Samsung official claims Apple plans to release 7.85-inch iPad this year



  • Reply 61 of 134
    Originally Posted by spacevator View Post

    I have an iPad2 and an iPhone4 and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7

    Let me tell you. The iPad2 (and new Ipad) is nice but too heavy. The iPhone screen is too small. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 has a beautiful Super AMOLED screen (1200x800) that is what Apple wants. It is vastly superior to yesterday's IPS LCD! the Tab is also very light, thin and has a 10+ hour battery. Apple has to compete with this superior tech.

    Originally Posted by Sensi View Post

    Constant and systematical free advertisement, then bandwagon mentality? Who knows.

    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    None of what you said has anything to do with what he said.

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    I don't think he was bringing down the current iPad just saying that the Samsung 7.7 is pretty amazing and if Apple is to release a smaller sized iPad then this is the one to beat. I happen to agree with him as I just purchased one last week and I have to say it's hands down the best ..... blah blah...

    Originally Posted by emacs72 View Post

    you won't get an answer, most likely, because none of your questions had anything to do with spacevator's comments.

    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    They would if they could. But they can't.

    Apple is desperate. Nobody can match Samsung's quality.

    Wow. The paid-by-the -post Samsung employees are all out in force!

    Whenever an AI headline mentions "Samsung"..... it's like all those Bourne-types, that awake on cue.....
  • Reply 62 of 134
    shadashshadash Posts: 470member
    Originally Posted by bigdaddyp View Post

    No contract for you!

    Since the news out today was that Apple had to go with Samsung for new iPad displays, since LG and Sharp's quality wasn't up to snuff, I don't think Apple has another place to go. They're really between a rock and a hard place with Samsung.
  • Reply 63 of 134
    rmb0037rmb0037 Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Why? Your not thinking this threw, ok Apple has a 3.5" iOS device then the next step up is 9.7". Nothing in between. You might not understand but the millions of customers that Samsung, Barnes & Noble and Amazon sold 7" inch tablets to last year, do. I for one love my Samsung 7.7 tablet, best form factor ever, regardless of what Jobs thought. It fits nicely into my busy mobile life and a lot of other people agree as well. I get 12 hours of battery life out of my Samsung consistently, I charge it once every 3 days and it still has 30% on the charge when I do. So if Apple can match that, well they'll have one heck of a buying frenzy on their hands.

    The first thing people always ask about the kindle fire is "oh this is the $200 tablet right?" The millions of people who "enjoy" their toy isn't because of the features it carries, but the price tag it has. You are a worthy exception because its always great to see tablets and mini tablets in the workplace. But no 7" tablet can begin to match up to the iPad. Its hard to call anything 7" a tablet. Just a color, multimedia e-reader.
  • Reply 64 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Rmb0037 View Post

    The first thing people always ask about the kindle fire is "oh this is the $200 tablet right?" The millions of people who "enjoy" their toy isn't because of the features it carries, but the price tag it has. You are a worthy exception because its always great to see tablets and mini tablets in the workplace. But no 7" tablet can begin to match up to the iPad. Its hard to call anything 7" a tablet. Just a color, multimedia e-reader.

    Well the Samsung is 7.7 not exactly 7 and it's very, very usable. So much so that anyone who has used to a 10 inch tablet would have no problem using the Samsung. Apple due to it's screen ration would most likely use 7.8" and that is a very usable resolution. Are you just guessing here or have you used a Samsung 7.7 tablet before because I would put money down that if you played with it for a week you would be begging Apple to come out with one of their own.
  • Reply 65 of 134
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Tune View Post

    Does anybody else find it odd that this rumor is released on the same day that Bloomberg reports that the new iPad Retina screens are all made by Samsung.

    Is Samsung mocking Apple?

    No. The two facts support the same thing. Samsung is releasing news that will cause their share price to rise. They're at an all-time high right now.

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Oh man I've wanted a borderless tablet for ever now. That would be the coolest. The nearest I've seen is on my Nokia N9 and Nokia Lumia 800. In fact it will probably be Nokia that comes out with the first borderless tablet when they release their Windows 8 tablet this year. Fingers crossed of course.

