Mountain of iPad pre-orders cause shipment delays



  • Reply 81 of 121
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    Wow, that's some wild imagination right there! /s

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    A friend of ours has worked for FedEx as a delivery driver for 20+ years. He said that FedEx has a fulfillment service. They keep many popular items in stock in various regions which allows them to process orders and deliver next day. So they definitely have the capacity to warehouse stuff. Perhaps UPS is the same. iPads are packaged 10 to a box, I believe, at least that is how the last ones were shipped. What sort of packaging were the ones delivered at home in?

    This is an interesting question.

    I suspect that, for these day 1 shipments, they were labeled and packed for the individual at the point of origin in China. Then, they are sorted by destination, palletized and sent to a drop off point near their destination.

    This would seem to be the most efficient way to handle it with the least amount of excess inventory, fewest number of steps and the least chance of error.

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  • Reply 82 of 121
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    You might want to check your terms of service. No one promised you delivery on a given date. Apple's terms state that they are not responsible for delivery delays and UPS and Fedex's terms state that delivery dates are not guaranteed in most cases.

    You simply assumed that because they gave you an estimated ship date that it was guaranteed (or promised). That's not the case.

    Again this is an issue of expectations. They actually held up the delivery and then couldn't make it by the due date. That's a problem. They even listed a delivery time. It's bad customer service to miss a deadline.

    People had every right to point it out with out being the target of misguided psyco analysis, insults and personal attacks. That's the bottom line.
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  • Reply 83 of 121
    maccherrymaccherry Posts: 924member
    Originally Posted by microfud View Post

    I got my iPad today via UPS. The delivery guy said they are so overwhelmed that they're planning to continue delivering into Saturday. It's worth noting that UPS normally only delivers Monday - Friday.

    Apple has how much in the bank?

    About 100 billion!

    Yeah,I can see fed ex exending into Saturdays.

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  • Reply 84 of 121
    don't need one, don't really like the iPad. It's just a big iPhone ( which I have and like ) that is too big to hold with one hand, doesn't have a phone, and is too expensive for something that won't run real software.
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  • Reply 85 of 121
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by katefu View Post

    If you live in a big city like I do just go to best buy as we got ours last night (of launch day) and it was pretty easy.

    Right I'm sure. I got mine the easiest though, it was delivered directly to my hospital bed at 12:30am, my friends and family all pitched in and found a store that sold it to them at midnight on Thursday. How sweat are they are, their probably secretly hoping I don't come home so one of them get it. I knew it, oh excuse me I better lay off of the Morphine pump. Anybody every have one those, when you get it your kind of afraid to use it because everyone might think your a junky but after my surgery tis morning my finger is glued on that damn button, ouchy. Sorry just rambling incoherantly.
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  • Reply 86 of 121
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    I shouldn't be smug (Aw ... not really!), but woke up early yesterday morning and on impulse drove over to the Apple Store and got in line about 6:45, with maybe 40 people ahead of me. Another 30 or so showed up before the store opened at 8. The Apple people raised efficiency to a high art, distributing cards for customers' desired models while we waited. They also made sure everyone had a current Apple ID linked to their credit card. I was in the door by 8:08 and out by 8:14 with two 64GB 4G models, one cover and a new Apple TV. I didn't bother to have the store people set my iPads up. All it took was a swipe of the card, a signature, print the receipt and bag the stuff. Smooth. By the time I left, the line had dwindled to six. Home by 8:30. If I'd known the line would be so short I would have stayed in bed another hour!
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  • Reply 87 of 121
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Right I'm sure. I got mine the easiest though, it was delivered directly to my hospital bed at 12:30am, my friends and family all pitched in and found a store that sold it to them at midnight on Thursday. How sweat are they are, their probably secretly hoping I don't come home so one of them get it. I knew it, oh excuse me I better lay off of the Morphine pump. Anybody every have one those, when you get it your kind of afraid to use it because everyone might think your a junky but after my surgery tis morning my finger is glued on that damn button, ouchy. Sorry just rambling incoherantly.

    You have a helluva family! Hope you feel better soon!
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  • Reply 88 of 121
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by DougDolde View Post

    don't need one, don't really like the iPad. It's just a big iPhone ( which I have and like ) that is too big to hold with one hand, doesn't have a phone, and is too expensive for something that won't run real software.

    If you ask me nicely I'll recommend a few places where you can buy a fine new buggy whip.
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  • Reply 89 of 121
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,043member
    Did I read this right? "As late as SATURDAY!?!?" The horror of having to wait one extra day (or a few hours) for one of the most anticipated gadgets in the planet's history.

    Perspective much?
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  • Reply 90 of 121
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by DougDolde View Post

    don't need one, don't really like the iPad. It's just a big iPhone ( which I have and like ) that is too big to hold with one hand, doesn't have a phone, and is too expensive for something that won't run real software.

    Good for you. So why are you here?
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  • Reply 91 of 121
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by DougDolde View Post

    don't need one, don't really like the iPad. It's just a big iPhone ( which I have and like ) that is too big to hold with one hand, doesn't have a phone, and is too expensive for something that won't run real software.

