Steve Jobs particularly irritated over Samsung's copying of iOS "rubber banding" effect



  • Reply 81 of 119


    Originally Posted by drobforever View Post


    You're kidding right?


    "...companies like Microsoft, Nokia, and Blackberry..." these are companies FAILING to compete with the iPhone. That exactly shows why you have to copy the UI of the iPhone to compete, because if you don't copy, you end up being those companies.

    The fact that these companies haven't found a distinct and commercially competitive design does not mean there isn't one.

    Besides, even if that were true, having no choice but to infringe still doesn't give you the right to infringe.

  • Reply 82 of 119


    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    Technically, the only way to be a racist is if you, me, etc. were act this way to a Neandertal, Homo Erectus, Homo Hablis, etc. 

    But, you know exactly what was meant and that doesn't make it any less hateful. Why would you support that kind of hate?


    I used to think these forums were great but have recently been proven entirely wrong.  Maybe they were at one point but there seems to be zero tolerance for anything that does not promote Apple and virtually no impartial discussion (and yeah, perhaps that's an exaggeration).  I understand the domain is "apple"insider... I own plenty of Apple products... and I understand fanboys will be plentiful but the level of immaturity and irrational thinking is simply astonishing!  And this goes far beyond Apple vs Samsung, I don't even care who's right and who's wrong in that respect anymore.  They all (ALL) copy... some get away with it, some don't.  Shame on anyone who calls an Equate Cotton Swab a Q-Tip!  :) 

  • Reply 83 of 119
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    daylove22 wrote: »
    Jobs stole too..his own words: "We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas."

    As has been explained thousands of times - ideas are not protectable intellectual property. You can't patent an idea.

    OTOH, Samsung is blithely stealing every bit of patented Apple technology that they can.

    See the difference?
    lamewing wrote: »
    Technically, the only way to be a racist is if you, me, etc. were act this way to a Neandertal, Homo Erectus, Homo Hablis, etc. 
    But, you know exactly what was meant and that doesn't make it any less hateful. Why would you support that kind of hate?

    I don't support it. I just object to people like you who insist on dragging the forum into the dirt.
  • Reply 84 of 119
    krabbelenkrabbelen Posts: 243member


    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    His post has validity and if you would stop having a tantrum like a child you might realize this...


    1. RIM first came up with in house messaging. Apple stole it from the blackberry.

    2. The Zune from MS had wireless syncing. Apple/Job/fanbois called the idea stupid and worthless (a battery waster and such). Yet Apple has now added it.

    3. The notification bar was being use on Android before Apple.. Apple took that idea and added it to iOS 5.



    The point is that when Apple uses an idea from another company it seems to be okay, but when some other company takes an idea from Apple it isn't okay.

    No, sorry, try again. The problem with you Android/Samsung/Microsoft fanboys/trolls is that you over simplify concepts and compare apples to oranges. Obviously, you are missing some of the subtleties of the different arguments.


    First of all, using an "idea" isn't a problem. Just make your own implementation and don't make it exactly like someone else's. Jobs' "shameless copying" quote keeps getting brought up -- hello, that is about "ideas", not implementations. Using patented items is another matter -- this is complicated by time it takes to patent and whether "infringer" seeks a license, tries to avoid "infringing" or wilfully and blatantly "infringes".


    Now, let's talk about one of your specific examples, number 2. Why was it stupid and worthless for MS, but not for Apple? Because we are hypocritical Apple fanboys who think every instance of "synching" equals every other instance of "synching"? Oh, wait, that was you.


    The Zune's synching was all about music. It is a stupid waste of battery to have your MP3 player sit on your desk next to your computer and load music. The iPod did it over Firewire while you were in iTunes anyway deciding which Playlist or Albums to load. Apple's over the air synching is about different data such as contact details, bookmarks, calendar info, which is automatic the moment you are in any connected environment.