    It's too easy to activate a borderless tablet by mistake. If it's small enough to hold in one hand, that's one thing. but a 10" tablet is clearly too big to work well without a border to hold it with. I'm not sure about 8", but my guess is that it would be too large to hold without a border, too.
  • Reply 66 of 134
    Originally Posted by Netimoon View Post

    Even if they hold a genuine info, the questions of whether they leak it as it is or not, is a different matter.

    They lie everyday, thru local presses they practically own(being a majority shareholder, sponsorship, bribing to journalists, manipulating people by using Nationalism, etc..), which is about 98% of all media in Korea.

    Want some examples?

    "Steve Jobs admitted that Samsung Galaxy is better than iPhone, thus decided to sue Samsung for plagiarism."

    "Samsung founder Mr. Lee taught Steve Jobs how to ruin a company in 1980s. And now Mr. Jobs turned Mr. Lee's favor into betrayal, suing Samsung."

    "Apple is guilty of infringing Samsung's patents." (deliberately omitting that patents are under F.R.A.N.D. agreement)

    "Several American media praised Samsung Galaxy over iPhone, saying that Galaxy is world's best smartphone." (I discovered the original posts and found out, they chose Samsung Galaxy as the best Android phone, not the best smartphone. There's a huge difference between two expressions.)

    "iPhone fever in China is false. All the Chinese people waiting in line in front of Apple Store Shanghai are hired by Apple." (that was a misinterpretation by a Korean journalist. Some of that people were actually hired by other rich people who want iPhone on their hands first, not by Apple. But the journalist never published a correction. Guess why.)

    "Steve Jobs was afraid of Samsung Galaxy, so decided to put Tim Cook on stage instead of himself. Thus he can blame Tim Cook's inadequacy for iPhone 4S' expected failure." (one day after this press is published, Mr. Jobs died. Then, this preposterous internet article magically disappeared, without any explanation.)

    These are tiny evidence of actual article headlines published last year (there are a lot more). And most of Koreans believe what they read, with ignorance of our(Korean) presses are under Samsung's control. (exclude me and a few.)

    This is why Republic of S.(south) Korea is actually pronounced as Republic of Samsung Korea(삼성공화국).

    thanks for posting that, very interesting. it's sad that some people can be so petty.

    as for the rumor, my guess is that the screens are going to be for dedicated remotes for the apple TV. that would make for a slick remote (with or without Siri), that would also function as a controller for games.

    edit: speaking of petty, after reading Galbi's post, I'd like to add that I give major props to Koreans in general for their design talents, so many great designers (see it just appears that none of them are working in Samsungs mobile computing device department haha. they really need to transfer whomever made this beauty:
  • Reply 67 of 134
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Wow. The paid-by-the -post Samsung employees are all out in force!

    Whenever an AI headline mentions "Samsung"..... it's like all those Bourne-types, that awake on cue.....

    do you read anything you quote before you comment? because your comments are retarded in this thread.

    I didn't say anything pro-samsung, neither did emacs...Zither is always sarcastic or mocking, and Sensi? I dunno his deal yet haven't seen enough of his posts.

    Relic offered a rather indepth reason behind his preference of a 7in tablet and his desire to purchase this rumored 7.85in iPad.

    Spacevater simply saying a company other than Apple may have superior tech in some regards isn't pro-Anything, it's simply FACTUAL...Apple may have the best mesh of tech (hard and software) but that doesn't mean they always have the best tech.
  • Reply 68 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Wow. The paid-by-the -post Samsung employees are all out in force!

    Whenever an AI headline mentions "Samsung"..... it's like all those Bourne-types, that awake on cue.....

    Oh get off your Apple is the only company that can possibly make quality tech high horse. What am I talking about Apple doesn't manufacture anything, they develop. Samsung is one of the most innovative company's when it comes to screen technology in the world period. I would never own a flat screen TV that wasn't manufactured by Samsung. They are the best, just as Apple is the best at designing computers, I didn't say manufacturing because they don't do that, they hire company's like Samsung. Why because they can make things like the Retna display possible. We all have a dream but it's finding good people to make those dreams come true that's the hardest.