    Good for you, This thread is about iPad shipping delays. Do you think we really care or need to know what you think of the iPad?
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  • Reply 92 of 121
    hosshoss Posts: 69member
    Pulled the trigger on two 16 gig wifi models for the wife and me online. We have no problem waiting til April 11th when they're scheduled to arrive. This is my wife's first iPad and I'm passing down my first gen to my 13 year-old. Suddenly feel very modern again. Woohoo!
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  • Reply 93 of 121
    I really feel for those that got messed around. Considering the mammoth undertaking of trying to get hundreds of thousands of iPads (perhaps a million?) into people's hands on one day it not surprising that some fell through the cracks.

    I thought I'd be one of them, living in the sticks, but the ATV arrived around 10 and the iPad around 1.30.

    This was my first launch day order, so perhaps it's a case of beginners luck.

    One thing I found strange was that TV coverage of the launch seemed non existent this year? Normally SKY and others show the stores and ques etc, but not this year. I guess there wasn't enough people?
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  • Reply 94 of 121
    kakmankakman Posts: 14member
    We ordered two 4G versions via the Apple Store on the day of announcement. Received an email Friday saying delivery is expected April 11
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  • Reply 95 of 121
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Right I'm sure. I got mine the easiest though, it was delivered directly to my hospital bed at 12:30am, my friends and family all pitched in and found a store that sold it to them at midnight on Thursday. How sweat are they are, their probably secretly hoping I don't come home so one of them get it. I knew it, oh excuse me I better lay off of the Morphine pump. Anybody every have one those, when you get it your kind of afraid to use it because everyone might think your a junky but after my surgery tis morning my finger is glued on that damn button, ouchy. Sorry just rambling incoherantly.

    Good thoughts to you!

    I had an auto accident in 1971 that resulted in surgery... and morphine...

    Wow, what a warm, comfortable feeling -- like returning to the womb! I can certainly understand how it is addicting...

    ...there's a hole in Daddy's arm, where all the money goes...

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  • Reply 96 of 121
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    A friend of ours has worked for FedEx as a delivery driver for 20+ years. He said that FedEx has a fulfillment service. They keep many popular items in stock in various regions which allows them to process orders and deliver next day. So they definitely have the capacity to warehouse stuff. Perhaps UPS is the same. iPads are packaged 10 to a box, I believe, at least that is how the last ones were shipped. What sort of packaging were the ones delivered at home in?

    Mine was packaged in a brown 'shipping box' with a label on it that showed shipping from near Ontario CA. Inside was the white iPad box, isolated from the shipping box with two pretty sturdy looking composite fibre-plastic 'bumpers'.

    My thoughts are that some of the rumors that were about talking about some drop ships into SoCal and other 'hubs' were indeed true. I think FedEx picked up orders from the drop ships, stuck the shipping labels on them, and then fulfilled. Interesting that the outside shipping box does indeed have the serial number of the iPad on it, so all they'd have to do is scan the box, have their system marry it up to an order, off you go. I didn't notice when I was first able to track my order if it had the serial number in in, but after I got iPad I noticed the serial number was indeed on the 'invoice'/
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  • Reply 97 of 121
    minicaptminicapt Posts: 219member
    UPS Order progress, (all scan times local):

    Order processed @ factory: 09 Mar 0444hrs

    Departure Shenzhen: 09 Mar 1350hrs

    Arrival Louisville KY: 10 Mar 0014hrs

    Departed Louisville KY 15 Mar 1707 hrs

    Arrived Mt Hope Ont: 16 Mar 0525 hrs

    Depart Mt Hope Ont : 17 Mar 0100hrs

    Arrive Richmond BC: 17 Mar 0437hrs

    Apparently loaded on delivery van as of 0731hrs today;

    … but no delivery to be expected till Monday, as per the original guessimate on 09 Mar.

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  • Reply 98 of 121
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    Originally Posted by DougDolde View Post

    don't need one, don't really like the iPad. It's just a big iPhone ( which I have and like ) that is too big to hold with one hand, doesn't have a phone, and is too expensive for something that won't run real software.

    And this has to do with delays in pre-order arrivals? Oh, yours is delayed until you gets a clue - got it.
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  • Reply 99 of 121
    I stopped by the local Apple Store in the morning yesterday and then again in the evening to see how things were going. It was packed as usual and plenty of people were walking out with the new iPad but the Genius Bar still had stacks of 'em waiting to be snatched up.

    Based on what I'm reading, it seems Apple is a little off in balancing the inventory between the online pre-order and for the retail outlets. It's not quite right when people who preordered a week ago is getting it later than people who just walked into the stores on Friday.
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  • Reply 100 of 121
    Originally Posted by alexkhan2000 View Post

    Based on what I'm reading, it seems Apple is a little off in balancing the inventory between the online pre-order and for the retail outlets. It's not quite right when people who preordered a week ago is getting it later than people who just walked into the stores on Friday.

    To me it seems like much more of a limitation on shipping logistics rather than an inventory quantity issue. All the FedEx and UPS trucks in the country don't seem to be sufficient to deliver all that were preordered for launch day delivery. What difference would it have made if Apple put another 100,000 units available for launch day delivery since there is already trouble getting the current batch delivered?
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