrating thing is that I know that the next time I see Tim Cook, he'll be preening himself about how successful today was. And here I am left with the first genuinely angering experience I've had buying Apple stuff. And I've been buying Apple stuff since the PowerBook 100.
  • Reply 16 of 67
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by Takeo View Post

    Sorry, but that's to be expected when you order within hours after the keynote. It is frustrating but with some patience and perseverance I was able to order mine at 4:11 pm EST. Keep trying. It should calm down in a few hours.

    It's to be expected when Apple can legitimately say they were taken off guard by demand. But at some point, the company with the most cash in the world stops getting to use the excuse of unexpected demand.

    They need to find a way to cope with this kind of spike. I even went to the Apple store and they wouldn't take the order. "We're having the same problem as you," the adolescent said happily, like the iPad is something he just made himself out of Legos.

    A slow experience is one thing. But slogging through the miserable experience again and again to find the cart inexplicably empty several times and then suddenly full with 4 iPads another time.... that's really bad.
  • Reply 17 of 67
    anakin1992anakin1992 Posts: 283member
    Originally Posted by Ronbo View Post

    By far my worst experience ever, with Apple. Been trying 3 hours now and still can't get through. I get to the cart, and it's empty, then I get get through a dozen times, then I get to the cart, and it's empty, then after too many attempts to count, I get to the cart and I'm told I can't buy 4. WTF.

    The most frustrating thing is that I know that the next time I see Tim Cook, he'll be preening himself about how successful today was. And here I am left with the first genuinely angering experience I've had buying Apple stuff. And I've been buying Apple stuff since the PowerBook 100.

    i tried many times after keynote, but the site is not ready and i think they were still trying to test it, because every time i pushed to checkout, i got that "Oops" message.

    i tried 10 min ago, lots of http 1.1 messages. but got in once and put the order. all i can tell you is that it is much much better than the experiences on ip4.
  • Reply 18 of 67
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    Got my Black, 64GB AT&T LTE model order in and a confirmation in my email. Delivers on March 16! Getting back in line now to get an AppleTV.

    Edit: The name reminds me of "Won't Get Fooled Again" by The Who. Meet the old boss. Same as the new boss.
  • Reply 19 of 67
    tleviertlevier Posts: 104member
    What an experience!

    1st attempt got on my iPhone Apple Store App. added iPad and smart cover. Timed out. Started over. Added iPad. Tried to check out. Entered my password. Timed out. Noticed I had 2 iPads in my cart. Tried to delete all. Wouldn't work. Tried to change quantity. Wouldn't work. Ended up with 4 iPads in my cart by the end. Finally able to change quantity to 1. Couldn't check out.

    Meanwhile. Kept hitting Chrome refresh. Store kept having post-it note. Hit main screen iPad advert, back-end around into the web store. from there, took about 20 mins of page refresh and re-attempts to get through process.

    2 hours total.
  • Reply 20 of 67
    Been trying for ages. Got to the basket it crashed around 3-4 times. Since then the UK store is down once again showing the yellow sticky note. Oh well, all I can do is keep trying.
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