    Oh and the reason why us so called payed by Samsung employees jump to the oppourtunity to praise them is because we own a product by them and it's probably incredible, just like you do with your Apple products. Me to, I do the same with Apple,
  • Reply 69 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    No. The two facts support the same thing. Samsung is releasing news that will cause their share price to rise. They're at an all-time high right now.

    It's too easy to activate a borderless tablet by mistake. If it's small enough to hold in one hand, that's one thing. but a 10" tablet is clearly too big to work well without a border to hold it with. I'm not sure about 8", but my guess is that it would be too large to hold without a border, too.

    Yea I guess your right, the more I think about it I would be doing a lot of wiping. Just thinking at how it would look though makes me drool. Functional or not, yea I still would want one.
  • Reply 70 of 134
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,097member
    [QUOTE=Apfeltosh;2071156]Wow, great journalism. Almost on par with the horrid investigative analysis of CNET. And for those crying NDA breach, get a life. This is a rumour and Samsung is not stupid enough to do this for fear of retribution.

    "My friend knows a guy who knows a friend who may have said something.... NDA BREACH!"[/

    Very insightful comeback
  • Reply 71 of 134
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Spacevater simply saying a company other than Apple may have superior tech ....

    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Oh get off your Apple is the only company that can possibly make quality tech high horse. .....

    Why are you guys evading my question - originally posed to Spacevater - on what the market acceptance for this 7.7" Samsung product has been? If it's been poor, why? If you think it's not, any proof?

    Who cares what a few Android geeks think in an Apple forum. All you guys ever go on about is the wet dreams you have with some obscure Samsung product.

    You guys get off it. Indeed, get off here, if you please.
  • Reply 72 of 134
    aizmovaizmov Posts: 989member
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    I heard some people talk bad (sometimes with sly jokes or jabs) about Koreans in general on this board (due to Samsung's home country).

    I've read statements that all Koreans were "copy" cats because of one company.

    They even started throwing in companies from other industries into the mix (like Hyundai and Kia for instance)

    Are you a "copy cat" too?

    You should be offended.

    What is wrong with you? Corporations are not people.

    Originally Posted by Netimoon View Post

    Even if they hold a genuine info, the questions of whether they leak it as it is or not, is a different matter.

    They lie everyday, thru local presses they practically own(being a majority shareholder, sponsorship, bribing to journalists, manipulating people by using Nationalism, etc..), which is about 98% of all media in Korea.

    Want some examples?

    "Steve Jobs admitted that Samsung Galaxy is better than iPhone, thus decided to sue Samsung for plagiarism."

    "Samsung founder Mr. Lee taught Steve Jobs how to run a company in 1980s. And now Mr. Jobs turned Mr. Lee's favor into betrayal, suing Samsung."

    "Apple is guilty of infringing Samsung's patents." (deliberately omitting that patents are under F.R.A.N.D. agreement)

    "Several American media praised Samsung Galaxy over iPhone, saying that Galaxy is world's best smartphone." (I discovered the original posts and found out, they chose Samsung Galaxy as the best Android phone, not the best smartphone. There's a huge difference between two expressions.)

    "iPhone fever in China is false. All the Chinese people waiting in line in front of Apple Store Shanghai are hired by Apple." (that was a misinterpretation by a Korean journalist. Some of that people were actually hired by other rich people who want iPhone on their hands first, not by Apple. But the journalist never published a correction. Guess why.)

    "Steve Jobs was afraid of Samsung Galaxy, so decided to put Tim Cook on stage instead of himself. Thus he can blame Tim Cook's inadequacy for iPhone 4S' expected failure." (one day after this press is published, Mr. Jobs died. Then, this preposterous internet article magically disappeared, without any explanation.)

    These are tiny evidence of actual article headlines published last year (there are a lot more). And most of Koreans believe what they read, with ignorance of our(Korean) presses are under Samsung's control. (exclude me and a few.)

    This is why Republic of S.(south) Korea is actually pronounced as Republic of Samsung Korea(삼성공화국).

    Very Orwellian! Almost unbelievable!
  • Reply 73 of 134
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    They would if they could. But they can't.

    Apple is desperate. Nobody can match Samsung's quality.

    you like samsung. we get it
  • Reply 74 of 134
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Why are you guys evading my question - originally posed to Spacevater - on what the market acceptance for this 7.7" Samsung product has been? If it's been poor, why? If you think it's not, any proof?