    You can sync your music OTA to your iOS devices if you really want to... but guess what? Apple still thinks it's impratical, so they came up with iTunes Match and the whole cloud infrastructure and set up the license agreements which allows you to STREAM any song from our ENTIRE library at any time, any where, to any of your devices on demand, including songs which we didn't purchase from iTunes but which just happened to end up on our computers. That way you can play your 200GB library on your 8GB device without swapping 6GB of music every other day, whether that is OTA, via USB or via osmosis. Unlike any other services out there (before you mention music rental/subscription, etc.), these songs are still "your" songs (and higher quality ones to boot). They don't vanish off your computer when you cease to pay 25 per year -- you simply have to start "syncing" them yourself.


    Meanwhile, you can still sync smart playlists to your device in the background, so that everyday you have your least played or highest rated songs, or whatever. If you are sitting down and choosing specific music from your master library to sync, music that is not auto generated by a smart list to sync in the background without any effort on your part, then you are better off plugging your device into your computer. Capiche?


    Sheesh, cue all the "Microsoft/Samsung/Google did such and such first and Apple copied them" comments. Completely different implementation and usage -- as usual, Apple waits until all the pieces are in place to do it "right" and make it a useable and practical function. Apple doesn't care to get "syncing" on a bullet list of specs first.


    So, here you are complaining about very broad concepts ("messaging", "syncing", "notifications") which Apple implemented in their own specific way or added a whole new dimension to; while we are complaining about very specific implementations of Apple that Samsung has lifted and put in place in their products complete down to the graphics. Geez, apples and oranges -- but all that just goes right over your head, doesn't it?

  • Reply 85 of 119
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Only one problem with that logic. If Samsung really believes that their products are significantly better than Apple's, why would they make so much effort to copy Apple? They even went to the trouble of making a bunch of prototypes and then choosing the one that looked most like the iPhone. If Samsung's phone were really superior, they'd want to differentiate it and make it clear that it wasn't an iPhone. So Samsung's own actions suggest that they're not convinced that their phone is better in the things that matter.


    I agree. It doesn't make sense that they'd have a crisis of design if they believed they have a better product. In fact, the memo states the opposite: heaven and earth.

  • Reply 86 of 119

    I think it is unfortunate that "friends" and "partners" have teamed up to get at Apple.

    1. Google - all already said

    2. Samsung - partner who is earning $Bs from mfg iDevices copied wholesale

    3. Service providers like Verizon and AT&T, to help their margins, actively promotes ( read hard sells ) other smartphones first by promotional offers and then by point-of-sales tactics.


    Sad and i sincerely hopes that Apple comes out and above from the triangulation of markets done by their competitors.

  • Reply 87 of 119 Posts: 340member
    lamewing wrote: »
    His post has validity and if you would stop having a tantrum like a child you might realize this...

    1. RIM first came up with in house messaging. Apple stole it from the blackberry.
    2. The Zune from MS had wireless syncing. Apple/Job/fanbois called the idea stupid and worthless (a battery waster and such). Yet Apple has now added it.
    3. The notification bar was being use on Android before Apple.. Apple took that idea and added it to iOS 5.

    The point is that when Apple uses an idea from another company it seems to be okay, but when some other company takes an idea from Apple it isn't okay.

    It's pointless to say or show anything to these brain washed people. And Apple Insider used to be fairly good, but since Tallest Skil came in and basically ensured all the Apple fanbois jerked each other off in their blissfully ignorant Apple world, this site has gone to shit.

    I have more Apple products in my household than probably 95% of the fools on here, and it isn't the products I am trashing (except the iPhone maybe), but Apple's blatant copying hypocrisy. The braindead idiots that can't form an original thought outside the distortion field are just a byproduct of that hypocrisy.
  • Reply 88 of 119
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    His post has validity and if you would stop having a tantrum like a child you might realize this...


    1. RIM first came up with in house messaging. Apple stole it from the blackberry.

    2. The Zune from MS had wireless syncing. Apple/Job/fanbois called the idea stupid and worthless (a battery waster and such). Yet Apple has now added it.

    3. The notification bar was being use on Android before Apple.. Apple took that idea and added it to iOS 5.



    The point is that when Apple uses an idea from another company it seems to be okay, but when some other company takes an idea from Apple it isn't okay.


    If Apple infringes upon RIM's, MS's or anyone else's patents in their implementations of these features, they'll hear about it I'm sure. So far we haven't heard any such thing. You are missing the point - completely.

  • Reply 89 of 119
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Mac.World View Post

    It's pointless to say or show anything to these brain washed people.


    So why stay here?

    And Apple Insider used to be fairly good, but since Tallest Skil came in and basically ensured all the Apple fanbois jerked each other off in their blissfully ignorant Apple world, this site has gone to shit.

    So why stay here? image

  • Reply 90 of 119
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member


    Originally Posted by Mac.World View Post

    It's pointless to say or show anything to these brain washed people. And Apple Insider used to be fairly good, but since Tallest Skil came in and basically ensured all the Apple fanbois jerked each other off in their blissfully ignorant Apple world, this site has gone to shit.

    I have more Apple products in my household than probably 95% of the fools on here, and it isn't the products I am trashing (except the iPhone maybe), but Apple's blatant copying hypocrisy. The braindead idiots that can't form an original thought outside the distortion field are just a byproduct of that hypocrisy.

    As it's pointless to say or show anything, how about you and your ilk just move along to another forum?

  • Reply 91 of 119 Posts: 340member
    slurpy wrote: »
    I know damn well what NFC is , and I'm pretty sure I can run circles around you in anything related to programming or general tech knowledge. Yes, I travel every couple weeks, have been to about 20 countries, and all the people around me and that I deal with, from professionals, to children, to seniors, from a dozen cultures are all stuck in the r'eality distortion field.' As opposed to all your imaginary Apple-trolling internet friends. You got me there. My point, which flew completely over your head,  is that people (you know, people, not pimple popping basement geeks like you)  don't go the Best Buy and ask which phone has NFC, removable batteries, can work with wireless mice, and has a user facing file system, etc. You honestly think this is the reason Android phones are selling, and not because they're dirt cheap and its basically installed on EVERY single non -iPhone smartphone from a million other companies? Think about this for a few seconds before you start mashing a reply. And you're accusing me of being in a distortion field? Wake the hell up. Also, it's not a race to who can throw in tech into their phone 1st. Apple isn't going to throw in NFC if they don't have a comprehensive, well thought out plan how to exploit it and get millions of people to use it, unlike Android OEMS to throw it in as a bullet point, without infrastructure to support it, and barely anyone touches it.  You think Apple is planning to add a removable battery to any future phones? Filesystem? Don't you think they could have done that a long time ago if they had any intention? Your thought process doesn't include a shred of rationality or reason. 
    So you have visited 20 different countries? And you are still surrounded by idiots apparently. By the way, I have been to double that amount and lived in several. Doesn't mean a damn thing, but I think it is funny that you do. I do enjoy your bit on programming and tech. I've been in it for over 30 years. Again, means nothing. However, how many NFC devices have you used? Do you realize how many places already accept Paypass? I know you have no clue, because of your comments.