    Who cares what a few Android geeks think in an Apple forum. All you guys ever go on about is the wet dreams you have with some obscure Samsung product.

    You guys get off it. Indeed, get off here, if you please.









    Let me summarize his original comment as well as offer further commentary for you so you can possibly understand (which is doubtful since you appear to have the cranial density of lead)

    Of ALL the comments in this thread only one was obviously anti-Apple...only one comment in this thread was decidedly pro-Samsung...

    Spacevater said, to paraphrase for you, I'll try and keep the words at one or two syllables:

    "iPad = good. I like Samsung 7.7 due to weight and better portability plus deeper blacks. it is a good product. Apple needs to compete here."

    Now considering that spacevator owns an iPad and likes the 7.7 and prefers it's size...wouldn't that suggest that he desires to actually get the iPad 7.85 if it were to be released? Could you not read that between the lines? It's quite obvious actually.
  • Reply 75 of 134
    Originally Posted by cwfrederick View Post

    you like samsung. we get it

    you need to familiarize yourself with Zither...90% of the time he's being either facetious, sarcastic, or mocking...the other 10% of the time he actually makes good posts. once you familiarize yourself it's rather easy to discern which is which.
  • Reply 76 of 134
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Why are you guys evading my question - originally posed to Spacevater - on what the market acceptance for this 7.7" Samsung product has been? If it's been poor, why? If you think it's not, any proof?

    Who cares what a few Android geeks think in an Apple forum. All you guys ever go on about is the wet dreams you have with some obscure Samsung product.

    You guys get off it. Indeed, get off here, if you please.

    Also the market acceptance for almost all tablets has been poor...thanks largely to the popularity of what is arguably the best tablet out there...the iPad.

    Plus pricing, and ecosystem suck for Android tablets as well. Also until ICS the OS itself was a slapped together POS.
  • Reply 77 of 134
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Why are you guys evading my question - originally posed to Spacevater - on what the market acceptance for this 7.7" Samsung product has been? If it's been poor, why? If you think it's not, any proof?

    Who cares what a few Android geeks think in an Apple forum. All you guys ever go on about is the wet dreams you have with some obscure Samsung product.

    You guys get off it. Indeed, get off here, if you please.

    Nope I was here waaayyy before you ever were so I think I'll stay a while if you please.

    I wasn't talking about the performance of Samsung tablets on the market just that there is quite a few people that would appreciate a iPad 7.8 tablet.

    Commenting on your post I was talking about Samsung's display market in which they are king at the moment just like Apple is in the tablet market.
  • Reply 78 of 134
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    you need to familiarize yourself with Zither...90% of the time he's being either facetious, sarcastic, or mocking...the other 10% of the time he actually makes good posts. once you familiarize yourself it's rather easy to discern which is which.

    thanks for the lesson, but I think I, anantksundaram, and likely most of the people here, would rather the trolls just leave so we can have a productive discussion

    about those screens.. anybody else think apple is coming out with a 1080p resolution remote for their TV? this rumor makes me think apple might actually do the TV thing.
  • Reply 79 of 134
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by cwfrederick View Post

    about those screens.. anybody else think apple is coming out with a 1080p resolution remote for their TV? this rumor makes me think apple might actually do the TV thing.

    I think both are simply 'throw them off' rumors designed to keep the competition scrambling to lie about their own products and waste hundreds of millions preparing for a storm that won't ever come.
  • Reply 80 of 134
    Originally Posted by cwfrederick View Post

    thanks for the lesson, but I think I, anantksundaram, and likely most of the people here, would rather the trolls just leave so we can have a productive discussion

    about those screens.. anybody else think apple is coming out with a 1080p resolution remote for their TV? this rumor makes me think apple might actually do the TV thing.

    it's possible but I think that'd be pointless...for one it'd severely limit one handed operation...secondly, though Apple is rich as hell, it's a needless expense on a remote...and thirdly a simple app for an iPad or an iPhone would be just as productive IMO.

    a 7.85in remote just seems illogical. Especially if it's only a remote.

    Though "Find my Remote" would be an epic and much needed feature!!!
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