    As for NFC, do you think Apple has every major retailer signed up to use it right now? Interesting that they are being issued NFC patents and every indication is, they will have it in the iPhone 5. Why would they be putting it in the iPhone 5? But when it comes out, you'll be one of the first to hail it as a great innovation and within a year, you'll be spouting off how Apple invented NFC.
    And yeah, why have access to a file system. Why bother with one on a pc? You really are in your own little world, little buy. Apple doesn't allow you to use the file system, because they don't want their customers to be able to actually do anything to the OS. That, and they ink people are too stupid to use one.
    Removable batteries are bad only because you can't use them. What happens when you don't have access to electricity for 12 or more hours? Removable SD cards are a bad idea to you as well, I'm sure, because Apple won't allow them. I'm amazed that there are people like you in the world. Completely and utterly brain washed by the Apple propoganda machine.
    slurpy wrote: »
    Another thing.. why the **** are you here? You clearly think so little of Apple, their products, and all the 'fanbois' (even using that word in order to try to make a point gives a clear picture of your level of intelligence), why do you visit such a messageboard? Your posts are nothing but FUD, trolling, and useless garbage that doesn't make any sense. Just go enjoy whatever phone you're using, instead of trying to fill the massive void in your life by coming here and attacking people who enjoy a different product than you. Noone is forcing you to pay a single penny to Apple, nor spend a single second using any other their products. Yet you come here foaming at the mouth on an Apple fansite. The only person with glazed over eyes is you, you sound absolutely rabid. Stop using the word fanboi's (we can't forget the apostrophe thrown in there for good measure, right?) and learn some basic grammar and sentence structure instead of moronic trolling. 
    Why do I visit such a message board? For one, I likely own more Apple products than you. And two, I'll post whereever the hell I like. I have earned that right. More so than you have.

    Lastly, you mention that I need to learn basic grammar!?! Well, your post is chock full of bad grammar and sentence structure. I bolded just one example above and then Googled it, because it fits so perfectly with 'fanbois' like you and this website.
    Noone is common in internet comment sections and on websites with low editorial standards
  • Reply 92 of 119
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Mac.World View Post

    And two, I'll post whereever the hell I like. I have earned that right.


    Nope. Not on a private board, you won't. Not without following the rules.

  • Reply 93 of 119 Posts: 340member
    So why stay here?

    So why stay here? :lol:

    I'm done with this site. Too many fanboi's jerking each other off and you leading them.
  • Reply 94 of 119
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Mac.World View Post

    I'm done with this site. Too many fanboi's jerking each other off and you leading them.

    Well, we'll see how long it takes you to come back. People spewing lies like to come back to spew them again.

  • Reply 95 of 119
    Here we go. Too many stupid new haters accounts here today. Oh joy.

  • Reply 96 of 119
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by TwoPM View Post

    Has there ever been a more biased "judged" than this bitch koh?


    Clearly, this case should be handled by an international court.


    No matter what the outcome (probably a "victory" by Applekoh), deep inside the isheep know that with the death of Jobs, Applekoh lost whatever limited potential they had to "innovate". This is why they are so angry. 


    How is this shit not ban-worthy? Calling a judge a 'Dirty bitch' because she's not kissing samsung's ass? Nevermind the fact that you're a liar, provoker,  and a troll, that 1st despicable statement should get you banned, if this place had any moderation at all. 

  • Reply 97 of 119
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Well, we'll see how long it takes you to come back. People spewing lies like to come back to spew them again.


    So you aknowledge  he spews lies, etc, but are unwilling to ban him now, or if he comes back. Awesome. It's why this forum has turned to shit and every thread devolves into muck. 

  • Reply 98 of 119
    eric475eric475 Posts: 177member
    bdkennedy wrote: »
    Korean's have no morals. They are raised to fight for themselves and will copy and steal anything they can get their hands on that makes money.

    Gore Vidal would approve your message about which country doesn't have morals. Or maybe not. :P
  • Reply 99 of 119
    eric475eric475 Posts: 177member
    twopm wrote: »

    Wow! The racial hatred in this thread...

    Don't expect anyone to ban this kind of stuff. It's considered tame and part of the discussion by the mod.
  • Reply 100 of 119
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    So you aknowledge  he spews lies, etc, but are unwilling to ban him now, or if he comes back. Awesome. It's why this forum has turned to shit and every thread devolves into muck. 


    We have no rule against multiple signups. We do have a feedback subforum where requests for new rules would go, though.


    That's as persuasive as I can get without directly typing "wink wink, nudge nudge". 

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